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Thanks, she said she is waiting to tell me when she hits a certain weight. Wonder what that will be!! She’s super into it!


Ive always wondered what type of belly she will have as she starts to get bigger.


round beer belly or soft flabby one with rolls.


Either way, I am a lucky guy!

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1 hour ago, Ncjonathan said:

I’m going to be seeing her later today, so I put a scale in the car this morning. 

It’s sexy she wants to surprise me but I can’t take it any longer! 

any guesses before I find out? 

so far people have guessed:





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My guess is she’s slightly below 185


the reason I say that is when we first started actively gaining~9 months ago, 185 was the first goal because she would  be clinically obese.

She was 112 lbs when we first started dating, and got up to just below 160 when she saw the writing on the wall and I got the courage to bring up active gaining.

im hoping thats the surprise she had in mind!

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