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Fantasy WG: The Tale of Emperor Basil the Fattener

Guest Sulla67

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9 hours ago, Usual1990th said:

A pleasant and unexpected surprise is that this great story will continue, I did not expect it!

But I don't fully understand - is the first author, Guest Sulla 67 and Westmetal the same person? And now Fit2Phatappresiater will continue this work? Please explain, did I understand correctly? In any case, I am glad that this story has come to life, thank you, I will look forward to continuing!

Unmasking Pro Wrestling GIF by ALL ELITE WRESTLINGSulla unmasking himself as Batman76 and Westmetal 

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Chapter 28: A Wicked Meeting

And now, I shall continue to narrate the events that my mistress had not bore witness to, but we were able to ascertain by both mundane and magical means

The wyvern swooped down and landed atop a rocky outcropping.

“Unhand me you barbaric fiend!” The plump ex-Emperor's fiance exclaimed. 

“Quiet, before I have Astonarax devour you!”

Lydia remained silent  but pouted.

“I was just about to have an entire empire at my beck and call, and now you’ve ruined it!”

“That Empire would have been crushed between the Armies of The Dragon Queen and my Sisters. Instead of ruling over rubble, I will offer you the world.”

Lydia crossed her arms and humphed. “Why should I trust you?”

“Because I need you, and you have no one else.”

Isabella brought out a scroll and set it down on a stone.

“This, is an ancient spell, Crafted eons before the Elven empire collapsed.”

L:ydia looked at it, feeling raw power unlike anything she had ever felt emanating from it.

“What.. does it do?”

Isabella grinned wickedly. 

“It can allow you to ascend to the divine plane.”

Lydia blanched at the ramifications.

“You mean.. Ascend to godhood?”

“Correct. With the proper materials, and a spellcaster as powerful as yourself, we three can become like gods.”

Lydia let the idea send her to a cackling frenzy, then stopped.

“Wait, what do you mean by ‘Three?”

Just then, the mountain next to them shifted. Bright red scales appeared underneath as dirt and rock fell.

Standing before them was a Dragon larger than anything Lydia had ever read about in her books. But then, it began to shrink. Quickly, the red dragon became a very tall, very buxom woman with light red skin and protruding horns on either side of her head.
“She is the one, Isabella?” The woman asked in an off puttingly soft voice.

“She sure is, I felt the strength of the magic myself.” Isabella turned to her scared and confused new ally.

“Lydia, meet Vintriax, the Dragon Queen..”

Lydia barely registered what she said, looking at the bare pair of immaculate tits that were before her.

Vintriax turned to Isabella. “ I waited under there lo9ng enough. My armies are moving on Richnaur as we speak.”

No pang of fear ran through Lydia’s heart, as she held no love for her “Kingdom.”

“The Amazons are moving down towards the coast. Basil’s armies will be crushed on two fronts.”

“Wait, hold up.” Lydia finally was able to regain her words.

“How will this let us ascend to godhood?”

Isabella smiled again. “My sisters are powerful, but they are as dumb as rocks. I convinced them that stealing from the temples of Curvacia and Athena that they will have more riches then they could ever dream of., when in reality,all that will happen is that the two goddesses will become too weak to protect them any more from their own gluttony. We would do nothing and they would all be immobile in months.”

“After that.” Vintriax continued, “ My armies will be too strong for the Empire to hold back. There is an artifact of immense power located in the Empire’s boundaries essential to our plan. It is called the Lipodex Confluator.”

“It turns fat into power,” Isabella added. “And with the Empire’s women already gorging themselves for us, plus the reservoirs of power my sister’s will become, the ritual will have all it needs to turn us from figurative to literal goddesses.”

Lydia looked at the two of them, and smiled.

“Just tell me what you need me to do.”

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  • 2 weeks later...


Chapter 29: Heist

Why the fuck were they still guarding the citadel instead of looting it?

The question rang through Buford's head all day. 

With the Dragon queen’s armies bearing down on them, this seemed like the most likely target for her. 

The queen had gone into hiding, after her cunt of a daughter tried to mind control the most powerful man on the planet.

He supposed the threat of the sword kept him here, a threat that waned every day.

“I say we pack our sack's and run. Might at least make it to a brothel before they hang us.” His companion said. It seemed all Portia did was think of getting laid.

“Unless the brothel is right down the road Captain Malisan will have our hands before the coin can even leave our hands.”

“All i’m saying is if i'm going to die I’d rather die after some broad spends some time between my legs.”

“Oh, brave soldiers!”

The two of them turned and looked to the source of  the sound.

Stepping out of the dark was a beautifully rotund woman. The style of the empire hadn’t reached the common folk of Richnaur quite yet, but both of the guards had spent enough time observing the rich inflate with fat to grow aroused at the sight in front of them.

A ponderously low hanging belly divided into three distinct rolls, thighs that rubbed and waddled toward them, and fat encased yet still perky breasts, each of them with piercings showing beneath thin cloth brassiers. 

“We are pilgrims of Curvacia, and our caravan broke down. Part of our daily ritual is to engage in fierce copulation, but we can find no one else. Will you join us?”

Out of the woodwork came half a dozen similarly garbed women, all quite fat but none as lumbering as the beauty in front of them.

Portia was already doffing her armor before he could talk to her about it.

I watched all this happen from my spyglass.

“That was easier than expected.” Rachel said to me.

“Knowing Yvara I’m surprised it didn’t take her milliseconds. Now come on, we have to hurry. People don’t last long with her.”

Despite my words, I wasn’t exactly moving quickly. The week of travel to this palace had let me tone up a little but it wasn’t enough to undo the calorific mayhem I subjected myself to at the hands of the Dwarvish prince.

I huffed and puffed, while Rachel infuriatingly tried to make it look like she wasn’t slowing herself down just to match my pace.

“You could have avoided this with a little restraint.” Rachel added. 

“The mission didn't call for restraint.”

“There are ways to build mass and not reduce yourself to a wobbling mess.”

“I did at least enjoy myself, you know!”

“And now we delay because of it. Would you still enjoy yourself if you knew the detriment?”

“Honestly, yes.”

That got Rachel to stop.

“What. You like being a lazy overfed damsel too unfit to swing a dagger?”

“Maybe, I don’t plan on swinging a dagger forever. Or having to fit into leather armor. My body is not just  a tool for subterfuge and assassination, iy is also a vessel for my own pleasure!”

I could scarcely believe the words coming out of my own mouth. The old me would have been appalled, but I suppose the truth had to come out one way or another.

Until recently, I had always thought I would die as a spy. That an errant arrow, or a mages fireball, or even a rival spymaster’s expert poison would seal the deal and send me to the world that comes next.

But something had awoken in me, something I could thank Basil for. 

I now knew I wanted to die old and fat, in a plush bed surrounded by the people I loved the most.  Maybe… if I was feeling especially sanguine, surrounded by children and grandchildren.

They had warned us that this was what going soft meant. But damn them, I was going to become soft in more ways than one.

Rachel just shook her head and we approached the walls.

As the larger platform, I boosted Rachel up, and between me finding handholds and a rope she had tied to a makeshift harness I slowly made my way up as well. 

I still fell gasping to the stone, while Rachel kept watch and let me recover.

“I can’t believe they are still going.” She said in response to the ever present sounds of the Orgy at the castle gates.

“They must have had more stamina than I thought.”

We made our way through the castle, occasionally having to knock out a few guards who either had wills of steel or had taken vows of celibacy.

We did split up, so I could open the main gate and Rachel could secure the treasury.

I had a great view of Yvara doing what she was put here to do.

She had two guards, a man and a woman on either side of her, each using one hand to fondle one of her tits and the other to feed her pastries they had gotten from somewhere.

A third guard I could not tell the gender of, due to them being underneath her slab of a gut.

Each second that I spent agonizing over pulling the wheel that brought up the gate, I was very tempted to jump down and partake myself.

Once the gat was fully open one of the guards noticed and tried to raise an alarm, but the others were so engrossed in sex they didn’t care. Basil’s men came and surrounded them, and that got them to surrender.

Rachel helped bring crate after crate of gold out, while I rested with Yvara on a wagon where we were supplied with sweet rolls and fresh juice, both of us exhausted for very different reasons.

Rachel came by us once the wagons were ready.

“Well that part’s over. We did well.”

“To each their part.” I said, holding a cup of juice to her.

“Is there no ale here?”

“I want to keep an open mind for the days ahead, and this has more calories than water.”

“Fine.” She took the mug, and the three of us toasted. With luck, the hard part was over. I was exhausted, so exhausted that I ignored the telltale look in Rachel's eye that she wanted to talk ab0out something and retreated to my travel wagon.


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Thanks for continuing, great! I hope the new part will be coming soon too!

Finally, Ashley accepted her nature completely) Although I still think that a combination of a fat body and strong, trained muscles is the best option. I wonder how quickly Ashley and Yvara will be able to corrupt Rachel and will a threesome be a successful means in this?
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  • 3 weeks later...
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  • 1 month later...

Apologies for the delay, finally had time to write for this again.

Chapter 30: Feast of the Wyrm


In an old run down keep, Vintriax snarled.

“Your Amazon’s are out of control!”

Isabella slammed her fist on the table.

“They are raiders! I told you to keep your forces away from the coast!”

“You are a thief and a liar! No doubt you wish to take power for yourself!"

Lydia watched this and sighed, picking up another lemon square.

Even though she no longer had to fatten herself up, she had developed quite a taste for indulging.

In the weeks since they had formed this alliance, she had put on a bit of weight. She was nowhere near where she was right before she had magically slimmed herself down before her canceled wedding, but she was easily the fattest out of anyone here.

Ever since the report came in that Vintriax’s forces had attacked a convoy that was simultaneously  being attacked by Isabelle’s Amazons, the two women had been at each other's throats.

And frankly, Lydia was fucking sick of it.

“Enough, both of you. Can you not see how squabbling like children will lead us to our ruin?”

At once, both of the quarreling women turned to speak their mind to the troublesome mortal, but stopped when they realized she was right.

“Now, can we turn our attention to how we can use this to our advantage?”

Vintriax placed a hand on her firm hip. The Dragoness still refused to cover herself in clothing, preferring to show off her toned and sexy physique.

“And how exactly is our forces attacking one another a good thing?”

Lydia smirked as she ate another lemon square.

“It means that our enemy does not realize we are working together.”


The other two women smirked as the realization dawned on them. “They believe that they have two small problem’s. Not one large one..” Isabelle said, twisting a lock of her raven hair.

“Precisely. I propose we strike before they realize the trouble they are in.”

Lydia pointed to a place on the map.

“Ostreor Academy. Once belonged to the lands of the Khannate, now lies as part of the empire. It holds enough arcane research to allow me to understand the spell we need to cast for our ascension.”

“My armies will be slow to move through the mountains…” Vintriax said as she went over the plan.”

“And my sister’s would never strike anywhere so inland.”

Lydia sighed once again.

“I am beginning to suspect you brought me here not for my magical ability, but because I happen to have something between my ears. Are You forgetting when I said this place was only added to the empire recently?”

Vintriax’s eyes went wide.

“That means it is not under protection from the spell!”

An evil grin found its way onto Lydia’s lips, only slightly marred by the small dollop of cream from the lemon squares.

“Go and rain ruin, my dragoness.”


As she flew through the air, Vintriax reveled in her power.

She was one of, if not the, most powerful beings on this continent.

It had been ages since she took to the field, so no one expected her to swoop down and deliver a fiery death.

“Grovel for me, filthy humans!” She said, voice booming and shaking the earth.

She waited to hear the screams and terror from the citizens below.

They did not come.

“It takes more than an overgrown lizard to get me to bend the knee.”

One voice boomed into the heavens, not as loud as her own but still commanding.

Her scarlet eyes darted for it’s source, settling on a figure wrapped in a black cloak in the Academy Square.

She landed, expecting the shockwave of her might to send the man flying, but he merely grunted and held firm.

“Who dares defy the dragon queen!” She snarled, hate boiling in her heart.

The figure threw off his cloak, revealing a tall man in a full suit of armor. He drew a greatsword off of his back.

“I am Emperor Basil. You most likely have heard of me.”

Vintriax roared, and flames eschewed where breath should be.

With unnatural speed, Basil dodged to the side, unharmed by the flames.

No matter how fast Vintriax moved, he was faster.

He dodged tooth and tail, claw and wing.

His greatsword however, failed to pierce the Dragon’s hide.

“You will get slow, and weak,” Vintriax boasted, “long before any scratch appears on my side.”

“You are right,” Basil said, not appearing winded in the slightest.

“That was why I had to go to the Dwarves for help.”
Her eyes widened.


Suddenly, a scent reached her nostrils.


It was a heavenly, scrumptious smell.

Without thinking, she began walking toward an abandoned chapel.

“This.. smell…”

With one of her hands she clawed off the roof, revealing what she hoped she would see.

A feast. A feast that smelled better than anything she had smelt before.

A group of Dwarven cooks got out of the way.

Vintriax knew that if she ate the feast as she was now, she would not be able to savor it.

So she changed her from to that of a voluptuous horned redhead, and began to gorge.

It should be noted that the Dwarven weapon of Wyrmdring had been misconstrued slightly from what Basil thought it was.


Rather than a Hammer, it was actually a special dwarven sauce.

And rather than meaning “ Smasher of Dragons,” it was more accurate to say it was a “Smasher of Dragon’s waistlines.”

The toned body she created for herself did not last very long under the calorific onslaught.

Thighs ballooned into pillars of adipose.

Her belly grew firm from the food, then flabby as what she ate was rapidly digested.

Her tits became more and more outrageous as they grew and grew, no clothing to hinder their progress.

When her legs became too soft to support her large ass, she fell back onto it, and kept feasting.

Very soon, the last of the feast was consumed by the Dragon Queen, who only then realized what had happened to her.

“N-no! What have you done to me!”

Only some of the new weight had gone to her face, leaving her free to speak unhindered.

Basil climbed up her flabby ass and rested on her right tit, having doffed his armor and dressed in simple clothes.

“I simply gave you what you have wanted your whole eternal life; more.”

She attempted to shapeshift back to her dragon form, but found it impossible.

“That would be another side effect; as well as being extremely addictive to Dragons, it renders them unable to change forms. You are stuck, my Dragon Queen.”

She bellowed in anguish.

“I will feast on you, Basil! I will make sure you know what vengeance you have brought on yourself! “

He merely laughed, and began to get off of her.

It was a shame, she actually looked rather hot like this.


As I watched Basil descend the mountain of flab that only hours ago had been the empire’s greatest threat, I shook my head in disbelief.

“It just so happens that the greatest weapon the Dwarves had against the dragons also happens to be the Emperor’s fetish.”

“It does seem strange, when you put it that way.”

Rachel was standing next to me. Ready for a battle that wasn’t coming.

When we made this plan, we had both been shocked and concerned that Basil insisted on himself being the bait.

“That Dragon has tormented my Empire for untold age’s, i’ll be damned if i let the songs of her defeat leave me out.”

I wasn’t sure how the Bards would describe the expansion of the Dragon Queen, but i was sure that would be Basil’s second favorite part of the song.

Still, there was a jovial air in the small camp we had set up to watch the battle and ensure that no harm came to the Emperor, as well as keeping an eye on the civilians we evacuated.

Even Rachel, who seemed to always have a stick up her very firm ass, was celebrating.

“Come on, Ashlay, let’s celebrate this defeat!”

She must have noticed the look on my face.

“What is it?”

I pulled a piece of paper from my bag.

“Remember when I said I learned of this attack from my spies?”

She nodded.

“That wasn’t exactly the whole truth.”

I showed her the paper, which contained exact information about where Vintriax was headed. Without it, this ambush wouldn’t be possible.

“This showed up a while back on my doorstep. No one knows who sent it.”

“Maybe one of her citizens saw the opportunity for a revolt?”


I shook my head.

“Unlikely. The cult does more of the ruling, and she doesn’t exactly advertise where she will strike next.”

“Well, I've known you long enough to expect you to have a theory.”

“You do know me after all.” I said.

“Well, the only people who could have tipped us off would have to have known she was heading here, obviously. Which meant she felt the need to tell people.”

"People that feel like having a large dragon on their side is a liability.”


I nodded grimly. Maybe I should have told Rachel this from the start?

“And what would she want with an academy town?”

“This place has more knowledge than treasure. She must have been looking to use some of it.”

“Or she wanted to give that knowledge to someone.”

Rachel could have been a spy if she wasn’t so easy to see.

“I have a sinking suspicion I know who she was stealing for…”



Back in the old keep, two wine glasses clinked together.

“For our fallen… ally.”


Lydia giggled as she said that.

“Are the preparations in place?” Isabelle said before sipping her wine.

“Oh yes. The priests are on our side, ready to devote her armies to ‘avenging’ their queen.”

“It’s a shame, she was a rather effective weapon…”

“Which is why she had to go,” Lydia reminded her.


The Dragon Queen was too unpredictable. She was immortal, and powerful, so she could easily decide that the two of them weren’t up for it, kill them, then wait for more suitable candidates.

Plus, with her armies under their direct control, they could easily move onto the next stage of their plan.

A direct invasion of the capital. 

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Attention - this is not part of the official story and plot! This is just an unofficial excerpt inspired by the story and unrelated to the plot. All rights to the story "The Tale of the Emperor Basil the Fattener" belong to its authors.

 - Yes, dwarf cooking itself can be a terrifying weapon. This should not be underestimated.

-Yes, and it's not just in Ivarra, - Rachel grinned. - I remember some stories about how dwarf food and some royal dwarf hunk caught you and this magicial girl Carmella...

Rachel, with a surprisingly quick movement, from which the well-fed spy mistress could not dodge, pinched her impressive love handle, and then slapped her huge fat butt.

- ... And both of these "weapons" have greatly blown up your figures and belts! - The muscular Amazon laughed, stepping aside.

- Hey! -Ashlay squealed, rubbing her massive butt cheek. To her own surprise, there was no such indignation in her voice. Rather... a note of arousal she wished she could hide, mixed with embarrassment at how bulky and unwieldy she had become. - Are you all so wild, or is it because of the third amphora of wine?

- Trust me, big girl, it takes a little more wine to make me really wild, - Rachel's vile cat grin got even wider.

She wasn't even close to boozy, but there was nothing she could do about how was fun and exciting to tease and flirt with Ashlay. Rachel was surrounded by these imperial fat beauties. Voluptuous, spoiled and arrogant porked up noblewoman and sorceresses; strong and muscular, but at the same time fat and completely ballooned, gluttonous female guards and paladin girls. These curvy figures, huge breasts, butts, bellies... This is self-righteous behavior and insatiable appetite. The way she, the strong Rachel, would feed them to the limit, and turn them into submissive, moaning, slaves in bed... Rachel knew there wasn't time for that right now... But there was nothing she could do about her growing lust in this place. She was very horny.

Ashlay bit her lip, but couldn't help but grin as she watched the Amazonian warrior empty another amphora of wine, stuffing her face with food. It was a pleasant sight. The spy hostess wonders - what would the fat seer from the island of Plombay say about this? Then, she remembered her old friend Nileva – perhaps dark-skinned girl herself has already changed noticeably, is growing in accordance with the traditions of her region? What would she say about her, Ashley, now? Of course, she would be thrilled.... And they could have a great time together–in bed and at the dinner table.

And with that thought, the imperial spy automatically picked up another dwarf bun and a piece of bacon...


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  • 1 month later...

Chapter 31: Down by the river


After Vintriax was loaded onto the sturdiest vessel we could find, we returned to the capital.

The journey back was much like the journey home.


“Gods! Yes!”

My time with the dwarves had stirred my already wild libido into a frenzy.


And my carriage was magically enchanted to make sure no sound escaped its interior (being a spymaster has its perks.)

Currently, I had two partners for the evening.

One was a guard named Nathaniel. He was decent looking, but his cock was long and hard enough to more than satisfy me again and again that night.

The other was a priestess of Curvacia named Esvina, who’s recent adoption of the religion's lifestyle had seemingly funneled almost all of her calories to a pair of absolutely spectacular tits.

After a session inspired by certain events that occurred when I was under a certain elvish lich’s spell, and ate ungodly amounts of ice cream from between Esvina’s tits while Nathaniel took me from behind, I stepped out of the carriage on some rather shaky legs to get some air.

The night air was cool on my skin, but a heat scampered over my skin when I saw who was sitting at the fire.

Basil, my emperor, was sitting alongside my… friend? Ally? Rival?

Rachel and Basil were sitting and laughing, and despite how much my mind always told me he was out of reach, my heart still yearned for him.

My damnable feelings for this man were so complex, and every time I felt compelled to get closer to him the streams of fate seemed to pull us farther and farther away from each other.

And it was not just a physical attraction, as much as I wished it was, because that would mean I could find another paramour rather easily.

But every moment, every laugh, every battle and every quiet glance between us engorged my heart with love with him just as much as my feasting engorged my ass.

And just as I was coming around to the idea of putting on weight, here comes a hyper muscular literal amazon that I could see him falling under the sway of.

I breathed a breath I was holding for a while and walked to a river next to the road.

Despite my increase in girth, I had no intentions of acting like a slob so I disrobed and began to wash myself.
The cool water felt heavenly on my sex soaked skin, and my thoughts were so consumed with Basil I didn't hear him approach until he spoke.

“Mind if I join you, Ashlay?”

After nearly jumping out of my skin, I turned and saw him standing there. Reflexively, I covered my chest.

“I hope I am not intruding.”

“N-no. Not at all. Come in.”

Basil disrobed and I felt my cheek’s burn so red I was sure the water around me would begin to boil.

“I was worried I had done something to offend you, as I feel we have not had a moment to talk for some time.”

My eyes cast themselves downward.

“I did not wish to impose on your time with Rachel.”

I saw him bite his cheek.

The impossibly strong Emperor looked as unsure as a school boy.

“Rachel is… important to me. But I don’t want her to come between us.”


Years of spy training had taught me to suppress my deepest feelings, but a frighteningly large 

part of myself wanted to scream at him for implying there could ever be an “us.”

“I want you to be happy, and safe Basil.”

He waded through the water, closing the gap between us.

“Thing’s have kept getting in the way of us for far too long.”


Before breath could escape my lips to utter some kind of retort, his arm was around my plush waist and his own lips on mine.

This was a moment I had been dreaming of for years.
Long nights where I could have walked into his room and acted on an instinct I knew we both had.

I had stayed myself, telling myself again and again that I had to make sacrifice’s not only for the empire, but for mine and his’ sake.

Feeling his presence, his skin on mine, the taste of his lips, I realized what a fool I had been.

I drew him into me, and when he pulled away my nostrils flared in anger.

“I wish to give you everything you deserve Ashlay. Everything and more.”

My head rested against his muscled chest.

“What of Rachel?” I asked, looking up at his deep dark eyes.

“She is… important to me too. We will speak more on this in the capital.  I promise.”

Just as he was about to pull in to kiss me again, we were both alerted to the rustling of some nearby bushes.

Out stumbled Esvina, who had out her armor on so hastily  her left tit was hanging out.

She was so exasperated and flustered she seemed to have no reaction to seeing the spymaster and the emperor undressed and in such a state.

“Sir… we just received… a message…” she spoke in between breaths.

“What is it! What has happened!” Basil spoke in a ferocious tone.

“The capital… sir. It’s… lost.”


Isabelle sat her firm ass on the throne, and noted how uncomfortable it was.

“God’s, how does he do it? Sit in this thing all day?”

Lydia sighed from beside her.

“Maybe that was why he spent so much time out conquering.”

“Perhaps. Once I am crowned Empress, my first act will be commissioning a comfortable seat of power.”

“Have the noble house’s backed your claim?”

“Enough of them to not worry. They contributed the soldiers that made this possible, so I am not worried about them backing down now.”

“Oh how very shrewd of you, my Empress.” Lydia said, walking over and placing a hand on the back of the throne.

“What exactly did you offer them?”

“A return to certain powers they once had before Basil. That, along with the money we had from Vintriax’s hoard meant they melted like butter in a smelter.”

It had been very easy.

Most of the army was away dealing with the Amazon raid, or accompanying Basil to defeat the Dragon Queen.

A token force had been left to defend the city, and all they had to do was make a deal with them, and the city was theirs.


There was some violence, as those too loyal to the past Emperor attempted to take the city back, and the temple of Curvacia and Athena had to be threatened with total destruction before they surrendered.

It had been swift and bloody, but the coup was done.

Lydia had no doubt’s that revolt was on the mind of the remaining house’s, and no doubt would be kicked off by Basil’s return to the city, but by then it would be too late.

“And what of the Amazon’s? Do they still have their protection?”

Isabelle grinned.

“No. They have squandered it. They ride now for the capital, but by the time they reach the gates the fools will have made themselves too heavy for their horses.”

“And what does this mean for you?”

“Oh, I have more self control than those slutty bimbo’s. I will be fine.”

Just then her stomach growled.

“Although.. Perhaps a celebratory feast is in order. I am a bit… peckish.”

Lydia suppressed a sinister cackle.

All according to plan.


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Come on! Basil and Ashlay had just had the opportunity to open up to each other and spend time alone - and they were interrupted! I hope they will still have the opportunity after the capital is liberated) And it's nice to see how Ashlay, being an influential and strong spy mistress, is increasingly developing her spoiled side, loving to eat, sex and pleasure)

Thanks for the new part! I am waiting for the continuation and wish you inspiration)

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  • 2 months later...
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  • 1 month later...

Chapter 32 - Grand Finale

Durtha the Amazon had been a formidable warrior.

With her dark skin and white hair, she was a striking figure on the battlefield even before you took into account her rippling muscles and tendency to charge enemy lines fully bare.

Months ago, she had been one of the loudest voices calling to raid the Empire.

Now, her wheezing was among the loudest.

For years the amazons had been impervious to calories, eating drinking and fucking to their hearts content without any downsides.

For some reason, after raiding that last temple of Athena, the downsides came like a torrent of rain.

Thighs started to touch, food engorged bellies did not recede back to six pack abs, and they started outgrowing the scant pieces of clothing they used to cover their breasts.

By the time they reached the gates of the capital, they were hardly a fighting force, much less a credible threat.

They set up camp outside the walls, and declared a “siege,” but either the Capital did not consider them a threat or was just content to watch them make spectacular fools of themselves, as no fighting had yet taken place yet.
Durtha lumbered towards the edge of camp. There were supplies there, “raided” from the city using the weapon of the enemy, Gold.

As one of Queen Sophia’s steadfast warchiefs, she was able to pull rank on two of the amazons guarding (more like stealing handfuls of food when no one was looking) the food supplies.

She was just opening a case of freshly baked croissants when she heard the horses.

The watch must have been off eating or fucking,because soon the camp was surrounded on all sides by military units pointing spears.

Durtha tried to reach for a weapon, but only managed to grab the lower roll of her belly.

A towering man rode up to her. Next to him was a woman who looked like an amazon, but as fit and strong as they had been before they set out to raid.

“Tell Queen Sophia that I will accept her surrender tomorrow.”

Then he rode off, to join two very plump women in his retinue.

Durtha frowned.

Sophia had quite a hard time getting up nowadays.How were they going to move her after surrendering?


I knew how serious things were based on how Basil rode up to us.

The sight of a woman of that size completely bare, would have at least put a half smile on his face in less trying times.

“Well that’s my sisters taken care of.” Rachel said with a sneer in the direction of the Amazon camp.”

Yvarra chewed her lip.

“What now? We lack the manpower to assault the capital.”

Basil turned his horse in the direction of the main gate.

“We may not have to. Whatever Isabelle and Lydia are up to, something tells me they are not relying on a clash of martial prowess.”

I brought my horse alongside his.

It was a good thing these horses were of strong dwarven stock, capable of hauling mine and Yvarra’s fat ass’.

He turned to me.

“Tell me, spymaster. What play should we make?”

I thought. 

Nothing had felt right since we fattened the Dragon Queen.

If it was a throne they were after, there were easier and less complicated ways to get one. 

“The Nobles who backed them will surely falter if you return to the throne, Emperor. And there are ways to move about the city unseen.”

He nodded.

“We must take the fight to them. In the throne room.”

I nodded in turn.

“Then fight them we will.”

Any spy agency worth their salt has secret tunnels leading into places of power.

They were ostensibly there to ferry important people out of those places, but also proved useful if someone had to slip a knife in.

Basil, Rachel and I crept through dank tunnels not used in many a year. Yvarra and the soldiers stayed behind, as their numbers would only hinder us. 

Although perhaps not as much as my hips hindered our passage. 

Many instances of pushing and cursing later, we stepped into the pantry.

And unfortunately for my growling stomach, it was empty. 

“The two of them must have thrown some party.” I said, looking at empty hooks that should have contained full turkeys and chicken.

Basil crept forward, greatsword in hand.

It was a short walk to the throne room, where we expected a confrontation with the two schemers. 

Except, we found someone had done half the work for us.

Sitting on the throne, was a vast and grotesque woman.

She wore the tattered remains of purple robes, a crown of gold and jewels on her piggy head, and was shoveling handful after handful of fried dough into her maw. Ebony hair flowed down her, and she did not acknowledge us in the slightest.

It took me a while to realize who she was, but Rachel knew instantly.

“Isabelle? Is that you?”

She did not take her eyes off the feast in front of her.

“Mo-more…” was all she said.

I was so shocked at the fate of the woman I had last seen bursting through glass stained windows on the back of a wyvern, that I did not see the other one enter on a balcony above.

“Ah, just in time, the three of you.”

Lydia was looking extraordinarily beautiful, with a full bust and taught stomach. She had obviously been using magic to enhance her features.

Basil pointed his sword at her.

“Speak! Villain! What is the meaning of all of this!”

Lydia cackled.

“The meaning my dear, stupid emperor is that I will finally be where I should have been, somewhere without equal. You are about to witness Apotheosis, so begin worshiping and I will spare you insects now!”

Rachel sneered.

“You are outnumbered, you mad woman. Surrender, and you may yet keep your life.”

Lydia glared at her.

“I would not go counting me out just yet….”

She lifted something up. It looked like a small cube with a glowing sphere in the middle of it.

“With this,no one will be above me ever again.”

I knew what it was a second too late.

“The Lipodex Confluator!”

With an incantation the cube unfolded, and the sphere turned bruning hot.

And I did something I hadn't done in a while now.

I shrank.
 Knives cut through my muscles, leaving me in agony.

Isabelle also shrieked as her bulk receded. I was sure every fat woman within a hundred miles of the city was going through the same thing. 

White energy flowed into Lydia.

“At last! I shall become like a goddess!” She shouted, voice deepened and amplified by the sheer power seeping into her.”

Rachel roared in defiance, and went to strike Lydia with her bow, but with a flick of her wrist she quickly started doing the opposite of what I was doing. 

Hips swelled, breasts inflated, and her belly began to sag. She toppled into basil, and even his muscles could not  lift her bulk.

A new feeling erupted in my chest, amidst the pain of my fat burning off of me. 



 As I laid underneath Rachels belly, two thoughts rang through my head.

Damn she makes a good fatty.


I need to do something before this cunt turns herself into a goddess off of all the fat in the empire i had worked tirelessly to cultivate.

Ashlay was receding, but by the time she had no fat left to give it would be too late.

I had to act.

My hand still clutched my sword, and a thought came to me. 

I smiled. 

Long ago, back when she was thin and I was but an officer in training, I told Ashlay about an idea I had. 

She scoffed at me.

“Only a fool throws their sword.”

I looked at the Ashlay before me now.

Even with her weight notwithstanding, she had grown into a fine companion, and friend.

And after this, something more. A lot more.

But if this is to be my last act here, in my own gods damned throne room, better make it a foolish one.

Summoning all the strength I had in me, I threw the sword at Lydia.

She was so wrapped up in her evil cackling, she was not expecting anything like this.

My sword struck the Lipodex Confluator, sending it tumbling out of her hand.

“NO!” she shrieked, and her empowered form floated down to retrieve it.

Too slowly.

I rolled out of Rachel, and wrested my hand on the arcane device.

Power pulsed through me. White hot flame exploded in my fist, but I felt no pain.

“This was my destiny! Mine!” 

Lydia lunged at me.

“No, this is your fate.”

With a gesture of my hand, Lydia was atomized. 

She vanished, leaving behind a ring that would have once been used to signify her marriage to me. 

Despite it all, some part of me felt pity. 

But then I was left with the Confluator in my hand. 

Energy was still flowing into me. I could sense the waistines of all the women near and far receding, granting me power. 

And I was tempted. 

With this power, I could achieve conquests no emperor had ever dreamed of. 

The whole world would be in the palm of my hand.

And screw settling for less, I could seduce and feed Athena and Curvacia themselves until the outgrew the sun and moon.


I heard a voice.

It was Ashlay, as fit as she had been when she first started snooping on me and Yvarra’s relationship.

“You have to let it go.”

Now shame entered me. 

What need do I have for godhood? 

I’ve achieved far more with far less.”

With a shout, I sent the energy upwards. 

The roof of the palace exploded, and white light shone through the sky like a beacon.

In seconds, the power was gone.

I collapsed to one knee.

In an instant, Ashlay was next to me.

“Are you all right?”

A second figure was next to me as well.

Most of the fat had vanished off of Rachel when Lydia bit the dust, except for a small pooch of belly.

“We have you, Emperor.”

I looked up at the night sky. 

“I think we need to talk about what the three of us will do after this.”

The two of them smiled.

“Well, seeing as I'm already on one knee.”

I grabbed Lydia’s ring, and pulled out another one I had kept for safekeeping where not even a spymaster would find it.

“Will you both marry me?”

They answered me by kissing the sides of my face. 

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