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Everything posted by kaiven

  1. I translated and read some Facebook comments on a video talking about her weight loss on the program and people were SAVAGE. Let's just say she fooled nobody by going on this program in a different country.
  2. No, just extracted the original video link off the page. Probably some scripting on the website tripping up your browser. Anyways, I saw a few different clips from the 2019 show that's she's in. Her official start weight was 180.1Kg for the show, but no idea where she is now.
  3. This video is working for me in Chrome, incognito mode, no VPN. Maybe it's a codec issue or some other geolocation? https://rudo.video/vod/jp3j6XQaE/autostart/true
  4. Found this on a quick Google search, it's from 2019: https://www.canalnet.tv/programas/cuestion-de-peso/video_dahiana-vino-de-paraguay-para-participar-en-cuestion-de-peso_20191004/
  5. kaiven

    Tall woman by sofia rose

    Amazon Amanda https://www.instagram.com/amazonamanda/?hl=en
  6. kaiven

    japanese show

    Gyoten News
  7. BigCutie Verona. However, you'll have to search for more content, her BC site was completely removed.
  8. Saw it on TV a looong time ago. Has a nice premise, but it's pretty meh in execution. Would be fun if someone rebooted it though.
  9. https://www.themakeupgallery.info/character/beyond/weight/index.htm
  10. It's fine, they'll probably give up soon anyways.
  11. If anyone was curious about who the blonde is, it's Devyn Ashley: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm4208846/ She's done a lot of modeling, a tiny bit of acting, and some music videos. Plus a lot of plus size modeling (Model Mayhem lists her as 280 lb). Based on a couple Google searches, she does not appear to be very active in the past few years.
  12. Here's something else to scroll through if you have a few minutes: https://www.instagram.com/jessicalimpert/
  13. I think I remember the photo you're thinking of, but it's been so long since I've seen it. Heh, I probably have it locked away in an archive somewhere, but it would take days or weeks to find it even if I remembered to save it at the time. Still, you can also extrapolate from the information in that video to find other accounts. There's not much in the way of body photos, but enough there to suggest that's she's about normal weight and build nowadays.
  14. @thadrou90 Sorry to dash your hopes, but it doesn't appear that Jen is still 360 pounds. That was way back in 2011 anyways (good luck finding those photos, I doubt they ever touched the internet). Here's a relatively recent makeup tutorial video:
  15. No idea about Jen, she doesn't appear to have much of an active online presence. Was definitely one of my favorites from Season 2. It's interesting that she's pretty much dedicated to back of the house lab research when she could have seriously rocked the plus-sized modeling industry. - - - Also be sure to check out Big Fat Truth episode 1, it's all former Biggest Loser contestants who regained weight. They of course lost it again after this show, but still, it gives you a sense of how much regain there really was for a lot of people. - - - Jessica Delfs from one of the later seasons also regained back to almost her original weight (pre-show), but has since been losing at a much more controlled rate. For reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Ox6SFns15k https://www.instagram.com/jessicadelfsbl10/?hl=en - - - There are several more pictures floating around, though honestly, it's time consuming to get details. 1. Most former contestants are very wary of posting update photos that aren't flattering. 2. Many are simply not on social media sites at all or have dropped of the internet. 3. What you get won't always confirm anything, it's rare for someone to reveal weight regain. 4. Soo many headshots. Looks for candid event photos. - - - TBL is still happening in other countries. For instance: https://www.tv4.se/biggest-loser-sverige
  16. Context: http://news2read.com/entertainment/1553208/sheridan-smith-looks-unrecognisable-in-tv-show-ratburger
  17. kaiven

    Who is she?

    BigCutie Demi is retired and has lost a lot of weight since.
  18. In the middle of watching some of these, I stumbled across this profile, might be worth taking a peek: https://www.youtube.com/user/IBBandit/videos
  19. Very impressive. There's a few extra before and afters on her profile. No idea what caused the weight gain, but given the rapid nature, amount, and the use of the word "accidental", I have a few guesses: 1. Medication based: Anti-depressants, steroids, and certain types of birth control can result in a large amount of rapid weight gain under the right circumstances. The side effects range from uncommon to rare, but I would wager that a 120 pound gain in 6 months is probably due to one of these. I could be wrong though. 2. Some sort of life trauma: Some people can put on a lot of weight when bad stuff happens so I'm not ruling this out, but it generally doesn't fit the timeline (6 months). 3. PCOS: If she has this, she's doing a marvelous job of keeping it in check. This could be possible in the timeframe and amount, but doesn't really fit the "accidental" part of the equation. All of this is of course, pure speculation, why not ask her (nicely) and see what's up?
  20. http://www.lardbiscuit.com/anna.html
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