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Newbie here 👋🏻 Fitness girl turns to foodie 🤫

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2 hours ago, DiaryOfAGrowingGirl said:



Ciao  a tutti! 

Ho pensato di fare una breve presentazione di me stesso. Il mio amore per il cibo è sempre stato lì, ma recentemente ho scoperto il mio amore per essere un "Feedee" 🐷 

Ho trascorso la fine dell'adolescenza/primi anni '20 della mia vita molto sottopeso (105 libbre), bevendo fino a 3 frullati per aumentare di peso al giorno per cercare di aumentare di peso senza fortuna 😅 

Ho passato gli ultimi  4 anni ad allenarmi con i pesi 💪🏻 non sapevo che questo fosse il risultato del mio amore per il cibo e, alla fine, della possibilità di aumentare di peso.  

Ho un grave caso di golosità per i dolci 🦷 e non vedo l'ora di poterlo condividere con voi!  

Peso attuale 156 libbre e segui il diario di una ragazza in crescita 📔 🐷 🫶 🏻 

Prossimo obiettivo: peso 170 libbre 

Foto 1: prima e dopo entro 6 mesi


Foto 2: prima e dopo l'edizione fitness6939F415-E170-4978-898D-32B71190B8AD.thumb.jpeg.fbc99a881fe2bad926cc20add51919dd.jpeg


You are so gorgeous 😍😍 best before and After ever 😍😍

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3 hours ago, DiaryOfAGrowingGirl said:



Hi all! 

Just thought I’d drop a quick introduction of myself. My love for food has always been there, but I have recently found my love for being a ‘Feedee’ 🐷

I spent the late teens/early 20’s of my life very underweight (105lbs), drinking up to 3 weight gainer shakes a day to try gain weight with no luck 😅

I’ve spent the last 4 years weight training 💪🏻little did I know this was the result in my love for food and eventually being able to gain weight.

I have a serious case of sweet tooth 🦷, and I can’t wait to be able to share this with you!

Current weight 156lbs and follow along the diary of a growing girl 📔🐷🫶🏻

Next goal weight 170lbs 

Pic 1: before and after within 6 months


Pic 2: before and after fitness edition6939F415-E170-4978-898D-32B71190B8AD.thumb.jpeg.fbc99a881fe2bad926cc20add51919dd.jpeg


Damn I'd love to see you double your "After" pic here

I bet your enjoying the feedee life.. 

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On 1/5/2024 at 3:07 AM, DiaryOfAGrowingGirl said:



Hi all! 

Just thought I’d drop a quick introduction of myself. My love for food has always been there, but I have recently found my love for being a ‘Feedee’ 🐷

I spent the late teens/early 20’s of my life very underweight (105lbs), drinking up to 3 weight gainer shakes a day to try gain weight with no luck 😅

I’ve spent the last 4 years weight training 💪🏻little did I know this was the result in my love for food and eventually being able to gain weight.

I have a serious case of sweet tooth 🦷, and I can’t wait to be able to share this with you!

Current weight 156lbs and follow along the diary of a growing girl 📔🐷🫶🏻

Next goal weight 170lbs 

Pic 1: before and after within 6 months


Pic 2: before and after fitness edition6939F415-E170-4978-898D-32B71190B8AD.thumb.jpeg.fbc99a881fe2bad926cc20add51919dd.jpeg


Congratulations on gaining like 50 lb you look absolutely sexy

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1 hour ago, DiaryOfAGrowingGirl said:

I have just found this photo from 12 months ago! Look at the difference, I’m much happier with my curves - and this is only the beginning of my journey 🫶🏻

Appreciate those following along my diary of a growing girl 🐷😇


You look fun to eat with. 

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