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Girls talking about their weight v2

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So, one more girl I once knew:

She was 4'10" (one inch too tall to be legally classified as a midget, she'd like to tell people) and reasonably curvaceous. Even at her thinnest she was a D-cup and had hips. She also had pretty severe ADHD and a few other mental issues, for which she took medication. One type of medication killed her appetite and increased her metabolism, while the other deadened her metabolism and made her hungry all the time. She was also just too spaceheaded to actively exert any effort to control her weight, so there was a real danger that she'd waste away on one or balloon out of control on the other.

Her doctors' solution was a "six months on, six months off" regimen where she would alternate medications. The result was that she had gotten comfortable with spending the fall and winter gaining about 60 pounds, then losing it over the spring and summer. She peaked around 175 in March, and dropped to about 115 in September, and that's with little to no muscle mass, so at her biggest she was basically a walking gelatin parfait. She wasn't shy about calling herself "fat" either; not in a self-deprecating manner either, but a "tide goes in and out, seasons pass, and I get fat and thin again" way.

If you asked, she'd also be more than happy to show you the two scars on her belly roll. She apparently woke up one morning to discover that she'd left a screwdriver in her bed (for some reason) and that during the night shed rolled over onto it and skewered herself. Fortunately, it had happened during Peak Fat Season, and the screwdriver had simply gone into her belly, through the cushioning, and out her left love handle, missing all her organs and leaving matching entry and exit wounds. How she managed to sleep through this I can't even conjecture.

Upon hearing the story, I tactfully suggested that if her winter weight had saved her life, perhaps it wasn't safe to go all summer without it. She responded that she couldn't possibly hold herself at a constant weight because of the medication, so if she wanted to keep her fat in the summer she'd have to be that much fatter in the winter, and 175 on her 4'10" frame was as fat as she could handle being.

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So, a quick little update to the ex I’ve posted about a lot recently. She reached out to me a few nights ago, presumably after drinking some wine, and asked if I would take her out on a hike. I agreed to it, though, I was skeptical she would jump on board.

To give you an idea, she’s the heaviest that she has ever been. I posted last month that she was now weighing in, officially, at 186 lbs. The idea that she would go out on a hot summer day for a hike was too good to pass up. She sent me a text leading up to it that said the following:

“Pick something easy please. I’m in awful shape and something easy would be great.”

So, I gave her a couple of options and she ended up picking the most difficult one.

I picked her up in the morning and was quite shocked at what I saw. She bloated and quite bottom heavy, with a bit of a belly poking through, despite the fact she was wearing a large t-shirt. She has on skin tight lycra pants, which looked painted on. When she climbed in the car, I noted how round her face had become and how soft her belly looked, which was pressing against the baggy shirt, despite the attempt to hide it.

It didn’t take long before she was completely flushed. I was surprised that within 10 minutes, she doubled over in pain, huffing and puffing about how badly it was going. She went from non-stopping chatting to suddenly being unable to catch her own breath. During one break she asked me, “what are you doing to me? I’m so out of shape!”

I let her set the pace, which included a lot of stops. the lycra pants didn’t do much to hide the fact that a.) her ass was huge b.) her ass was getting very dimpled. Her thighs touched all the way down to her knees. Also, as she got sweatier, the large t-shirt she had clinger desperately to her love handles, which were launching out of all sides of the her pants.

She complained almost the entire time up the mountain, including continuously asking if we were there yet. She has to continuously fight with her pants, as it appeared the fat around her middle were causing them to slip down a bit. I couldn’t believe how hard she was laboring and how awkwardly she was moving.

We make it a hut roughly 1,000 feet short of the summit. That’s when the journey ended:

“I can’t make it up there. I’m just too tired.”

Now, she was beat red, covered in sweat, and totally defeated. 40 or 50 pounds ago, this girl was super active and playing sports. Now, she couldn’t even make it up the mountain for an easy hike and was giving up an hour short. She dug into some chocolate bars I had and then we turned back.

On the way down, she talked about the old gym she used to go, which was quite hardcore. She had gotten in really good shape there once. I found some of what she said interesting:

“I miss that gym, because I felt really fit in strong. I just need to get back on track before teaching starts up again. I just need to go on some walks and such.”

Something tells me that she’s not going to lose 45 pounds just walking around the pond by her house.

I also found out too that her sister-in-law was trying to get her to do crossfit workouts on their latest family vacation. I warned her about the dangers of getting hurt while trying to workout, all while telling her how great she had done on the hike.

“Yeah, I have no fitness right now… It would be too embarrassing to do that. I used to be able to do some of those moves.”

Watching the former athlete negotiate some of the rocks on the way down was a bit laughable, given how coordinated she had been during her fitness peak. Everything was on a full display, jigging and swaying as she contorted to make her way down. It was quite an awesome sight and made cutting a beautiful hike short well worth it.

When we got down, she insisted we stop for burgers and beers. She ended up drinking two beers and finishing an entire cheeseburger. I asked her on the drive back where she would rank her fitness level, on a scale of 1-10.

“I wouldn’t even rate, I told you, I’m in awful shape. I don’t have any fitness! I barely make it up 3/4 of the way.”

When I dropped her off, I stopped in to use the restroom. She was going to heat up some leftover pizza and take a bath. I went in for a hug and traced by hand around her love handles and belly as I pulled away. The amount of softness and pliability I felt definitely proved, beyond a shadow of any doubt, that she was insanely pudgy, porky, and out of shape.

Anyway, just a small update!

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7 hours ago, maxymumspyder said:

I found some of what she said interesting:

“I miss that gym, because I felt really fit in strong. I just need to get back on track before teaching starts up again. I just need to go on some walks and such.”

Something tells me that she’s not going to lose 45 pounds just walking around the pond by her house.

Hm.  Perhaps you could oh-so-helpfully ensure that this gal is hooked up with a nice little stash of those chocolate bars she couldn't resist digging into during the hike.  Ya know, to keep herself, uh.... "energized" during all those forthcoming power-walks.  So convenient!  ;)

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11 minutes ago, maxymumspyder said:

That was certainly the idea behind packing the sea salt and chocolate bars that I brought along for this journey! And yes, she finished them all.

Ah.  And yet, based on the timing of their appearance, at least in this instance the only effect they seemed to have was to facilitate her trip back down the trail and ultimate face-first landing into a cheeseburger.  Oops?  B)

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7 hours ago, chrystal_geyser said:

Wow, great story... :)  love that detail about the dimples!  How would you say her cellulite has developed from where it was before?  What is her ass shaped like now?  I bet she'd keep herself covered with the sheets now...!

It certainly seems to be more prominent than I ever remembered it. I looked at a couple of comparison photos and the amount of weight she has put is very very clear. Her ass is very wide now and quite prominent (which it always was, when she was thin). It's significantly bigger. When we were walking up, I could see it up close, leaving compression marks on her yoga pants with each step, as I could also see the outline of her underwear. If the material wasn't as thick, I think it would have been pulled shear.

Another thing not be overlooked was the presence and thickness of her love handles. She had quite the soft, useless ring of fat going around her entire middle. She's definitely 186 lbs, I can say that!


4 hours ago, mischnickde said:

Great story!  Are you planning to go om another hike? Or would she rather just meet for cheeseburgers the next time?

No hikes planned in the immediate future. I'm guessing her winded performance will probably make her think twice about that. At this juncture, if and when we hang out again, I'm hoping to coax it into a beach trip! I'm not going to hold my breath though.

1 hour ago, Smooth said:

Nice post Maxymumspyder! Sounds to me she is ok with being a fatass. Although she might wish to be back in shape, at the end of the day she can't put the fork down and is comfortable just eating what she wants. 

I have no problem with that! I wonder whether or not she will make a real attempt at getting back into shape. I'm more than happy providing cheeseburgers!

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  • 3 weeks later...

So I used to work at a Cinnabon. Working there was basically a dream come true. I always gave good looking girls (fat or skinny) the biggest Cinnabons I could. Plenty of fun experiences there!

The best experience I ever had there was in the middle of a rush. A woman ordered a Cinnabon with extra frosting. So, I took the Cinnabon over to the frosting bowl and put some extra frosting on it for her and looked her in a "is that enough?" way. She pouted at me and so I put a little more on, the Cinnabon is COVERED in frosting at this point. After this, she gives me the same disappointed pouty look, clearly wanting more, put her hand on her stomach and said in a "poor me" pouting/teasing voice:

"I'm trying to get fat... And it's not working.."  

So after that I put a giant glob of frosting on top of the Cinnabon and she finally looked pleased.
Honestly, we got comments like that all the time. Girls clearly being sarcastic talking about how eating there would make them fat, comments like:

"If I worked here I'd be too fat fit in the store in a week."

 "If I worked here you guys wouldn't have any food left to sell!"  

We stored the frosting in a massive bucket. The side frostings were sold in tiny containers about 2 inches tall, if that. Plenty of girls would jokingly ask for the bucket instead. That kind of thing, all day. It was all really fun hearing comments like that daily. To most people these were just funny comments to laugh at but to me it just felt like constant dirty talk, you all can relate!

But yeah, the way she kept giving that "a little more please" look and made the "I'm trying to get fat" comment all with no shame was just unforgettable. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Nothing too in depth but I thought I would share the fact that a coworker of mine this morning told me that none of her pants fit now and she has been exponentially gaining weight. She then proceeded to sigh and basically admit to this being the norm for her now. Hopefully she continues to thicken up!

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I stumbled across this article today, discussing several women who found themselves unintentionally chubbing up after they started participating in marathon training.  It struck me as on-topic for this thread.  

Marathon Training Made Me Fat!

A couple choice quotes:



When Jacqueline Elbaz laced up to train for her first marathon, she assumed amping up her running routine would help her shed pounds.

But when Elbaz, who works in fashion, crossed the finish line at the 2014 New York City Marathon, she was 15 pounds heavier than when she’d started training four months prior.

After spending the weeks leading up to the race lounging in yoga pants, exhausted by her grueling regimen, she felt the extent of her weight gain once she pulled her regular clothes back on post-run.

“I realized I was gaining weight during training, and then at the end I realized, ‘Wow, it’s bad,’ ” says the 25-year-old Midtown resident.


and, as a caption for the photo attached below,


Becki Ledford in April 2013 (left) and April 2016. Ledford gained about 25 pounds over the course of a few years, because she'd drink more sugary beverages and eat carb-heavy meals while training for races.



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Finally have something worth sharing! I've had a friend for years who I have stayed in out of touch with. Talk just enough to stay friends. Anyways she has always been very tiny especially when I first met her. She is 5 feet tall on the dot. When we first met she was a tiny 87 pounds. She's always had an appetite though. After knowing her for about two years she put on a little weight putting her at a more healthy 99 pounds. She then got a job (her first job) at a krispy Kream doughnut. I hadn't seen her for a while. I was texting her and asking how the job was going. She told me great but I need to stop eating these doughnuts. I of course asked why but already knew the reason. She told me because I'm gaining weight, I've gained 15 pounds! I finally saw her not too long after that conversation. She invited me for dinner and made some very good, very high calorie chicken thing. I remember thinking at this rate she will gain more weight. She had a cute little belly and small love handles at this point. We talked and caught up and I managed to shift the conversation to her weight. She told me she weighed about 117 at this point and that she never thought she would weigh that much. On an off note she called her weight gain her doughnuts belly. We've always kept talking. Prior till recently the last time I saw her was about a year ago. A little more. And here is the part that made me feel like sharing this long story. We were texting each other a short while ago. Again just catching up. I asked if she would like to hang out. She said yes and jokingly put only if we get food. I said of course we will. She responded with ok good because I am starving! I asked why have you not ate much today and she text back I have ate a pretty good amount today, I'm just always hungry lol I said that I doubt that and she said oh you will see! So that night we meet at a restaurant and well to my surprise she was much larger than she was just over a year ago. I told her I guess you weren't kidding about always being hungry. She told me yeah it's pretty bad but I love food. After talking for a bit I got her to tell me how much she has gained roughly. She told me the last time she weighed herself was a month ago and that she weighed 163 pounds. She ate so much at dinner. In the five years I've known her she went from a tiny 87 pounds to a very large 163. Almost double her weight. Sorry it was such a long post guys. Just wanted to share that experience. 

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52 minutes ago, gLs3 said:

Finally have something worth sharing! I've had a friend for years who I have stayed in out of touch with. Talk just enough to stay friends. Anyways she has always been very tiny especially when I first met her. She is 5 feet tall on the dot. When we first met she was a tiny 87 pounds. She's always had an appetite though. After knowing her for about two years she put on a little weight putting her at a more healthy 99 pounds. She then got a job (her first job) at a krispy Kream doughnut. I hadn't seen her for a while. I was texting her and asking how the job was going. She told me great but I need to stop eating these doughnuts. I of course asked why but already knew the reason. She told me because I'm gaining weight, I've gained 15 pounds! I finally saw her not too long after that conversation. She invited me for dinner and made some very good, very high calorie chicken thing. I remember thinking at this rate she will gain more weight. She had a cute little belly and small love handles at this point. We talked and caught up and I managed to shift the conversation to her weight. She told me she weighed about 117 at this point and that she never thought she would weigh that much. On an off note she called her weight gain her doughnuts belly. We've always kept talking. Prior till recently the last time I saw her was about a year ago. A little more. And here is the part that made me feel like sharing this long story. We were texting each other a short while ago. Again just catching up. I asked if she would like to hang out. She said yes and jokingly put only if we get food. I said of course we will. She responded with ok good because I am starving! I asked why have you not ate much today and she text back I have ate a pretty good amount today, I'm just always hungry lol I said that I doubt that and she said oh you will see! So that night we meet at a restaurant and well to my surprise she was much larger than she was just over a year ago. I told her I guess you weren't kidding about always being hungry. She told me yeah it's pretty bad but I love food. After talking for a bit I got her to tell me how much she has gained roughly. She told me the last time she weighed herself was a month ago and that she weighed 163 pounds. She ate so much at dinner. In the five years I've known her she went from a tiny 87 pounds to a very large 163. Almost double her weight. Sorry it was such a long post guys. Just wanted to share that experience. 

Great story

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4 hours ago, gLs3 said:

Finally have something worth sharing! I've had a friend for years who I have stayed in out of touch with. Talk just enough to stay friends. Anyways she has always been very tiny especially when I first met her. She is 5 feet tall on the dot. When we first met she was a tiny 87 pounds. She's always had an appetite though. After knowing her for about two years she put on a little weight putting her at a more healthy 99 pounds. She then got a job (her first job) at a krispy Kream doughnut. I hadn't seen her for a while. I was texting her and asking how the job was going. She told me great but I need to stop eating these doughnuts. I of course asked why but already knew the reason. She told me because I'm gaining weight, I've gained 15 pounds! I finally saw her not too long after that conversation. She invited me for dinner and made some very good, very high calorie chicken thing. I remember thinking at this rate she will gain more weight. She had a cute little belly and small love handles at this point. We talked and caught up and I managed to shift the conversation to her weight. She told me she weighed about 117 at this point and that she never thought she would weigh that much. On an off note she called her weight gain her doughnuts belly. We've always kept talking. Prior till recently the last time I saw her was about a year ago. A little more. And here is the part that made me feel like sharing this long story. We were texting each other a short while ago. Again just catching up. I asked if she would like to hang out. She said yes and jokingly put only if we get food. I said of course we will. She responded with ok good because I am starving! I asked why have you not ate much today and she text back I have ate a pretty good amount today, I'm just always hungry lol I said that I doubt that and she said oh you will see! So that night we meet at a restaurant and well to my surprise she was much larger than she was just over a year ago. I told her I guess you weren't kidding about always being hungry. She told me yeah it's pretty bad but I love food. After talking for a bit I got her to tell me how much she has gained roughly. She told me the last time she weighed herself was a month ago and that she weighed 163 pounds. She ate so much at dinner. In the five years I've known her she went from a tiny 87 pounds to a very large 163. Almost double her weight. Sorry it was such a long post guys. Just wanted to share that experience. 

Do you have pics of the gain?

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5 hours ago, gLs3 said:

Finally have something worth sharing! I've had a friend for years who I have stayed in out of touch with. Talk just enough to stay friends. Anyways she has always been very tiny especially when I first met her. She is 5 feet tall on the dot. When we first met she was a tiny 87 pounds. She's always had an appetite though. After knowing her for about two years she put on a little weight putting her at a more healthy 99 pounds. She then got a job (her first job) at a krispy Kream doughnut. I hadn't seen her for a while. I was texting her and asking how the job was going. She told me great but I need to stop eating these doughnuts. I of course asked why but already knew the reason. She told me because I'm gaining weight, I've gained 15 pounds! I finally saw her not too long after that conversation. She invited me for dinner and made some very good, very high calorie chicken thing. I remember thinking at this rate she will gain more weight. She had a cute little belly and small love handles at this point. We talked and caught up and I managed to shift the conversation to her weight. She told me she weighed about 117 at this point and that she never thought she would weigh that much. On an off note she called her weight gain her doughnuts belly. We've always kept talking. Prior till recently the last time I saw her was about a year ago. A little more. And here is the part that made me feel like sharing this long story. We were texting each other a short while ago. Again just catching up. I asked if she would like to hang out. She said yes and jokingly put only if we get food. I said of course we will. She responded with ok good because I am starving! I asked why have you not ate much today and she text back I have ate a pretty good amount today, I'm just always hungry lol I said that I doubt that and she said oh you will see! So that night we meet at a restaurant and well to my surprise she was much larger than she was just over a year ago. I told her I guess you weren't kidding about always being hungry. She told me yeah it's pretty bad but I love food. After talking for a bit I got her to tell me how much she has gained roughly. She told me the last time she weighed herself was a month ago and that she weighed 163 pounds. She ate so much at dinner. In the five years I've known her she went from a tiny 87 pounds to a very large 163. Almost double her weight. Sorry it was such a long post guys. Just wanted to share that experience. 

Photographed or the event did not occur!

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Guest pangzi
9 hours ago, riptoryx said:

I stumbled across this article today, discussing several women who found themselves unintentionally chubbing up after they started participating in marathon training.  It struck me as on-topic for this thread.  

Marathon Training Made Me Fat!


I found another article relevant to the subject, in which it is discussed why women frequently outperform men in endurance running.

"It may be a simple matter of fat stores—the increased body fat so many women athletes resent in themselves as some kind of deadweight, wishing it were muscle instead. We know that after about 18 miles of steady running, the body begins to get low on glycogen— hitting the famous “wall”—and turns increasingly to other energy stores to keep going. But only recently, thanks in part to increasing numbers of women ultra-athletes and the times they’re turning in, have we begun to suspect women may be more efficient at using that body fat early in a race and saving the glycogen for the long haul. A bigger tank and a more efficient fuel injection system? That could be.

Until now we’ve had only two major studies on the subject, and they conflict. But a recent one suggested that women may in fact have some way, not yet understood, of preferentially burning fatty acids better than men do. If that’s the case, and we factor in that ability with women’s greater body fat reserves, the implications are obvious. Assuming there is some glycogen sparing going on along  the way, women might be able to get more out of that premium fuel than men do."   http://running.competitor.com/2011/05/injury-prevention/running-doc-are-women-more-suited-for-endurance-than-men_28063

That said, I wonder if marathon training induces some women's bodies to begin storing weight in preparation for future performance.  Their bodies may actually be driving weight gain as a means of increasing fitness for long distance running.  It's just a theory.  
Whatever the case, marathons are stressful events.  For that reason alone, weight gain isn't a surprising reaction.

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Guest pangzi
6 hours ago, gLs3 said:

Finally have something worth sharing! I've had a friend for years who I have stayed in out of touch with.  In the five years I've known her she went from a tiny 87 pounds to a very large 163. Almost double her weight. Sorry it was such a long post guys. Just wanted to share that experience. 

Very cute!  Underweight-->Normal Weight-->Overweight-->Obese!  That's quite the transformation!  I bet she looks great.  

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2 hours ago, WalkingFed said:

Photographed or the event did not occur!

I figured people would ask for pics and no I do not have any and even if I did I would not disrespect her privacy like that. You'll have to take my word for it 

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1 hour ago, pangzi said:

Very cute!  Underweight-->Normal Weight-->Overweight-->Obese!  That's quite the transformation!  I bet she looks great.  

It's the best when they go from skinny to chubby. I always teased her for how skinny she was saying she would get fat because of her appetite and laziness. 5 years ago though I did not think that would happen nor did she. Always saying how fast her metabalism was. I wish she had just stayed chubby lol but still it's quite fun to tease her about it now. 

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Guest shegotfat

Turkish girl at work. Early-to-mid twenties, very pretty, petite and skinny. Long flowing black hair down to her waist. Always very dolled up: nails, high heels, make-up, etc. She was telling me the other day how her boyfriend told her she was getting thick in the middle. I looked down and I really didn't see any changes, although she had her jacket on. Nonetheless I couldn't help but imagine them two frolicking naked and suddenly the boyfriend notices some rolls on his precious doll's belly that weren't supposed to be there and asking 'what the hell happened here?'. I'll keep my eyes peeled, although I don't see her very often.

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  • 2 months later...

Quick attempt to revive this great thread.  I was hooking up with a girl I met who was by far the biggest I'd ever been with (she later revealed she was about 305).  I asked her what the best and worst things were about being big.  She said never had to worry about over indulging on vacation.  She could eat as much as she wanted and gain five or ten pounds and nobody would be able to tell.  Also, she liked to use her sizable belly as a table/ place to put things.  On the flip side, she worried about fitting onto rides at amusement parks, having to use seat belt extenders on planes, and walking between tables at restaurants without knocking things off.  I'll try and remember more eventually.

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