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Emily Goes To College


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In the weeks that followed Thanksgiving, things were still a bit awkward between Emily and Carly, though they still were on good terms. The weeks leading up to the holiday break meant a heavy workload, and consequently, a lot of junk food.

Emily caved and bought new shirts, knowing she was to soon visit her family, and her weight gain was obvious enough without her wearing shirts that now exposed her belly button. Carly and Caitlyn as well had been stress eating. The big surprise however was Emeko, who after Thanksgiving, had seemed to do a 180 on her eating habits, going from the obsessive fitness fanatic to the glutton she was during the previous holidays. She was still in shape, but was back to her beginning-of-semester form.

Emily and Emeko were eating in the dining hall, when Emeko got up to get a third helping of beans and rice. "I'm getting some more. Do you want me to grab you some, Emily?"

"No, I'm stuffed. Thank you though."

Emily thought it was curious that her friend had fallen off the wagon so suddenly, marveling at the food baby, which still paled in comparison to her own gut. She was afraid to weigh herself, but she knew she had put onn weight since she last checked and figured she was hovering around 200.

Emeko sat back down. "It's a good thing I didn't throw out my old clothes! The holidays are dangerous."

"College is dangerous", Emily said, looking down at her body with a grim smile.


The day finally came for Emily to fly home for the holidays. Looking at her nude self in the mirror, she admired her large ass and breasts, but frowned as she stopped sucking in her stomach, which jutted out past her bust and over her waistband. Overcome with curiosity, she decided to dig out her scale, and stepped on. With no clothes and with an empty stomach, she weighed... 204.8 pounds.

She grabbed a handful of belly fat and sighed. "The Sophomore 15".

She threw on leggings, a large shirt and a coat that hid her curves, grabbed her suitcase, and was on her way home.


Emily's mother spotted her daughter at the airport, and looked at her for a minute. 'Well she hasn't lost any weight... Stop! She's my daughter and I don't need to be obsessed with her weight," she waved. "Emily!"

When they arrived at the house, Emily's father and brother greeted her with hugs. Emily's brother still wasn't used to her sister's round face and chubby body, and was taken aback by just how large and soft she was. "It's great to see you! Take off your coat. Grab a beer!"

Emily's thick thighs, larger ass and big belly covered, but not hidden by her long red shirt were the elephant in the room, but they didn't dare bring it up. The next few days were filled with drinking (much to her mother's chagrin), eating and hanging out. Emily's friends were all staying at school for Christmas or out of town, but she enjoyed the family time,


On Christmas day, Emily got lots of great gifts, including some shirts and sweaters that she thought might actually fit. She went to go try them on after unwrapping all the gifts and found even fitting into her plus-size shirts to be a struggle. She eventually decided to wear a yellow shirt, that, while tight, at least covered everything.

Christmas dinner was amazing - a large pot roast with mash potatoes, and assorted vegetables on the side. Emily, already quite buzzed, forgot about her tight clothes, and had three helpings of dinner, when her father asked. "Does anybody still have room for pie?"

"I do." Emily said, getting up from her chair. Her mother watched in horror, as her daughter, with a larged stuffed belly hanging out of the largest shirt she had bought for her, burying her large slice of pumpkin pie in copious amounts of whipped cream. Still, she kept her mouth shut, and did so for the rest of the holiday break.

All of Emily's new clothes were extremely snug as she got ready to board her plane back to school, but she was okay with it. She had had a wonderful break, and her family didn't judge her. "Love you mom", she said, hugging her mother and walking on to the plane.

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this story is really excellent; it's one of the main reasons I log onto curvage. the way you have kept it realistic makes it incredibly hot. thank you for this

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  • 2 weeks later...


Emily was sad to see her two weeks of relaxation and family fun come to an end, and the return to the grind of academia. She was excited to see her friends though.

Emily removed her coat and her body jiggled as she walked into her house. Her tight pink shirt hugged her volumptuous torso, failing to conceal her naval, which hung over the thick thighs her leggings clung to like a glove. She had put on some weight since she'd seen her friends, but they must be used to that by now. She brushed a lock of black hair out of her round face and exclaimed, "Emeko!"

Emeko beamed and hugged her friend. "Emily! It's so great to see you! How was your break?"

"Amazing! I think I might have over-indulged myself though... Just a bit," Emily said, chuckling.

"I know, right? It feels so good to not have to suck it in any more," Emeko replied, patting her belly, which was noticably larger than it had been before the holidays. "My mom would have killed me if she'd caught me sneaking pastries. Speaking of which, have you eaten?"

Emily, who'd had a burrito on the way home, shrugged. "I could eat."


it didn't take long for the stresses of school to get to Emily. Though she tried to keep track of her food intake to a certain degree, she knew she would soon need new clothes once again. However, Emeko had clearly reverted back to her fat girl habits, and then some - regularly making cookies ("study fuel") and drinking multiple cups of cocoa daily.

By the first of February, Emeko was nearly to her end-of-Freshman year weight, and didn't appear to mind, as she strutted around the house in a tight striped shirt, which accentuated her gut that had once again overtaken her breasts. Caitlyn, sporting thicker thighs and a double chin at times, was initally dressing conservatively around the house, before quickly realizing she was once again the skinny one.

Emily noticed her friend's weight gain, but was preoccupied with school and a fling with a guy she had met at a party.


Carly woke up and sighed. Valentine's Day had come and once again, she was single and lonely. Then came a knock on the door. "Hey, can I come in," aked Emeko in a quiet voice. Carly groggily opened the door.

Emeko walked in, wearing jeans and a T-Shirt three sizes too small, exposing her belly. 

"Close the door."

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Carly embraced Emeko, kissing her, and squeezing her love handles. Emeko removed her pants, and Carly's shirt, which revealed her ample bust and stretch-marked belly. Carly's usually stern face had a glow to it Emeko had never before as they removed the rest of their clothes and proceeded to make love.


It was Valentine's Day, and Emily had a date with Jack, who she'd been seeing the last couple months. She'd always liked Jack, shy as he was. He was in the same program as her, but hadn't shown any real interest until this school year, and his pursuit intensified after the holidays.

Emily was at a loss for what to wear. She had bags full of clothes she loved, but was in denial about the fact that she'd never wear again. Her skirts barely made it up her thick thighs and didn't have a prayer against her ass. She sucked in her gut to button upper largest blouse only to pop a button off when she let up.

Ultimately, she chose a tight blue dress that more than accentuated her curves, hugging her ass, displaying ample amounts of cleavage, and putting her pot belly and back rolls on full display. She didn't care - Jack didn'y mind. He REALLY didn't mind.

Caitlyn snickered when she saw Emily. Emily turned around. "What?"



After spending the last two hours in bed, Carly had to ask. "Where did that come from?"

Emeko rolled over and kissed her on the cheek. "I overheard you two... on Thanksgiving. About your fantasies. I... I thought it was kind of hot, And I felt jealous! Really fucking jealous of Emily. It was at that moment that I realized that I wanted to be with you."

Carli's eyes widened. "So.. Your weight.."

Emeko beamed proudly. "Up 30 pounds since that day. I just checked yesterday, I'm up to 162. It's been a lot of fun!"

"But... your mom?"

"... Is gonna kill me. But you know what? I'm an adult, and I'm happy. So what do you think?"

Carly looked at her for a moment andburst into tears. "This is the best day of my life."

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Emily woke up with a splitting headache in an unfamiliar bed to the smell of bacon.

"Hey sleepyhead. You're finally up. You can borrow my pajamas - they're on the dresser. There's breakfast for you when you're ready," she heard Jack say.

She sat at the edge of the bed, her belly hanging over her thighs. Emily saw that Jack had laid out a glass of water and some Advil, which she promptly took. She put on the pajama pants, which were snug but too long, and a tight band T-shirt.



In the coming weeks, Caitlyn and Emily noticed Emeko and Carly spending more time together, but were too busy to think anything of it. What they did notice was that there always seemed to be baked goods lying around the house, which tended to be cycled through quickly. Caitlyn more or less resisted them, but Emily got into the guilty daily habit of serving herself a generous serving of cake for breakfast and desert.

Emily caved and went to Lane Bryant to purchase new clothes. Bursting out of everything, she knew she needed to look respectable and not in denial of her expanding figure. Jack was slightly disappointed when Emily came to his house and her belly wasn't visibly hanging over skintight spandex, but had a feeling these new clothes would eventually suffer the same fate.

In her room, Emily looked at herself in the mirror. Even with widened cheeks and a double chin she still had a beautiful face. Her once tan, toned arms were now fluffy and pale, while her now DD bust dominated her tanktop. Emily's once flat belly drooped over her waistband, and began to show stretch faint stretch marks. She sighed as her bed gave an audible wheeze when she plopped on to it.


Carly and Emeko were sharing a full-size cake in Emeko's room while working on homework. "Do you think they know?', Carly asked,

"They've got to. Us hanging out all the time, the pastries lying around, THIS," Emeko said, lifting up her shirt and patting her now considerable gut.

"I dunno. Have you seen Emily lately? She might be blowing up faster than you are!"

Emeko objected, "she is not!"

Carly laughed. "Someone's jealous."

"We've been dating less than a month and I'm already up three sizes. I'll be bigger than her before the quarter ends."

Carly embraced her. "God you're sexy."

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After several months of intense studying, the girls were happy to experience the reprieve of Spring Break. While Caitlyn and Carly opted to see family, Emily and Emeko stayed home for the week.

Emeko, wearing a black tanktop that revealed her thick arms, and hugged her pot belly like a glove, asked Emily what she wanted to do.

Emily thought about it for a moment. "We should go to a party!"

Emeko smiled. "I'll get ready!"


Emily and Emeko arrived at the apartment of one of Caitlyn's friends, Emily wearing a tight red dress nearly bursting at the seams, and Emeko jeans and a loose fitting shirt. As the night progressed, the two of them became increasingly inebriated, and after each turning down offers to go home with guys, decided to call it a night around 1 AM.

On their way home, they passed a Jack in the Box. Emeko looked at her friend. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

After devouring their massive meals, Emeko had unbuttoned her jeans, and Emily patted her large stuffed belly and joked, "I think my water just broke." The two of them laughed. "I got so fat", Emily lamented.

"You and me both!"

"Not as much as me... What happened though? You got pretty skinny there for a while."

Emeko realized she'd messed up. "Oh... Well, I guess I just realized that I loved food and not exercising more than being skinny."

Emily looked at her with a smirk. "Are you sure it doesn't have something to do with a certain roommate of ours?"

Emeko blushed. "How obvious is it?"

"Well, to a person that isn't blind, very. Caitlyn knows too, she just doesn't care."

"Oh. Well, uh."

"I'm happy for you too. Just be careful. I doubled my size without trying - you look beautiful, but do take care of yourself, promise?"

"Pinky swear."


The next morning, Emily woke up to the sound of a knock on the door. With a headache and still bloated from the previous night, she put on some pajama pants, and a T-shirt a couple sizes too small and answered the door.

A thin asian woman was there, shocked at the sight of the stout, unkempt girl in front of her. "Hi, are you Carly?" 

"It's Emily actually", she said, shaking the woman's hand.

"Emily! You're different rom how I pictured you. I'm Sue, Emeko's mother. May I come in?"

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Emeko yawned, walking into the living room wearing a tight nightgown, unbuttoned at her belly when she stopped in her tracks. "Mom..."

Emeko's mother's eyes widened. Her daughter, who she'd seen just three months prior, was fat again. Her round, double-chinned face and wide figure was even larger than she'd come home for summer break. Her pot belly, sucked in to no avail, showed faint stretch marks around its button.

"Emeko... what HAPPENED?!"

"I uh, school, it's..."

"Is this your way of lashing out against me? You're huge. You had to have done this on purpose...:"

"No, I..."

"You're a terrible liar Emeko. You know, I really thought this was going to be fun. Meeting your friends, exercising together... How do you expect to find yourself a man if you don't care at all about your appearance?"


"Don't 'mom' me! This is disgusting."


"I guess marriage-"

"MOM! I have a girlfriend!"

The room went silent. Emily attempted to sneak out of the room. Teresa snapped at her, "where do you think you're going? Are you her girlfriend? Is getting fat some little game you too play?"

Emily responded, "no"

"Carly's my girlfriend, and yes, you could call it that. We both find gaining weight... It's hard to explain."

"I don't want to here it. This is insane," her mother said, grabbing her things. "I'm going home. You've made your choice. Enjoy eating yourself to death."

"Wait!", but she was gone...


Emeko was in tears after the visit. "Can I get you something? Kleenex? Cake? Liquor?"

"Cake? The last thing I need is CAKE", Emeko screamed, grabbing her belly fat. "My mom's right, this is insane. What am I doing?"

"Well, she is and she isn't. You look beautiful, but if Carly truly cares about you, you don't need to be constantly gaining weight on purpose. I mean, look at me. I got huge without even trying!"

"So what are you suggesting?"

"Eat what you want, but not more than that. Don't eat for the sake of gaining weight, eat because it's one of life's joys."

"But my mom..."

"Won't accept it for a while, but she loves you. She'll come around."

"She thought I was straight too..."

Emily scratched the back of her neck uneasily. "It was a lot to process. Give her some time. I think she'll be accepting in time.

Emeko sniffled, but smiled. "Hey Emily. Do you still have that cake?"


In the process of consoling Emeko over the difficult week, Emily and her had nearly cleaned out he pantry, which has been full of fattening foods.

Emily put on some pajama pants and one of her larger T-Shirts, and looked in the mirror. She was taken aback by how wide her body was, how round her once sharp features were. Her naval poked out from under the bottom of her shirt, and her stomach protruded several inches past her double-D breasts. She was a BBW, no other way around it.

Emily pulled out her scale and got on, not sure what to expect. Sucking her gut in to be able to read the numbers, she was unsurprised to see that they read 232.6 pounds.

She just shrugged. 'Time to buy new clothes!'

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The Sunday before school was to resume, Carly came home and beamed at the sight of her girlfriend Emeko having ballooned even more, her naval visibly hanging over her tight jeans. Their pot bellies touched as they hugged each other.

"Hey you," Carly said, with adoration.


"Something wrong?"

"Yeah. I need to talk to you about something."

Carly gave her a concerned look as Emeko continued, "So, my mom was here a few days ago." Carly's eyes widened. "Yeah. She saw this, chewed me out and was gone in fifteen minutes... Would you still want to be with me if I... if I stopped gaining weight? I mean, I don't see myself losing this but-"

"Of course! Oh my god Emeko. I'm so sorry! You can do whatever you want with your body. You'll always be sexy to me. Heh, I could gain for both of us. My mom would be a hypocrite if she complained, heh..."

Emeko smiled. "Thanks Carly. It's good to see you. You look great."

Carly chuckled. "Thanks, you too. So you're not gaiing any more, huh," she teased, poking Emeko's belly.

"You're one to talk," laughed Emeko, poking her plump girlfriend back.


A bit after Emeko and Carly had... caught up with each other, Caitlyn strolled in. "Hey guys!" Caitlyn too, had put on some weight. The two of them had noticed t hat the blond, while not overweight, had filled out since they'd known her, and both of their eyes focused on her tan beer belly, which was now pierced.

As they stared, Caitlyn cleared her throat and said, "well my break was amazing! You've got to go to Miami some time. Those beaches are aMAZING! Well, I'm gonna hop in the shower! See you lovebirds around."

Emeko and Carly looked at each other and smiled.


Emily was at Jack's place watching Netflix with him. "Oh man. Nine o'clock. I'd better get going - class tomorrow," she said, grabbing the remote with her pudgy hand.

"Alright, good night beautiful." Emily gave him a kiss on the cheek and grabbed her things. On her way to the door, she dropped her keys. "Oops," she said, bending over, giving Jack a nice view of her huge ass and lower back.


As her sophomore year in college came to a close, Emily picked up a new part-time job and had finally gotten the hang of balancing work with school and a social life. She continued to not exercise and eat whatever she wanted, but with the pantries *slightly* less stocked than they had been, her weight gain had slowed. The night before she was to go home for a week after the semester had ended, she gave herself one last look-over.

She was a total bombshell. Her large breasts hung over a perfectly round belly that had just the lightest hang and the faintest of stretch marks. Her flabby arms and gelationous tights jiggled as she walked around her room. She grabbed a handful of flab. 'I wonder...'

Emily pulled out her scale and got on it. It read 240.3. '240 huh? That's a good weight.' She put the scale away and went to bed smiling.



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Thanks to all who read this and gave me positive feedback (no pun intended). After reading some very enjoyable stories on here (Michelle's Rite of Passage and The Sculpting of Kate being my favorites), I thought I'd post something on here. Turns out it's harder than I thought! Still, I'm glad that despite the clunky writing, numerous typos (posting this on a tablet), short chapters and repetitive plot that y'all enjoyed reading this. I certainly enjoyed writing it. ;)

I'd also like to thank the contributers and admins of this site that have made it such an awesome place to lurk for so many years.

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Sorry to see it end. One of my favorites for sure. How about an Epilogue to tie up loose ends. Perhaps two years down the road at graduation. Or a small story partII.So much potential here with your main characters.Believe it or not. Emily has become the least interesting in some ways. I could envision the lovebirds at 350 apiece. And you left a Fabulous opening for Caitlyn in two years. 

Anyway. Thanks for a Great Story 

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