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  1. Have you ever heard of the base metabolic rate? Essentially, it's the amount of calories that someone of a specific weight needs in order to maintain that weight. From there, you can calculate the number of calories need to either lose or gain one pound weekly. You can find any number of calculators for this online, in addition to the usual fitness applications. That's all that your woman has to do if she wants to gain some weight in a healthy manner. Don't make her start eating inordinate amounts of fried or processed foods, or sweets, or any other crap like that. Sure, those would make her fat, but they would also make her a food addict, destroy her physical health, and damage her cognitively, as well. Make sure that she's active enough to maintain some basic stamina, too. Not only will it keep her health, but it'll make her softer, more pert, and less sagging overall. Here's a comprehensive guide about fitness that elaborates on the points that I've made and more: http://liamrosen.com/fitness.html Believe me, it applies perfectly to your situation perfectly. Don't destroy your woman's health over a fetish.
  2. I'm not a woman, or a gainer, but if you go through most of the old threads about this topic, you'll find that women usually start out having their boyfriends introduce them to the fetish. Sometimes, they end up enjoying being fat, but, usually, a woman will do it to please her man more so than herself. Most other stories are just women incidentally gaining weight: from pregnancy, or from recovering from an injury, or from just their metabolisms slowing with age. Normally, there's nothing really sexual about it. It's pretty common for men to present with these kinds of deviant interests early in childhood, but less so for women, I think. How'd you discover this part of yourself? Were there any specific incidents or people that you can think of that may have influenced this?
  3. Well, I'm not a woman, but the best that I can offer is to remind you that the majority of the western world is overweight. In the United States, for instance, sixty-six percent of the overall population is overweight, and seventy percent of women. The United Kingdom isn't far behind, in fact, the last time that I checked, they were on the verge of overtaking America. Nobody worries about weight nearly as much as Hollywood and corporate journalists would like to portray otherwise, so rest easy. A better perspective is to judge your body based more on your overall health than on your appearance: how difficult it is to be mobile, your general stamina, how sore your feet and knees feel, whether or not you're more flatulent than normal, your overall cognitive function, et cetera. These are more tangible things that will affect your physical and mental well-being infinitely more than your appearance, even if appearances are more immediately noticeable. Do some cardiovascular exercise, or even some weight lifting. Women gain virtually no muscle from it unless they adhere to extremely strict diets and testosterone regimes. Make sure to track your calories, also. Most calorie counters on the internet should show your minimum number of daily calories needed to lose, maintain, and gain weight. If you like the weight, then abide by those figures. Personally, your current body shape sounds ideal to me, and it won't severely affect your health, either, so, please, don't fall victim to runaway cravings. If you just eat enough to maintain, then they will disappear, I promise. Of course, that's all assuming that you like the weight, which it sounds like you're having doubts about. You seem like you don't enjoy how it feels, which, again, is far more important than appearances. A lot of freaks on here would get outright angry at you for wanting to lose weight, but if being fat makes you physically uncomfortable, then there's nothing wrong with losing it. Thin women are attractive, too, when they're not anorexic twigs anyway. Ultimately, it's your choice what you do. Never let anyone pressure you into acting against what you consider in your best health and interest.
  4. At a height between, say, five foot seven to five foot nine, the heaviest woman that I'd find attractive is about two hundred pounds, or maybe a little over that. Once you get beyond that, her breasts start sagging, her belly folds in on itself, and her double chin starts subsuming her neck; the woman's body becomes hidden under a mass of loose skin and folds, which isn't attractive in the slightest. Not to mention, the severity of health problems will increase substantially, especially with age. Body shape beats the number on the scale every time. I've seen a lot of people on this website say otherwise, and as a response, I'll say that those people need to learn the value of restraint if they want to maintain the long-term health of their partners. Sexual preferences ungrounded in reality are inherently unsustainable.
  5. There's a definite point where fat stops being attractive. When the stomach starts folding in on itself, when double chins envelop the entire neck, or when the skin becomes riddled with so much cellulite that it becomes coarse and hardened are good examples of this. My mother watches My Six Hundred Pound Life, and one of the most obscene things that I've seen on that show was a woman so heavy that her ass was distended. Her fat stores were so overburdened that her buttocks probably would've detached themselves from her body were it not for the desperate stretching of her skin. I'll never understand how a man could find such a miserable state arousing. Personal experience has tempered my preferences, too. My mother used to be three hundred twenty pounds; she was, predictably, encased in chronic health problems. They ranged from bone spurs in her feet, strained knees, hypertension, and she was pre-diabetic (thank God that she never developed diabetes). Mom's life was also rendered stagnant from the lack of energy and pain of simply moving. She loves arts and crafts, and she could've been great at it professionally—she lent at least one design of hers to a friend and it won awards at several local competitions about fifteen years ago—but she could never muster the energy to just go into her craft room and rummage for supplies. Gardening's another of my mother's passions, but the physical exertion was too much for her and it still is. One time, she fell over in the front yard and couldn't get up. She spent an entire day laying in the dirt and then had to go the hospital with severe bruising. A large, permanent dent in one of her thighs constantly reminds her of how humiliating that experience was. Last year, Mother had gastric bypass surgery and she has since lost about a hundred forty pounds. Many of her health problems have been alleviated, although she still requires injections for pain in her feet. Her motivation to do anything worthwhile is also completely dead; she spent the end of her youth unable to pursue her passions due to the poor habits that she developed from her weight, but now that she's free from physical limitations, she's too old to care anymore. The body shape is what is appealing, not the actual weight. I really pity the people who are more attracted to the number on a scale because their fantasies tend to be the most unhealthy and they are often enablers. Anyone who has spent time with addicts and alcoholics should know that enablers are very lowly and cretinous people. Generally speaking, however, if I had to provide measurements, then I'd say that a woman around five foot seven and two hundred to two hundred twenty pounds would be ideal for me, especially if her weight is concentrated down under. I have a great fondness for pears. And no, my preferences will not increase in size with time as some people like to claim. As a matter of fact, they're becoming more restrained and realistic as I age, which is something that I'm extremely grateful for.
  6. Tell her that you like flesh and that there's nothing sexually attractive about the skeleton. Demonstrate to her why anorexic isn't pleasing, and is in fact quite grotesque and unhealthy. Obviously, you don't want to be as frank as I'm being, nor do you want to force the issue, but you can mention it in a casual tone. Explain it to her as an observation, rather than as something that you have a significant emotional attachment to.
  7. You should encourage her to exercise. Unless she alters her diet, then she won't actually lose the weight, but it'll be less impactful on her health. Exercise removes visceral fat that envelops the internal organs. This is the type of fat associated with the health risks of obesity: hypertension, diabetes, and so on. Subcutaneous fat is nowhere near as harsh on the body, and it's softer and more feminine anyway. Let her develop a bit of upper body strength so that her breasts don't give her back pain; put her on a bicycle so that stairs don't kill her; make her do squats so that her ass gets bigger. If she's more active, then she'll have greater blood flow to the brain, and that'll make her more intelligent and engaging conversation. Were the health risks removed, then your girlfriend would be more accepting of it, perhaps she might even enjoy it (however slight the chance is), assuming that you're honest about your preferences. You have no idea how imperative it is to just admit that you like her body exaggerated. It's something that you'll likely come to regret otherwise.
  8. If you're that transparent, then you should probably be honest and just admit that you like her outright fat. That way, you can have a legitimate discussion about the long-term consequences of her behavior, and possibly set a weight range that she can adhere to for the sake of her health. Also, it'd be a good way for you to quit being an enabler. Not to kill the mood here, but if your girlfriend ever discovers that you've been deliberately making her fat without her consent, then she's liable to believe that you've been placing your fetish above her physical and mental well-being, and she'd likely hate you for that. Especially since she's ballooned so quickly, it's important to consider this so that you can avoid heartache later on. It won't be fun when she's pre-diabetic, got bone spurs in her feet, and is well on her way to developing atherosclerosis.
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