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Taytay last won the day on July 3

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About Taytay

  • Birthday 02/25/1993
  • Location Littleton, CO, United States

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  • Interests
    Longboarding, word puzzles, MUSIC, tiramasu, yoga

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  1. Love this dress! I've been pretty busy, I'm planning on responding to your questions this weekend 😃
  2. I'll always remember you!! It's crazy how long it's been, right?! I'm so glad you're around still 😃
  3. I don't know if I would call this "coming out of retirement" necessarily. I just wanted to come back and let people know how I'm doing, and that I'm okay. I've made some friends in the community over the last 13 years, so I just wanted everyone to know I'm doing well. I may post some pictures once in awhile and talk to people, but I'm not doing videos or trying to gain. I know that's not what some people want to hear, and I'm sorry for that. Please stick around and watch this forum if you want to see updates/pictures of where I'm at currently in life.
  4. It's so interesting, I'm actually a really caring and sweet person. In real life, I probably wouldn't be able to humiliate someone, even for sexual gratification. It's strange how that works. I don't really have a specific weight range, at least not one that I've thought about. I do tend to gravitate to ladies that started out soft. No necessarily fat, but soft.
  5. I just want to say, I'm so pleasantly surprised to see so many names that I recognize here so far! Thank you guys for your support for this long, it's awesome!
  6. Hehe. My experience definitely gives me a unique point of view when watching the other ladies. Since I've been through it all, I likely know how they're feeling sometimes. It adds another level for me to know just how huge they probably feel. I'm not a huge fan of stuffing clips. From time-to-time, I do like forced stuffing videos where the lady is in a vulnerable position while beind fed. I would rather watch the try-on type clips where someone tries to fit into clothing that's way too small. Also a fan of anything related to being stuck. I think it's the idea of them being kind of helpless and submissive that I like so much. I've always found the helplessness super hot. Clips about humiliation/embarrassing stories are great, too. I've always really liked @JellyKat. I've been following her for a super long time :).
  7. You know me well! It was a huge (pun intended) reason I joined ff and curvage in the first place. I'm blown away by how many models there are now here on Curvage.
  8. Hi! I don't plan on gaining this time around. I don't plan on losing anymore, either. I'm perfectly happy with the size I am now. I'm absolutely still jiggly, and by no means am I skinny in any way, shape, or form. I've hit somewhat of a sweet spot for me. I'm healthy and able to do the things I love to do, and at the same time, I'm still nice and thick. With plenty to grab on to.
  9. Good question! I value pleasure In general beyond just sexual pleasure. I get pleasure from feeling good physically, spending time outside, a good meal, and lots of other stuff. I can absolutely still enjoy a good meal and feeling super full with out blowing up like a balloon :). Since I am still quite thick, I do get to enjoy some of the pleasures of being a bbw without risking my health and physical comfort. I don't need to go to the extreme with my fantasies to feel fulfilled. I also do get a lot of pleasure watching the other ladies gain, so that is nice as well.
  10. I'm not 100% sure about my highest weight. I kept this crappy analog scale for such a long time and eventually found out it wasn't accurate when I went to the doctor and my weight there was different from my scale at home. I do know my highest was well over 300 =). I certainly enjoyed many things about being that size (I wouldn't have ever joined these types of communities if I didn't ;). After a while, it just wasn't feasible, though. My feel hurt all the time, and my skin wasn't as nice as it once was, along with the other health problems I was having. My gosh, was it a turn-on living out this long-time fantasy of mine, though. I don't regret it at all. I've always been attracted to women (others and myself) gaining, so I watch the other models' content to really fulfill the fantasy now.
  11. Good question! It's not a sensitive subject :). It was pretty easy in the beginning because the bigger you are, the quicker you lose weight. You don't have to cut calories a whole lot to lose a good amount of weight when your really large. Once I got down to ~250lbs it was much harder. I was pre diabetic and had high cholesterol and high blood pressure. I definitely had some good reasons to do better for myself, so I was motivated to put in the work. Not to toot my own horn, but I'm a pretty strong, hard-headed person. If I put my mind to something, it usually gets done. It definitely wasn't easy because I love food (especially carbs and sweets)! I have found ways to still enjoy the things I love in moderation. Also, staying at my current weight makes it so I can still consume a pretty good number of calories everyday without gaining tons of weight again.
  12. Thank you ❤️ 😊. I've always tried to keep as real as possible. When I started out, I feel like the community was much more close-knit than how things are now. I want to keep it like that in this thread for the foreseeable future!
  13. Thank you guys for all the kind comments! I've been around here, and previously ff, for close to 13 years now (WOW)! I know with that amount of time, you guys were/are genuinely invested in my journey, and many of you really do care how I'm doing. I really appreciate the warm welcome back from everyone. I don't plan on getting any smaller than I am now (around 200lbs, still quite heavy). I just don't like how I look at too low of a weight. I will say that it is nice being able to do things that I love to do again, like long hikes with my dog and longboarding. I most likely will not be posting any videos this time around. I do plan on giving you guys updates about my life, and probably pictures as well. I am on Curvage fairly often to watch/support the sexy models anyways, so I might as well post a few updates when I have time. If anyone has any questions for me, feel free to ask!
  14. Hey guys! I just wanted to Maybe get back into at least posting on my thread here. I know it's been a long time . For a few different reasons, I had to distance myself. The main reason being my health. I feel like health should be number one. I was not doing too well. Im a lot happier and healthier now. I will never be a toothpick, thats for sure. My dog seems to think i make a nice pillow!
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