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Gregarro Ivinalititavitch

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  1. Israel is a Jewish state, but it is not an ethnostate. It is a country in the homeland of the Jewish people and acts as a refuge to Jews from around the world. But there are many races of Jewish people and as I said, a fifth to the people in the state are Arab Muslims. And those people have full rights and serve in the government. You can't say that with regard to other places in the Middle East, if you put the shoe on the other foot. Israel also is the best place with respect to women's rights in the region and it's not close. And my statements have been wholly consistent. I know all about the region's history and can take down the countless prevalent myths. Again, if you have any questions, you just have to ask.
  2. A) Israel is not an ethnostate. It's 20% Arab. And they have full rights. B) It is not committing genocide. How do you think a country should react when a neighboring government murders, rapes, and kidnaps its citizens in the worst antisemitic attack in 80 years? Should they just roll over and take it? If anyone wants to have a good faith dialogue or wishes to ask questions, I am more than willing to do so in DMs (or if you agree and are afraid to say so). I am not going to attribute motive, but too many people just do not understand.
  3. Anti-Zionism means you don't believe Israel has a right to exist. Which is antisemitic. You are a Zionist if you think the Jewish state has a right to not be destroyed. Who? I'm Jewish, so I am no fan of Nazis.
  4. I always cringe at the blueberry or balloonlike inflation. Do not see the appeal if the fat doesn't look natural.
  5. As I said, I do not support either candidate. But he is in nobody's back pocket but his own ego. Pretending he's some sort of brilliant Russian agent is bizarre. There isn't a climate crisis. And the only countries emitting enough to cause a difference are China and India. If you think this is such an issue, do you support going to war with them? It isn't racist to want to deport illegals. Illegal immigrants have not right to be here. Would you let someone who broke into your house stay? He didn't govern like an authoritarian his last term. Again, I am not a fan of his. But that's a flawed argument. You're right. One party can't define women and wants to carve up children.
  6. Correction: All parties spend too much and it will get bad if they don't stop it.
  7. I saw an Instagram ad of such an app. But it appears not to be legit. Which is odd.
  8. Capitalism is great. Men aren't women. Affirming the incorrect gender of a child is abuse. There aren't enough people in prison. Illegal immigrants should be deported. The United States is the greatest country in the world. The death penalty is needed. Child rapists deserve the death penalty. Antisemitism is bad. Hatred of Israel is rooted in antisemitism. Free speech includes so-called hate speech. The minimum wage should not be increase. Children deserve a mother and a father. Gun control isn't the answer. I don't support either candidate. All parties spend too much and it will get bad if they stop it.
  9. I see fatness as an enhancer of femininity. So, I think it looks lousy on dudes. Too honest?
  10. I think seeking such laws would only create backlash that increases fat hatred.
  11. Not to do with conservatism, but politics kinda. As a Jew, it's been sad watching a specific BBW model, who'll remain nameless, who I was a fan of, promote pretty intense antisemitic content on her social media. Content from people who deny the violent r@pes of Jewish women and murder of Jewish children. Promoting content from one woman who said Hamas would never r@pe Jewish women because they're too ugly. You'd think someone who has discussed being a mother and supporting victims of assault wouldn't think this way, but people have been showing lately that they don't believe or don't care about Jewish victims of violence but jump at the chance to spread Hamas' narrative. Too bad.
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