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Everything posted by freedombell2001

  1. Lovely, lovely lady. Thank you for sharing yourself with us!
  2. Found this pic and I've no idea where it came from. Does anyone recognise her?
  3. Pointless bit of casual racism and ageism there. I thought this was a pro-acceptance forum. Keep your bigotry to yourself. Britain has as many beautiful women as anywhere else. Granted, Katie Hopkins is NOT a good example!
  4. Beautiful! And what a gorgeous belly
  5. I just think we're fortunate vavavoom83 shares her journey with us. Why do people feel the need to pick others apart and judge anyway, particularly on a site like this (which I thought was supposed to be supportive)?
  6. I'd love to see some of these images posted full size, they're terrific
  7. That has to be one of the sexiest videos I've ever seen. Your body is incredible!
  8. freedombell2001


    That 'article' explains exactly what we FAs are fighting against, referring to Namitha as looking 'horrendous' bigger... speak for yourselves, idiots!
  9. One of the most beautiful women I've ever seen. Thank you
  10. That sounds more like a Curvage member's fantasy!
  11. Imogeneize, you're officially the most beautiful and sexy woman I've never met It's an overused word - but you're STUNNING! x
  12. I think it might well have been her - there were certainly pictures there that I hadn't seen on her FF account. Either way, shame, cos she's lovely.
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