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Everything posted by theapes

  1. theapes

    Amber Nova

    Not to be the bearer of bad news, but she’s going on a weight loss drug https://www.instagram.com/reel/C503KTeLseA/?igsh=YjAzb3F5NW82czRz
  2. This from her only fans page?
  3. Hey everyone! My next comic adventure is finally up and ready to go! Irene, a fitness blogger, decides she is going to check out a burger ** to show her fans why it's not good for them. Little does she know she's biting off way more than she can chew! 12 pages of good ole fashion weight gain content, with the story by me and the drawings down by Petit Maudite, who can be found here: Pinupmeister - Professional, Filmographer | DeviantArt and info on the comic here! https://www.deviantart.com/jake27/art/Changing-Careers-Comic-1030738408
  4. theapes

    Old German video

    Hey all. Know this is a long shot, but does anyone remember or have this video clip of four different sized women at a picnic in Germany? It was I believe for a tv show and it showed the women eating and how much each weighed. thanks.
  5. So this is a long shot I know. back on the old changing mirror forum, there was a story of a woman who finds herself locked in a room with no doors or windows. She examines everything but can’t leave. eventually, she eats a salad and finds an exercise bike that she uses. After doing a few miles a door appears and she can leave. this is repeated for a bit until she’s really thin and loving how things are. the next room however there is no bike and nothing to do. She eventually gets bored and snacks on some food in a container. Soon she’s doing this in every room and gains all the weight she lost and then some, getting to over 300lbs. any help would be great.
  6. I have a few more on my page. And there are more in my other page that starts with a P. that link is also on my deviant art page.
  7. I have a few of those on my deviant art and ** pages https://www.deviantart.com/jake27/art/Running-Into-Trouble-part-1-817485298
  8. Shameless self promotion https://www.deviantart.com/jake27/art/Make-A-Wish-Full-Story-pt-1-816347444
  9. Toby did a great job writing that sequel. Prob better than what I originally wrote.
  10. Damn shame she’s losing weight
  11. Damn https://instagram.com/stories/ashalexiss/2958822460634216638?utm_source=ig_story_item_share&igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
  12. I don’t know how to save Instagram stories but this is definitely a good one https://instagram.com/stories/emilysears/2909549876197734537?utm_source=ig_story_item_share&igshid=ODBkMDk1MTU=
  13. Looks like the workouts are sadly working
  14. Also older, as evident by the Christmas tree
  15. So this is allegedly from March of 2021, after a year in quarantine. Pretty sure the last vid they did was in 2019 and she weight 162 pounds. So she gained 21 pounds in about 2 years. Georgia Peach also gained 28 pounds in the same time period.
  16. Sadly old stuff again, newer stuff shows she’s lost a good amount of weight
  17. Stomach looking pretty large here https://www.instagram.com/reel/CWExmd5FILd/?utm_medium=copy_link
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