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1 hour ago, Blondiee18 said:

My parents surprised me with a gym membership today and told me I need to start eating healthier… what do you think?4714785E-B446-430C-94F6-9A5994916F0A.thumb.png.1bbd3251038d5e6127e45946154d55b0.png

Squats. A pressing movement and a rowing movement. Nice and heavy. I saw Kelli Kaye jump right up from floor while being over 500. She lifted often back then. If you're strong you can carry 300 lbs around easily. And you can deflect a lot of concern too by saying how strong you are getting. 

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5 hours ago, Blondiee18 said:

My parents surprised me with a gym membership today and told me I need to start eating healthier… what do you think?

+50lbs - 3.png


I think you put on your best clothes and take photos to show us and don't do anything else, just so they think you're taking advantage of it ❤️🩹.

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Guest ShibaBo
5 hours ago, Blondiee18 said:

My parents surprised me with a gym membership today and told me I need to start eating healthier… what do you think?

+50lbs - 3.png

A huge dirty bulk is underrated for girls, imagine their surprise when you just keep getting bigger 

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On 2/6/2024 at 6:10 PM, Blondiee18 said:

My parents surprised me with a gym membership today and told me I need to start eating healthier… what do you think?

+50lbs - 3.png

I think you should continue gaining weight. You are already so sexy and pretty I can’t imagine what a beauty would you be with some extra pounds 😍🥰🤩

Maybe 300 pounds for your starting weight, body tipe, family etc would be quite a shock… 200 pounds seem to be an attainable and really sexy goal weight… at least in the near future  🤩🥵🐷

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  • Curvage Model

When I was out with my friends today I spilled coffee all over my white pants and these shorts were all that I had on me.  Putting them on I Instantly noticed how much tighter they felt… how the squeezed my ass more and how when I buttoned them they seemed to dig into my sides and lower belly to the point where I wasn’t sure how long the button would last. When I walked out of the bathroom wearing these my friends looked surprised. I’m not sure if it was because my outfit was more revealing or if it was because of my weight gain. As the day went on I noticed them staring at my belly while whispering and giggling amongst  themselves. No one said anything to me however until I suggested we go get cupcakes. When I ordered 4 was when I received shocked looks and comments from all of my skinny friends saying thing likes “Do you really need 4 piggy?”, “Gosh no wonder you’ve gained so much weight.” “Yeah you should really lay off the sweets.” It was so embarrassing but it made me so horny. Afterwards I went straight home to stuff my face and play with my growing body .🐷IMG_0258.thumb.jpeg.8201bd37f58d4bbb6787e6bc2ea5e3c1.jpeg

Edited by Blondiee18
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On 2/7/2024 at 1:10 AM, Blondiee18 said:

My parents surprised me with a gym membership today and told me I need to start eating healthier… what do you think?

+50lbs - 3.png

I think you should go for 20min and on the way back home you get a lot of fattening food and eat all in front of your parents because you training hard and need a lot of protein and carbs because of the calories you burned ! Hahaha

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4 hours ago, Blondiee18 said:

Cuando salí con mis amigos hoy, derramé café sobre mis pantalones blancos y estos pantalones cortos eran todo lo que llevaba encima. Al ponérmelos, noté al instante cuánto más apretados se sentían... cómo me apretaban más el trasero y cómo cuando los abotoné parecían clavarse en mis costados y mi vientre hasta el punto en que no estaba seguro de cuánto duraría el botón. Cuando salí del baño con estos, mis amigos parecieron sorprendidos. No estoy seguro si fue porque mi atuendo era más revelador o si fue por mi aumento de peso. A medida que avanzaba el día, los noté mirando mi vientre mientras susurraban y reían entre ellos. Sin embargo, nadie me dijo nada hasta que sugerí que fuéramos a comprar pastelitos. Cuando pedí 4 fue cuando recibí miradas de asombro y comentarios de todos mis amigos flacos que decían cosas como "¿Realmente necesitas 4 cerditos?", "Dios, no es de extrañar que hayas ganado tanto peso". "Sí, realmente deberías dejar los dulces". Fue muy vergonzoso pero me puso muy cachonda. Después me fui directamente a casa para llenarme la cara y jugar con mi cuerpo en crecimiento. 🐷 IMG_0258.thumb.jpeg.8201bd37f58d4bbb6787e6bc2ea5e3c1.jpeg


please send a photo of what it looked like from the front 😍😍😍

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6 hours ago, Blondiee18 said:

When I was out with my friends today I spilled coffee all over my white pants and these shorts were all that I had on me.  Putting them on I Instantly noticed how much tighter they felt… how the squeezed my ass more and how when I buttoned them they seemed to dig into my sides and lower belly to the point where I wasn’t sure how long the button would last. When I walked out of the bathroom wearing these my friends looked surprised. I’m not sure if it was because my outfit was more revealing or if it was because of my weight gain. As the day went on I noticed them staring at my belly while whispering and giggling amongst  themselves. No one said anything to me however until I suggested we go get cupcakes. When I ordered 4 was when I received shocked looks and comments from all of my skinny friends saying thing likes “Do you really need 4 piggy?”, “Gosh no wonder you’ve gained so much weight.” “Yeah you should really lay off the sweets.” It was so embarrassing but it made me so horny. Afterwards I went straight home to stuff my face and play with my growing body .🐷IMG_0258.thumb.jpeg.8201bd37f58d4bbb6787e6bc2ea5e3c1.jpeg

Looking even fatter from behind 

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20 hours ago, Blondiee18 said:

When I was out with my friends today I spilled coffee all over my white pants and these shorts were all that I had on me.  Putting them on I Instantly noticed how much tighter they felt… how the squeezed my ass more and how when I buttoned them they seemed to dig into my sides and lower belly to the point where I wasn’t sure how long the button would last. When I walked out of the bathroom wearing these my friends looked surprised. I’m not sure if it was because my outfit was more revealing or if it was because of my weight gain. As the day went on I noticed them staring at my belly while whispering and giggling amongst  themselves. No one said anything to me however until I suggested we go get cupcakes. When I ordered 4 was when I received shocked looks and comments from all of my skinny friends saying thing likes “Do you really need 4 piggy?”, “Gosh no wonder you’ve gained so much weight.” “Yeah you should really lay off the sweets.” It was so embarrassing but it made me so horny. Afterwards I went straight home to stuff my face and play with my growing body .🐷IMG_0258.thumb.jpeg.8201bd37f58d4bbb6787e6bc2ea5e3c1.jpeg

This view from behind is so hot ! 🥵 Also your love handles... so sexy ! 😍

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Guest gty2020
5 hours ago, Blondiee18 said:

Gettin so much softer… I love playing with my growing body 🐷IMG_0238.thumb.gif.c2a96d436870bbac94e4d7f7f11310ee.gif

So beautiful….your belly has such a nice jiggle to it.  Looks like you’ve added quite a lot of weight to your hips, ass and thighs.   Does it feel different when you sit down with all that padding?

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On 2/9/2024 at 12:19 AM, extra_m13 said:

that is a great idea, get stronger, bigger, using it as an excuse to enjoy it all and then some more. thanks for sharing, you are getting some sweet curves

I think she stopped caring about other people's opinions at all.. probably even excites her shocking others

She made up her mind, knows exactly what she wants bc its been on her mind for so long.

I guess she's heading straight to her 250 goal and nobody can stop her anymore👀

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  • maybejames changed the title to Blondiee’s Journey from 120-300lbs🐷✨

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