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pin-up goblin

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Everything posted by pin-up goblin

  1. I think so, but I doubt my opinion will influence you. Plus I assume, I am part of the minority. I personally never post full body pics of myself on any platform, but especially on a social networking site. That being said, I could imagine how disgusted I would feel if that wasn't my intent to be on a fapping site, yet my pics were there. Plus, to me, it comes down to choice. They were posting pictures for the intent and purpose of sharing with friends and family. They didn't think it would be stolen and distributed on a fat fapping site. That wasn't their choice and you kind of stole it from them. Unfortunately, we live in a society where guys feel entitled to women's bodies so I am not at all surprised that it happens. However, if you really are interested in self-reflection, I would listen to my woman's point of view seriously, but I doubt you will.
  2. Yeah, it's kind of sad. A majority of fat people just want a cheap fix to lose weight, but that just ends up making them either gain it all back or gain more. I personally hate exercise and loving eating so I realize my fate is just going to be a fat person. Unless I do portion control and exercise, it is just a given that I will stay fat. Plus, it is generally genetic where people distribute their weight. The "chin curls" as you said, unfortunately, can't do anything. They do have this treatment called Kybella to get rid of it if you go to a plastic surgeon or a dermatologist, but who has the money for that elective surgery? Apparently, it is $750 a bottle and you need 2-3 per treatment. Yikes. I assume it kills the fat cells, which would just make others in different areas get larger when they gain weight. That's why liposuction isn't a good way of losing weight either because you just gain the weight back and look disproportionate.
  3. I don't think so. I am of the mindset that you like what you like (this is of course excluding non-consent attraction). I personally am into extremely skinny guys. Girls I don't have as strict of a preference. However, I am very fat. I too wondered if I was being a hypocrite by not being into fat guys, but I realized I wasn't. It might be societal conditioning, but it is what it is.
  4. I guess I don't really have an opinion. I think people will complain about whatever you do so just have fun with this site and in general.
  5. Apparently, it has something to do with the frequency, quality of your speakers and the volume that will influence what you hear based on the sound quality. It also has to do with the shape of our ears and how our brain perceives sound. It was kind of interesting to see how science explained the difference. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yDiXQl7grPQ
  6. I think it looks great. He actually looks remarkably like Mercury, which was surprising. I am really excited.
  7. Not necessarily. I like a lot of weird stuff when turned on, but that doesn't mean I want some of it to actually happen. I think with any fetish it can be a spectrum of how into it you really are and if it is detrimental in order to achieve good sex.
  8. I know from personal experience that you have to have some iota of self love/worth to be happy with your body, regardless of your size. I was a really depressed teenager, and I thought if I lost all the weight I would be happy and be able to be normal. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case. At my skinnest at 180, I wasn't happy or normal. (I'm tall.) You really need to work on who you are because depression can be caused by so many things from choices/experiences to genetic predispositions. Losing weight by itself is not going to cure her depression. Her gaining weight was just a symptom of her depression therefore it can not be the cure or be all end all. That being said since she has body image issues that can stem from her being displeased from her weight gain, it couldn't hurt and might help her feel better in terms of how she looks at herself. As well as the whole endorphins from an increase of exercise could help with her depression.
  9. you're right! I thought I had to do what I did years ago which was photobucket and use [/img] crap. This is awesome! ☺
  10. I used to love using gifs on curvage. Sadly, it's too much work on my tablet.
  11. Absolutely not. Fat men repulse me. I know some think it's a double standard, but it's not. It's my preference. Like it doesn't need to be a six pac or anything, but on guys I am super picky. I like them tall and lean. Women- I don't care; all are gorgeous to me.
  12. Shit. Not a feeder, but can I answer anyway? I personally don't mind being slightly overweight or even like 250 pounds. However, I fucking hate the weight I am right now. It's not a mobility thing because I can do everything. I just don't like it mainly to do with weight in my face.
  13. I think a majority of you are right that it could be because there are more fat women out there. Plus there is more clothing options than back then as well so people feel more comfortable and confident when they feel good. However, like it was addressed fatphobia still exists. Fuck, I still have moments of internalized hatred of being fat because of the stigma.
  14. Been gone a long time so this site has really nothing to do with me gaining a lot of weight. I blame that on the stress of grad school.
  15. The reason she didn't lose by starving herself was that when that happens the body slows down the metabolism and you can actually gain more weight. What she is eating now probably has boosted it. Must be high in protein for it to be so filling. Anyway, just curious but did you ever told her you liked how she looked when she was heavy? Not like now that she is losing, but when she was overweight. I personally am of the mindset of I don't care if people gain or lose weight just as long as it is on their terms. However, why I am asking is because I wonder if maybe she thought she was unattractive to you before.
  16. I think it makes you human. Obviously this woman is experiencing some form of distress based upon her weight. I think most sane people when faced with the prospect of a fellow human in a stressful situation aren't going to be turned on, but feel some empathy toward that person. I don't think the person felt comfortable in their skin. To me, that should matter in terms of finding the right partner.
  17. There also is the genetics factor. Not just about being fat, but some people, if they are fat, are more likely to get certain problems like diabetes, heart disease, etc. Not all fat people have those issues so there's got to be some sort of genetic component.
  18. It feels good? That is like asking, "why do people fap"? It just feels nice. 😍
  19. Interesting topic. Always wondered why most of you are obsessed with women gaining, like there could be fat chicks right in front of you, but you need to see them fatter. I'm baffled but that is not my thing. I'm super accepting of what women look like because I can see the beauty in all women. Men...nope. I have a very specific type so I can understand wanting your type. 🤔 Nice read. Oh and if you just like watching someone eat, consider a vegan diet. You can eat a shit ton of food and be healthy. It's really sugar, processed foods and artificial crap that is causing people to be unhealthy.
  20. You really have to ask that? I think in any site where women or...maybe men as well...but especially women are being scantily undressed they will choose to do faceless photos because one day they hope of having a job and not being embarrassed if their coworkers find them. Think of Anthony Weiner.
  21. No idea what happened and what any of the new stuff does. This is what happens when you leave for three years....not that I am back.
  22. Um, well, I guess from a woman's perspective I wouldn't pressure her and make her feel bad if she does not want to do it. I would suggest role play if she would be into it or if you would, like dirty talking and using your imagination with one another. Personally I like shit that is outside of some people's comfort zones, but if I don't get it, while it may suck, I can work around it. Besides there is always porn. 😉
  23. Like no one else has tattoos?! Wtf. I have a double infinity on my wrist. Wish I could get more. Someday, but paying for grad school and student loans so...yeah I am too poor. 😣
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