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    I've never purchased a curvage clip before but I couldn't not purchase this one when I read the description. Mochi Babii has outdone herself this year, becoming a community legend almost as soon as she burst onto the scene. In all my years of lurking in the community I have never, not once in my entire life, seen a gainer as dedicated as Mochi, and this video recaps the entire story up to now. What you see in the description is what you get. Roughly an 18 minute summary of her YTD. Comes with measurements, body tour, and weigh in. Video is in full HD and looks very professionally filmed and edited. She includes clips from her pre-gain era for comparison and gives a brief overview of her gaining, including her motivations, how she met her anonymous feeder, and what the future may hold. The real standout for this video is the body tour. Her rapid gain has covered her in stretchmarks. She has stretchmarks in areas I never thought it was possible to get them. Medical researchers could, and perhaps someday will, write entire papers on her as a case study. My only nitpicks are that she doesn't list her change in bra size when she measures her breasts, and the health chat in general is kinda muted. Then again, she has a doctor's appointment coming up so it might be redundant to include those details now. All in all, well worth the money. This video is both the most arousing and terrifying thing I have ever seen in my life, or, at least it will be until her vid about her doctor's appointment drops. Well done, Mochii.
  1. The one and only. So much of her stuff has disappeared off the internet. Anyone got any of the old gems saved?
  2. I'm a member of a couple groups on fb where people often talk about various kinks and fetishes. I haven't usually brought it up myself, because whenever I see fat fetishism come up I see a lot of really, really negative comments. Comments like: " in here it is shown the only two possible reactions to what my body used to be like: fetishised attraction, and disgust. which is like the inner core of my hatred for this image " or "Feederism is one of the worst fetishes, it's literally abuse." or " If there’s anything I hate more than daddies, it’s FEEDER daddies. Great, encourage someone with a budding eating disorder to become sick and borderline immobile and maybe die early so you can get you pathetic penis hard. " And when I see posts on places like r/dyingtobefat or comments on posts about people having feeder boyfriends, they're hostile in ways that go far and beyond "Ew, fatness is gross." People genuinely hate the kind of habits we encourage and the self-destructive lifestyle that results. And beyond that, SO MANY OF US are mouthbreathing creeps. Shit, why ya reckon turnover is so ludicrously high in the bbw scene? We get these men scaring women, and it's almost always men scaring women, from touching our community with a ten foot pole after a while, our demands for more weight gain never let up, and many women towards the upper end of the weight spectrum go to an early grave. The more I see of this sort of thing, the more I start to wonder if maybe the whole damn fetish is immoral and ought to be self-suppressed. I have a long distance partner who's willingly gained about 50 pounds for me over the course of several years (She was underweight before, not overweight yet) and I feel like telling her she doesn't have to try anymore because this is all so wrong. Like maybe stop watching all these feeder videos and weight gain timelines and stuff, I just feel so sick inside when I think about the broader implications of what we're doing. Am I making sense? I dunno, maybe I'm wrong or just whining. But this whole thing has me feeling horrible. I don't want to genuinely hurt women for selfish erotic gain. Thoughts? Perspectives?
  3. Your videos were always really fun to watch cause you were so goofy ^_^

  4. The only links I found for that episode of Freddy's nightmares was some shady .in ones. Girlfriends of Dorian Grey sounds promising though, is there a transcript available?
  5. If it's about or involves weight gain, and is presented a horror story, then it's what I had in mind. I mean horror in the sense of scaring people and giving them chills, the ones MotoMoto suggested more so seem to be Aesops or the like. An example of what I'm looking for would be this http://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1168194-Guest-House-by-the-Sea or something like the Supermodel episode of The Collector Sadly I don't have an account on Dimensions, but "The Weight Watcher" was a good read. Thanks!
  6. Heya, I was curious if there are any horror stories, creepy pastas, or the like out there that involve weight gain as part of the story and go into detail about it. Anyone know of any titles?
  7. I live in MTL. 'cept I'm not a girl.
  8. Beautiful stuff, really, but I figured this picture could use the Wilan treatment.
  9. Can anyone reupload the dailymotion vids of when she was bigger that were taken down?
  10. So what if it isn't a gain? You're starting out pretty gorgeous Would love to see more.
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