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Underhanded way to scheme for glory and money


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17 hours ago, ulvrik said:

Regina sat and thought about her plans for the upcoming challenges, she knows that she had been eager to the idea for planting traps at the colosseum, but it was not favorable right now because that she didn’t know what challenges that Jessie would meet in that short time. Instead, she focused on the other two ideas.

She had gathered intel on the famous captain Silvia for over a week, and the results had been boring and disappointing at the beginning. an extraordinary nymph that seemed never to be interesting at anything for lovemaking or lust that was the trademark for the legendary race. Instead, she seemed hellbent on having the finest record in safekeeping the tournament as long it would take.

She had almost given up on that plan too, until one evening when she sat alone at the inn, an extreme curvy maid, named Linn came over. When she saw the distressed Regina that was having a hard time to conceal it for the rest of the world, she sat down with Regina and after hearing Regina’s fruitless hunt for interesting news about the captain, Linn misunderstood it for pure curiosity and started telling the rumor that wasn’t supposed to go around but did anyway, it was said that Silvia was deformed “down there” since birth, and because of that didn’t dare to let anybody come close to verify that.

That made Regina sure on she had found a hole in the dutiful captain’s unbreakable wall. All she needed to do was getting Silvia’s feelings on fire for her, and she knows what she needed, a love potion, and the right timing.

And if she needed a potion, she would have to go to the capital. Then she could kill two birds in one stroke, information, and the love potion.

Regina set before dawn to get on with contacting the fire hawks first, she knows if they didn’t want to be found they would make it so. But as for Regina, who was a member of this organization, very unwillingly but still, had one contact she was supposed to go too. Nick Gone-fly, an old grey-bearded angel-born smelly beggar that had lost his wings in his youth. He was usually sitting at the market street, the main road in the city Heavenlight, the capital of Fornai from dusk to dawn.

Usually, it took 2 hours on a horse to get to the capital, but she knew she had to leave fast, and come back so that Jessie didn’t use this opportunity to feed herself silly, so she planned to get there as fast as possible, get the message sent and back to keep Jessie under surveillance. The problem was that she didn’t have a horse… stealing one was an option but doing so could get the law enforcement on her if she was unlucky or clumsy, with would be a hassle in the long run. 

She thought about it while dressing up in her traveling clothes, a brown leather armor, and black leather pants. For some reason, they seemed harder to get on than she remembered but dismissed it as they prob just felt like that because it was a long time now she wore them last.  She took her two knives as insurance, she never knew if the would come in handy. Then as she took the last cloth on her, a green cape she realized that instead of stealing a horse, she could rent, now she had a small funding capital after the betting. With that in mind she knew that the Staggering Lamb Inn had that service, and out in the evening sun, she was off to the inn.

She was in luck, when she arrived at the staggering lamb inn she knocked on the door and checked her purse while she waited, and when the door open she looked up and was met with a white blouse with two large soft bouncing breasts, for her it was the most perfect view she could get if it wasn’t for her red skin anyone would have seen that she got heavily flustered. then she takes one step back to see over those lovely melons, only to see her favorite maids face, Linn.

She did a quick scan when she saw Linn’s profile, which she regret a bit because she started feeling the urge to touch, which she was forced to press down.

Lin was dressed in a frillies blouse and a nice dark brown brooded corset that exaggerated her large bosom and made her form more extreme. A long black shirt covered her legs but showed wide hips that had almost a shelf from her waist. 

Linn looked down and got a smile when she saw Regina “hi there cute, what can I do for ya?”

Regina regained her focus and smiled back “hi Linn, I was wondering if you still have that horse for rent?

“Sure,” Linn said, “follow me”. As they went, Linn first and Regina after, and first now she saw how huge booty Linn had “my god!! I would disappear in those cheeks” she thought and started muster up her charm at Linn. Well, you see that I a bit of a hurry, and we have known each other for at least a week, could I possibly get a discount? Wich she ended with giving the most adorable face she could muster. Linn stopped as she was at the stable-door, and looked over her shoulder.

(Charisma 98/67 what the??!! Damn it dices!!)

“Sorry sweetheart, but you don’t know me that well for a discount”. Regina looked baffled, had her classic charming side lost its touch? She was so stunned that she paid the price without any more argument.

Regina lose 3 silver

She shook off her disbelief and looked at the maid “could you do me a favor Linn? If Jessie decides that she deserves a drink or two, could you step in and stop her?”

Linn laughed and said “sure honey that the least I can do for you after that tame try” patted Regina’s shoulder and went inside again. Regina was standing still, fuming both with indignation and lust 

“she has a damn lovely booty and tits! but she needs discipline some more meat on her, someone will need to fix that in time, preferable me” Regina smiling grimly as she thought so as she sat upon the horse and rode away.

The ride to the capital went faster as expected right under an hour, special because she didn’t want to waste any time, and when she came over the last hill and saw the city in the dusk of last sunshine, she couldn’t stop and think “home sweet home...not!” and rode down to the gates

The capital of Fornai, Heavenlight that was located in a large valley, was a large merchant city and had grown from a fortress city of old in ancient times, that benefited from being a strategic position at the southeast corner of the 101 kingdoms domain, bordering with Jotun mountain range, League of Republics, and Dominion of the Beautiful. 

But what made the Duchy of Fornai so formable in the 101 kingdoms political and economic with the other realms was its commonly known famous sugar, known as Fornai`s white gold. The sugar was discovered on Empress Theonas 38 year of power and was quickly taken by the government when they realized what they had stumbled on

What made it’s so attractive was that it was a sugar that made even the most boring dishes taste it was from heaven, the downside was it was highly addictive if consuming too much, that on a sidenote happened in the beginning by the village that had to discover this, until the government, with heavy assistance by the empress took direct control of its productions, to the rather hugely obese farmers cry of outrage and the guild of merchant’s joy. Soon it got produced by most villages with heavy guarded kingsguard that came directly from the red empress royal guard, that was well known for their loyalty and hellbent that the empress honor would be spoiled if any sugar got stolen or to wast.

Wizard and sorcerers use the Fronai´s white gold in their enchanted food they made, and the biggest import is made to the Red Empress court, there mostly only the harem could get it regular basis if the rumor where true.

She rode in through the outer gates and placed the horse at the city’s gate stable, as only horses allowed was nobles or cargo transport, and as she walked at the main street, she saw that most vendors and shops were starting to open up and keep walking until she saw the corner from the main street to a small alley there Nick Gone-fly was, crushing whit his beggar bowl.

She went past him into the alley, and as she did so she mumbled “Fire to the sky”. the alley was long and dark, and it was a lot of barrels and other debris father in it, which made a perfect meeting place for... Darker dealings.

She waited behind a small construction platform that seems had been abandoned for fifteen minutes until Nick came limping to her

With a raspy oily voice, he started “Well hello, there red sugar top! haven’t seen you around much here since…” he stopped and looked at her with a penetrating hungry gaze “well for 2 years when I think about it, you are looking really well, what have you been up to”

Regina remembered why she hated nick, first was his smell… he seemed to be allergic to take anything close to water to clean himself up and he had an ugly way to look at the woman as a piece of meat, and she wishes she could have chosen a more preferable contact, sadly she could not be picky now.

“Hi Nick,” she said in a monotone voice “doing nothing special really, just scheming as usual”

“Oh I see,” he said, while rubbing his hand in his berate cheek “so, what do you want? I’m busy and can’t be gone for long” the last part was said in an angrier, demanding tone

“I need information, and are prepared to do some favors for it,” Regina said, and couldn’t resist putting a sharp edge in her monotonous voice

Nick’s eyes got smaller as he looked at Regina, then raised to his full height at 5,7 feet and looked down at Regina. “Don’t you use that tone at me shorty” he said with venom “what kind of intel do you need that would probably put you in debt forever if I know the leaders right?” In the last part, he ended with a smirk, that showed just a few rotten yellow teeth.

“I need intel of the next 3 gladiatrix’s weaknesses and manners in the tournament”

Nick stared at her, his smirk long gone, and with a dark gaze at her now, he started to whisper threatening “Ohh be really careful now bitch” he growled at her “I know that the gang has some business in the tournament as well, if I was you I would back off..”

Regina lost it and went in for the kill at once, she grabbed nicks balls in a fierce grip, nick gave up a low high pitched yelp and gripped her arm with his both hands, but as she started to squelch, made him totally still.

You do what? I just had it with your sassy attitude, You are just a messenger” she empathized every word with pressing harder “and if you don’t deliver as I tell you you won’t have any family jewels left, and then they will kill you because you will be useless, they can always find a new messenger you know”

Nick looked at her terrified “did I make myself clear?” she hissed with a grimace, showing her sharp teeth. He nodded as fast he dared, but Regina didn’t let go just yet.

She had got so angry that she didn’t think after what she has done, in worse consequences she would need to kill nick, hide from The Fire Hawks from now on and give up her plan on riches… but then she thought on something if she can’t frighten him to submission, pay him.

“Now, just to show that I have no lingering grudge to you, I will let go if you answer one question and I will release you, pay you for your tip and give you a winning odds for the tournament, deal?”

He nodded even faster now, desperately wanting to feel the release from Regina’s deadly grip

“Where can I find a potion maker that makes deals under the table this hour?”

“E.e..h th..that would be madam Gorgania, her shop is at the southern district from here, behind the ord church!!” He was in such pain and hurry so the last part was almost said without breathing in between the words “Canyouletmegonow??!!”

“Sure” Regina answered in a monotonic voice again, as nick fell whimpering she looked at disgust at her hand and started whipping it against the wall.

“My tip..” she said as she throws a silver to nick “is to bet on Jessie Wall-breaker, you can recommend the leaders that too”

As Regina walked away nick looked after at her with a new lited hatred “I will tell them what you said, but I will have revenge.. Just you wait Regina...” he growled to himself as he limped back to his corner

Regina walked throw dark street and alleys as she hurried to her next stop, madam Gorgania´s shop. Luckily few people were out to make her life harder than it was and soon found the shop, as she went throw the door she noticed shelves after shelves with different potions and bottles in all different colors.

As she carefully walked in she said a soft “hello? Someone here”

“Well yes! I’m coming I’m coming” an old woman voice was heard from the inner part of the shop, and soon a short devil born old lady with large glasses on her pointy nose and dressed in a black dress and grey shawl, stepped slowly out behind a curtain with a can in her right hand.

“I’m Madam Gorgaina, the best potion maker of Heavenlight if I say so myself, Well what can I do for you, young one?” She asked with a big smile

Regina didn’t care for the pleasantry and went for business directly “I need a love potion, one that works for at least for a half year. Peferble yesterday” she wasn’t agreeable right now, and she knows it, but she had a really bad day after meeting Nick and failure with Linn today, she just wanted to get back and forget this day

Gorgaina looked disapproved at Regina and said in a soft condemning tone “Well I do have ingredients for them, it will take a week and those are pretty expensive, they usually go for 500 gold in forwarding payment

“500 gold?!! For forwarding payment?!!” Regina exclaimed “Ohhh I gonna kill nick when I see him next time,” she thought

“no need to shout! I’m not deaf” madam Gorgaina angrily said, with an upset look at Regina

“Sorry sorry,” said Regina in an apology voice “but the problem is I need a love potion desperately right now”

Gorgaina looked at Regina and without a word, she turned around and started looking at different shelves “how much do you have?” 

“Huh?” Regina said surprised

“I asked how much do you have,” Gorgaina said with a stern voice 

“4 gold” Regina said while looking at the floor, a bit flustered for the low sum she had on her

“I see…” she looked a few minutes and then exclaimed, “Let me see yes here it is, I have a love potion but I don’t know how safe is it, I think it was a failure when I made it, its much darker than it should be..”

“But does it work?” Regina wondered as she looked at the dark red bottle Gorgaina was holding carefully

“Blast it, child! If I know it worked I would have put it a higher price than 4 gold, but I haven’t dared to even try it” Gorgaina waved fit her can in Regina´s direction

“Why not?” Regina backed off to not be hit by the can

“Consequences could be extremely fatal with a deadly outcome, but as I have warned you with this knowledge now I’m sure you will handle it carefully if you still want it?” Gorgaina looked over her glasses at Regina while she held up the potion to her.

Regina didn’t blink as she took up her 4 gold and gave it to Gorgaina, and as she took the bottle she looked at Gorgaina first and then at the bottle “so how much does a person need? 

Regina Lose 4 Gold

“Oh max 4 cl, so you have about 20 doses in that bottle. And like I said, it could be very potent. In worse case it…” Gorgaina was about to say something more but Regina interrupted her with bowing

“Perfect thanks!” Regina said turning around and rushed out as she had enough of weird people for tonight.

Regina Acquire Super potent love potion

“Fool,” Gorgaina thought as she slowly walked back to her inner part of the store “in the worse case, a dose could make someone be in love forever”

Regina hurried to throw the street and was thinking wildly “ok I got the potion, now I need a test subject for it.. But who I’m gonna try it on..” she kept walking but her brain stopped on one name, as she closed to the stables all her brain though only one thought


Regina considered the bottle in her hand, it's wine dark liquid gleaming with possiblity. Trying it on Captain Silva could be disastrous if it failed, or worse if it instead provoked the nymph to violence. Linn on the other hand, well, perhaps testing it on the friendly bar maid... Who had seemed to like her anyway...


Backfire: the potion is a reverse love potion. Regina falls head over heels for Linn instead! 

Feederism Potion: the potion stokes latent feeder tendencies in Linn, towards everyone carrying a few extra pounds.... Like Regina! Who needs to roll a will save for resisting the fattening feast linn feeds her!

Gaining potion!: Instead of causing love, the potion causes weight gain! Linn gains 4d10 pounds!


Weight gain plague: the potion does nothing... For now. Although linn feels very hungry later and develops a cold... Which soon spreads, along with the waist lines of every woman in the city...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Those hooks are great, but here's some overdue ones from me to add to the choice:

Big champ!: Despite the partial sacrifice of Regina's waistline, Jessie keeps getting fatter and fatter. The only way to get her to the championship is for Regina to fatten up Jessies opponents!

Fat Loving Nymph: returning to her original plan to earn the love of the arenas Guard Captain, Regina makes a terrible discovery...for her bmi! For Captain Silva only likes chubby girls and has her heart set on porking Regina up to epic size!


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  • ulvrik changed the title to Underhanded way to scheme for glory and money

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