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  1. So good that the nut made me spasm 🥵lol😜
  2. Love the more and more your waddling on twitch getting harder and harder to get up and down that chair and bend down for things with your belly starting to get in the way and your big plushy behind throwing you off balance with your wide hips and soft arms and soft cheeks I get gushy but lord almighty you growing so proportionally well it’s so rare your shape just the thought is enough to satisfy a lucky man with your everlastingly Growing perfection
  3. this fetish is making me lazier and late everywhere.. at least I hit my target heart rate 10 ten times a day!

  4. Redo a full body view if you can the treadmill might have to do 3 sessions for different angles and see how that belly jiggles being the center of your gravity running with it hanging all the way out completely relaxed, extended while pushing your legs to lift all that belly in the way of raising your legs as high as you barely can huffing puffing trying to swing your arms around your new circumference of orbital width making earthquakes in each step torturing those poor muscles that have never prepared to be abused every time you have to move around you could definitely use some good body rubs for all that soreness I’m sure but letting go and insatiably stuffing yourself is way too good for a prized hog pass up on every chance it gets being sure stay the roundest porkiest piggy. Maybe power walk thunderously while enjoying some in hand ice creams; pregame pasta stuffings hmmm 😉💕
  5. Bruhh I never thought I’d see you again my eyes widened just now as I saw a link to you lol I remember I used to really enjoy an old ** thread of you years ago but so glad and thankful you still exist and are on here like wow🥰🥴🙌🏼
  6. lol implants a dream? I like the Real stuff.. all natural. Plus this young lady already has curves in every place you could ask for. This womans body doesn’t need Any procedures done! So lets Not encourage an already perfect woman to get work done I’d probably cry.
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