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Gian Maria

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  1. The representation of a fantastic woman at 360 degrees!! Thanks so much for sharing!! ❤️
  2. Transparent white lingerie is for a fat and sexy body like a goddess! 💙
    You are already fantastic in pictures but watch your fat body in motion releases sex everywhere, is an irresistible experience! Like a fatal attraction.. 😍 🥰
  3. Sorry but is not my intention to give advice to anyone, everything i write are only my opinion or what i think and one can agree or desagree. It can be as italian i'm not able to write in the right way.
  4. Don't worry if things don't go your way, that's life. What matters is yuo keep doing your best and what you love and like the most, first of all for yourself. So than if you are happy it reflects on the others. 😘
  5. Speaking in general : often before something happens the majority of people does nothing! Than when it happens they are all sorry... 😍
  6. Whatever you wear on your body it shines more than gold! 💙
  7. Can i joke... With your luscious body you the owner of a playground for adults! The variety is the spice of life, you taught me this 2 years ago. 😍😋
  8. I totally agree, you have a natural gift, your fat adds roundness in a uniform manner and transform your body sexy as hell !! 🥰😍
  9. The belly button look so beautiful and perfect in the middle of your round belly! I also fill attracted from your face and the double chin.. too pretty!! Only a couple of particolar because for the rest i need to write a poem..😍🥰
    An erotic fantasy very real and spot on, it's as if she can Read in my wishes! Everything turns into an explosion o emotion. As i watch i would like to have 10 or more eyes because every part of her body fat it's so sexy and hot, that i can't imagine what level it could reach!! Not to mention her face so adorable, she's amazing! 💙 😍👍
  10. I like the cross legs, your self confidence is the best outfit! 😍
  11. As in the photos above your face makes my eyes light up, so is a win - win! 💙
  12. What a sexy body!! An awakening of the senses in spring. I'm only sorry when i do not see your gorgeous face.. 💛🥵
  13. Hi Niki good night! I send you a joke. Confucius said : while i was walking a bird shit on my head, and after few steps i stepped on a cow shit and he exlaimed, lucki that cows can't fly ! 💙
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