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Everything posted by Sgoush

  1. Pretty amazing. I guess you probably said something reasonable like, “how about a salad instead??” 😜
  2. That is some incredible eating. is she pretty shy about it, mostly stuffing herself in private? Or do her coworkers know *exactly* why she looks pregnant these days?
  3. Looking incredible. Fill out those sweats, piggy…!
  4. Starting to look voluptuous, but if she keeps it up that gut and those thighs are going to raise the question if she’s even wearing underwear 😍
  5. The look of the year: chublove in sweat pants that will soon look like spandex, holding a box of cookies. 🔥🔥🔥
  6. Is that a double chin I see? Looks like you’re gonna need new jeans soon 😏 in the meantime, I recommend a pizza
  7. lol keep this up and you won’t be able to see your feet Gotta ask: you don’t dunk the Oreos in the wine, do you?
  8. I love the idea of you filling out those sweat pants a bit more. Did work from home mean pigging out again as I suspect?
  9. Oh my god! That is an amazing amount of food for a girl your size to put away in an evening. Even with your fast metabolism, you’re basically guaranteed to plump up on that kind of diet. You say you won’t do it all the time, but I bet you won’t be able to help it 🥵 you’d probably be especially helpless if someone was there to rub your straining belly after great story about the coworker side eye… what’s your order at bk?
  10. Was thinking the same thing — just an incredibly authentic moment of, “what have I done this time??”
  11. Incredible news. I hope you’ll keep us posted along the way what are your favorite things to eat? Any ideas for a first stuffing?
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