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Fattening the princess


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Felt inspired and banged this out today. Wanted to try writing one of these in a medieval/fantasy setting, so here's the first chapter of what hopefully ends up being a fun multi part saga. Thoughts and feedback very welcome.


Chapter One: A Royal Predicament


King Edmund of Westvalen scowled down the comically long table in the palace dining hall.
"Brianna, for god's sake, stop staring at me like that. You are marrying Prince Ryker, and that is that.'
Brianna didn't let up the death stare, of which she was a veteran of at age 22, and folded her arms across her chest.
'Father, excuse my bluntness, but I find Prince Ryker to be truly abhorrent in nearly every respect. I would sooner marry the dead fish I saw in the wastebasket outside the kitchen.'
King Edmund sighed and ran a hand through his meagre head of hair. His daughter's defiance was nothing new, and she was only becoming more troublesome the closer the wedding date loomed.
'My sweet, it is not about whether you love Prince Ryker, it is about the greater good for our kingdom,' Edmund said. 'It is about the unification of two peoples. It is about trade, about industry, about cooperation. Surely you, as heir to the throne, can understand this?
Brianna shrugged. 'If marrying Prince Ryker is to be my primary function in this life as one of royal blood, then I wish to respectfully withdraw from my duties.'
Edmund shook his head, in awe of the girl's selfishness. 'Come now Brianna, it takes two for a marriage to work. With that attitude, of course Prince Ryker will always be a name of infamy to you. You need to make the effort, because he certainly is.'
Edmund then let out a chuckle and gave his wife a gentle nudge from beside him.
'Why, you should have seen your mother's face when she walked down the aisle! But we're thick as thieves now, eh Katrina?
Queen Katrina acknowledged this with a curt smile and took a swig from her goblet, her gaze never rising to meet her daughter's.
Brianna rolled her eyes and pushed back her chair. 'Well, I'm all finished. I will be going up to my room now.'
'Very well. But I expect a major change in your attitude by the time Prince Ryker visits again. Do not be mistaken that you have any choice in this matter Brianna.'
Brianna kept a regal demeanour until she was in the corridor outside the dining hall, where she immediately began cursing her father under her breath, her pace quickening. She couldn't believe the injustice of the situation. A future as Lucien Ryker's queen? Please! She doubted that Ryker had ever so much as smiled in his life, and his default expression was as if he was constantly smelling some putrid stench that solely reached his nostrils. She didn't like the way he talked to their servants, and his humourless, holier-than-thou demeanour that sucked the lifeblood from every room. 
And he wasn't even cute!
Brianna found herself  grimacing as she strode down the shadowy, lantern lit corridor to the tower entrance as she mentally recalled Lucien Ryker's lacking physical features.
He was tall (he did, at least, have that going for him) but his body was spindly and hunched, with a pointed, birdlike face with a dollop of greasy black hair nested on top. His eyes were beady and set too close together, and his fingers looked like claws. 
In short, a perfect husband.    
Brianna could name plenty of castle servants or common peasants from the town that she would rather be courted by. There was Rasmus, son of the village blacksmith. Alistair, one of the kingdom's top farmhands. Under the circumstances, even Rowan the village thief would probably do. There was no shortage of dashing young men within the castle walls either, such as -.
Lost in thought, Brianna had rounded the corner and collided with none other than Ben, a handsome 22 year old villager who the castle employed as a servant.
Upon seeing he had almost knocked the princess to her feet, Ben gasped and bowed.
'M'lady, I am so sorry. I was walking far too briskly and-.'
'Nonsense, stand up straight Benjamin,' Brianna smirked as her blue eyes met his brown ones. 'And what did we discuss a few weeks ago about calling me "M'lady"?
'That if I stopped calling you "M'lady", then you wouldn't call me Benjamin? Ben replied somewhat sheepishly.
'Exactly. I didn't think we were on such such rigid terms personally. Or am I wrong?'
"I..." Ben briefly found himself at a loss for words. It was common knowledge among the men of the kingdom that the princess was off limits, but lately Ben seemed to be regularly finding himself in these curious interactions where the young woman seemed to be prodding him for something. Ben was not stupid. He could, of course, detect in the girl's eyes alone those flickers of desire. The truth was, Ben craved Brianna as much, if not more, than she craved him. He found her to be the most beautiful woman in the kingdom, the matter of her royalty irrelevant. A slender girl (like all the maidens of Westvalen), she had a mane of brown hair that tumbled down to her waist. Today, her hair was pulled back in an extravagant braid, which served to accentuate her beautiful facial features. Her cheekbones were strong and defined, further accentuated by the slimness of her face. Her eyes were large, but cool and intelligent, and her dimpled smile never failed to make his heart flutter. She was wearing a simple red dress that clung to what little figure she had, and Ben wanted nothing more than to fling his arms around her and kiss her right then and there.
This was the moment Ben's survival instincts tended to kick in and remind him that if the wrong person merely suspected anything between them... well, he didn't want to think about that. 
He liked his head just where it was.
Finally regaining his senses, Ben smiled at her.
'Of course not Brianna. I was just on my way out back to town, and I really must get going before the front gates shut. I would very much like to sleep in my own bed tonight, as opposed to a spare chamber in the castle.'
'Yes, yes, of course', Brianna said, her eyes flickering with disappointment. 'Best be on your way then.'
'Thank you. I bid you a pleasant evening princess.'
Ben turned and got no sooner than five steps before Brianna called; 'But if the worst were to happen and you were stuck in the castle for the night, just know that there is plenty of room in my chamber for guests.'
Ben had to bite his tongue to avoid replying with something cheeky or, even worse, actually taking the girl up on her offer. He knew she was due to be married to that rude royal rapscallion from another kingdom soon, and deduced that to be the cause for her increasingly rash behavior around him. She wanted out, and he felt terribly for her. 
Ignoring her despite every ounce of his will desiring the opposite, he continued on his way, feeling her eyes on his back until he rounded the corner.   




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10 hours ago, butterboy said:

I remember dming you about Expansion of Emily 2(!) years ago.

Looking forward to finally reading the princess story you hinted about

I remember that. Damn, that long huh? I've been out of the writing game too long.

I appreciate the interest. Hopefully this one turns out ok and I can improve on Expansion of Emily. I'm finding the change of setting really freeing so far. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Chapter Two: The Plan


A few days later, Ben was clipping one of the hedges in the castle courtyard from the highest rung of his ladder. From the perspective of a spectator unaquainted with daily views of him on the job, he looked somewhat precarious balanced at the top with his clippers, though the more informed would know that Ben was the most efficient groundsman of the castle's servants. It was certainly one of his favourite jobs, though not necessarily because of the work itself. It was because, on warm sunny days such as this one, princess Brianna would also be out wandering the grounds. Sometimes alone, sometimes with her two closest compatriots, Lady Camilla of Arundell and Lady Claudia of Vandermere. Both maidens travelled from nearby regions every weekend to socialize with the sheltered princess, and they were both daughters of two of the wealthier families of Westvalen. Despite his attention being reserved for Brianna, Ben had to concede that both of these women would make more than adequate wives. Both were beautiful in their own way, with the tall and graceful Camilla's thick mane of silky auburn hair never failing to turn heads, who contrasted and complimented nicely with the shorter, sunnier and blonder Claudia. Still, neither matched up to the regal Brianna, and Ben silently cursed the fact that not even these two women would be caught dead marrying a simple servant boy like him. He could see the three maidens over the top of the hedge, laughing together in the garden near the fountain. The pitfalls of life as a peasant working under the aristocrats. The prospect of a higher class of woman, being dangled right there in front of him everyday. So close yet so frustratingly distant, the class rules of society forging an invisible wall between him and his utmost desires.
'But how distant? Ben thought, recalling some of his recent exchanges with the princess, particularly the incident days ago in which he had been more or less invited up to her tower for lovemaking. He immediately blocked out these thoughts. It didn't matter if she wanted him as much as he wanted her. the barrier existed on both ends. She was royalty and he was a peasant, and if anything happened between them his right to an existence would be brought up for question by the Royal Court. Ben was suddenly interrupted from these bleak thoughts by a familiar voice from down below.
'Get your arse down here lad, I know full well the damned hedge doesn't need more trimming!
Ben looked down and smirked, his mood uplifted by the sight of his boss, Master Reynard, gawking up at him from under his bushy white beard and mustache.
Ben climbed down and faced the wise but wizened features of his superior. Reynard was a frail old man of seventy-five who Ben could confidently call a close friend. He knew it was a luxury to get on so well with your boss, and he liked listening to Reynard's bounty of tales about his life working on the castlegrounds. Reynard, in turn, liked Ben's work ethic and his company even more. He had never had children, but he felt an almost fatherly affection for Ben after all the years of keeping him under his employment.
'What's the deal boss, I was making such progress.' Ben grinned. 'You know full well the hedges never look better than when they are under my watch.'
Reynard raised his bushy eyebrows. 'Ah, under your watch, precisely. Though for some reason, I harbour doubts that it was the hedges that were the focus of your gaze...'
Ben blushed and shrugged, but Reynard but a hand on his shoulder.
'Walk with me to the stalls boy, that was exactly what I wanted to discuss with you.'
Ben's heart began to race. He had never formally discussed his near-debilitating crush on Princess Brianna with Reynard before, though he suspected the old man had a vague idea after catching him daydreaming on the job a number of times. 
At the very least, Ben was expecting a stern lecture.
'You like the girl, don't you? Reynard said as they strolled across the rolling fields toward the horse stalls.
'I..., Ben found himself tongue-tied by the bluntness of the question, which Reynard met with patient silence.
Finally, Ben blurted out: 'You're not working with the King on this, are you?
Reynard let out a hearty laugh and slapped Ben on the back.
'Oh my dear boy, if that wasn't so funny I would be completely heartbroken! Do you really believe that at my age, after all the years, all the drinks and all the tales you and I have shared, that I would be snooping around trying to get you executed?
Now that it was put this way, Ben felt foolish.
'I'm sorry Master, forgive my lapse in judgment. One can't be too careful around here.'
'Oh don't apologize lad, you are wise to question everyone and everything,' Reynard said with a twinge of melancholy. 'You are my favourite around here Benjamin, and I need your help.'
Ben frowned. 'Help? How so?
'We'll get to all that in a minute,' Reynard said. 'But first, answer my question. You like the girl very much, yes?
'Oh, much more than that,' Ben said. 'I would give my life for her, if the situation demanded it.'
Reynard nodded, stroking his beard contemplatively. 'And you believe the girl feels a certain affection toward you in return?
'Oh without a doubt. She openly flirts with me, and a few nights ago even invited me up to the tower after hours, which I declined against every base desire in my body telling me otherwise.'
Reynard nodded. 'Excellent, excellent...'
'But master, what's all this about?
Reynard paused, as if debating with himself how best to word it.
'Given your fondness of the girl, I would assume the arranged coupling with Lucien Ryker has been a matter of, shall we say, annoyance to you?
Ben laughed. 'Annoyance?! Ha! I dare say Master, age has not undermined your unique talent for understating the matters at hand.'
Reynard did not join the laughter this time, his expression remaining stony.
'Yes, I suppose annoyance would be putting it mildly. In fact, I pity the fool who would merely be annoyed at what is going on behind the walls of that castle.'
He met Ben's gaze, his bushy eyebrows raised.
'Do you know anything about Lucien Ryker's people boy?
Ben furrowed his brow in thought. 'The Alkaranians? I know their kingdom is set deep in the mountains, and that they are a rich people. I know nobody who has ventured there, so stories are somewhat difficult to come by.
Reynard nodded. 'Very rich indeed. And how, may I ask, do you think they have amassed their wealth?
After a brief pause in thought, Ben said: 'Power and control?
Reynard nodded again, his demeanour becoming more excitable.
'Precisely, precisely! The Alkaranians have control over numerous smaller kingdoms across the land, plundering their resources and labour. But not through the use of force, that is the key! They are an imperialist people, yes, but war is an outdated and barbarian concept in these civilized times. When you have the power, like they do, then all that needs to be done for control is to quietly infiltrate the Royal class of a society.'
Ben's eyes had grown very wide. 'So what you're saying is, we're on the verge of a takeover?
Reynard nodded, his eyes gleaming. 'You catch on quickly boy. Yes, Westvalen will become a mere puppet state of that foul regime if this marriage goes through. Imagine, what better way to take over a kingdom than for the king to announce a new 'trade partnership' with the Alkaranians, with the marriage of his daughter to their prince the ultimate public facade of allegiance and assimilation? It pains me to say this Benjamin, but most of the peasantry around here wouldn't think twice about it.'
'But surely the king and queen wouldn't allow this to happen! Ben exclaimed. 'They care deeply for their people, and not to mention their only daughter!
Reynard chuckled. 'Ah, the joys of being young and naive. My boy, the Royal class are nothing like you and me, and don't think for a second that they won't be benefitting greatly from a takeover. Things will get much, much worse for the everyday peasant around these parts if the Alkaranians succeed, while the Royals will reap an abundance of rewards in exchange for their puppet leadership.
Ben, his worldview shattered, had gone quiet.
Reynard waited patiently for him to respond, respecting that it was a lot of information for a young servant to take in.
After what felt like minutes, Ben finally broke the silence.
'So what did you have in mind to stop it?
'Well,' Reynard said. 'In our own invisible, non-violent way, I supposed we could help make Brianna a little, shall we say, undesirable for our dear Lucien Ryker.'
Ben, struggling to reconcile these two things, shook his head.
'Uh Master, with all due respect, but the princess as undesirable? What foolhardy scheme is this?
Reynard cleared his throat. 'What would you think,' he said, his voice vaguely apprehensive, 'If I proposed that we fatten our dear Brianna like livestock so Ryker will delay, or if we're lucky, completely break off the marriage?
Ben was stunned. The proposal was so ridiculous that he would normally have burst out laughing, except the deadly serious circumstances had sucked any potential levity from the situation.
Instead, Ben said; 'But how would that work? Someone around the castle would suspect something, and we don't even know if the princess would agree to something as outlandish as that.'
'Don't you worry,' Reynard said as they finally reached the stalls, stopping in front of the entrance. 'I have not devised this little plot on my own. There are a number of, shall we say, accomplices inside and outside these castle walls that will assist in our efforts, with a number of those individuals being in the castle kitchens. As long as the princess agrees, we will succeed.'
'But how do we get her to agree to such a thing? Ben asked. 'She is very beautiful, and she could be very vain.'
Reynard smiled again. 'Ah, now that is where you and your unique skillset come in Benjamin. Who better to convince her to get fat than a handsome young man that she fancies, and who desires her just as much? Love can certainly make you do crazy things.' Reynard chuckled to himself. 'That I know for sure.'
'So am I to tell her our plot then? Ben asked.
Reynard's eyes widened. 'Heavens no! You must pitch this solely as a means for you two to be able to be together and nothing else, and quench any of her fears by insisting that you will stand by her regardless of her size.' He chuckled again. 'Personally, I can't think of anything more romantic.'
Ben could, but he kept his mouth shut.
'So when do I get a moment alone with her? It's not like she's the most accessible person in the world.'
'That,' Reynard said as he put a hand on Ben's shoulder. 'Has already been arranged. It appears that a random spot clean of the princess's tower was cleared by yours truly for tomorrow night just after dinner. Would you care to take a guess who I nominated for the job?
Ben sighed. 'So this is actually happening then? I really don't know if I can do this sir.'
'Sleep on it,' Reynard said as he clapped him lightly on the shoulder. 'I know it's a lot to take in, and there is an element of risk for all of us, but it will be an utter disaster for our kingdom if this marriage goes through. An utter, utter disaster. The stakes have never been higher, and if this succeeds it will help us bide our time to come up with more organized strategies of resistance against the Alkaranians. You will be a hero if you do your part Ben, and most importantly, you are the only person I believe can do it. I bid you a well rested evening.'
Reynard turned and walked back toward the castle, leaving Ben at the stalls, his mind a whirlwind.
Tomorrow night was going to be very interesting. 


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Guest fenjoyer
On 7/5/2022 at 1:55 PM, GetThiccer said:

'Don't you worry,' Reynard said as they finally reached the stalls, stopping in front of the entrance. 'I have not devised this little plot on my own. There are a number of, shall we say, accomplices inside and outside these castle walls that will assist in our efforts, with a number of those individuals being in the castle kitchens. As long as the princess agrees, we will succeed.'



Excited to see how deep the conspiracy goes.

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  • 5 months later...


Apologies for the hiatus. Going to try and resurrect this.


Chapter Three: The Proposition


Ben was just about ready to pass out once Brianna finally walked into her bedroom at the top of the tower. He had been in her room with his cleaning supplies for close to 45 minutes, and the anticipation was killing him. She had been due in at 7, but dinner had apparently gone late as the clock informed him that it was twenty past. His heart had been smashing against his chest in anticipation, and Ben was doing everything in his power to avoid breaking out into a nervous sweat. Grossing out the princess with his odour was the last thing he needed right now. Ben whirled around in surprise as he heard the creak of the double doors open, almost dropping his cleaning rag. He had almost resigned himself to the fact that the princess wouldn't be coming up at all, and he wouldn't have to make his terrifying and insane proposal. But alas, there she was, eyes wide in an equal amount of surprise.
'Well, it appears this evening isn't a total sham after all', Brianna said as she shut the doors behind her. 'To what am I owed this pleasure Benjamin?
I- I'm just giving your quarters a spot clean m'lady', Ben stammered as he tried to pull himself together. Brianna looked as beautiful as ever, her lean figure encased in a figure hugging green dress and her dark silky hair cascading down to her waist.
She frowned a little at his response, and Ben didn't have to look too hard to detect the disappointment.
'Oh. Well, better get back to it then. I shall be turning in soon.'
She strode past him to her bed, and Ben noticed a more troubled aspect to her demeanour that wasn't usually present. Not to mention, she had forgotten to call him out on his use of 'm'lady'. 
Something was amiss.
'Just about done up here anyway', Ben said as he set down his rag. 'I have to say, I was expecting you up here a lot earlier. Was dinner prepared late?
Brianna chuckled sadly as she flounced onto her bed. 'Oh no, nothing like that. If you would really like to know, my father is a royal pain in the arse.'
Ben raised his eyebrows as he sidled closer to the bed. 'Really? How so?
'Well, he -, Brianna paused, her eyes narrowed at him. 'I can trust you, right Ben? You won't be gossiping about my troubles to the maids?
'It would never occur to me to do such a thing,' Ben said as he sat on the edge of her bed. 'Your secrets are safe with me Brianna.'
She took a deep breath and crossed her legs.
'Well, I'm due to be married soon,' Brianna said, her speech slower and more methodical than usual. 'Well actually, my father is the one who's getting married. To the Alkaranians. You know of them?
Ben nodded, rapt with attention.
'Well, I had no say in the matter of course. One evening my father announced to me that I would be marrying Lucien Ryker, an Alkaranian prince. All for political purposes of course, interests I certainly have no vested interests in.' She chuckled. 'Not to mention, the man has to be one of the most loathsome and repulsive beings I have ever met in my life. So I'm sure you can imagine where I stand on the matter, and what my father thinks.'
'That's horrible,' Ben said. 'And your father isn't backing down?
Brianna shook her head. 'Never. I am not a person with agency to the wretched man, but a woman, and therefore a pawn in his silly political games.'
Ben felt himself flush, though this time from anger rather than nerves.
'And what does that make your father then? Certainly not a man, if his only daughter's happiness is worth less than the riches of his throne. Brianna, mark my words, you deserve only the very best.'
Brianna sidled up next to him and touched his hand.
'Thank you Ben. It's a shame it isn't you that I'm being married off to. I'm going to miss you when I'm gone.'
Ben, suddenly realising that Brianna would likely be carted off to live among the Alkaranians in some strange faraway kingdom, found himself gripped with an even greater sense of urgency.
He squeezed her hand and stared deep into her eyes.
'What if I told you it didn't have to be this way? What if I told you there was a way we could be together instead?
'But Ben, my father...' Brianna murmured before Ben shushed her.
'What if I told you that we could, if we're lucky, get Prince Ryker out of the picture permanently? What would you say then?
'I... that's impossible Ben,' Brianna said, her hopeful eyes communicating the opposite sentiment. 'The deal has long since been made.'
Ben shook his head slowly, their faces growing closer.
'What if,' he whispered. 'What if I told you I have a plan?
Brianna was silent for a moment, Ben's intensity and touch leaving her stunned and somewhat flustered. She had heard maidens use the phrase of being 'swept off my feet' before when describing romantic escapades, and now she thought she had an idea what that meant.
'I... I would ask what the plan was,' she said finally.
Ben looked down for a moment, then changed his mind and looked right back at her. He couldn't be sheepish about his little scheme, he had to be confident and assertive, otherwise she may not buy it.
'Well,' he said. 'It is not something to be taken lightly, and I want to be honest with you about that. It involves you altering your appearance to turn off the advances of Prince Ryker and hopefully lead to him calling off the marriage.'
'Changing my appearance? Brianna frowned. 'How so? You want me to put on a disguise? I don't think that's going to work Ben.'
Ben shook his head, the girl's naivete charming him. He had no idea how she was going to react, and he was mulling over his words carefully.
'Do you like food?
Brianna nodded slowly, her eyes showing that she hadn't caught on just yet. 'Yes, of course. Don't we all?
'What's your favourite food?
She thought about it. 'Well, I really do love some good pie after supper. But of course, I can't have it too often if I want to look like a proper lady!
Ben took a deep breath.
'Well, what if I proposed for you to eat as much pie as you want for the foreseeable future? What would you say to that?
Her eyes widened, and Ben saw she had finally connected the dots. He held his breath. 
'Ohhhh,' she uttered as she leaned back slightly. 'Oh I get it. That's.... interesting Ben.'
'I apologize for being so direct, but time is short,' Ben said. 'If we are to get you so plump that Lucien Ryker calls off the wedding, we must start as soon as possible.'
Brianna looked a bit dumbfounded, and Ben couldn't blame her. It was a lot to process, and he put his arm around her. She didn't recoil.
'Ben I... I mean, would that even work? She finally said after a brief silence. 'Do you know for a fact that Lucien Ryker would be repulsed by my fleshier form?
Ben didn't, but wondered if Reynard knew otherwise.
'I have it on good authority,' Ben said as he squeezed her shoulder. 'Brianna, this is the best chance we have. You know as well as I that we can't just run off into the sunset together.'
Brianna sighed. 'I know Ben, and I want nothing more than to be with you. But I'm worried... are you still going to desire me once I've fully surrendered my figure?
Ben leaned in closer and stared into her eyes.
'Brianna, this is not about my desires. This is about saving you from the desires of your father and of the Alkaranians, and if you have a better plan, I would love to hear it.' This remark was met with only silence from the girl, and Ben could see in her eyes that she had also deduced that the scheme proved the most likely pathway out of her predicament.
'Ben... this is quite the scheme,' she said quietly. 'If I am to grow so fat as to ward off my Royal suitor's advances, you must not present yourself as a worthy suspect to my father. If he found out you were aiding in my weight gain...' She swallowed, and Ben saw the poor girl was terrified.
'Brianna, it's not just me. I've talked to many people around the castle who will help provide you with the necessary nourishment under the nose of your majesty himself! This is not a plan I aim to execute half-heartedly, as I hope you understand.'
In a final move to seal the deal, Ben touched her hand and leaned in closer. 'Never forget Brianna, while Lucien Ryker may balk at your swelling waistline, I personally see no issue in having more of you to love.'
'That's very sweet Ben, and I don't doubt the scope of your love for a second,' She said softly. 'But if we go through with this, I'm going to be worried sick every day about you. My father is an aloof figure, but he or someone close to him is going to notice my portly figure at some point. You must stay clear of me as much as you can, so he doesn't suspect you.'
'Of course my dear,' Ben said. 'The plan is heavily coordinated across many individuals, both inside and outside the castle, so there will be no reason for your father's suspicions to hover over me. Trust me when I say, there are many more involved than you might think.'
She smiled at him. 'Well, I look forward to finding out. To think that you have been planning and orchestrating all this just to be with me...' Her eyes welled up slightly, and Ben put an arm around her.
'Risking your life to be with me... it's just all so romantic Ben.'
Ben said nothing, holding her for a minute more before getting up, his eye on the clock's steadily rotating arms.
'I must go Brianna, but if you have no qualms, perhaps the same time tomorrow night? I can even bring a freshly baked chocolate pie up?
Brianna's face broke out into a small coy smile.
'I would like that Ben. I would like that very much.' 


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  • 1 month later...


Chapter Four: The Cake


The following evening, Ben once again found himself at the door of the princess's tower bedroom. Only this time, he was far less nervous. The double doors flew open almost immediately following his knock, and Ben was greeted by a rather sensuous looking Brianna. She was wearing a silky black nightdress that exposed far more thigh than he was expecting. The bottom of the dress was jagged, suggesting an impromptu fashion modification had recently taken place.
'Well hello handsome,' She grinned, leaning in to peck him on the cheek. 'I was just about to turn in for the night, but the promise of dessert tonight kept me wide awake.'
She eyed his empty hands and frowned. 'You are bringing me dessert, right Ben?
Ben smiled and winked as he walked over to her bedside dresser. 'Don't be daft my sweet. It seems I've been one step ahead of you the entire time.'
Ben enjoyed her awestruck reaction as he pulled out a large white box and handed it to her.
'Sneaky Ben, very sneaky! Brianna exclaimed, obviously impressed as she opened the box to admire the heavy brick of chocolate pie. 'How ever did you manage it?
'I have my ways,' Ben said slyly, neglecting to mention that Reynard had smuggled it in earlier during a routine spot clean.
'Oh, but I worry! What if -,' She was interrupted by Ben gently pulling her in for a kiss.
'I won't', he said after their lips finally came unlocked, the strength and authority of his voice coming as a surprise to him.
She hadn't quite relaxed yet, so Ben broke out a smile.
'Now what are you waiting for? He exclaimed. 'Dig in!


It was only three pieces into the cake that Ben realised that 'eat a lot and get fat' was a far simpler plan on paper than in execution. For a waif like Brianna, who had adhered to modest portions her entire life, any overindulgence would come as a shock to the system. Halfway through her third slice, the pace of her eating had slowed noticably and her expression was steadily morphing into a grimace. Ben was sitting next to her on the bed as she ate, and rested a supportive hand on her shoulder.
'Would you like to stop for a few minutes? He asked, not enjoying seeing his beloved in such discomfort.
Brianna merely shook her head, the rate of her chewing instead accelerating. It was as if she had taken his offer to stop as a challenge to push even further.
Ben watched in admiration as she devoured a fourth slice and began tucking into a fifth, her pretty features contorted back into an ugly grimace as the cake pushed her stomach to its limits. Finally, after slowing down again, Brianna groaned and leaned back, her hands pressed against her belly. Ben couldn't see it through her dress, but he was sure it was quite bloated.
She was breathing rapidly, and her eyes were shut from the pain of being so stuffed.
'Ohhhhhh Ben, I can't eat anymore,' She moaned. 'I'm so fulllll.'
Ben glanced at the cake, in which she hadn't even broken the halfway point, and stretched his arm out. 
'It's ok. I'll hold you.'
She shimmied over into his arms, the sudden movement triggering a hefty belch.
'My goodness, how embarrassing! Ben, that was very un-ladylike of me, I'm so sorry-.'
'Shhhhh,' he said as he held her, finding the sudden deep burp from this beautiful woman weirdly endearing instead of disgusting. 'Just relax. You did brilliantly Brianna.'
'I didn't even get halfway,' she gasped before eliciting another pained moan.
'Of course you didn't. Do you realise how small your stomach is right now? These portions are going to be a shock to your body, but once your stomach stretches out it'll get a lot easier.
'I'm just glad you're here,' she breathed, which Ben responded to with a kiss on the cheek.
The two lay in silence for a while as Brianna digested her food, the silence occasionally punctuated from the gas produced by her stuffing.
After initially being horrified following an escape of a burp or fart, Brianna began laughing them off following Ben's giggling. Never had she felt so loose and free, and while her new diet may be difficult to adjust to, at least she had someone so supportive and non-judgmental. 
After a particularly nasty fart, Ben sprang up from the bed.
'My dear princess, why do you need me to fatten you when your flatulence alone could repel Prince Ryker's advances? 
He chuckled as Brianna threw a pillow at him.
'I'm ready to eat again Ben,' she said. 'And I have a request.'
Ben leaped back into bed, ignoring the lingering stench of her gas.
'And what might that be?
'I would like you to handfeed me. I feel very tired.'
'Of course. But are you sure you can eat anymore? I don't want you to become ill.'
'Let's try one more,' Brianna said as she lay down in the middle of the bed. 'Grab a slice Ben.'
Ben obliged and lay across from her.
'Open', he said as he held the cake in front of her.
Brianna leaned forward and took a healthy bite, crumbs tumbling onto the bed.
Ben pulled back his hand and watched her chew, a strange feeling coursing through his body.
'Another,' Brianna ordered.
He reached out again and she took another bite, the feeling growing stronger.
There was something deeply intimate about this, and Ben nailed it down to that fact that it was just because it was her.
But as the night drew to a close and Ben was trying to fall asleep in his own modest living quarters, he kept replaying the handfeeding over in his mind. For the first time in his adult life, he looked forward to tomorrow.  

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  • 1 month later...

Chapter Five: Let the Gains Begin


As Ben and Reynard expected, the following couple of weeks proved to be a challenge on Brianna's slender frame. The girl's stomach was simply not prepared for the vast amounts of food needed to gain the necessary weight before Ryker's next visit, and every evening Ben had been finding himself kneeling on the floor next to her as she was sick in a bucket, his hand gently rubbing her back. There was no questioning her commitment, rather the sheer quantity of rich food being ingested had triggered a profound rejection from her waifish body. Ben didn't like seeing her ill and unhappy, and had promptly expressed his concerns to Reynard, with the old man reassuring him that the girl's stomach would soon grow with her appetite. It was crucial that she look suitably puffy to strike the initial glimmers of revolt in Ryker's view of her, and Reynard had instructed his comrades in the castle kitchens to prepare meals as rich and decadent as they could muster. The past two weeks had really opened Ben's eyes to the scale of Reynard's little conspiracy, with an inordinate number of cooks, cleaners, guards and assorted servants seemingly in on the plan and working together to foster an environment where Brianna could fatten up without interference. It also helped that the girl was quite distant from her parents and had minimal contact with them, with even the dinner table being so long that it would take a miracle for them to notice her increasing size during supper. Ben had also found himself learning many new things about the castle itself, with Reynard showing him a secret stairway hidden in one of the castle closets. Ben was entranced as he watched the old man push four slabs of the stone wall in a specific pattern, only for a hidden door to swing open from the wall! Reynard explained that the stairway led to Brianna's room, and that every tower in the castle had a secret emergency exit built into them. Ben realised how invaluable this would be in funneling food up to Brianna's quarters at any hour of the day and found himself growing only more and more optimistic about their plan.

Perhaps more importantly, Brianna herself was also finding the fruits of her labor beginning to pay off. It had been a rough first two weeks, having made herself sick on numerous occasions, but finally she was beginning to notice the first changes in her body. It was no wonder, considering the vast connections, resources and tricks Ben had up his sleeve to keep her fed. He had even surprised her in her closet one night by pushing four slabs of the stone wall and revealing a staircase tucked away behind a hidden door. She had been shocked (and more than a little creeped out) but Ben assured her that only a trusted minority of confidantes knew of its existence. As it turned out, the secret staircase proved very useful in providing her with all the meats, cakes, creams, pies, cheese and other delicacies she could stuff into herself. Because of the seismic shift in her eating habits, the princess's stomach had taken on a frequently bloated appearance, and she was finding herself needing to pass gas more than ever. Consequently, she began avoiding dresses that were too figure hugging to avoid any awkward questions, particularly from Camilla and Claudia, girls she loved despite their occasional tendency to be boisterous windbags. The girls had already noted how they thought she seemed sluggish and pale lately, and given how rare obesity was in the kingdom, Brianna worried what they would say when her girth began noticeably increasing. Would they be disgusted? Would they worry? Or, best of all, would they just not care? Whatever it may be, judgment was coming soon, though telling them the true reason behind her weight gain was firmly off the table. Now that she was a few weeks in on her weight gain mission, Brianna was beginning to notice more concrete changes to her body once the bloating had subsided. Her ribs had begun to blur and vanish under her slowly thickening flesh, and a good deal of curious pinching and prodding revealed a softer consistency to her body. She was still a skinny girl, there was no doubt, but except now she was skinny and soft. Brianna was surprised by how much she liked the changes. Shouldn't a woman be soft and supple? If anything, she knew Ben clearly agreed with that sentiment, judging from the enthusiam of his touch lately...


Two weeks later

Brianna winced as she felt a tug on the back of her gown, the third tug in about ten seconds.
'Morgan, what is the meaning of this? Just do me up so I can go join the ladies in some riding.'
From behind her Morgan, Brianna's trusted maid who was only a couple of years her senior, pursed her lip.
'I - I'm sorry m'lady, but it seems your dress has shrunk in the wash. I can't fasten some of the buttons at the back!
Of course, considering she saw the princess at least once a day, Morgan knew full well that this wasn't the case.
She knew Brianna had put a little weight on and was noticing it more consistently as she engaged in her routine of helping the princess get dressed and made up every morning. She made no mention of it and neither did Brianna, and she decided to let the princess be the one to break the ice on the subject. That wasn't a minefield she was willing to walk into, and Bri would broach the topic when and if she wanted to.
Morgan figured that moment would come sooner rather than later though, as a layer of softness was starting to bubble up around Brianna's belly button to form the beginnings of a little tummy. Elsewhere, the princess was developing softer, rounder hips and a fuller bum, and frankly Morgan thought her figure looked lovely, healthy and soft as a woman should be.
It was only in this up-close capacity that Morgan really noticed Brianna's growth, as she still pulled off a slender appearance fully clothed. When you had access to the rich delicacies and leisure that Brianna did, why not indulge a little? Morgan lived on the grounds but had grown up in the adjacent village outside the castle walls, where people worked for a living and good food was scarcer. This meant that the average man and woman sported identical scrawny figures, and Morgan could only be happy for and a little resentful of Brianna as she acquired her womanly softness through a life of privilege.
Brianna let out a sigh, not quite one of annoyance but of resigned disappointment.
'That's the second this week, and I was quite fond of this dress too. Help me out then.'
'Of course m'lady,' Morgan obliged as she helped Brianna shimmy out, purposely averting her gaze from the girl's exposed tummy.
Brianna, however, noticed her purposeful lack of eye contact.
'Notice anything different about me lately? She asked.
Morgan was stunned by the bluntness of the question, and began to burn red.
'I... what do you mean?
'I mean, how do I look? You've been kind of funny around me the last couple of weeks.'
'Oh, well I, uh, think you've been looking very healthy lately m'lady. In fact, I'd go as far as to say you're looking absolutely radiant!
Brianna beamed. 'Thank you Morgan, that's exactly what I wanted to hear. Now fetch me a new dress, would you?


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