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Former Fitness Coach Turns Into Softening Food Baby Queen

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5 hours ago, PeakyPooky said:

hey everyone! 😊 I am so shocked to be here writing this, but I just came across this community this week and have been absolutely mesmerized by it and am fully curious. I’m still not sure how I feel about the gaining part, but I have to admit I’ve always been fascinated by food b**s. I posted a food baby video on Tik Tok the other day for fun and all of a sudden I had people asking to feed me and for me to gain weight!  I was a bit surprised but eventually someone messaged me and told me to check out Curvage. I now see that there was a post about me in the Tik Tok thread, which is hilarous to me 😂😂

Anyways, now, in the span of a week, I have someone offering to buy me food on a daily basis to help me with my food b**s. He literally had me so full last night I could barely move. 😅 It’s all so interesting and seems like it’s happening so fast, but I just want to embrace my body and am curious if I should share it with the community. What do you guys think? Would you support me?🥹

To give you a little background, in 2019 I was a fitness instructor and have been into fitness and dieting my whole life. And then covid hit. I stopped working out as much and also began to enjoy food a bit more. In the span of just a few years I went from 120 pounds to 144 pounds and ive just come to embrace my weight and my new body. My food b**s have gotten a lot better too.😅

But yeah, anyways, i'm not to sure about the whole gaining thing yet, but I know for one thing I'm not going to stop eating good food. I'm hoping to get more support from the community and just see how it goes. If gaining happens it happens. For now I'll share some of my before pictures and where i currently am today. Would you guys be interested in eating videos? Food baby videos? Weigh ins? I'm thinking about applying to be a Curvage model, but wanted to see how people react.

Your food baby queen.. PeakyPooky🫶🏼



I had seen there were some rumblings about you in the other thread, super glad you joined up!  

Yeah, eating videos would be hot, weigh-ins for sure!  We typically like to see people push their limits on how much they can pack away & show off the results. Food challenges like shoveling away a whole pizza or a dozen donuts is a lot of fun.

 No pressure to gain of course but as you get to know the community and what a turn on it is for our lovely models you may want to dip your toe in the water 😉

Anyway, welcome, can't wait to see more of you.  

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9 hours ago, PeakyPooky said:

hey everyone! 😊 I am so shocked to be here writing this, but I just came across this community this week and have been absolutely mesmerized by it and am fully curious. I’m still not sure how I feel about the gaining part, but I have to admit I’ve always been fascinated by food b**s. I posted a food baby video on Tik Tok the other day for fun and all of a sudden I had people asking to feed me and for me to gain weight!  I was a bit surprised but eventually someone messaged me and told me to check out Curvage. I now see that there was a post about me in the Tik Tok thread, which is hilarous to me 😂😂

Anyways, now, in the span of a week, I have someone offering to buy me food on a daily basis to help me with my food b**s. He literally had me so full last night I could barely move. 😅 It’s all so interesting and seems like it’s happening so fast, but I just want to embrace my body and am curious if I should share it with the community. What do you guys think? Would you support me?🥹

To give you a little background, in 2019 I was a fitness instructor and have been into fitness and dieting my whole life. And then covid hit. I stopped working out as much and also began to enjoy food a bit more. In the span of just a few years I went from 120 pounds to 144 pounds and ive just come to embrace my weight and my new body. My food b**s have gotten a lot better too.😅

But yeah, anyways, i'm not to sure about the whole gaining thing yet, but I know for one thing I'm not going to stop eating good food. I'm hoping to get more support from the community and just see how it goes. If gaining happens it happens. For now I'll share some of my before pictures and where i currently am today. Would you guys be interested in eating videos? Food baby videos? Weigh ins? I'm thinking about applying to be a Curvage model, but wanted to see how people react.

Your food baby queen.. PeakyPooky🫶🏼



Welcome to Curvage Beautiful ! ❤️ Whatever you decide, i'm sure that you will have some fun here ! 🍕

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1 hour ago, PeakyPooky said:













I think i'm a little bit ahead of you. I had two of these big donuts yesterday and have one left in the 4 pack i bought on Friday. Should I have the last one for breakfast? I'm worried I might start to gain weight too quickly if I keep eating like this, but i can't seem to stop and they just taste soo good. Oh yeah, should i restock with a dozen?

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One, two, eight, You can have as many as you want and we would be more than delighted to see that.

I don't mean to be rude, but as someone said earlier, what strucks me the most is the fact that you used to be a fitness trainer. I think people would also like videos talking about that experience (if your comfortable with it, as for every other thing you want to do in this page). 

Anyways, just wanted to say that all the community is happy that you're here. Hope you like this experience! (And you're gorgeous btw)

8 minutes ago, PeakyPooky said:

I think i'm a little bit ahead of you. I had two of these big donuts yesterday and have one left in the 4 pack i bought on Friday. Should I have the last one for breakfast? I'm worried I might start to gain weight too quickly if I keep eating like this, but i can't seem to stop and they just taste soo good. Oh yeah, should i restock with a dozen?


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50 minutes ago, PeakyPooky said:

I think i'm a little bit ahead of you. I had two of these big donuts yesterday and have one left in the 4 pack i bought on Friday. Should I have the last one for breakfast? I'm worried I might start to gain weight too quickly if I keep eating like this, but i can't seem to stop and they just taste soo good. Oh yeah, should i restock with a dozen?

Umm yeah you are! 😁  No but like this is mega hot and those extra lbs look incredible on you!  

I need a cold shower 🥵

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2 hours ago, PeakyPooky said:














12 hours ago, PeakyPooky said:

hey everyone! 😊 I am so shocked to be here writing this, but I just came across this community this week and have been absolutely mesmerized by it and am fully curious. I’m still not sure how I feel about the gaining part, but I have to admit I’ve always been fascinated by food b**s. I posted a food baby video on Tik Tok the other day for fun and all of a sudden I had people asking to feed me and for me to gain weight!  I was a bit surprised but eventually someone messaged me and told me to check out Curvage. I now see that there was a post about me in the Tik Tok thread, which is hilarous to me 😂😂

Anyways, now, in the span of a week, I have someone offering to buy me food on a daily basis to help me with my food b**s. He literally had me so full last night I could barely move. 😅 It’s all so interesting and seems like it’s happening so fast, but I just want to embrace my body and am curious if I should share it with the community. What do you guys think? Would you support me?🥹

To give you a little background, in 2019 I was a fitness instructor and have been into fitness and dieting my whole life. And then covid hit. I stopped working out as much and also began to enjoy food a bit more. In the span of just a few years I went from 120 pounds to 144 pounds and ive just come to embrace my weight and my new body. My food b**s have gotten a lot better too.😅

But yeah, anyways, i'm not to sure about the whole gaining thing yet, but I know for one thing I'm not going to stop eating good food. I'm hoping to get more support from the community and just see how it goes. If gaining happens it happens. For now I'll share some of my before pictures and where i currently am today. Would you guys be interested in eating videos? Food baby videos? Weigh ins? I'm thinking about applying to be a Curvage model, but wanted to see how people react.

Your food baby queen.. PeakyPooky🫶🏼



Welcome! This is all incredibly hot. The best advice I could give is to ease yourself into the community, and see what you like. Also, if you're tempted by something related to this kink, give in and give it a try. 


As far as videos, I know personally I'd buy vids about fat chat/your gaining journey as well as weigh ins and tight clothing try ons. 

You are gorgeous at both sizes, but being on this site, I'm obviously curious and excited to see how much you grow.

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Guest gty2020

Wow!  Welcome!   You are very beautiful!  What a great attitude and I hope you enjoy every ounce you gain.  

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