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41 minutes ago, CutieDonut said:

Molti di voi probabilmente già conoscono i miei attuali problemi di salute. Non voglio farne un grosso problema. Voglio solo essere onesto con te. Le settimane attuali sono state davvero dure per me. (Non voglio parlarne troppo qui, perché so che la maggior parte delle persone sono qui per il modo in cui sto ingrassando e non per me. Non voglio annoiarvi con il mio attuale stato di salute salute. Voglio che tu sappia che le foto che ho caricato di recente erano foto di agosto e inizio settembre. Allora avevo ancora molta forza e mi piaceva fotografarmi perché mi sentivo davvero bene con il mio corpo ed ero orgoglioso del mio aspetto. Naturalmente non ho ancora niente di negativo da dire sul mio aspetto. Sfortunatamente, nelle ultime settimane ho ripreso la lotta e mi sono curato. A causa dei farmaci che prendo ho poco appetito, per questo ho perso un po' di peso e non riesco più a godermi il cibo come prima. Ultimamente ho avuto pochissima motivazione per fare qualcosa e alzarmi dal letto è stato difficile per me. Ovviamente non mi aspetto alcun supporto o comprensione da parte tua. Voglio solo essere onesto con voi, ragazzi. Scrivere con voi, scattare foto e video mi mette davvero di buon umore. Da oggi ho iniziato ad agire a piccoli passi. Ho registrato un video che è disponibile ovunque. Voglio registrarlo ogni giorno. Voglio ricominciare a mangiare lentamente e a lottare per me stesso. Voglio provare di nuovo in me la stessa gioia di prima e registrare per te mi rende felice. La cosa più difficile è stata essere onesti con voi ragazzi e iniziare ad agire. Sono orgoglioso di me stesso oggi per aver realizzato questo video.  

Grazie per essere qui con me. Non sai nemmeno quanto mi rende sempre felice quando ti piacciono le mie foto. Voglio fare un video di Halloween e spero che venga alla grande.

PS Queste foto sono state scattate oggi. ❤️







Don't say that, you hurt me if you think I'm only interested in seeing you get fat. You are a wonderful person and you have all our love. If you need anything just say so. When we accept our kink we know we are doing something unhealthy, so in return we admirers should always try to alleviate any other health problems of people like you who happily accept becoming fat goddesses. Seriously, if you're having any problems like paying rent or dealing with expensive medical bills, we can all come together and help you get through this difficult time. Know that you are not just an erotic dream to admire for a while and then move on somewhere else.❤

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2 hours ago, CutieDonut said:

Many of you probably already know about my current health problems. I don't want to make a big deal out of it. I just want to be honest with you. The current weeks have been really hard for me. (I don't want to write about it too much here either, because I know that most people are here because of how I'm gaining weight and not because of me. I don't want to bore you with my current state of health. I want you to know that the pictures I uploaded recently were pictures from August and early September. Back then, I still had a lot of strength and I liked taking pictures of myself because I really felt good about my body and I was proud of how I looked. Of course, I still have nothing bad to say about my appearance. Unfortunately, for the past few weeks I have taken up the fight and have been treating myself. From the medication I am taking I have little appetite because of this I have lost some weight and can't enjoy food like I used to. I have had very little motivation to do anything lately and getting out of bed has been hard for me. Of course, I don't expect any support or understanding from you. I just want to be honest with you guys. Writing with you, taking photos and videos puts me in a really good mood. As of today, I have started to take action in small steps. I have recorded a video which is available wherever. I want to record it every day. I want to start eating slowly again and fighting for myself. I want to have as much joy in me again as before and recording for you makes me happy. The hardest thing was to just be honest with you guys and start taking action. I am proud of myself today for making this video. I hope it will get easier day by day and I will be more motivated to take action and more things will make me happy.  

Thank you for being here with me. You don't even know how much it always makes me happy when you like my pictures. I want to make a Halloween video and I hope it comes out great.

PS These photos were taken today. ❤️







Feel better, you’re beautiful no matter what!

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4 hours ago, CutieDonut said:

Many of you probably already know about my current health problems. I don't want to make a big deal out of it. I just want to be honest with you. The current weeks have been really hard for me. (I don't want to write about it too much here either, because I know that most people are here because of how I'm gaining weight and not because of me. I don't want to bore you with my current state of health. I want you to know that the pictures I uploaded recently were pictures from August and early September. Back then, I still had a lot of strength and I liked taking pictures of myself because I really felt good about my body and I was proud of how I looked. Of course, I still have nothing bad to say about my appearance. Unfortunately, for the past few weeks I have taken up the fight and have been treating myself. From the medication I am taking I have little appetite because of this I have lost some weight and can't enjoy food like I used to. I have had very little motivation to do anything lately and getting out of bed has been hard for me. Of course, I don't expect any support or understanding from you. I just want to be honest with you guys. Writing with you, taking photos and videos puts me in a really good mood. As of today, I have started to take action in small steps. I have recorded a video which is available wherever. I want to record it every day. I want to start eating slowly again and fighting for myself. I want to have as much joy in me again as before and recording for you makes me happy. The hardest thing was to just be honest with you guys and start taking action. I am proud of myself today for making this video. I hope it will get easier day by day and I will be more motivated to take action and more things will make me happy.  

Thank you for being here with me. You don't even know how much it always makes me happy when you like my pictures. I want to make a Halloween video and I hope it comes out great.

PS These photos were taken today. ❤️







dont feel ashamed youre human and your health totally matters before anything else. im glad youre being honest with yourself and starting to take care of yourself. hope you start feeling better take it one day at a time and dont worry about videos or other content just keep recovering as long as it takes.

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4 hours ago, CutieDonut said:

Muchos de ustedes probablemente ya conocen mis problemas de salud actuales. No quiero darle mucha importancia. Sólo quiero ser honesto contigo. Las semanas actuales han sido muy duras para mí. (Tampoco quiero escribir mucho sobre esto aquí, porque sé que la mayoría de la gente está aquí por cómo estoy ganando peso y no por mí. No quiero aburrirlos con mi estado actual de salud.Quiero que sepan que las fotos que subí recientemente fueron fotos de agosto y principios de septiembre. En ese entonces todavía tenía mucha fuerza y me gustaba tomarme fotos porque realmente me sentía bien con mi cuerpo y estaba orgullosa. Por supuesto, todavía no tengo nada malo que decir sobre mi apariencia. Desafortunadamente, durante las últimas semanas he tomado la lucha y me he estado dando un capricho. Debido a los medicamentos que estoy tomando tengo poco apetito por eso he perdido algo de peso y no puedo disfrutar de la comida como antes. Últimamente he tenido muy poca motivación para hacer algo y levantarme de la cama me ha resultado difícil. Por supuesto, no espero ningún apoyo ni comprensión de su parte. Sólo quiero ser honesto con ustedes. Escribir contigo, tomar fotos y vídeos me pone de muy buen humor. A partir de hoy he empezado a actuar en pequeños pasos. He grabado un vídeo que está disponible en cualquier lugar. Quiero grabarlo todos los días. Quiero empezar a comer despacio otra vez y luchar por mí mismo. Quiero volver a tener tanta alegría en mí como antes y grabar para ti me hace feliz. Lo más difícil fue ser honesto con ustedes y comenzar a actuar. Estoy orgulloso de mí mismo hoy por hacer este video.  

Gracias por estar aquí conmigo. Ni siquiera sabes cuánto me hace feliz que te gusten mis fotos. Quiero hacer un vídeo de Halloween y espero que salga genial.

PD: Estas fotos fueron tomadas hoy. ❤️







I agree with many in the community, you are a free person to share what you want There will always be someone who reads and supports you from a distance, no one bothers your problems. And I hope you are in better spirits, your comments will always be very well received. 


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I've been following you for some time but don't usually say much. I'm sad that you're having health issues, not because that means less pictures for us but just because you're having health problems. Being healthy is the most important goal for you right now and I'm pretty sure just about everyone gets it here, so don't worry about us and be healthy :)

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8 hours ago, CutieDonut said:

Many of you probably already know about my current health problems. I don't want to make a big deal out of it. I just want to be honest with you. The current weeks have been really hard for me. (I don't want to write about it too much here either, because I know that most people are here because of how I'm gaining weight and not because of me. I don't want to bore you with my current state of health. I want you to know that the pictures I uploaded recently were pictures from August and early September. Back then, I still had a lot of strength and I liked taking pictures of myself because I really felt good about my body and I was proud of how I looked. Of course, I still have nothing bad to say about my appearance. Unfortunately, for the past few weeks I have taken up the fight and have been treating myself. From the medication I am taking I have little appetite because of this I have lost some weight and can't enjoy food like I used to. I have had very little motivation to do anything lately and getting out of bed has been hard for me. Of course, I don't expect any support or understanding from you. I just want to be honest with you guys. Writing with you, taking photos and videos puts me in a really good mood. As of today, I have started to take action in small steps. I have recorded a video which is available wherever. I want to record it every day. I want to start eating slowly again and fighting for myself. I want to have as much joy in me again as before and recording for you makes me happy. The hardest thing was to just be honest with you guys and start taking action. I am proud of myself today for making this video. I hope it will get easier day by day and I will be more motivated to take action and more things will make me happy.  

Thank you for being here with me. You don't even know how much it always makes me happy when you like my pictures. I want to make a Halloween video and I hope it comes out great.

PS These photos were taken today. ❤️







Your health, well-being and happiness takes precedence over any of us schmucks. While we appreciate you sharing your gain with us, you should not feel pressured or forced to do that kind of thing when you're focused on getting well. Anyone who says otherwise or truly only cares about you gaining weight is a piece of shit who frankly doesn't deserve your content.

All this to say, I hope you feel better soon, and don't worry about losing weight in the process -- I am sure that when you get better, you will gain it back with interest. :D 

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13 hours ago, CutieDonut said:

Many of you probably already know about my current health problems. I don't want to make a big deal out of it. I just want to be honest with you. The current weeks have been really hard for me. (I don't want to write about it too much here either, because I know that most people are here because of how I'm gaining weight and not because of me. I don't want to bore you with my current state of health. I want you to know that the pictures I uploaded recently were pictures from August and early September. Back then, I still had a lot of strength and I liked taking pictures of myself because I really felt good about my body and I was proud of how I looked. Of course, I still have nothing bad to say about my appearance. Unfortunately, for the past few weeks I have taken up the fight and have been treating myself. From the medication I am taking I have little appetite because of this I have lost some weight and can't enjoy food like I used to. I have had very little motivation to do anything lately and getting out of bed has been hard for me. Of course, I don't expect any support or understanding from you. I just want to be honest with you guys. Writing with you, taking photos and videos puts me in a really good mood. As of today, I have started to take action in small steps. I have recorded a video which is available wherever. I want to record it every day. I want to start eating slowly again and fighting for myself. I want to have as much joy in me again as before and recording for you makes me happy. The hardest thing was to just be honest with you guys and start taking action. I am proud of myself today for making this video. I hope it will get easier day by day and I will be more motivated to take action and more things will make me happy.  

Thank you for being here with me. You don't even know how much it always makes me happy when you like my pictures. I want to make a Halloween video and I hope it comes out great.

PS These photos were taken today. ❤️







People here cares of you. We are not just here to see you gain weight. It's way more than that, it's what we are sharing here and not only the fetish. I encourage people to be happy with what they are and doing what they love. I think Curvage is a good way to prove that this fetish is something beautiful and respectful. You're an honest person, you have always been and that's extremely sexy. ❤️ Congrats for taking pictures again, it's such a big step. And don't worry you still look gorgeous and very chubby 😍

Sending good vibes for the recovery. You will fight this illness and come back happier and more motivated than ever. 😎 Take your time, every little step is a win.

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On 10/6/2023 at 4:43 PM, CutieDonut said:

Many of you probably already know about my current health problems. I don't want to make a big deal out of it. I just want to be honest with you. The current weeks have been really hard for me. (I don't want to write about it too much here either, because I know that most people are here because of how I'm gaining weight and not because of me. I don't want to bore you with my current state of health. I want you to know that the pictures I uploaded recently were pictures from August and early September. Back then, I still had a lot of strength and I liked taking pictures of myself because I really felt good about my body and I was proud of how I looked. Of course, I still have nothing bad to say about my appearance. Unfortunately, for the past few weeks I have taken up the fight and have been treating myself. From the medication I am taking I have little appetite because of this I have lost some weight and can't enjoy food like I used to. I have had very little motivation to do anything lately and getting out of bed has been hard for me. Of course, I don't expect any support or understanding from you. I just want to be honest with you guys. Writing with you, taking photos and videos puts me in a really good mood. As of today, I have started to take action in small steps. I have recorded a video which is available wherever. I want to record it every day. I want to start eating slowly again and fighting for myself. I want to have as much joy in me again as before and recording for you makes me happy. The hardest thing was to just be honest with you guys and start taking action. I am proud of myself today for making this video. I hope it will get easier day by day and I will be more motivated to take action and more things will make me happy.  

Thank you for being here with me. You don't even know how much it always makes me happy when you like my pictures. I want to make a Halloween video and I hope it comes out great.

PS These photos were taken today. ❤️







Hopefully you feel better 😘  been a fan of yours since the beginning. It gets very tough at times with health issues. I had that with my gain. You always look beautiful too even if you don't eat as much. Your feelings and health as a person matter the most. You want to do what makes you happy and what makes you feel good. I truly hope you feel better soon 💕 

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Guest pxxcurvesurfer

Hey cutie glad you're feeling better. I have to admit of all the gains I've seen, I couldn't believe you were almost 200lbs at 5'3 which would make you well into obesity, 35 or so. Yet I thought you looked just look a bit chubby. But I was looking at the wrong angles and discovered these kind of photos. lv_0_20230903103542_2.gif

Now i suddenly get where the 35 obese bmi come from. Its cute that apart from a double chin you could kinda disguise your gain - if it wasnt the big fat belly. I love your gaining style its hot. Althought it must be annoying dealing with the tight jeans and top look, your bellly must be hanging out, but maybe u love it

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Guest Carcer89
On 9/30/2023 at 10:29 AM, CutieDonut said:


Someone like that would be useful here. I would love to have someone to look after me. Yes, I will do something like that for sure. I like to show off my body. 🥵



Today's photos are of me in those white trousers that were in the last video.😈 I have to tell you that they are even tighter than they were then. Especially in the belly and in the hips. When I sit down I have a big crease at the top. Today I'm going to spoil you guys a little bit with pictures and videos where I always do. I love to show off my body. Check out how cute I look. ❤️











And we love to see you showing off 🥵😍 

Have you considered making any "feedee encouragement" style clips? You've said before that you enjoyed feeding other people fatter.


On 10/4/2023 at 4:56 PM, CutieDonut said:

Do you remember that I bought cow-pattern underwear a while ago?🥵 I think it's a good idea to show you guys in that outfit next time, or better yet, record a video for you in it. Today I was planning to record it. but unfortunately I fell asleep for a few hours. Maybe I'll get around to it later today. I know many of you are waiting for a video from me. Do you guys think I should do a Halloween witch video repeat this year too? 😈

Today I wanted to show you some more of my tummy. I took them some time ago, but there was no opportunity to insert them. That's why I'm inserting today, because it's a shame you won't see these beautiful photos and videos where you always do. 🔥





Happy Great Job GIF by Mickey Mouse


On 10/6/2023 at 9:43 PM, CutieDonut said:

Many of you probably already know about my current health problems. I don't want to make a big deal out of it. I just want to be honest with you. The current weeks have been really hard for me. (I don't want to write about it too much here either, because I know that most people are here because of how I'm gaining weight and not because of me. I don't want to bore you with my current state of health. I want you to know that the pictures I uploaded recently were pictures from August and early September. Back then, I still had a lot of strength and I liked taking pictures of myself because I really felt good about my body and I was proud of how I looked. Of course, I still have nothing bad to say about my appearance. Unfortunately, for the past few weeks I have taken up the fight and have been treating myself. From the medication I am taking I have little appetite because of this I have lost some weight and can't enjoy food like I used to. I have had very little motivation to do anything lately and getting out of bed has been hard for me. Of course, I don't expect any support or understanding from you. I just want to be honest with you guys. Writing with you, taking photos and videos puts me in a really good mood. As of today, I have started to take action in small steps. I have recorded a video which is available wherever. I want to record it every day. I want to start eating slowly again and fighting for myself. I want to have as much joy in me again as before and recording for you makes me happy. The hardest thing was to just be honest with you guys and start taking action. I am proud of myself today for making this video. I hope it will get easier day by day and I will be more motivated to take action and more things will make me happy.  

Thank you for being here with me. You don't even know how much it always makes me happy when you like my pictures. I want to make a Halloween video and I hope it comes out great.

PS These photos were taken today. ❤️







Keep battling, take time out if you need to, and look after yourself. Hoping that you are okay and recover soon.

Take care CutieDonut!

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On 10/6/2023 at 10:43 PM, CutieDonut said:

Many of you probably already know about my current health problems. I don't want to make a big deal out of it. I just want to be honest with you. The current weeks have been really hard for me. (I don't want to write about it too much here either, because I know that most people are here because of how I'm gaining weight and not because of me. I don't want to bore you with my current state of health. I want you to know that the pictures I uploaded recently were pictures from August and early September. Back then, I still had a lot of strength and I liked taking pictures of myself because I really felt good about my body and I was proud of how I looked. Of course, I still have nothing bad to say about my appearance. Unfortunately, for the past few weeks I have taken up the fight and have been treating myself. From the medication I am taking I have little appetite because of this I have lost some weight and can't enjoy food like I used to. I have had very little motivation to do anything lately and getting out of bed has been hard for me. Of course, I don't expect any support or understanding from you. I just want to be honest with you guys. Writing with you, taking photos and videos puts me in a really good mood. As of today, I have started to take action in small steps. I have recorded a video which is available wherever. I want to record it every day. I want to start eating slowly again and fighting for myself. I want to have as much joy in me again as before and recording for you makes me happy. The hardest thing was to just be honest with you guys and start taking action. I am proud of myself today for making this video. I hope it will get easier day by day and I will be more motivated to take action and more things will make me happy.  

Thank you for being here with me. You don't even know how much it always makes me happy when you like my pictures. I want to make a Halloween video and I hope it comes out great.

PS These photos were taken today. ❤️







As other members said, you know most of us are not here just to check your gain process. You're really friendly, you answer almost all our comments and that's not usual here from a godness like you. And that builds a nice feedback relationship. It's obvuious that you gets us, and probably yourself, horny. But thats also true that we know or want to know a part of your whole life. 

We are not just interested in your new rolls, we are also interested in why you achieved this rolls. And when we think you're happier with every pound you gain, is when we're encouraging you to gain. If we know that your weight gain is painful for you, we prefer that you stay at your weight or lose it if you need. 

I told you before some times. You're for me like a dreamed girlfriend. I've my routine, my family my business and I'm happy and confortable with, but I know if I had a parallel life I want to spend it next to you, feeding you and getting myself also fat. But I just dream with if this fantasy GF enjoy the process, if not, it doesn't take sense. By the way, my fantasy, may be shared with another people here, is just that for us, a fantasy. For you is your reality. And your can enjoy but also should fight with (ennoying or ashaming comments of family, friends, workmates, more exhausted day by day because of the excess of weight, and a lot more of things we can't imagine). 

You know for me, you looked sexy at 45, 55, 75 or 90 kg. You've a sexy body building and you'll have at any weight. Don't worry about it and just enjoy your life! 


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  • Curvage Model

Thank you very much for such kind messages in my direction.❤️ I am glad that you care about me as a person. It means a lot to me. There are better days and worse days. Unfortunately there are a lot more of those worse days and it's hard to motivate myself to do anything. Unfortunately the weather outside the window doesn't help either. I keep telling myself that it's going to be okay and that I can do it and I believe it. It has to be good. Today for you I have some photos I found on my phone and I would like to share them with you. I don't think you have seen these photos and videos before. They are from 14 September if that is of interest to you.🥰







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7 minutes ago, CutieDonut said:

Thank you very much for such kind messages in my direction.❤️ I am glad that you care about me as a person. It means a lot to me. There are better days and worse days. Unfortunately there are a lot more of those worse days and it's hard to motivate myself to do anything. Unfortunately the weather outside the window doesn't help either. I keep telling myself that it's going to be okay and that I can do it and I believe it. It has to be good. Today for you I have some photos I found on my phone and I would like to share them with you. I don't think you have seen these photos and videos before. They are from 14 September if that is of interest to you.🥰







Take your pace to progress step by step, we will be patient waiting.

Remember that there are people in the community who care about the person before the fetish. 

Have an excellent week !!

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15 minutes ago, CutieDonut said:

Thank you very much for such kind messages in my direction.❤️ I am glad that you care about me as a person. It means a lot to me. There are better days and worse days. Unfortunately there are a lot more of those worse days and it's hard to motivate myself to do anything. Unfortunately the weather outside the window doesn't help either. I keep telling myself that it's going to be okay and that I can do it and I believe it. It has to be good. Today for you I have some photos I found on my phone and I would like to share them with you. I don't think you have seen these photos and videos before. They are from 14 September if that is of interest to you.🥰







You should spend some time with your loved ones. Sometimes taking some time and being with family is a great way to recover. If I were you I would also try to improve your diet (the part of me that loves seeing you gain weight is hating me). Even if you continue to eat large quantities of food, you should add more fruits and vegetables, perhaps go for walks. Of course, it takes more to gain weight like this, but it could help you (even if it doesn't replace medications and psychological visits). I would love to be there and make you big batches of delicious food.

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1 hour ago, CutieDonut said:

Thank you very much for such kind messages in my direction.❤️ I am glad that you care about me as a person. It means a lot to me. There are better days and worse days. Unfortunately there are a lot more of those worse days and it's hard to motivate myself to do anything. Unfortunately the weather outside the window doesn't help either. I keep telling myself that it's going to be okay and that I can do it and I believe it. It has to be good. Today for you I have some photos I found on my phone and I would like to share them with you. I don't think you have seen these photos and videos before. They are from 14 September if that is of interest to you.🥰







Just take your time and look after yourself your health is more important ❤️

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1 hour ago, CutieDonut said:

Thank you very much for such kind messages in my direction.❤️ I am glad that you care about me as a person. It means a lot to me. There are better days and worse days. Unfortunately there are a lot more of those worse days and it's hard to motivate myself to do anything. Unfortunately the weather outside the window doesn't help either. I keep telling myself that it's going to be okay and that I can do it and I believe it. It has to be good. Today for you I have some photos I found on my phone and I would like to share them with you. I don't think you have seen these photos and videos before. They are from 14 September if that is of interest to you.🥰







Thank you for always being so open with us. Your health is a lot more important than us and I wish you a fast recovery.
I'm sure you'll get through this! ❤️

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Guest Carcer89
8 hours ago, CutieDonut said:

Thank you very much for such kind messages in my direction.❤️ I am glad that you care about me as a person. It means a lot to me. There are better days and worse days. Unfortunately there are a lot more of those worse days and it's hard to motivate myself to do anything. Unfortunately the weather outside the window doesn't help either. I keep telling myself that it's going to be okay and that I can do it and I believe it. It has to be good. Today for you I have some photos I found on my phone and I would like to share them with you. I don't think you have seen these photos and videos before. They are from 14 September if that is of interest to you.🥰







Sending best wishes your way!

Please do take care.

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15 hours ago, CutieDonut said:

Thank you very much for such kind messages in my direction.❤️ I am glad that you care about me as a person. It means a lot to me. There are better days and worse days. Unfortunately there are a lot more of those worse days and it's hard to motivate myself to do anything. Unfortunately the weather outside the window doesn't help either. I keep telling myself that it's going to be okay and that I can do it and I believe it. It has to be good. Today for you I have some photos I found on my phone and I would like to share them with you. I don't think you have seen these photos and videos before. They are from 14 September if that is of interest to you.🥰







These bad times will fade away, of that I'm sure. :) 

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