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Everything posted by DorFox

  1. Not as far as I am aware, she quit years ago as did her husband David Mitchell https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2012/aug/05/vistoria-coren-giving-up-smoking
  2. DorFox

    Kelly Brook

    Sweet mother of God, her face is the size of the moon when did she get to this size???
  3. Absolutely incredible! She is soon gonna be as round as she is tall 😁
  4. I'm really impressed with her gain but not really surprised, if you have ever watched her live streams (which are fantastic by the way) she is sponsored to drink Boost gain shakes which she downs in seconds six or more at a time plus pitchers full of home made gain mixture at 3000 calories plus food and snacks all day. She is literally an eating machine. Her stomach capacity is out of this world. She was really wanting a 60" ass and by the looks of it she must be getting close 😁
  5. Aw man, this is a truly great thread and you are such a lucky guy. Please keep the commentary coming!
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