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Nocturnal Devotion

I appreciate the conversation.  I think this kind of exchange between models and members helps to foster better understanding.

I do feel a bit singed by the heat of your comments about kink shaming.  I doubt I am the guy at whom l you are aiming your anger.  I am not a feeder (beyond bringing home an occasional donut), more of a mild encourager.  I am not into humiliation.  I am kind of horrified by immobility and extremely severe obesity.

My point was that it seems confusing to be upset with guys for being disappointed when a model decides to stop gaining or lose some weight.  It is ok for guys to be turned on by weight gain within reason.  It is ok for guys to love big bellies or big booties.  What isn't ok is for guys to go beyond being disappointed and disrespect a model's right to make their own decisions.

This is why I keep saying mutual respect and tolerance.


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8 minutes ago, sconesy73 said:

You're not. My partner of 30 years has always been 'curvy' - being 5'1 helps - and has recently decided to not bother weighing herself as she just wants to be happy in herself. As long as she's healthy and active, that's more important than a number. I think she's gorgeous no matter what the number on a scale says. 

I love the uniqueness of big women - the difference in body shapes is what I find attractive and that to me is more important than a weight measurement. 

You can't weigh gorgeousness 🥰

Very true.

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  • Curvage Model
2 hours ago, litmus said:

What "stuff" did anyone say? 

The original comment that CGGF responded to simply asked a one sentence question.  No one has made any demands.  No one has criticized CGGF in any way. I and others have been absolutely clear that models have complete control and should do whatever will make them happiest.

The only discussion has been about whether or not it is appropriate for customers to make occasional polite, tactful inquiries about the direction of a model's weight.  CGGF has stated that she thinks such inquiries are inappropriate.  I have said that I think openness and mutual respect and understanding are a better approach than silence. 

I think silence is the accomplice of shame.  It seems like guys who notice changes are basically being told to "be quiet".  In my eyes it is better for models to just be open about the reasons for their decisions.  It is a way of educating customers and takes some of the secretiveness out of the whole equation.  It can be as simple as "I am not actively gaining at this time", or "I dropped a few pounds because it makes me feel better" or "a medical issue" or whatever.  

The more customers understand real choices models make the less likely they are to be off in la-la fantasy land.  Mutual respect and openness reduces drama.


I would agree only for that people don’t accept the reasons ! When women diet or decide they don’t want to gain I have seen people get pissed and talk a lot of shit about those particular models

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  • Curvage Model
On 3/24/2023 at 3:35 PM, NocturnalDevotion said:

I get you not wanting to answer that question over and over because you just answered it with reasons and everything that you can possibly say on it.

Thank you!!! I’m a model but I also buy videos as well, and it completely confuses me why weight gain is the end all be all. I can’t be the only  person in the world that just likes fat people and can take or leave weight gain.

The people that demand weight gain most likely are not in a relationship with someone who is fat or is actively gaining or are not gainers themselves. Why? Because they are worried about what people will think of them? There are consequences to weight gain they wouldn’t feel morally ok with encouraging their partner to endure or they wouldn’t want to endure? Hmmmm. That’s interesting, because the models are also live humans that will experience the very same consequences. 

The “It’s ok if you want to stop gaining but expect to lose money” attitude is kind of like that controlling shit your parents say to manipulate you as a kid, that is my main trouble with understanding people who are predominantly feeders. It’s to some degree about control, and no one wants to come out and say it, but it’s true. Yes, you may not have the sales you once had but I also think as you gain you size out of a lot of people’s preferences as well so it may even be a wash.

When you are actually in love with and care about a fat person as a partner in real life (as CGGF and I are/do) you just look at things differently. They aren’t a box on a screen to experience momentary pleasure to, they aren’t an inflatable toy, they are a real live person.

***I don’t really get why the actual gaining is so important, are you actually an Au Pair, a college cheerleader, a stepmom, an elf at the North Pole? No, it’s role play. You are selling a fantasy. I think it would be perfectly ok to still do fat chat videos where you talk about wanting to gain because the fantasy of that is a turn on for you and your audience.*** 

People are buying and have bought content not a shares/stock in your body. If people can’t understand that then is it less about getting off (what it should be about) and more about controlling an actual person. If the idea of knowing a real person is suffering and unhappy because of weight gain is that important to you that’s beyond a fetish, in my opinion that’s an actual like “people should check to make sure you don’t have girls tied up in your basement” level issue.

This is why too, there are written stories, some things we fantasize about shouldn’t be real. The imagination is so important in this fetish. If someone doesn’t have one that’s really not your fault.

Ugh, you’re just awesome 🖤 I agree SO much with every part of this. 

I think far too often in this community, customers feel that they are entitled to what a model chooses to do with her body, or to know every detail of their weight gains and/ or losses and it’s pretty messed up. If part of my *explicitly stated* kink was to gain and gain and gain in ACTUAL real life, and I explicitly stated that I wanted to be teased about being “too small” or something like that, that would be one thing. But that’s not the case and almost never is with this situation. When you’re *constantly* getting comments and questions about how much you’ve gained, or if you’ve gained, or if you’ve lost, not only is that just not sexy- it starts to feel a bit like harassment tbh. And trust me, it is MANY times the same individuals asking over and over and over ad nauseam, and not picking up the social cues to back off when I (or other models) don’t respond.

So this idea that was stated here by someone about asking “tactfully” is just not how that works. Even if it were to be mentioned as “politely” as it could be asked, questioning if a model lost weight when they didn’t chose to discuss it themselves has obvious negative connotations in this fat fetish community, and there’s just no other way to interpret it. It’s an intended insult insult or it’s a manipulation tactic to make them gain more weight that they may or may not even want to gain. Either way you slice it, it’s not okay. 

I also absolutely agree that having a fat partner who we care deeply about adds a whole different layer to things. I can’t morally ask that my husband gains to the 600 +lbs he often reaches in our fantasy world. He did reach a peak of 500 lbs at his biggest, but for the sake of transparency, he has had to lose some since then. He ended up getting diagnosed with a medical condition which scared the living shit out of me and made both of us really reassess our priorities. The thought of losing someone you love over what is, at the end of the day, just a sexual fetish, is beyond disgusting. It makes me sick to even think about. When you get to a point like that with health issues, there’s no question that making healthy changes a priority is  the only choice. So while my husband is by all means still an ssbhm, we’ve had to adjust and tone things down. Some things that were once a reality are now more of a fantasy. And that’s okay! It’s more than worth it to (hopefully) get to live a long life with the person I love. 

I also have an autoimmune disease (and potentially even 2 of them) that is very much impacted by being overweight. Since I gained in such a short time frame, I was able to really see how my health took a nosedive and it was upsetting to me knowing I caused it just for my own sexual pleasure. That being said, I think for me, I can comfortable be “chubby/ small fat” and be happy with that on every level. 

Maybe that’s all tmi, but I say all of this to say- you never know what’s going on behind closed doors. This fetish has its ups AND its downs, and I think the more we’re all open about discussing those things, the happier everyone will be in the long run. And hopefully the less entitled customers will feel they are to a models size, which has very real impacts on their life outside of content creating. 

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  • Curvage Model
20 hours ago, Kaybearcutie95 said:

THANK YOU FOR SAYING THIS! I state this a lot and get so much hate for it! A lot of the time we are trying to make are selves look bigger with camera angles ! Expecially if we are sitting down all the weight grabs together however if I stand up the weight falls and distributes. Another part of me feels like they say this stuff to hopefully make you want to gain more weight however it does the opposite affect ! 
you are not owned by anyone here your a person who lives out someone’s fantasy for money that’s what all us models doo

Thanks so much for joining in! 🖤 I’m really sorry to hear that you’ve also received negative  reactions for talking about this. I think some people get upset about models being “real” about these topics because then it shatters this fantasy illusion they have and forces them to think about models more as humans than just this sex object they can project their fantasies onto and a “thing” they can control. Many men within this fetish (and I’m very sure, also outside of it) want women who are very submissive, keep their mouth shut and do as they’re told without question. 

It’s important to talk about the massive difference camera angles, stuffing before filming, certain clothing or lingerie etc. can make. Because at the end of the day, even if the model is completely turned on by aspects of feedism, the customer is *always* buying a fantasy. And they shouldn’t expect it to be more than that. NO one can gain endlessly. Or at least without severe impacts on their life and health. That’s a fact of this fetish that some people need to wrap their heads around before coming here and making demands that a real life person fulfills their every desire, many of which are not based in reality whatsoever. 

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  • Curvage Model
17 hours ago, Jersey Ghoul 666 said:

Much love to you, this is an important topic and thank you for sharing your experience which is incredibly important and valid. 

Ugh you’re awesome! 🖤 Thank you so much for chiming in on this! I really want for all models to feel comfortable and encouraged to discuss their experiences like this. It’s great to have the support and understanding of other people who have the same or similar struggles and can relate to not just the positive sides of what we do, but also the challenges it brings. 

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  • Curvage Model
21 hours ago, CurvyGothGF said:

. I think some people get upset about models being “real” about these topics because then it shatters this fantasy illusion they have and forces them to think about models more as humans than just this sex object they can project their fantasies onto and a “thing” they can control. Many men within this fetish (and I’m very sure, also outside of it) want women who are very submissive, keep their mouth shut and do as they’re told without question. 

****I think this is a great point and if a member only wants to have the fantasy aspect of your content they can easily just not look at your thread and just watch your videos.****

It’s so ironic that the very thing that they get off on is loss of self control, yet they lack that same thing themselves.

At the same time I can relate to struggling with self control. There is definitely that element to fat that triggers the “what? Excess? That’s my favorite  thing!!!” response in me. I think it’s important to be honest with ourselves about that and realize that there is a too far. 

Also, the women being submissive thing is SO outdated, like really is it the 1950’s? We don’t have to live that way today and I would think/hope that people who are interested in your alternative look kind of get that you do what you want with your body and they are turned on by that independence and balls. But you really are so gorgeous and you gained so fast that I’m sure you have plenty of fans that don’t get what you are about as person and project a personality onto you that fits their fantasies, which in my opinion is fine as long as they don’t expect you to actually act that way.

To me it’s like jerk off, fantasize, live whatever you want in your mind, I, personally don’t give a shit what people are thinking in their own minds, they are entitled to that. Just don’t disrespect me and say things you know I don’t want to hear.

I’m not trying to self promote at all, but I’m sure you’ll totally get where I’m coming from.





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  • 1 month later...
  • Curvage Model

Hey everyone, 

It’s been a while since I’ve checked in with you guys about what type of content you’re liking/ wanting more of. But I’m going to be filming a ton of new stuff next week and I’d love to hear your ideas! So let me know what you’d like to see 😘🥰🖤

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7 minutes ago, CurvyGothGF said:

Hey everyone, 

It’s been a while since I’ve checked in with you guys about what type of content you’re liking/ wanting more of. But I’m going to be filming a ton of new stuff next week and I’d love to hear your ideas! So let me know what you’d like to see 😘🥰🖤

Forcefeeding, tied up 

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12 minutes ago, CurvyGothGF said:

Hey everyone, 

It’s been a while since I’ve checked in with you guys about what type of content you’re liking/ wanting more of. But I’m going to be filming a ton of new stuff next week and I’d love to hear your ideas! So let me know what you’d like to see 😘🥰🖤

I would really like to see another car stuffing from you CGGF and maybe a brand new weigh in 🥵. Plus possibly some remake/sequels to the bbw babysitter or the bbw teacher from last year 😍 would be amazing.

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Guest Assuny
10 hours ago, CurvyGothGF said:

Hey everyone, 

It’s been a while since I’ve checked in with you guys about what type of content you’re liking/ wanting more of. But I’m going to be filming a ton of new stuff next week and I’d love to hear your ideas! So let me know what you’d like to see 😘🥰🖤

My vote is stuckage content. Either getting wedged in an armchair, or a pool donut, or even just telling a story/fat chat about getting stuck.

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20 hours ago, CurvyGothGF said:

Hey everyone, 

It’s been a while since I’ve checked in with you guys about what type of content you’re liking/ wanting more of. But I’m going to be filming a ton of new stuff next week and I’d love to hear your ideas! So let me know what you’d like to see 😘🥰🖤

Your "Rapidly Gaining Girlfriend RP" clip was really great! I'd love to see more padding!

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  • Curvage Model

🔥STUCK &STUFFED🔥: A Break In Stuckage and Force-Feeding RPMy first EVER stuckage clip was just released, and I’m so excited about it! Check it out! 🥰


As requested by many of you, I just released my first ever stuckage clip and I’m so excited about it! This super hot new rp also includes a bit of force-feeding and plenty of teasing, jiggling and 🔥  angles of my giant butt, thighs and belly! Check it out! 🖤


Alice is home alone for the night, lounging around and talking to a friend on the phone as she mindlessly snacks away. But what starts off as a chill night changes to insanity very quickly when she suddenly hears the sounds of someone breaking into her house. She panics and desides to hide in the only place she can think of.. under the couch. But after trying from several different angle  to squeeze her curvaceous body into what *should* be a big enough space under the sofa, she realizes that she’s gotten too fat to fit! In fact, she’s gotten WAY too fat to fit. So fat that she gets her massive booty stuck while attempting to squeeze it underneath! As she attempts to squeeze her thunder thighs and giant butt back out from under the sofa, the intruder enters the room! And surprisingly, he seems quite pleased by the scene he’s witnessing. After teasing Alice for being such a fatty, he finally helps her get out. But her relief only lasts a moment because he has some BIG plans for her next. He forces her to put her hands behind her back and prepare to be fed fattening food for his pleasure as he teases her and jiggles her soft, irresistible fat body. 

If you’re a fan of stuckage and/ or force-feeding scenarios, you definitely do NOT want to miss this super hot Roleplay! 🔥 

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 3/25/2023 at 7:56 PM, NocturnalDevotion said:

****I think this is a great point and if a member only wants to have the fantasy aspect of your content they can easily just not look at your thread and just watch your videos.****

It’s so ironic that the very thing that they get off on is loss of self control, yet they lack that same thing themselves.

At the same time I can relate to struggling with self control. There is definitely that element to fat that triggers the “what? Excess? That’s my favorite  thing!!!” response in me. I think it’s important to be honest with ourselves about that and realize that there is a too far. 

Also, the women being submissive thing is SO outdated, like really is it the 1950’s? We don’t have to live that way today and I would think/hope that people who are interested in your alternative look kind of get that you do what you want with your body and they are turned on by that independence and balls. But you really are so gorgeous and you gained so fast that I’m sure you have plenty of fans that don’t get what you are about as person and project a personality onto you that fits their fantasies, which in my opinion is fine as long as they don’t expect you to actually act that way.

To me it’s like jerk off, fantasize, live whatever you want in your mind, I, personally don’t give a shit what people are thinking in their own minds, they are entitled to that. Just don’t disrespect me and say things you know I don’t want to hear.

I’m not trying to self promote at all, but I’m sure you’ll totally get where I’m coming from.





I know I’m late to this discussion, and hell I don’t think I’ve ever commented on here before. But PRO-TIP, if your kink is weight gain and the model has appeared to stopped gaining weight… Go back to the start of their thread. It’s like it happens all over again.

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  • Curvage Model

Hey everyone! I have a brand new clip out now that’s veryyy hot, and has a really similar vibe to the teacher clips of mine that you guys LOVED. So I know you’re gonna really love this one! Please go check it out,  I’d love to know what you think of it! This is definitely a 🔥 one (and it doesn’t hurt that my ass is looking especially huge in it 🥵🖤



Your English tutor, Alice, makes it sohard to focus during class. Not only is she an insanely voluptous BBW, but she won't seem to stop wearing clothes that are wayyy too small and too shear to be appropriate. You're definitely not copmplaining, but it's getting more and more difficult to focus. With each passing week, she's gotten bigger, wider and more sexy, and if you're not mistaken- she's quite flirtatious as well. Today in your one-on-one lesson together, you decide to impress her with your English skills in the most creative way you can think of: by telling how how insanely attractive you think she is. Thankfully, she's flattered and loves the attention from you. So much so that she teases you with her insanely curvy body the whole time, showing you incredible views of her expanding belly, her crazy-wide ass, her massive thunder thighs and her big-yet-perky tits. She uses her ample body to motivate you to work harder in class, and you're willing to do anything to get more of this BBW bombshell. Get ready for all the sexy teasing, tempting, jiggling and caressing because this BBW tutor hottie is the ultimate temptress.

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On 3/24/2023 at 9:29 PM, litmus said:

Nocturnal Devotion

I appreciate the conversation.  I think this kind of exchange between models and members helps to foster better understanding.

I do feel a bit singed by the heat of your comments about kink shaming.  I doubt I am the guy at whom l you are aiming your anger.  I am not a feeder (beyond bringing home an occasional donut), more of a mild encourager.  I am not into humiliation.  I am kind of horrified by immobility and extremely severe obesity.

My point was that it seems confusing to be upset with guys for being disappointed when a model decides to stop gaining or lose some weight.  It is ok for guys to be turned on by weight gain within reason.  It is ok for guys to love big bellies or big booties.  What isn't ok is for guys to go beyond being disappointed and disrespect a model's right to make their own decisions.

This is why I keep saying mutual respect and tolerance.



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