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Katie Loves to Eat


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Katie Loves to Eat


Part 1

Katie was smiling widely. Her tummy began to grumble as the food-court came into view.

‘Which one today?’ she asked herself, as her bounding footsteps propelled her rounded rear towards the nearest fast-food dispensary. ‘I think I’ll go with Big Boss Burger this time.’

‘Hi, I’d like a super-sized big boss burger mega-combo, a large chocolate shake and three glazed donuts, thanks.’

Katie took her place to the side, fingers fidgeting and lips damming up the rapidly forming saliva, until she saw at last her digits glowing on the electronic screen. Her little hands snatched the bag readily as her sheepish smile muttered ‘thank you.’ In a few quick steps she was at the closest free table: pulling out the chair, she dropped her soft carriage deftly into it.

Her first bite cleaved a full quarter clean out of that considerable sandwich, while her free hand alternated greasy beef with oily fries. At each juncture when she felt the mighty burger forming a mass within her chest, she swiftly sucked down that sweet cola, to clear the blockage and render facility for further supply.

Just as in spring, when the long chill of winter gives way to a warmer breeze, and the upward gusts hoist black sheets in the sky, the source wakes from its slumber, the bucket’s turned over, and suddenly the bone-dry course is filled beyond holding before the notice of a single raindrop, so too did that super-sized big boss burger mega-combo stream forth down Katie’s gullet.

While she was deep in degustation, a high-pitched voice softly resounded across the floor.

‘Katie!’ She raised her eyes. Then, sweeping her tongue around her mouth, she swallowed forcefully and said:

‘Oh hey Lena, you’re getting lunch?’

‘Yeah, I bought a salad,’ she replied, hand on one hip and mini-skirt flashing flamingo legs. She lowered herself down without tremor, screwing up her nose amidst the mouth-smacks that emanated opposite.

‘Careful, Katie,’ she said, ‘or you’ll get real chubby munching on those glazed donuts.’

‘But they’re so good!’ she replied, before swallowing, ‘and anyway, I’m in pretty good shape.’

Lena pursed her lips and widened her eyes slightly. But Katie’s gaze was on the shake, and she was already inhaling empty air when Lena announced,

‘Well I gotta go: gonna run a few laps before going back. You know, need to keep my girlish figure.’ Looking Katie in the eye, she smiled and swept her incisors with her tongue as she rose, turning abruptly on her heels and floating away with a hip sway and a giggle. Katie stayed a while longer.

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Part 2

Opening the front door, Katie made straight for the snack cupboard. She retrieved two king-size Chunky Boy chocolate bars, tore open a wrapper, and chomped right into one. As she stood there with her eyes closed, moaning and swirling in her mouth the melted chocolate, sugar and caramel with her tongue, she felt a sharp pain in her ribs, and heard her mother’s voice saying:

‘Katie, what are you doing there?’

Her mother glanced down at Katie’s backside before she could turn around. ‘You know, your bottom’s getting a bit big.’ Katie gulped down the mouthful of chocolate.

‘Really?’ she whined, spinning around to try to get a look at her own buttocks, a chocolate bar still clenched tightly in each hand.

‘Maybe it’s all that chocolate you scarf down,’ her mother suggested.

Katie marched briskly out of the room, leaving her mother another view of her rounded behind as she walked away, and barged into her bedroom. Closing the door, she carefully placed down her chocolate bars on the desk, and slid off her shoes.

‘Ok, let’s see what’s really going on here,’ she said to herself. Dragging her scales out from underneath the bed, she yanked off her top and, after many attempts, pulled clean her extremely snug pair of jeans.

‘Ok’, she said again slowly, now turning to look herself over in the full-length mirror. ‘Yeah, it is looking a little chunkier,’ she confessed, jiggling her soft bottom. ‘The thighs, too,’ she added, frowning and tightening her lips. ‘Alright, let’s see what this says.’ Stepping on the scale, she was hoping the number would stop around 154, maybe as high as 157.

‘Wow, 163!’ she said, eyes widening. ‘That’s what? 12 lbs since last time?’ She pinched the bit of belly fat beginning to form. Then she looked herself up and down again. ‘You know what?’ she said, ‘I think I still look pretty good. 163 is really not that much, it’s not 200 or anything.’

She jumped off the scale towards her desk and took another large bite out of her first king-size Chunky Boy chocolate bar. She undulated her cheek muscles, coursing the chocolate around her tongue, swallowed deeply and smacked her lips. ‘On second thought,’ she started, ‘maybe I should double-check it.’

Picking up her phone, she searched for a BMI calculator and entered: 5’3’’, 163 lbs.

‘Ok 28.9. What does that mean?’ She began to read:

‘Your BMI is 28.9, indicating your weight is in the Overweight category for adults of your height. For your height, a healthy weight range would be from 104 to 141 pounds. People who are overweight or obese are at higher risk for…’

She sunk down her head and shoulders. ‘Really? I’m more than 20 lbs overweight?’ She took another look at herself in the mirror, and then glanced back to her desk. ‘Well, at least this chocolate will make me happy,’ she sighed.  And she sat there on her bed, munching on those king-size Chunky Boy chocolate bars and licking the packets until not one speck remained.

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Part 3

Katie was sitting beside the tennis court, sunglasses affixed and cap atop her head.

‘Well,’ she said to herself, ‘I might as well have something to eat while I’m waiting. I’ll need the energy.’ She opened her bag and retrieved a family size bag of King Krunch cheese and bacon flavoured potato chips. Ripping it open, she began to stuff tower-sized stacks of fried potato through her lips, turning with her tongue the batter forming in the recesses of her cheeks.

‘These are really good!’ she said, licking the salt and oil from her lips. ‘But now I’m thirsty’.

She cracked open a can of Greedy Gulp full sugar cola, sculling the lot and barely coming up for a breath between. Quickly eyeing the vicinity, she let out a few quiet burps. ‘Wow it’s hot today!’ she sighed as she broke open her next can.

Screwing up the empty chip packet and laying it next to the empty soda cans in her bag, she saw a car enter the driveway and noticed Lucas at the wheel.

‘Hey Katie!’ he shouted from the car. She smiled and waved.

Lena got out of the car and sauntered towards Katie, grinning. Her crop-top revealed her pencil thin waist, while her skin-tight mini-skirt showed off her ostrich-long legs and defined thigh gap.

‘Babe, you look so good in that dress,’ Lena said as she hugged her friend. Katie was wearing a thigh-length white dress, very tight around the rear, with a little bit of muffin-top pudge visible above her pantie line.

‘Thanks babe, but don’t think compliments will make me go easy on you!’

‘Wow, lashing out already!’ Lena laughed, raising her eyebrows.

‘That’s 4 games to 1, Katie boasted, hitting the ball back over the net.

‘Whatever,’ Lena said, screwing up her face, ‘it’s my serve.’ She launched the ball softly towards Katie, but it stopped short at the net.

‘Try again!’ Katie laughed. Lena retrieved the ball, frowned and gritted her teeth. The ball travelled at speed into the court, forcing Katie out onto the side to return it.

Lena jumped forward and hit a shot straight down the line on the other side, but Katie predicted it. In a few bounds she was on the ball, hitting it cross court and far beyond Lena’s reach.

‘Wow you can really move that booty!’ Lena called out.

‘I told you I was in pretty good shape!’ Katie replied, smiling and shaking her hips and butt.

‘Ok, I need to take a break for a bit,’ Lena said, panting.

‘Well maybe we should call it a day,’ Katie suggested as she walked over, ‘Sorry, I need to get going to find a dress for Saturday night.’

‘Oh you want some action!’ Lena teased. ‘Hang on, I’ll just message Lucas to come pick me up.’

The girls made their way into the shade and sat down on the grass.

‘I brought a few snacks,’ said Katie, popping more than a mouthful of Sugar Joys and offering the packet to Lena.

‘No, it’s fine,’ she replied, ‘I’m trying to cut down on that kind of stuff. Anyway, you should go, Katie, he’ll be here soon enough.’

‘Thanks, Lena. Sorry for cutting it short, it’s just getting a bit late.’ Katie threw a few more pieces of candy into her mouth, hugged her friend, and hopped in her car.

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Part 4

Lena looked herself up and down in the mirror and pouted.

‘Ok, I think I’m ready!’ she called out, placing a hand on one hip and lifting her shoulder. The door opened and Katie entered, red lips pursed and painted eyes darting about. Lena turned around and smiled.

‘Wow babe, looking good!’ she said, ‘your curves really fill out that cute little dress!’ Katie lowered her head, grinning.

‘Thanks…well, hopefully I can get some attention.’ she muttered.


Lena picked up her drink from the bar and turned around to see her friend Julian facing her.

‘Hey Lena,’ he said, nodding his head up to point across the club, ‘who’s that sort of chubby girl you were talking to earlier? She’s not too bad.’

‘Oh,’ Lena began, laughing, ‘that’s my work friend Katie. She’s really nice! Want me to introduce you two?’


Katie moved closer to Julian and began to move her hips from side to side as the music blared louder. They caught each other’s gaze for a moment and smiled. Julian then shifted his hands downwards over Katie’s rear, and, feeling the roundness of her rump, filled full his hands with her meaty buttocks, grabbing tight hold of her well-developed plumpness. Katie pressed herself closer to him, giggling.

‘You’re so sensual,’ he whispered into her ear as she began kissing his neck.


As Lena scanned the room again, she squinted, her eyes finally settling on a figure of sufficient wideness.

‘Katie!’ she called out, walking over, ‘There you are! What happened to you?’ Katie smiled and bit her lip.

‘Things got a bit…hot.’ Lena’s eyes widened.

‘Wow, babe, look at you!’ She laughed, slapping her friend on the shoulder. Katie lowered her head and giggled. ‘Well come on, I was looking for you, we’re heading to another club.’

‘Ok, sure thing, I’ll be right back,’ Katie replied, trotting off.


‘Are you alright, babe?’ Lena asked, putting her arm around Katie, ‘you’re a bit wobbly there.’

‘I think I’m a bit tipsy,’ Katie answered, pausing for a second to regain balance. As they rounded the corner, she stopped again, eyes widening, mouth dropping open, before the glow of a yellow sign that read ‘Big Bursa Kebabs’.

And just as in summer, when Jupiter looses a wayward thunderbolt into the already parched woods, a spark goes up, the flame takes force, and the conflagration thus caused threatens to consume with fire the entire mass of foliage, so too was a burning desire running wild in Katie’s breast, to gorge at that instant and without limit on those Big Bursa kebabs. 

‘So hungry!’ she cried out. ‘Let’s get kebabs!’


Placing her tray down on the table with a thud, Katie tore open her first kebab, her tongue managing to just catch her drool before it flowed out onto the wrapper.

‘Mmm,’ she moaned, nodding her head as she chewed, ‘really good kebabs…’

‘Geez,’ Lena laughed, glancing up from her phone, ‘how many did you get?’

‘I’m really hungry!’ Katie bleated, muffled by the enormous mouthful of greasy meat turning in her maw. ‘Mmm, these fries are so good too…’

‘Careful, babe,’ Lena said, grinning, ‘if you keep eating like that your butt will get too big for that cute little dress.’ Katie shrugged her shoulders and took another bite.

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Part 5

Katie sucked in as she laced through the final buttons of her white work shirt. She pulled it down as she exhaled and checked herself in the mirror.

‘OK, that’s good,’ she muttered. ‘Now the skirt…’ She picked up her black skirt from her bed and stretched it at the waist-band to test the give. As she stepped into it, she sucked in again, altering not at all, however, the generous circumference of her backside.

‘Oof that’s gotten tight,’ she said softly to herself as she struggled to tuck her shirt into it. She then looked down at the distance between the clasps, raising her eyebrows and stretching her lower lip. She pulled the two sides around her hips and belly, yet at full stretch left still an inch of space between them. Shifting her body, she managed after several attempts to unite the two.

‘There we go!’ she smiled and straightened herself up, at which point the skirt’s clasp immediately burst asunder. Sighing and frowning, she set herself to work again, sucking in and twisting her hips around to find the point of least resistance. But as soon as she found the clasp, the skirt once again broke apart, freeing her soft stuffing from its all-too-restrictive casing.

‘It just doesn’t want to button up!’ Katie bleated, examining the two divided sides. ‘Damn it! And this was the looser one! Why didn’t I replace them earlier?’ She shook her head and looked over at the digital clock on her bed-side table. ‘I still have time!’ she exclaimed.


Lena turned her head and frowned slightly as she caught sight of Katie marching through the perfume department.

‘Hey babe,’ she called out, standing in her path, ‘you’re working right now? I thought you weren’t starting till 3.’ Katie blushed.

‘Oh…yeah…’ she stammered, ‘I just wanted to pick something up first.’

‘Yeah?’ Lena replied, nodding, ‘What’s that?’ Katie began to shake her head and wave her hand.

‘Oh…nothing…’ Lena looked her in the eye, ‘…just a skirt.’

‘You mean like a clubbing skirt?’ Lena asked, grinning and doing a little dance.

‘Oh no,’ Katie began, growing redder, ‘it’s…it’s for work’ Lena frowned.

‘Oh really? I guess your old ones wore out?’ Lena suggested, cupping her chin.

‘Um…yeah…exactly’ Katie lied, shifting her gaze away from Lena’s. ‘Well, I better head down there…’ She pushed passed Lena and stomped down the escalator. Lena turned to watch her big round buttocks, glistening as they were in her tight blue jeans, disappear over the horizon.


As Katie entered the women’s clothing department, she sighed as her colleague Amanda approached her.

‘Hey Katie,’ Amanda said, ‘how’s it going? Things getting too slow up in perfume?’

‘Oh no,’ she started, ‘I’m just looking for something for me…’

‘All good. If you need some help-‘

‘No, no, I’m fine, I’m fine!’ Katie interrupted, smiling and waving her hands.


Katie stepped out of the tiny change room and began to course up and down in the skirt.

‘Hmm,’ Amanda’s voice suddenly began behind her, ‘I’d say that looks a little bit too…snug. How does it feel?’

‘Yeah, too snug!’ Katie gasped, struggling to breath.

‘What size is it?’ Amanda asked, turning her head, ‘I can grab the next one up for you.’ Katie lowered her head and began to turn red.

‘Oh…this is…a 12,’ she said quietly.

‘Ok, I’ll just go grab you a 14, then,’ Amanda replied, smiling.


Katie was staring blankly into space, trying not to think about the earlier events of the day. She looked up as she began to process the words:

 ‘…let’s ask the pretty young lady over there’. She turned and saw an elderly couple walking towards her.

‘Hello, can we pay for this here?’

‘Of course, madam,’ Katie replied, smiling, ‘please follow me this way.’ As she reached the register, she noticed that a large cardboard box was partially blocking the space between the wall and the register. Touching the box, she guessed it was full and quite heavy.

Katie turned to her side and sidled beside it, but as she began to enter the gap, she was stopped short. She leaned forward and grasped onto the register, dragging a part of her buttocks forward and squeezing it into the gap. Yet as she pulled her booty through to its largest bulge - wince and gasp as she might in her attempts to force it through - she remained fixed in place.

As the muffled laughter of the elderly couple reached her ear, she sidled back out of the gap, and, turning around, she noticed Lena re-arranging some display bottles.

‘Excuse me, Lena,’ she called out, ‘do you know what this box is here for?’

‘Oh yes,’ Lena replied, ‘those are some of the new batches to go on display.’

‘Oh ok, then’. She paused for a moment to examine the gap between the box and the register and shook her head.

‘No, can’t fit that,’ she said absent-mindedly under her breath. The elderly couple smirked and shared a look. Katie raised her head and turned around again, providing the customers with a keen opportunity to examine the amplitude of the obstruction.

‘Excuse me, Lena,’ Katie started again, ‘could you please help me shift this box?’

‘Certainly,’ Lena replied, turning to come over. Katie met the gaze of the elderly couple, who were looking at her and grinning. She gave a sheepish smile, lowered her head, and turned even redder.


‘What a day!’ Katie sighed, and, approaching the Big Boss Burger drive-thru, clicked on her turning signal.

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Part 6

Katie shifted her head from side to side as she brushed the tangles out of her wet hair. She laid her brush down next to the sink and retrieved a pair of thong panties. Giving them a bit of a stretch, she stepped into them and pulled them up into oblivion as they disappeared into her vast buttocks.  Then, clasping together her C-cup bra, she took up her brush again and continued her work. 

But she stopped brushing abruptly as a sudden noise and movement emanated from the corner of the room.
‘There you are, Katie!’ her mother said, barging in. ‘I can’t wait all day for you to finish in here, I have to get going.’
‘Mom!’ Katie cried out, jumping backwards. Her mother frowned as she noticed Katie in her underwear.
‘Katie!’ she yelled, examining her daughter’s body more closely. ‘You need to lose some weight!’ She marched forward, backing Katie into the corner. ‘Just look at this,’ she began, pinching her daughter’s gut, ‘you’re getting a belly! When I was your age I had a 24-inch waist! And look at your thighs, you’re like a big fat rotisserie chicken!’ Katie looked down and started to shake her head.

‘Turn around so I can see you here,’ her mother said, grabbing Katie by her shoulders and forcefully spinning her. She let out a gasp. ‘Just look at the size of your bottom! It’s disgusting, Katie!’ Katie turned herself around again and backed up against the wall, holding her arms tightly around her waist.

‘You’ve got a lot of work to do, missy,’ her mother began, frowning and wagging her finger. ‘How are you going to find a boyfriend at this size? And just look at what I’ve found!’ Katie’s mother reached into her pocket, and, opening her hand, revealed a stack of empty candy wrappers: Chunky Boys and Sugar Joys and other assorted Katie favourites.

‘Seriously, Mom!’ Katie yelled, putting her hands on her hips, ‘Did you take those out of the bin?’
‘They were sitting on the top. And don’t you accuse me! You’re the one who pigs out on all this junk! Practically eating me out of house and home.’ Katie frowned and sighed through her clenched teeth.
‘I have to go, I can’t deal with all this right now,’ her mother started, moving her hands in a circle in front of Katie’s body, ‘and make sure you go outside and get some exercise while I’m gone.’ She stormed off, slamming the bathroom door behind her.


Katie plopped down on the couch and changed the channel.
‘At least I have the whole day for myself,’ she sighed, reaching over to tear open her family size bag of individually wrapped double-chocolate chip fudge brownies.
‘Wow, that is so good,’ she moaned as she bit in, sucking the batter and smacking her tongue against the roof of her mouth. Swallowing loudly, she licked her lips to clean off the fudge splattered about her. As her molars filled bit-by-bit with the remnants of brownie and she felt a pain rising in her chest, she unscrewed the cap of her two-liter bottle of Greedy Gulp full-sugar cola and sculled deeply. Leaning back, she let out a booming burp that bounced off the walls.
‘Hmm, I think we have some cheesecake, too,’ she said to herself, licking her fingers and eyeing the fridge.


Katie took one last look around her and dropped the bag of wrappers into the dumpster. Beating a hasty retreat, she entered her house and locked the door.

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Part 7

‘Julian!' Katie cried out as she saw him coming around the corner, ‘how was work?’
‘Yeah, all good. Business as usual.’ He answered as he approached. She jumped forward to hug him, and as she stepped back, Julian looked her body up and down, frowned and squeezed his lip.
‘So we’re going to that coffee shop you told me about?’ Katie said, gazing up into his eyes and smiling.

‘Yeah, I’ll just have a long black, thanks,’ Julian said, handing the menu back to the waitress.
‘Umm,’ Katie began, still flicking her eyes about the page, ‘I think I’ll start with a large hot chocolate with extra whipped cream, a blueberry muffin and a slice of the chocolate mud-cake.’
‘Wow you must be really hungry.’ Julian said, smirking, following the waitress with his eyes as she walked away. 
‘Yeah, I’m starving!’ Katie said, turning her chubby wrist to look at her watch, ‘it’s what, almost 5.30?’


As they entered the park, Julian and Katie clasped their hands more firmly together. Leading her to a pond surrounded by thick bushes on all sides, Julian released her hand and placed his own around her waist. He leaned down and her lips met his directly, as she opened and closed her own mouth upon his again and again. Julian slid his hands forward, now taking a step closer to be able to reach her lower back. As he lightly caressed the small of her back, he noticed that her jeans revealed quite a bit of flesh there, unable as they were to completely cover Katie’s burgeoning buttocks. Slipping his hands downwards, he entered into the fabric, laying his palms against the naked roundness encountered within. He stretched his hands out and grabbed hard, swelling his fingers with the soft rippling mounds of flab. Katie giggled as he squeezed again and again.


Katie stretched up to retrieve her hotdogs and soda from the kiosk.
‘There’s a bench over there we can sit down on,’ Katie said, turning to Julian. Julian, empty-handed, nodded without saying anything.
‘Oh whoops, dropped my receipt.’ Katie said, stopping and stepping back to pick it up. As Julian turned around, he was met with the vision of two enormous beach balls, squeezed as they were into too-little denim, the fabric straining, the overflow spilling out, the circumference planetary. 
‘Woah’, he mouthed, blinking in dazzlement at her sheer magnitude.
‘There we go,’ Katie said, straightening herself up and catching her breath.


‘Those hotdogs were really good.’ Katie said, leaning back on the bench and licking her fingers. ‘You know, I might go grab an ice cream or something too. Do you want me to get you anything?’
‘Um…sure,’ he started slowly, ‘maybe just a bottle of water, I’m going to eat later on.’
Katie pushed herself up with both arms and a breath, then set herself stomping slow strides, blowing her hair away from her face as she went. Julian followed her ponderous course with his eyes, sighing and saying to himself:
‘She kinda waddles.’


Supported by the bench, Katie leaned into Julian’s body and began caressing his shoulders and kissing him on the neck. Julian put his arm around her and kissed her head. As Katie’s lips climbed up to meet his, he lowered his hand downwards along her side to where it began to flare out. Grabbing hold, his hand was filled with the ample flab of her love handles, spilling out under her t-shirt and over the sides of her jeans.
‘She’s kinda chubby,’ he thought as she swirled her tongue into his mouth and began to lightly bite his lip, now shifting her body to lean against his. He looked down to see her leg pressing against his, outstripping it three-times in thickness.


‘Well, I better get going,’ Julian began abruptly, leaning forward, ‘I told a couple buddies I’d hang out with them tonight.’
‘Oh…oh ok,’ Katie sighed, ‘that’s fine.’
‘I’ll walk you to your car?’ Julian asked, standing and offering his hand to help her up.
‘Sure,’ Katie said, smiling and taking hold of his hand. Julian made a quick movement with this hand, but Katie remained in place. Smirking, he added his second hand, leaned back and pulled hard. Katie slowly rose to her feet.
‘Thanks, babe’ Katie said, gazing into his eyes and smiling.
‘She’s kinda heavy,’ Julian thought, and led the way.

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Part 8

As they were walking down onto the sand, Lena noticed that Katie had gone quiet:
‘You ok, babe?’ she asked her.
‘Yeah,’ Katie replied ‘I’m just not sure about this bikini…’
‘What do you mean? You got a new one?’
‘No, No,’ Katie began, shaking her head, ‘you remember the bright green one?’
‘Yeah of course!’ Lena said, smiling ‘You look awesome in that one!’
‘That was a few months ago, though…’
‘Babe, don’t worry about it!’ Lena said, placing her bag and towel down on the sand.


Katie rolled over onto her stomach, matching Lena’s sunbathing position. She tugged on her bright green bikini to dislodge it from her folds, and stretched out her white legs on the towel. As she lay there breathing slowly and deeply, Katie began to hear a high-pitched sound becoming gradually louder.
‘Ice cream truck!’ she cried, salivating. ‘You wanna go grab one with me?’
‘I dunno,’ Lena replied, without budging at all, ‘I’m really trying to keep my beach body’. Katie turned her head in the other direction and sighed. 


‘Katie, you go in the middle!’ Lena called out as she handed her phone to a random. Katie felt the girls close in around her, their hands grabbing onto her flabby arms and naked love handles. After leading her friends in several poses, Lena excitedly cried out:
‘Let’s do one facing the sea!’ she said, directing Katie to turn around with her hand. Katie lowered her head and repositioned, wincing as she faintly heard the clicks of Lena’s iPhone camera in action.


‘Babe, the photos are up on Insta!’ Lena called out, then trotted down into the water.
‘Oh god,’ Katie sighed, taking out her phone. She hesitated for a second but at last proceeded into the app and Lena’s page. The first thing that struck her was that among the girls in the photos, she was the shortest and by far the widest. Standing in the middle, the width of her hips dominated the shot, her rounded belly juxtaposed with the flat abdomens of her friends. Her chubby thighs, squeezed together like two bologna sausages, contrasted with the gaps that shone through those of all the others.

Flicking through the next photos, she sighed when she saw that Lena had uploaded the shot of them from behind. Her bright-green bikini, disappearing between her muffin-top and buttocks, revealed her entire porky posterior, triple the size of any other girl’s and dimpled with cellulite.

Just as in Fall, when the sun’s rays begin to lower, and a cooler breeze wafts throughout the vale, the stocky white oak, once a shining viridian, lays its bulky form bare, and the slim vines all hang joyfully about it, their opportune bounty ripe and ready for the picking, so too did Katie’s bottom bulge out as a great big lump amidst the pert little rounded buttocks of Lena and the others.


Katie threw down another handful of Sugar Joys and, turning her head to watch the people playing in the waves, she alighted upon a girl around her own age: slim but curvy, with breasts that strained the fabric of her bikini, frolicking with a lover who began to kiss her neck.
‘Wait,’ she said, turning back to her sun-bathing friend, ‘Lena! Is that Julian?’

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Part 9

‘Katie! Let’s hurry it up down there, babe!’ Lena called out from the top of the hill.

‘Hold on…a second…’ Katie spluttered, halting as she reached the middle of the incline.

‘Are you ok, babe?’ Lena asked, floating back down to her friend.

‘I just need…’ Katie started, breathing heavily, ‘…a minute to rest…’

‘What’s going on, babe? We’ve walked this way a million times…’

‘I think-’ Katie said, panting, her hands resting on her lower back, ‘I think I’ve gotten a bit out of shape…’

‘A bit, babe?’ Lena began, laughing and grabbing a portion of Katie’s huge butt, ‘There’s a whole second Katie back here!’

Katie brushed her hand away and frowned. ‘It’s ok, babe,’ Lena started again, ‘you take the time you need here and when we get back to mine, we’ll see what we can do.’ Katie nodded and flopped down onto the sidewalk with a thud.


‘I’ll just test it out first,’ Lena said, stepping briskly onto the scale in her underwear, ‘let’s see…112 lbs. Yep, that seems about right.’ She turned to Katie and continued, ‘now your turn, babe!’

‘Do I really need to strip down for this?’ Katie asked, blushing, her jeans unbuttoned but otherwise fully clothed.

‘Of course, babe!’ she replied, helping Katie pull off her top, ‘otherwise it won’t be accurate! You don’t want your clothes to add a few extra pounds on top, do you?’ Katie grumbled acquiescence and bent over to forcefully separate her tight jeans from her bulging buttocks.

‘Ok, there we go, babe! Now step on!’

Katie groaned and closed her eyes as she heard the scales ticking over. Lena stepped forward and crouch down to get a good look.

‘206! Really?’ Lena cried out and gasped ‘Wow, babe! You’re over 200 lbs!’ Katie quickly stepped off the scale, blushed and sighed. ‘How tall are you again, babe?’ Lena asked, picking up her phone.

‘Um…5’ 3”,’ Katie replied absent-mindedly, her heart still beating rapidly and her eyes becoming damp.

‘“Your BMI is 36.5,’ Lena began to read off her phone, ‘indicating your weight is in the Obesity category for adults of your height.” ‘Wow, obesity,’ she stopped to add, looking up at Katie as she winced, ‘“For your height, a healthy weight range would be from 104 to 141 pounds.” And it also says: “people who are overweight or obese are at higher risk for chronic conditions such as poor nutrition, high blood pressure, diabetes, and high cholesterol.” Wow, that doesn’t sound good.’

She put her arm around Katie’s soft shoulder. ‘So wait,’ she began again,  ‘you’re 206,  but you should be…141 max…so you’ve gotta lose…at least 65 lbs. Wow, that’s like…more than half my weight!’

‘Oh wait, I didn’t check my own BMI.’ Lena said, picking up her phone and entering the figures as she muttered ‘5’7”, 112’ under her breath. ‘It says: “Your BMI is 17.5, indicating your weight is in the Underweight category for adults of your height.” Oh wow, I’m actually underweight, who knew?’ she said, looking up at Katie, before continuing to read, ‘“For your height, a healthy weight range would be from 118 to 159 pounds. Talk with your healthcare provider to determine possible causes of underweight and if you need to gain weight.”’

‘“Need to gain weight!”,’ Lena repeated, ‘Wouldn’t it be great if I could just take some of those extra 65 lbs from you?’ She said, giggling and pinching Katie’s belly. Then she turned back towards the mirror and looked herself up and down. ‘Hmm, on second thought,’ she began, straightening herself up and putting her hands on her hips, ‘I think I’d rather stay in shape.’

Katie also turned to check her body out in the mirror. Next to tall leggy Lena, she looked like a fat little dwarf, her splayed hips tripling Lena’s in breadth and each flabby thigh wider than Lena’s waist. Her chubby little pooch belly drooped down, rendering her belly button a veritable tunnel, as against the out-facing navel affixed to Lena’s perfectly flat stomach. Katie sighed and sunk her head down further, creasing again her double-chin in the process.

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Part 10

‘Actually babe,’ Lena started as she hopped into Katie’s car and adjusted her work skirt over her skinny legs, ‘could you drop me off at the gym? You know the one on Turner Street?’

‘Um…’ Katie began, frowning.

‘That’s ok, babe,’ Lena cut in, grinning, ‘I’ll direct you. I can walk home after my workout.’


Katie tore the paper bag out of the Big Boss Burger worker’s hand.

‘Thanks!’ she called out, smiling, as she hit the gas pedal. As she pulled into the nearest free spot, she unbuckled her seat belt, let out a sigh of relief, and giggled.

‘Ok then!’ she said out loud, grinning, and broke open the paper bag. She breathed in heavily through her nose, inhaling the greasy stench of her fried feast. ‘Mmm, all for me,’ she muttered, salivating.

Katie held up the first burger in front of her, admiring it for a few seconds before suddenly swooping in, sinking her canines into it and tearing away a great mass of flesh, bun, and bacon.

She bobbed her head up and down and danced her blubbery body from side-to-side as she chewed rapidly, moaning many an ‘mmm,’ and ‘so good,’ between her monstrous mouthfuls. Lifting up a container of fries, she tilted her head back and poured the contents into her voracious maw out-stretched below. As a number of fries missed their mark and tumbled to the sides, she shifted her jiggly frame around to hunt down the fugitives with her fingers, hiding out as they were amongst her rolls and amid her expansive girth.

‘God, this is good…’ she sighed.


Just as Katie crunched down the last of her first soft-serve, her phone began to ring.

‘Hey babe,’ Lena began, ‘I can’t find my phone charger. I think I might have dropped it in your car. Can you check the back seat?’

‘Oh,’ Katie replied, swallowing, ‘I’ll just have a look.’ Katie slowly twisted her porcine torso around and snatched the cable up out of the darkness. ‘Yeah, I’ve got it,’ she began again, catching her breath.

‘Oh, thank God!’ Lena replied, ‘Well I’m just finishing my workout now so I can walk home then drive over to yours to get it?’

‘No, it’s ok, it’s ok. I can come return it now and give you a lift home.’

Katie immediately shoved her second soft-serve down her greedy gullet, chomping down again and again, to masticate it rapidly into a mash that might slide smoothly down her oesophagus.

Searching about in the wrappers, Katie took up the last few crumbs and licked her fingers clean before stashing the paper bag under the passenger seat. Checking herself out in the rear-view mirror, she wiped the special sauce and french-fry grease from her face with a napkin, let out one last big burp, and started the engine.


‘Sorry about this, babe’ Lena began as she opened the car-door, her flat stomach flashing between her skin-tight leggings and crop-top. As she sat down in the car, she frowned and then began to sniff the air.

‘Hmm, what’s that?’ she asked, ‘…it wasn’t like this before.’

‘Umm…’ Katie muttered, ‘nothing…what do you mean?’

‘Smells like pizza,’ she noted, sniffing the air again and looking down. She then quickly bent over and, straightening up again, raised her hand up in the air. ‘Babe!’ she exclaimed, holding up the paper bag from Big Boss Burger and grinning. ‘What’s this?’

Katie frowned and opened her mouth, but no words came out. After a few seconds of silence, the two girls both burst into laughter.

‘You’re so naughty!’ Lena began again, shaking her head, ‘didn’t you already have Big Boss Burger for lunch today?’

‘Yes, but…I was hungry after work…’ Katie protested, looking down.

‘But babe, it’ just too much!’ Lena replied, grabbing one of Katie’s chunky thighs.

‘I just…’ Katie began, her eyes slightly glazing over as saliva began to pool in her mouth, ‘…love it…’. Lena laughed, shaking her head again.

‘What are we gonna do with you, greedy guts?’ she sighed, this time grabbing Katie’s folded belly.


Leaving the car running and the driver’s door wide open, Katie heaved herself out of her seat with a groan and waddled over to the dumpster. Dropping the Big Boss Burger rubbish within, she scurried back sheepishly to the driver’s seat and squeezed her massive rear into it.


Katie leaned back on her bed and took another sip out of her can of Greedy Gulp full sugar cola. She raised the volume of her headphones slightly and clicked into the next episode. But she flinched as she noticed a sudden noise and movement in the corner of the room.

‘Katie!’ her mother shrieked, barging in, hand raised, ‘what is this?’

‘Mom!’ Katie began, pulling her headphones off and trying to lift up her sluggish body in the bed.

‘I can’t believe what I’ve seen here!’ her mother cut in, violently waving a small white piece of paper in the air. ‘Two supersized Big Boss Burger mega-combos with extra bacon,’ she began to read, scrunching up her nose, ‘six glazed donuts, two soft serves! And this was just a snack?’

‘Mom…’ Katie started, tears beginning to form in her eyes.

‘No!’ her mother interrupted again, ‘I don’t want to hear any more of your childish excuses! I’ve had enough of your gluttony! You disgusting fat pig!’

And so saying, she stormed out and slammed the door shut as the receipt floated down onto Katie’s bed, to join the substantial piles of candy wrappers that lay there surrounding her.

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Part 11

As she lay alone in bed, laptop on belly, binge-watching whatever latest, Katie’s stomach began to rumble.

‘Snack time,’ she chirped to herself. Throwing off the blanket and slowly pushing herself up with both hands, she arrived at last on her feet. The floorboards squeaked as she sauntered into the kitchen, outstretched palm reaching for the snack-cupboard…

‘Katie, come in here’, Katie’s mother suddenly said from the other room.

‘Mom, what is it?’ Katie called back from the kitchen.

‘Get away from that snack cupboard, and come in here right this instant!’

Katie frowned and slowly turned herself around. She waddled into the room with her head and eyes lowered.

‘You just sit your big butt down, missy.’ Her mother demanded, pointing her long, bony finger towards the couch. She glared at Katie as she slumped down, looking her body up and down. ‘Now, she continued, ‘it’s high time you lose some weight, so I’m putting you on a diet.’

‘Mom…’ Katie whined.

‘You’ve ballooned up beyond belief!’ her mother began again, cutting her off and pointing at her belly, ‘And I am not going to be known as the mother of a morbidly obese daughter!’

Katie’s mother started to slowly pace about the room as she continued talking, alternating finger-wags with accusatory points:

‘So from now on, it’s a weight-loss diet for you, missy. No more horrible burgers and donuts and all those chocolate bars you’re always scarfing down. And none of that sugary soda you’re always sculling!

‘You want to live under my roof, you need to show me some respect. You know my friend Jeannie told me she saw you when you were at work, and she couldn’t believe how fat you’d gotten! I was so ashamed!

‘No longer, missy. I haven’t gone through so much suffering in my life just to end up with a big fat elephant for a daughter. I want a nice slim attractive daughter I can be proud of – you just look at Jeannie’s daughters, they’re so thin and beautiful…

‘So it’s a diet from now on until you’re trim and in shape. And no backsliding. I’ll be checking to see if you’re losing weight, and if I find out you’re still eating like a porky pig, you just see what’s going to happen to you!

Now go to your room and think about all the pain and suffering your weight gain has caused me!’


‘Really? She said all that?’ Lena asked amid the sobs and whimpers emanating from her phone, ‘that’s really harsh. But babe…this…this could be good for you…you could slim down a bit, you know…get back to how you used to be…’

‘What do you mean “how I used to be”?’ Katie cut in, her voice shaking.

‘Well, you’d be able to move around a lot more easily…and…well…you know…what about Julian?’

‘Julian? What does this have to do with Julian?’ Lena winced.

‘Well, it’s just, I know you were really into him…but…it didn’t really go anywhere…’

‘Seriously?’ Katie said, still sobbing, ‘are you saying it’s because I’m too fat for him? Thanks a lot, Lena…’

‘No, babe! I’m sorry! You’re beautiful! I didn’t mean that, I’m just trying to find something positive…’

‘Maybe there isn’t anything positive, Lena. Maybe it just sucks.’

‘Ok, babe. You know I love you and I think you’re amazing! I’m here for you and I’ll help you through this.’

‘Thanks, Lena. But I just don’t know what I’m going to do.’


Katie slowly and carefully pulled out the draw of her bed-side table, eyes fixed to her bed-room door. She lowered her other hand into the draw, and snagged the tip of a plastic wrapper with her thumb and index finger, like a rigged skill-testing machine in an arcade. She lifted the king-size Chunky Boy chocolate bar clean, and rolled back onto her bed in glory. Ripping it open, she shoved it deep into her mouth and bit down hard.

‘Mmm, I needed this,’ she muttered under her breadth, loudly smacking the chocolate within her moist lips.

‘I knew it!’ her mother shouted, suddenly bursting into the room, ‘I was waiting to hear your disgusting chewing!’ She walked over to Katie’s side, glowering over her. Then she turned to inspect Katie’s bed-side table. ‘Look at all this!’ she screamed, tearing open Katie’s secret snack draw, ‘Pure junk!’ She began pulling out chocolate bar after chocolate bar, casting them down on the floor into a great heap.

‘I’m throwing it all away!’ she shrieked, ‘As well as any other junk I find in this house!’ Katie curled up into a ball on her bed and whimpered.


‘Now I hope you’ve calmed yourself down’, her mother began, smiling, as Katie entered the kitchen, ‘because I’ve got something special for you, Katie. Here’s dinner.’ She placed a plate down on the dining-room table: broccoli, carrots, and a small piece of plain, steamed fish. Katie sunk down her head and sighed.

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Part 12

‘Katie!’ her mother shrieked, ‘You get your big butt in here right this instant!’ Katie shuffled into the bathroom, face drooping and head lowered.

‘I’m so hungry,’ she whined, her stomach rumbling aloud.

‘Well that’s your own fault, isn’t it, Katie?’ her mother replied, ‘If you had just stayed nice and thin, you’d be able to eat normally like the rest of us. You’ve got no one to blame but yourself!’ Katie sighed. ‘Come on, strip down, fatty!’ her mother continued, ‘we need to know an accurate starting weight for you.’

Katie sheepishly lifted off her top and turned to unbutton her jeans while her mother held her hands on her hips and glowered at her, shaking her head furiously.

My god you’ve gotten fat!’ her mother’s shrill voice rang out as Katie slowly turned back around in her underwear. ‘I’m so glad I didn’t wait a second longer to stop your gluttony, or else you’d just keep getting fatter and fatter!’

Katie took a step back, trying to stand up straight and hold in her belly. ‘Cut it out, Katie, you can stop sucking in that gut,’ her mother barked, jabbing her in the side with her finger.

And just as in winter, when heaven’s floating frosts pour their bone-pale marrow about the land, the cold harvest heaps up, the mountain-side is covered thick, and the blow of a falling rock sends the whole mass into a sudden rush down the frozen slope, in such a way did Katie’s big blubbery belly flop swiftly forward, her snow-white flab folding over the front of her panties.

‘Now on you get, Miss Michelin,’ her mother ordered. Katie slowly stepped onto the scale and looked away while her mother leaned down closely to inspect the number.

‘228 lbs!’ Katie’s mother gasped, ‘you’re enormous!’ Her mother stood there for a few seconds shaking her head, her eyes wide open. ‘I can’t believe it!’ she continued, ‘I can’t believe how fat you are! But never again, Katie. This is the last time I’ll let you get anywhere near such a disgusting size!’

Katie sighed and turned to pick up her clothes, but her mother grabbed her chubby arm and stared her directly in the eyes, saying ‘I want you down to 120 lbs maximum, missy! That’s over 100 lbs to drop, so you’d better get to work!’ 

As Katie gathered up her clothes and began to get dressed, her mother continued making faces and scoffing. ‘Just look at you!’ she started up again, frowning and shaking her head, ‘It’s just utterly shameful. I can’t believe that’s my daughter under all those layers of horrible fat.’ She gave Katie another look up and down. ‘Ugh, and those rhino legs!’ she added, wincing.


‘She’s taken away everything!’ Kate sobbed, ‘can you please come sneak me some chocolate?’

‘I dunno, babe…’ Lena began slowly, ‘you sure you really wanna keep eating like that?’

‘Seriously, Lena? You too?’

‘Well the thing is, babe, Lucas will be here soon anyway so I’m kinda busy...’

‘Fine!’ Katie sighed, ‘you just enjoy your sexy time while I suffer here in misery!’

‘I’m sorry, babe. But this is the hardest part, it won’t be forever!’

‘Really?’ Katie whimpered, blowing her nose.

‘Of course, babe! You’ll get used to the diet, and then you’ll lose the weight and it’ll be over!’

‘And then I can have my burgers, donuts and chocolate again?’ Katie asked wistfully, salivating.

‘Well…maybe sometimes…sure…’

‘That gives me at least a little bit of hope,’ she stopped and sighed. ‘But I really don’t want to do this diet!’

‘I can help you babe. I’ll do it with you, like a diet buddy.’

‘Ugh, really?’ Katie frowned, ‘You want to diet too?’

‘Well I don’t eat that much anyway,’ Lena replied, ‘gotta keep in shape after all…Anyway, it’ll be easier if I’m helping you, babe, and we can each make sure the other one doesn’t break the diet!’

‘Oh, I’ll be keeping a close eye on you, Miss Underweight BMI.’

‘Oh yeah, you’re right!’ Lena said, giggling, ‘thanks for reminding me!’

‘Hmm, ok.’ Katie replied, rolling her eyes, ‘thanks for you offer, I guess. We’ll see…’

‘Good luck, babe! Well, I better run, Lucas is on his way. Love ya!’ Katie lowered her phone and sighed.

‘Katie!’ she heard her mother calling out, ‘go outside and get some exercise!’ Katie groaned and flopped down hard onto her bed.

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Part 13

‘Lunch-break just doesn’t have the same magic it used to,’ Katie sighed as she and Lena approached the food-court.

‘Because it’s not just a massive pig-out session anymore, babe?’ Lena replied, laughing. But Katie had her attention elsewhere.

‘I’m gonna go have just a little look at Big Boss Burger for a second, I promise I won’t buy anything.’ She waddled at pace to her former daily pleasure, and as she drew close, stopped and closed her eyes.

‘Mmm, that’s so good,’ she said, breathing in deeply the oily fumes emanating from the fryers.

‘So gross!’ Lena protested, screwing up her nose, ‘and it’s so bad for you!’. Katie suddenly opened her eyes and turned to Lena.

‘What if I had just one little cheat meal, just this once?’ Katie said excitedly, ‘Then it’s straight back to the diet!’

‘Babe, no! When I let you do that last week, you were sneaking snacks afterwards!’

‘But I really want it!’ Katie whined.

‘Babe, I know you love your burgers and donuts, but it’s salads now, ok?’ Lena began, ‘Your mom said you’ve gotta lose more than 100 lbs, and it’s just not going to happen with all these little cheat meals and snacks.’ Katie groaned and frowned.


‘It’s so bland,’ Katie began, screwing up her nose as she chewed her salad, ‘I’m gonna tell them to put more dressing on next time.’

‘Babe,’ Lena replied, laughing, ‘that’s where all the calories are!’

‘I don’t care. It doesn’t taste good otherwise.’

‘You know, eating’s not meant to be just stuffing yourself with sugar, carbs and fat. It’s meant to be good for you.’

‘Yuck,’ Katie replied, looking down contemptuously at her salad before gazing over again at Big Boss Burger, not even noticing Amanda walking up to the table.

‘Hi girls,’ she said, placing down her tray, ‘mind if I join you?’ Lena and Katie acquiesced as she took her seat. ‘Hmm,’ Amanda began again, watching Katie forcefully spear a piece of tomato and shove it into her mouth, ‘no burgers today, Katie?’

‘Umm…’ Katie began, swallowing.

‘Katie’s mom thinks she’s getting too fat,’ Lena cut in, ‘so she put her on a diet’.

Lena!’ Katie said, wiping some salad dressing from her mouth with a napkin and blushing.

‘It’s ok, Katie,’ Amanda said, ‘I think it’s a good opportunity for you to cut down a bit and get back into shape.’ Katie sighed as her face glowed even redder.

Amanda opened up the plastic bag on her tray and took out a small box of French fries. Katie’s eyes widened and her mouth dropped open as their greasy perfume wafted into her longing nostrils.

‘You’ve got fries!’ Katie said, zombielike, the saliva pooling in the corners of her mouth, ‘can I have one?’

‘Katie!’ Lena said, ‘finish your salad first, babe!’

‘But I want it now!’ she whined.

‘Sure, Katie,’ Amanda replied, offering the open box to Katie. Her chubby hand forcefully penetrated it, tearing clean a whole handful of oily potato.

‘Babe!’ Lena cried out, slapping Katie’s hand, ‘Just one!’ But before Lena could try to wrench the contraband from Katie’s pudgy mitt, the 220+ pounder had already shoved them into the safety of her maw.

‘God, that’s good,’ Katie whispered, closing her eyes and turning the fries in her mouth with her tongue as her lips smacked.

‘Piggy!’ Lena scolded her.

‘Have you thought about talking to someone about your relationship with food?’ Amanda asked.

‘If I bought just a small fries, that couldn’t hurt right?’ Katie asked herself aloud, ignoring Amanda.

‘Katie…’ Lena began.

‘In fact it’d probably help, it’d help me keep my strength up for the diet…’ she continued, still eyeing Amanda’s lunch.


‘Well actually, that means that if I got just one burger with it too, then that’d help even more!’

Katie!’ Lena said, grinning.

‘Mmm, imagine a cute little burger just for me…or even a big one…or two…or-’

‘-Babe!’ Lena laughed, ‘we’ve been through this! No more burgers or fries! I shouldn’t have even let you have that first one! Which you had much more than your fair share of, anyway…’

‘But I really want them!’ Katie whined, making a sad face.

‘Babe, you need to learn some self-control!’ Lena said, lightly slapping Katie’s pudgy shoulder. Katie groaned and dropped her head face down onto her arms.


There you are, big boy!’ Katie whispered seductively as the vending machine came into view, ‘I’ve been thinking about you all day…’ She bit her lower lip, swishing her hips as she sauntered towards it.

‘Oh, hey Katie,’ Amanda said as she walked up behind her. Katie gave a little squeal and, stopping suddenly, would have jumped out of her skin – that is, of course, if she could still jump.

‘Amanda!’ she cried out, turning around, her breathing and heart-rate running rapidly. She let out a nervous little giggle, fidgeting with her sausage-fingers and darting her eyes around. Amanda glanced over at the vending machine and then back at Katie.

‘Everything alright, Katie?’ she asked her.

‘Yeah, yeah, of course! Everything’s going great! Just uh…you know…walking around the store a bit …to…to get my daily steps in, you know?’

‘Oh, is that right? Well, good on you, Katie. I’ve heard that so many women who are carrying around a lot of extra weight find it really hard to stick to their diet and exercise.’

‘Well, I’ll just have to push myself harder to beat the odds then!’ Katie said, raising her chubby fist into the air and laughing nervously again.

‘You’re an inspiration Katie; really well done,’ Amanda replied, and continued walking towards the women’s clothing department.

‘Phew…that was close!’ Katie sighed to herself when Amanda disappeared from view. ‘And now, my beauty,’ she began again, turning back towards the vending machine, ‘it’s snack time!’

As she came face-to-face with the machine, she stopped to examine the selection of chocolate bars, chips, and candy encased within.

‘God, I’ve missed you bad,’ she whispered, starting to salivate as she stroked the side of the vending machine. ‘Look at all these delicious treats you have here just for me.’ She giggled and rubbed her hands on her massive thighs.

‘Mmm, there are just so many things I want from you, baby, I don’t know where to start.’ She brushed her hair behind her ear and began to enter quarters into the machine. ‘I think I’ll start with some nice, smooth, chocolate…’

‘Caught red-handed!’ a familiar voice suddenly called out behind her.

‘Lena!’ Katie squealed, throwing her eyes wide open and spinning around.

‘Amanda told me you were doing laps of the store for exercise, so I knew something had to be up!’

‘It’s just a little snack!’ Katie whined, ‘I need it!’

‘Stop being such a little piggy!’ Lena laughed, poking Katie in the belly as she tried to shield the blow, ‘I’m partly responsible for you too now, babe!’

‘But Lena, you don’t understand! I just love to eat!’

‘Am I seriously going to have to stand on guard here to stop you sneaking snacks behind my back?’ Katie sighed and gazed longingly over at the vending machine while Lena cancelled her order on the machine, pocketing the change for herself. ‘Come on, babe. Back to work!’ She lightly slapped Katie on her big butt and pointed the way with her finger. Still jiggling, Katie sighed again and began the waddle back to the perfume department.

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Part 14

‘Katie!’ her mother called out as she entered the house, ‘Did you go outside and get some exercise today like I told you to?’

‘Yeah, Mom!’ Katie called back from the other room, holding her finger up against her mouth to signal to Lena not to say anything.

‘Oh, Lena!’ Katie’s mother said, smiling as she walked into the room, ‘I didn’t know you were here. How lovely to see you!’ Lena stood up to greet her. ‘Now,’ Katie’s mother continued, ‘Miss Hippopotamus here hasn’t been making you sneak her any snacks has she? She’s on a very strict diet.’

‘No! Of course not!’ Lena lied, exaggerating her voice while Katie frowned at her.

‘No, you wouldn’t, Lena, you’re such a lovely girl. And of course, you know all about staying nice and trim. I always say to Katie, “why can’t you be more like your beautiful friend Lena?”. Well, it’s so lovely to see you!’ Lena grinned broadly, tilting her head to look at Katie and then back to her mother while Katie rolled her eyes.

‘Thanks, I’ve actually been helping Katie stick to her diet.’

‘Oh thank you just so much for that Lena.’ Katie’s mother began, putting her hand on her own chest ‘You’re just such a good girl! Your mother must be so proud of you.’ She turned and walked out of the room.

‘Seriously, Lena?’ Katie said once her mother was out of sight.

‘What?’ Lena replied, grinning, ‘I’m just such a lovely girl.’

‘You’re just such a bitch,’ Katie said, smiling.

‘Ohhh!’ Lena began, laughing, ‘Babe! Those burger cravings getting to you again?’

‘Yes!’ Katie whined as Lena continued laughing.

‘Lucas just pulled up,’ Lena said, taking out her phone, ‘See you tomorrow babe?’

‘Fine…I wish you could stay, though…she’s going to make me weigh in again tonight.’


‘You shouldn’t be wearing those shorts, Katie,’ her mother barked at her as she entered the bathroom, ‘Nobody wants to see that horrible flab on the back of your hippopotamus legs!’

As Katie slipped off her shorts, her mother snatched them away.

‘But look how big these are,’ she continued, holding up Katie’s shorts in the air and stretching them, ‘maybe nothing else fits you!’ As Katie took off her tank-top, her mother grabbed it from her in turn. ‘You shouldn’t be showing off your big beefy arms like that. These are clothes for nice, slim girls. You should be wearing a big moo-moo that covers all of your horrible fat.’

Katie stepped forward, her naked belly jiggling with the movement.

‘Hmm…’ Katie’s mother began, inspecting her flabby body, ‘you’re so fat I can’t even tell if you’ve lost any weight! But if you haven’t, I’m going to have to put you on an even stricter diet.’ She continued inspecting Katie’s body, gasping as she came to examine her buttocks.

‘Your bottom is simply enormous, Katie!’ She screeched, scrunching up her face. ‘Up on the scales, Big Bertha! I feel physically sick having to look at all your disgusting rolls and dimples.’ Katie stepped slowly onto the scales, sighing.

‘221’, she read out. ‘Hmmph…Is that all you’ve lost? Seven measly pounds!  You’re going to need to lose a lot more than that, Miss Piggy, before you’re an acceptable weight.’ Katie lowered her head and closed her eyes. ‘I’m going to have to get you out exercising more; all you do is sit around on your fat lazy butt 24/7.’


Katie lay on her bed staring up at the ceiling.

‘I wish I had some chocolate…’ she sobbed. She smacked her lips, turning the memories in her mind of all the chocolate bars she had savoured in the past, imagining that she was turning the sweet batter right then and there with her tongue.

And just as in winter, when a chill wind’s titillation finds precipitous mountain peaks, the snow slips in its course, the descent rushes headlong as it gathers speed, and its roar echoes, resounding, throughout the far-flung, frost-spared valleys, so too did a great rumble lurch violently forth from Katie’s famished belly.

‘So hungry…’ she whimpered, ‘I have to find a way to get out of this diet…’

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Part 15

Katie’s mother gasped as she noticed her daughter’s jaw moving up and down furiously.

‘Katie, what are you eating there?’ she screamed.

‘It’s just the fruit you bought for me!’ Katie replied, turning around to face her.

‘Well, that’s enough snacking, fatso!’ her mother said, poking Katie’s big, soft, belly. ‘You’re supposed to lose weight, not put it on!’ Katie rubbed her stomach where it hurt and began to waddle out of the room.

‘I’m finished with this damn diet!’ she thought.


Turning the key in the lock, Katie deftly pushed the front-door open. She switched on the light, and, taking a few slow steps forward, dropped her heavy shopping bags – laden as they were with chips, cakes, cookies, candy and soda – in the middle of the empty apartment.

‘Free!’ she cried out, throwing her chubby arms up into the air and letting out a maniacal laugh. ‘Free at last!’

She let her weighty body flop down on the floor with a loud thud, and dragged one of the bags towards her.

‘Now we’re alone, just you and me,’ she whispered, pulling out a whole chocolate cake. ‘We can do whatever we like, and no one can stop us!’ She opened the box and bit straight into the cake. As the icing filled her mouth and smeared itself across her face, she let out a long moan and began to chew and suck the batter through her teeth and down her gullet.

‘Mmm, this is just the best,’ she muttered through her cake-filled lips, ‘this is so worth it…’ She flopped over onto her belly, placing the cake directly in front of her on the floor. Leaning forward, she took bite after bite in quick succession, hands-free, chewing and swallowing as quickly as she could, lips smacking and eyes watering. When she had gorged her way through the first half of the cake, she heaved herself up onto her massive backside with her stocky arms, and snatched up a two-liter bottle of soda. Tearing it open with a fizz, she sculled it down for a good ten seconds.

‘Oh god, that’s good!’ she cried out, catching her breath, and her belch echoed across the empty room.


‘Lena, baby!’ A high-pitched squeal cried out from her phone, ‘Guess where I’m calling you from?’

‘Are you high, babe?’ Lena replied. Katie started giggling.

‘Well I did just eat an entire chocolate cake, so maybe.’

‘You’re so bad, babe! What happened to our diet?’

‘Oh, you can stay on the diet if you want!’

‘So you’re just giving up, babe?’ Lena asked, ‘what about your mom?’

‘I don’t have to worry about her anymore! I got the keys to my new place!’

‘Ohh, right, of course. So it’s straight back to pigging out then, I guess?’

‘You make it sound like a bad thing,’ Katie replied, giggling, ‘I have so much delicious food to catch up on!’

‘Well, I think moving out will be good for you, but don’t go too crazy with the binge eating, babe.’

‘I can’t make any promises…’ Katie replied, salivating as she tore the wrapper off a king-size Chunky Boy chocolate bar.


‘Katie!’ her mother called out from the kitchen as Katie entered the house. ‘Where have you been? If I find out you’ve been out sneaking food, you just see what’s going to happen to you!’


‘Now you haul your big fat butt in here right this instant and explain yourself, missy.’

‘No, Mom, you come in here. We need to talk.’

What!’ her mother screamed, marching furiously towards her, ‘How dare you! You stay out until God-knows-what hour, then you have the nerve to order me around!’

‘Mom,’ she began, ‘I’m moving out.’

‘What do you mean “moving out”?’ Her mother replied, sneering, ‘No one will rent to a big fat slob like you.’

‘They already have, Mom. I’ve already got the keys.’

What?  Give them to me! I need to look at them.’

‘No, mom, you can’t have them!’

‘How could you do this to me!’ her mother began, trying to push out crocodile tears. ‘After everything I’ve done for you!’

‘Ok, Mom, but I’m still moving out.’ Her mother’s face broke into a scowl.

‘Without me you’re just going to keep getting fatter and fatter and you’ll never find a boyfriend!’ she screamed at her daughter, ‘You big fat pig! Where am I supposed to get grandchildren if you are too much of a disgusting sow to attract a man! Always eating! Always stuffing your big fat face!’

‘That’s enough, Mom! I’m sick of it!’ Katie began, ** back tears, ‘This is my life, not yours!  And I don’t care if you call me a rhino or an elephant or a big fat hippopotamus! I love to eat, and there’s nothing you can do to stop me from eating whatever I want!’

‘Disgusting…’ her mother muttered, shaking her head.

‘You can think whatever you like, but I’m still moving out and there’s nothing that can change my mind.’ She turned with a jiggle, and marched towards her old bedroom, presenting her mother with the image of her gargantuan rump, thereby adding further insult to injury.

‘But you’re still so fat, Katie!’ her mother shouted after her, ‘Are you at least going to lose the weight?’

Katie didn’t reply. But as she waddled away, thick thighs furiously rubbing together, her rumbling stomach answered for her.

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Part 16

‘…and your receipt’s in the bag.’

Katie snatched the paper bags and pushed down hard on the gas pedal, retaining a large box of French fries to gobble down during the five-minute voyage.

‘Mmm,’ she moaned, squishing the soft, greasy potato with her tongue while turning the steering-wheel with one hand. ‘Ohhh this is gonna be good,’ she added as she glanced at the bags in the passenger seat.


Katie burst into her apartment and, stomping heavily into the room, dropped her fast-food bags directly onto the kitchen table. Flopping her considerable weight down into a chair with a loud creak, her enormous buttocks spilling over its sides, she dragged the paper bags towards her, tearing each one of them open in turn.

Her eyes widened as she caught sight of a burger sitting there on top, drool already starting to flow down her chin. Katie ripped off the wrapper and shoved the huge hunk of meat and bread, dripping as it was with grease and cheese, between her outstretched jaws. She had cut away nearly a full third of it in a single bite, and, working her well-developed maxillary muscles hard, rapidly succeeded in pulverising that mass into a more easily digestible paste.

‘Mmm, yes,’ she moaned, ‘oh I love it, oh I need it,’ she continued, her breathing deepening. She began to dance around in her chair, sending waves of flab jiggling on all her sides, and, closing her eyes, raised her head high in the air, such that, if seen from below, one could easily discern a great ring of fat encircling her neck and lower chin.

Licking off the last remains of the burger, Katie forced an overflowing handful of oily fries into her mouth. While trying to chew them, she tipped a chocolate sundae in on top, letting the ice cream and chocolate sauce flow into the greasy mass of potato, down her gullet, and around her voracious lips.

‘Ohh that’s good,’ she squealed, muffled by the food crammed tight, ‘ohhh that’s so good!’


As she continued to gorge herself deeply, Katie suddenly heard someone knocking at her front door.

‘Babe, it’s me!’ Lena’s muffled voice rang out. Still chewing, Katie heaved herself up slowly and huffed and puffed as she waddled to the door.

‘I thought I’d drop by a bit early ‘cause I’m gonna walk to the gym after.’ Lena said as the door opened.

‘Oh, ok,’ Katie replied, swallowing hard, as Lena let herself in, ‘well…I’m just having a bit of dinner…’

Babe!’ Lena began, gazing across at the enormous feast spread across Katie’s dinner table, ‘A bit of dinner? What is all this?’

‘Well, I was pretty hungry so…’ Katie trailed off. Lena laughed.

Pretty hungry? There’s enough for a whole family here!’

‘Seriously, Lena? I’m just trying to enjoy my dinner and you barge in here…’

‘And what’s this around your mouth?’ Lena said, pointing, as Katie blushed and scrambled to wipe her face with a napkin. ‘You’re such a little piggy,’ Lena laughed, giving Katie little pokes in her big belly, ‘I think you enjoy your dinners a bit too much…’

‘Well, I was going to offer you some…’

‘No, it’s ok,’ Lena replied, shaking her head, ‘I already had something, and anyway, you know I don’t eat that stuff.’

Don’t talk about my b**s like that,’ Katie thought.  ‘I don’t get you! It’s so good!’ she said.

‘Babe…’ Lena just replied, shaking her head and frowning, ‘babe…’


As Katie returned from the bathroom, she heard Lena loudly clearing her throat:

Three supersized Big Boss Burger mega-combos with extra bacon and cheese,’ she began to read, holding back laughter, ‘eight glazed donuts, two sundaes and three soft serves! Babe, that’s a lot!’

‘Seriously, Lena?’ Katie began, blushing, ‘You dug around looking for that?’

‘You left it here in this pile of wrappers!’ Lena replied, laughing, ‘Are you sure you can afford all this junk as well as the rent?’

‘Don’t call them junk! And yes, everything’s all fine! Mind your own business, geez!’

‘Just looking out for you, babe.’

‘I’m fine!’ Katie frowned as she snatched the receipt back from Lena.

‘Ok, if that’s what you want babe,’ Lena said, smirking, ‘Anyway, I think I’ll head off to the gym, do you want to come along with me? I know you gave up on the diet, but it could still help you work off some of that dinner.’ Lena patted one of Katie’s porky thighs while her friend tried to bat her hand away.

‘Umm, I think I’ll pass this time, but you know what, since I’m such a good friend, I’ll give you a lift.’


‘Thanks, babe!’ Lena chirped as she sprang out of Katie’s car, her flat stomach glistening in her gym clothes, ‘see you tomorrow?’

‘No problem!’ Katie replied, ‘Yeah, I think we’re on the same shift!’

‘And babe,’ Lena began to whisper, leaning into the car again and smirking, ‘you’re not going back to the drive-thru right now, are you?’

‘Umm…’ Katie began, blushing, ‘umm, no…no of course not!’

‘Don’t lie, babe!’ Lena laughed, ‘you only offered me a lift because you wanted to go and get more food to binge on! Admit it!’

‘That’s not true! I’m being a good friend! And it’s just around the corner anyway…’

‘So you are going there!’

‘Just for a little something, not a whole meal like before!’

‘Ok, babe. Enjoy your little snack, then!’ Lena giggled and sauntered towards the gym, her skinny hips swishing from side to side.


As Katie pulled into the drive-thru, she licked her lips and took in a deep breath.

Ohhh this is gonna be good,’ she moaned.

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Part 17

‘It’s been so good living by myself, Lena,’ Katie began, ‘I can just do whatever I want!’

‘You mean: eat whatever you want,’ Lena laughed, poking Katie in the belly then retreating down the corridor.

‘Not only!’ Katie called after her down the hallway as Lena walked away to check on something in the kitchen. Katie looked up at herself in the bathroom mirror and examined her body. ‘Woah,’ she thought as she noticed the massive muffin-top flowing over her too-tight jeans, ‘I think I really might have put on some pounds since I moved out…’ Turning to the side, she raised her eye-brows seeing how far her booty shelf jutted out from her back.

She shifted her gaze downwards and noticed Lena’s scale on the bathroom floor, and, looking around to check if the coast was clear, dragged it towards her. ‘Lena won’t be able to see it anyway…’ she said to herself, hopping on.

But as she did, she looked down and saw the words ‘READY’ flash on the screen. As she was trying to recall if she had used this scale before, she suddenly heard Lena’s foot-steps drawing closer in the hallway, followed by a loud robotic voice emanating from the scale:

‘Two-hundred and sixty-eight point-seven pounds’, it cried out, just as Lena re-entered the bathroom. Lena and Katie both stared into each other’s wide eyes, their jaws both dropping open. Then they both burst into laughter, convulsing in that state until their sides hurt and their eyes watered. Regaining composure, Lena caught Katie’s gaze.

‘Yikes!’ she said, ‘268! That’s a huge difference from last time, isn’t it?’

‘Yeah…but…but I’m fully dressed so it must have added a few extra pounds on top, right?’ Lena turned around and briskly walked out of the room.

‘Lena, where are you- Oh my god, stop, no!’ Katie tried to grab the phone out of Lena’s hand. Lena simply raised it up into the air out of Katie’s reach and, tilting her head up, began to read:

‘”Height: 5 feet, 3 Inches” – I got that right didn’t I? – “Weight: 268 lbs. Your BMI is 47.51! indicating your weight is in the Obesity category for adults of your height.”’ Katie began to nod her head from side to side along with the sing-song rhythm of Lena’s teasing tone, ‘“For your height, a healthy weight range would be from 104 to 141 pounds. People who are overweight or obese are at higher risk for chronic conditions such as poor nutrition, high blood pressure, diabetes, and high cholesterol.”’

‘Yeah, ok, whatever,’ Katie replied, rolling her eyes, ‘you already read that last time. You could at least use a different site.’

‘Yeah, but before your BMI was, like, 30-something I think, now it’s 47.5! That’s basically 50!’ Katie sighed as Lena grinned at her. ‘Woah, you’re a big mama!’ Lena laughed, throwing her arms around Katie’s waist and grabbing full hold of her huge, flabby buttocks with both hands.

‘Lena!’ Katie called out, pushing her away.

‘Sorry, babe!’ Lena replied, stepping back smiling, ‘I’ve just never grabbed a really big girl’s really big butt before!’

‘Oh my god,’ Katie said, ‘seriously, Lena? You’re loving this, aren’t you?’ Lena just laughed.

‘Wait a second,’ she said, trotting back into the bathroom, ‘I didn’t do mine.’ As Katie waddled back into the bathroom, she could already hear the scale calling out ‘One-hundred and eleven-point-three pounds.’

‘111!’ Lena said, turning to gaze into Katie’s eyes, ‘that’s a magic number! And I’ve actually lost weight!’

‘Well, congratulations…’

‘Wait,’ Lena broke in, ‘I just realised something: your two-sixty-whatever is like…more than double my weight!’

‘Wow: you’re a genius, Lena!’ Katie replied, rolling her eyes again, ‘anyway, can we do something other than make fun of Katie? Did you finally think of something to do today?’

‘Hmm,’ Lena started, ‘actually I have an idea now.’

‘Yeah?’ Katie said suspiciously, ‘and what’s that?’

‘I think we should go out for a walk,’ she said amidst Katie’s groans, ‘No, hold on! When was the last time you did…like…any exercise?’

‘Like…uh…never…’ Katie muttered, smirking.

‘Exactly! Come on, babe, I know you love your burgers and all that junk’ – Katie frowned – ‘but you can’t just be a lazy ass forever!’


‘Oh come on, you know what I mean! Please can’t we just go for a little walk just this once? Just for me, babe? It’s not a diet or anything!’

Fine, Lena!’ Katie groaned, ‘Just for you! But can we go around the corner first to my place so I can get changed? I get so hot in these jeans. And remember, I said this isn’t meant to be make fun of Katie!’


‘Come on, babe!’ Lena called out down the hill. ‘Let’s hurry it up a bit!’

‘Ser-ious-ly’ Katie tried to say, huffing and puffing. As she took small, unsteady steps, her love-handles and belly jiggled out of the too-tight leggings and crop-top she was forced to wear for lack of any suitable clothes that fit her growing frame. ‘Lena…stop…stop…’ she choked out amidst her struggling breaths.

‘You’re so unfit, babe!’ Lena laughed, floating back down the hill, ‘we’ve barely started walking!’

‘It’s…’ Katie began, coughing and spluttering, ‘it’s the hill…’

‘Babe, you’ve taken like two steps up it! I think it might be the extra 150 lbs you’re carrying!’

‘I need…to rest…for a…for a second,’ Katie said, slowly lowering herself to sit on the sidewalk.

‘I’ll just warm up a bit while you’re recovering, then’ Lena replied, and began to sprint up the hill. Reaching the top, she nimbly spun around on her heels and sprinted back down again. Lena repeated this action three more times, all the while that Katie continued her heavy breathing, her belly flab folding over her two-sizes-too-small leggings and her chunky arms bursting out of her tiny crop-top as she sat there motionless on the sidewalk.

‘Phew,’ Lena said as she came back to Katie, ‘didn’t even break a sweat!’

‘Whatever,’ Katie replied, fanning her face with her pudgy hand.

‘Come on now, big girl,’ Lena laughed, offering her palm, ‘back to work!’ Katie grabbed Lena’s hand and pulled herself up, wincing as her huge legs tried to heave her enormous mass upwards.

‘OK, but not the hill,’ Katie whined, ‘it’s too steep for me.’

‘Wow, babe,’ Lena replied, grinning and tapping Katie lightly on her gargantuan buttocks, ‘you’ve gotten really out of shape!’ Katie, saying nothing, turned around and began to waddle slowly in the other direction.

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Part 18

‘Hi Julian, how are you? Long time no see! xoxo’

Hitting send, Katie put down her phone and stretched her chubby little feet out on her towel as she popped yet another cookie into her greedy mouth. Lying there lazily in her black one-piece swimsuit, she looked up and noticed Lena walking up the beach towards her in a tiny bikini that hid nothing of her tanned, toned, skinny little body.

‘Just chilling, babe?’ Lena asked.

‘Yeah,’ Katie replied, muffled by another cookie she had bitten into in the meantime.

‘You don’t want to come down to the water with us?’

‘I’m good for now,’ she said, licking the melted chocolate chips off her fingers.

‘Hmm, ok. You look so lonely here by yourself …

‘I’ve got my cookies’ Katie replied, smiling.

‘Well…wanna take some selfies?’ Lena asked, sitting in close to Katie and holding up her phone. Katie quickly rubbed away the chocolate and crumbs from around her mouth and smiled for the camera. Looking back at the results after taking several shots, she couldn’t help but notice how much of the frame her round face, thick neck and bulky shoulders took up compared to Lena, the crease of her double-chin contrasting with Lena’s sharp, defined features.

‘See, you look so cute, babe!’ Lena said, showing her the photos, ‘I think I’ll make that my new background.’

‘So you can always see how much prettier you are than me?’

‘Babe, don’t be so down on yourself!’ Lena began, ‘You’ve always been the pretty one out of us, anyway…’ Katie let out a fake, sarcastic laugh and shook her head. ‘Now let’s get some photos of just you, babe’. Katie groaned at Lena’s suggestion. Lena started to poke Katie in her gelatinous hips and love-handles. ‘Come on, babe. Please! I really want photos of you to look back on!’

‘Ok, Lena.’ Katie replied, sighing, ‘A few photos: but promise me you won’t put these up on Instagram.’

‘I swear, I swear!’ Lena chirped, grinning. ‘Let’s start with a sexy one of you lying down – yeah that’s it.’ Katie slowly shifted her bulk so that she’d be lying on her side, facing the camera. Her big belly flopped down towards the ground as she did so, her arm-flab creasing where she leaned on it and her double-chin manifesting as she turned to face the camera, with her enormous bare thighs taking up most of the shot.

Just as in fall, when the undressed trees first shiver below the waning sun, the great vats are thrown up, the pickings are pressed under foot, and the sweet nectar, poured too generously into dried-out wine-skins, bulges forth in lumpy protrusions, leaping forth beyond the edge, so too did Katie’s cornucopia of flab flood the sides and boundaries of her size-too-small black one-piece swimsuit.

‘Now up you get, babe: I want some shots of you frolicking on the beach.’  Katie slowly shifted her weight onto all-fours, then with difficulty leaned up on one thigh and then the other as Lena aided to erect her friend’s great mass onto its tired ankles. Catching her breath, Katie took a few steps forward and tried to adopt a slimming pose, angling her leg in an attempt to avoid looking like just a great hunk of kebab-meat. Kebab-meat she still resembled, though perhaps the effect was marginally lessened.

‘Yeah, that’s it, baby!’ Lena called out as she took the shots, ‘Now show me that big booty, girl!’ Katie turned slightly to her side, her hand pushing into one flabby hip, her saddle-bags and booty shelf protruding forth markedly.

‘I should send these to Julian,’ Lena suggested once she had taken enough photos.

‘No, Lena! Seriously, don’t!’ Katie said, walking back and looking Lena directly in the eye.

‘Fine, babe. But don’t you think some sexy shots could help to attract him back…’

‘Lena, no! Can you just stay out of it please?’


‘Babe, the girls want to take a group photo, let’s go!’ Lena called out to Katie excitedly.

‘Maybe I should sit this one out…’ Katie muttered, starting to move away.

‘What? Why, babe? We need you in the photo!’

‘It’s just…I don’t want to spoil your photo…you’re all so tiny and cute in your little bikinis and no wants to see all my rolls spilling out everywhere…’

‘Babe! It’s ok…’ Lena began, moving in to hug Katie, ‘Wait, I’ve got an idea: how about you put your long beach dress on to cover up a bit?’

‘Hmm…’ Katie frowned.

‘Come on, babe!’ Lena continued, ‘we need you in the photo with us!’

‘Ok, give me a second; I’ll just go throw it on.’ So saying, Katie waddled her slow, heavy strides up the beach, her blubber wabbling in waves with each heavy step as she huffed and puffed.


Katie already began to blush as she stood in the middle of the frame, a big fat girl covered in a long black dress between so many fit, skinny, bikini-clad beauties. She held her fake smile and tried to quiet her mind until it was all over and she could return safely to her hoard of high-calorie snacks.  After leading her friends in several poses, Lena excitedly cried out:

‘Let’s do one facing the sea!’ And she directed Katie to turn around with her hand. Katie sighed as she turned, remembering the last time, but reassured herself by recalling the safety of her frumpy black coverings.

But all of a sudden, Katie felt a stronger breeze flowing over her legs and butt, and turning her head, gasped as she realised that the two girls to either side of her had each taken hold of the lower part of her dress and, pulling it high in the air, revealed to the camera her gargantuan bare buttocks and her colossal, flab-turning-on-flab hippopotamus legs.

‘What are you doing?’ she cried out, pulling down the dress and blushing. The two girls just laughed and skipped briskly away. Katie glanced over at Lena, who replied with a shoulder-shrug and an awkward smile.



‘Babe, I think they put it on Insta,’ Lena said, showing her phone to Katie. She sighed as she saw her mammoth butt and massive legs – back-of-the-knee fat, cankles and all – on display for the whole world to see.

‘Those bitches,’ Katie muttered and began to slowly waddle back up to her towel.

‘Babe,’ Lena began, following her, ‘where are you going? Come take a dip with me!’

‘I really don’t feel comfortable being out there with all the skinny girls after that…’

‘But babe, you’ll be hidden under the water,’ Lena replied, putting her bony hand on Katie’s well-padded shoulder, ‘and besides, no one cares, everyone’s doing their own thing! There are a few people even bigger than you out there!’ Katie looked around, frowning, but didn’t see any. ‘Oh come on, babe, it’ll be fun! Please? I just want to have some fun together!’



‘You know, you were right, Lena,’ Katie began as she floated gracefully on her back, ‘this is pretty fun.’

‘Wow, you float really well, babe!’ Lena said, ‘I’m so bad at it!. Wait, I’ve got an idea.’  And so saying, Lena climbed onto Katie’s spacious belly, throwing her legs around her friend’s rotund torso.

‘What are you doing?’ Katie asked, laughing.

‘It’s so nice and relaxing up here,’ Lena chirped, ‘you’re like my own personal floaty bed!’ The girls both laughed, Katie continuing to float on her back. As Lena settled in to sit comfortably atop her buoyant friend, two guys around their age approached them.

‘Oh, are we doing whale riding?’ One of them called out to Lena.

‘Thar, she blows!’ bellowed the other, ‘Man the harpoons!’ The two burst into laughter, looking directly at Katie to gauge the reaction of the supposed cetacean.

‘Don’t worry babe,’ Lena began, frowning, as she yelled out to them, ‘just ignore those pathetic small dick losers!’

‘Woah, don’t let it get too close,’ one of the men said to the other, ‘the whale might beach itself!’ The two waded away laughing.

Katie turned her head to look out across the sand, noticing the streams of children lined up in front of the ice-cream truck. ‘I wish I’d stayed on the beach and bought more ice-cream,’ she sighed.

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Part 19

Sitting on the park bench, Katie checked her phone again.

‘Still not,’ she sighed, ‘I’m sure he’ll get back to me soon…’

Gazing around, her eyes settled on the kiosk in the middle of the park.

‘Hmm,’ she thought, ‘since I’m already here, I might as well buy a couple hotdogs while I’m waiting.’


As she began to lick her fingers on completion of the first hotdog, she suddenly felt a vibration emanating from her handbag. Her heart fluttered as she took out her phone.

‘I’m at the coffee shop,’ the message read. Katie quickly messaged back ‘I’ll be right there!’ and shoving the second hot-dog into her mouth, began to chew as quickly as her well-trained jaw muscles allowed.

‘Mmm, that’s really good,’ she thought as she devoured it, almost ** on the massive quantity shoved so rapidly down her gullet. Swallowing hard, she quickly wiped her face with the napkin and opened her phone camera to check herself as in a mirror. Her round, fleshy face stared back at her, its creased double-chin markedly hanging down. Cleaning off the last remains of crumbs and ketchup, Katie slowly heaved herself up onto her feet and began to huff and puff as she waddled as quickly as her fat little legs could carry her immense bulk, jiggling on all sides. Her belly and love handles spilled out of her jeans more and more as she walked, encumbered as they were by her gigantic butt-cheeks. She intermittently stopped to catch her breath and pull up her jeans, forced down by the blubber jiggling out on top, as joggers deftly moved out of the way to pass her by on the sidewalk.


Katie felt her heart begin to beat faster as she saw Julian sitting alone in the coffee shop. Approaching him, she noticed that he was talking, holding his hand to his ear. Katie smiled and waved as she reached the table, Julian returning only a slight head nod of acknowledgement.

‘Oh, she is fat!’ Julian thought.

‘Hi Julian,’ she whispered. Julian pointed to his phone and continued talking. Katie moved to sit down, but as she did so she noticed that the wooden chair offered only a relatively small seat, restricted within solid arms on each side.

Katie thought about attempting to squeeze her massive buttocks into it, but realized quickly that she was way too big to fit. Looking around the room, Katie found another small wooden chair without arms, and waddling across the room, swapped it out for her chair, blushing a deep red and laughing nervously.

‘Woah, she’s gotten huge!’ Julian thought as Katie dropped heavily down onto the chair, her flab spilling out over the sides and belly bouncing forward. While Julian continued to chat on the phone. Katie had a quick look over the menu. As the waitress arrived, Julian briefly put his hand over the phone to order a long-black, Katie opting for a hot chocolate, a chocolate muffin, and a chocolate donut – ‘to start with’, she added. Julian continued the phone call even after the waitress’ return, so Katie began to dig in to her delicious treats. At last, Julian wrapped up the call and hung up.

‘That was a really important call,’ Julian said, still playing with this phone, ‘I just had to sort that out.’

‘It’s ok, Julian,’ Katie said, smiling, ‘I understand.’ Katie gazed into his eyes, waiting for him to reciprocate her eye-contact.

‘You look…different…’ he said, finally looking up.

‘Well, it’s been a while, right?’ Katie began, leaning forward, ‘I’ve really missed you, babe.’

‘Yeah…it has been a while…’ he said, looking around the room, ‘so what have you been up to?’

‘You know: mainly working, hanging out with Lena…I moved into my own place too, actually…’

‘Ah, right,’ Julian said, ‘so I guess you’ve had to start cooking for yourself then?’ He took a sip of his coffee.

‘A little bit…,’ Katie began, ‘actually I usually just go for take-out. You know, it’s kind of my guilty pleasure…’ Katie blushed a little bit and laughed awkwardly.

‘Ah I see…’ Julian replied, smirking and slightly looking Katie up and down, ‘I know Lena’s a bit of a gym rat, do you girls ever go there together when you hang out?’

‘Well, not really…’ Katie said, ‘it’s not exactly my sort of thing…’ Katie slurped up some of her hot chocolate and let out a small sigh. ‘What’s with him today?’ she thought. Julian suddenly raised his eyebrows as he looked over Katie’s shoulders and gave a small wave. Katie slightly turned around, her neck fat creasing, her chair creaking beneath her.

Hey JJ,’ a sultry voice began, accompanied by a quick clip-clop of heels against hard wood and a powerful waft of fresh perfume, ‘I thought you’d be here waiting for me.’

‘Oh hey Rach!’ Julian said excitedly as the young woman approached him. She leaned down and held him tight, offering a kiss on each cheek à la française. Her tiny waist and enormous breasts were accentuated by the skin-tight dress she wore and the ample cleavage it displayed, while her four-inch heels drew attention to her pert, tight little butt. Her heavily made-up face smirked seductively, framed as it was by the bangs of her long, straight hair and her shining earrings and necklace. As she straightened herself up, Katie noticed Julian staring into the depths of her generous cleavage. Rachel turned as she brushed her hair out of her face, and frowned when she noticed Katie sitting across from Julian.

‘Oh, who’s this?’ she said, pointing at Katie and chuckling.

‘Hi, I’m Katie,’ she answered, holding out her chubby hand, ‘I’m here with Julian.’

Rachel cringed and gave a little awkward laugh without taking Katie’s hand.

‘Ok then,’ she replied, smirking at Julian and then turning back to Katie. ‘Wow, what’s that you’re eating there?’ she said enthusiastically, ‘You must be enjoying that!’

‘Oh yeah,’ Katie began excitedly, ‘This is the chocolate muffin, it’s so good!’ She took a bite to illustrate the point, smearing chocolate around her mouth, and, still chewing, continued, speaking rapidly: ‘You know, I usually get the blueberry muffin because I think, well I’m getting a hot chocolate and a chocolate donut, so I might as well go for something other than chocolate for the muffin. But this time I had a real chocolate craving so I thought I’d try the chocolate muffin this time, and it’s actually really good, I’d say even better than the blueberry muffin, so maybe next time I’ll go for the chocolate muffin again because, let’s face it, I’m always getting chocolate cravings. Are you thinking of getting one? It’s really, really good!’ She took another big bite and began smacking loudly with her lips as she chewed. Rachel laughed, looking over at Julian to share a knowing look.

‘Umm, actually no, I’d better not,’ she said, putting her hands on her tiny waist, ‘I’m actually on a diet right now and that muffin looks really fattening!’ Katie stopped chewing and swallowed hard, taking another sip of her hot chocolate and wiping her mouth with a napkin.

‘Oh, ok…’ she said, looking down.

‘I’ll see you back at the office, JJ?’ Rachel said, turning back to Julian while giggling and rubbing his shoulder.

‘Yeah, of course, Rach…’ Julian said, his mouth dropping open. Rachel turned around and wiggled her butt in front of Julian, sending him blushing and grinning. She caught Katie’s eye and winked at her, smirking, then strode away, shaking her hips from side to side as her big boobs bounced up and down.

JJ?’ Katie asked as she sauntered away.

‘Oh yeah, Rach likes to call me that sometimes. She’s a wild one!’ Katie took a bite out of her chocolate donut and sighed.


As Katie finished off her chocolate muffin and began to lick the paper, she noticed a group of four men loudly talking and laughing in the corner of the room. Julian turned around to look at them, and as he caught their eye, they grinned and laughed amongst themselves as they looked in his direction.

‘Do you know those guys?’ Katie asked.

‘Oh yeah,’ Julian replied, ‘they’re just some work buddies.’ At that moment, Katie noticed one of the men getting out of his seat and walking towards them.

‘Hey Julian,’ he began, grinning ‘wow who’s this little lady? I bet she’s tons of fun.’ He quickly glanced back to the other men at the table, ‘Is this your girlfriend?’ he continued, trying not to laugh.

‘Umm, no, this is Katie…she’s just a friend…’

Katie lowered her head and shifted in her seat as her chair creaked again. The man laughed and turned around. As he walked away, Katie noticed that he held his arms out to the side, making himself look bigger, and walked with big stomping gestures, to a roar of laughter from his friends at the table.

‘Well, I better go…’ Julian began, turning from seeing this, ‘I should get back to work…’

‘Oh…’ Katie replied, sighing, ‘oh ok…maybe we could go for a stroll in the park sometime?’

‘Umm…I’ll have to see…,’ Julian replied, avoiding eye contact, ‘I’m pretty busy these days…’

‘Oh…’ Katie said, looking down.

‘Well, all the best, bud.’ He got up, smiled slightly at Katie, then walked directly out of the coffee shop.


Katie bit into another chocolate muffin.

‘Mmm, that’s so good,’ she muttered, closing her eyes. She suddenly heard several footsteps approaching on the hardwood floor, and looking around, she saw Julian’s work friends coming towards her.

As they walked past her, one of them began to make rapid snorting sounds. Katie, her mouth smeared with chocolate, looked up to see them staring and laughing at her. As she began to turn to face them, a sudden creak rang out from beneath her mammoth buttocks, and, shifting her great weight further, she suddenly felt the support disappear from underneath her. The chair-leg snapped clean in two, and Katie’s nearly 300 lbs went tumbling down, as the earth echoed back with a crash.

As the waitress rushed to help Katie with difficulty to her porcine feet, the entire group burst into long, riotous laugher, hardly managing to retain their balance.

‘Oh my god, we have to tell Julian!’ one cried out.

Katie grabbed the rest of her chocolate pastries and stormed out of the coffee shop, the first tears beginning to stream down her chubby cheeks as she waddled around the corner.

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Part 20

Katie sighed, struggling to breath as she bent over to shove the empty brownie packets down into the bin. But as soon as she released her hand, they bounced back up and spilled out onto the floor.

‘It’s so hot,’ she muttered, fanning herself, ‘I’ll deal with that later.’ Standing up straight again and catching her breath, she turned and opened the fridge, clad only in a bra and thon panties, her huge hips and butt-cheeks blocking out the light that emanated from within.

‘Oh I’ve been looking forward to you,’ she chimed, grinning, and removed a fresh 6-person cheesecake. She closed the door and waddled into the next room, her body jiggling as her feet barely raised off the floor with each step. Stomping past the half-lowered blinds, she let her weight fall with a loud thud onto the sofa, as her ample flab flowed out onto its surface.

Katie stretched out on the sofa and smiled as the breeze coursed through the open windows and door and washed over her sweaty, blubbery body. Sitting up, she took up the cheese-cake, and, raising the first slice, hew it clean in two with a single bite.

‘Mmm, I love cheesecake,’ she said to herself, stuffing the rest of the slice into her half-full mouth and reaching for the next one. She closed her eyes, turning the cake around in her mouth and smacking her tongue and lips. ‘Mmm, this is just the best,’ she giggled, dancing up and down in her chair, as her love handles wobbled along with her.


Katie’s mother took a step back from the window, shaking her head.

A tub of ice-cream now!” she hissed under her breath, then returned to her position, peering through the open window in the gap between the blind and the wall.

‘Straight out of the tub with a spoon! And just look at the size of her!’ she thought, continuing to watch Katie for several minutes while frowning and wincing. Eventually she stepped back from the window again. ‘Right, that’s it,’ she said, ‘I’ve seen enough.’


Katie was tilting up the empty ice cream tub, gleefully drinking the melted remains at the bottom, when she suddenly heard the front door flying open and loud steps coming towards her.

Katie!’ her mum screeched, ‘I can’t believe what I’ve seen! A whole tub of ice cream! A whole cheesecake! You’re a pig!’ Katie scrambled to put down the empty ice-cream tub and heave herself to her feet panting as her huge belly bounced forward. ‘And just look at you! You’re a whale! And you just keep getting bigger and bigger! ’

‘Mom-’ Katie bleated.

‘-Look at these rolls,’ Katie’s mother began again, grabbing an entire handful of flab from Katie’s middle, ‘and those elephant legs! I shudder to think of the size of your backside!’ Katie tried to back into the wall, but her mother was much quicker, moving around her to gain a view of her immense buttocks.

‘Oh god!’ Katie’s mother began to laugh in a mocking tone and screw up her face, ‘horrible! Horrible! You’re the size of a house! I came here to take you out for some exercise, Miss Hippopotamus. But it seems you’d prefer to be a big fat disappointment of a daughter’. Katie began to sob as her mother stormed out of the house, slamming the front door.


Katie untangled her wet hair with her left hand while with her right she finalized the UberEats order for Big Boss Burger. She leaned back on the sofa and blew her nose, causing a shockwave that sent the flab wobbling all around her lazy, super obese body.

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Part 21

Katie pulled out of the Big Boss Burger drive-thru and leaned her open bag against the wheel.

‘Mmm, so good,’ she said to herself, ‘Whatever happens today, nothing can spoil this feeling.’


‘Hey Lena, ‘ Katie began, ‘do you know where those new items are to go on display?’

‘Sure babe, they’re just in a box over there in the corner.’

Approaching the box, Katie stopped as she overheard someone saying:

‘…I dunno, go ask that fat woman!’ An elderly couple began to walk towards her.

‘Hello,’ she smiled, meeting them, ‘would you like some assistance?’

‘Yes.’ The woman said stiffly. ‘We’re looking for the food-court…’ Katie sighed and pointed them in the right direction.


Opening the box, Katie leaned down and took up three packets of perfume in her right hand. But as she did so, she froze abruptly.  For she felt a wave of tension around her butt, as a quick, sharp sound emanated from the same direction. And now, she could feel the air flowing in against her buttocks.

‘Oh no,’ she muttered, ‘I’ve split my skirt!’ She pushed her bottom against the wall and looked over at Lena, desperate to make eye contact.

‘Lena! Lena!’ She whispered frantically, gesturing her to come over.

‘Katie, what is it?’ Lena asked as she approached. Katie took a deep breath and then exhaled.

‘Okay, I’m going to tell you something really embarrassing, and I kind of just need you to go with it and help me.’

‘Sure, what’s going on?’ Lena said, trying to hold back her giggles.

‘Okay…I split my skirt. There, I said it. I split it, it’s split. There’s a big tear in it.’

‘Oh damn…really?’ Lena asked, grinning, stepping forward to try to get a look around Katie’s considerable girth.

‘No, stop! Don’t draw attention!’ Katie whispered forcefully as she pushed Lena back, and grew even redder.

‘Okay, fine!’ Lena said, backing away and grinning. ‘But what do you want me to do?’

‘I dunno…I…I just need another skirt.’ Lena turned her head to the side while her eyes moved back and forth for a few seconds.

‘Okay, I’ve got an idea,’ she began, ‘I’ll take you down to the changing-room; you can walk directly in front of me so no-one can see your butt. Then you can wait there while I grab you a skirt off the rack. Sound alright?’ Lena gestured her to lead the way.

‘Wait, wait’ Katie said, holding up her hands, ‘there’s a problem…’ Lena frowned and bit her lip. ‘…this skirt doesn’t come from here.’

‘That’s okay,’ Lena said, smiling, ‘I can just grab you a different skirt.’

‘No…I…I don’t think you get it. This skirt doesn’t come from here because…because we don’t stock this size…’  Lena stepped back and raised her head.

‘Ohhh,’ she said, nodding. ‘Well, you can hide out in the change room and I’ll quickly run to find you one big enough. I mean, the right size.’ Katie lowered her head and sighed. Lena grabbed her arm. ‘Are you okay, babe? I’m here for you, I’ll help you. Let’s go.’


As they entered the women’s clothing department, Lena grabbed a top off the rack, spreading her legs as she walked to try to block the view of her friend’s enormous backside.

‘Here, take this so it looks like you’re trying something on.’

Katie turned and took the top from Lena, and then flinched as she heard the words behind her:

‘Hey girls, where are you two off to?’

‘Oh hi, Amanda,’ Katie said, turning red and putting her hands behind her back.

Amanda shifted her head to make eye-contact with Lena.

‘Are you okay back there?’ she joked, far away as Lena was, standing there behind Katie’s massive booty. Lena moved out from behind Katie to stand directly next to Amanda.

‘Yeah, all good,’ she lied, ‘Katie just wants to try some clothes on our break and I’m...uh…moral support.’ Katie frowned at Lena and scrunched up her lip, blushing and slightly nodding her head to the side. ‘But..uh…we better…uh…go do that now because otherwise our break will be over right?’ Lena said, giggling. She put her hand out for Katie to lead the way.

‘Oh okay,’ said Amanda, pursing her lip as she examined the item of clothing held tightly in Katie’s hand, ‘But I’m not sure if that’s really the right size-‘

‘-Oh no it’s all good,’ Lena cut in, ‘we checked and everything’s totally fine…’ Lena trailed off as they walked away from Amanda.

‘God damn it, Lena!’ Katie started, ‘What was that?! You said you were gonna stay behind me!’

‘It was just for a few seconds, Katie! No biggie! Anyway, we’re there now.’


‘Babe, it’s me.’ Lena said as she stuck her head through the changing-room curtain, ‘I think I found the skirt, it was size 24 right?’

‘Yeah, that’s it. Thanks so much for this, Lena.’

‘No problem, babe. You’d do the same if it happened to me.’ Their eyes met for a moment before they both smirked and started shaking their heads.

‘Okay, I better just get changed. Here, go throw out my old 22.’


Lena was pretending to examine a pink mini-skirt when she heard a sharp voice behind her:

‘Lena!’ She turned around and stepped back towards the changing room. ‘Lena! Big problem!’ Katie was breathing quickly as her friend stuck her head back through the curtain and frowned. ‘It doesn’t fit!’

‘What? Really? Can’t you just suck in or something?’

‘No, Lena,’ Katie growled, turning to the side, ‘I can’t just suck in my big butt!’

‘Okay, sorry! Just trying to help. So what do we do?’

‘What? This was your idea! Did they have other sizes?’

‘Yeah I think so… so what, I’ll run back and get a 26 then? …Or a 28?’

’26! Geez Lena!’

‘Okay, okay! Just checking!’ Lena said, grabbing the too-small size 24 skirt from Katie’s chubby hand, ‘I’ll be back ASAP!’. She disappeared behind the curtain, leaving Katie to sigh and sink down on the bench. A few seconds later, her head appeared through the curtain one last time.

‘And babe,’ Lena began, smirking, ‘we’ve gotta get you back in shape.’

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Part 22

Katie wobbled unsteadily on her heels as she rounded the corner, stepping carefully to avoid damaging them.

‘I think I’ll grab a quick snack beforehand,’ she said to herself, ‘Don’t want to get too tipsy too early.’


‘Oh yes,’ she said to herself as she unwrapped her third kebab, ‘this was a good decision.’ Turning her head to take the first bite, she caught a glimpse of herself reflected in the window, and quickly looked herself up and down.

Just as in summer, when desert winds gain strength as they are going, the rivers are raised up, the seas scale the sky, and all pooled together form black bulges threatening to burst forth from their silver-linings, so too did Katie’s ponderous pork strain the seams of her cute little dress.

She pulled it down at the bottom, trying to bring it closer to her knees. ‘Maybe this was a bad choice,’ she thought, ‘my butt’s gotten way too big for this one.’ She shrugged her shoulders and took another big bite.


As he was checking his phone at the side of the dance-floor, Julian suddenly raised his head.

‘Julian!’ He turned around and flinched when he realised who it was.

‘Oh…Katie…’ he said, looking her up and down and frowning. She began to caress his arms and chest, giggling and moving her body from side to side.

‘You know, baby,’ she began, raising her eyebrows and licking her front teeth, ‘I can be very sensual’. She twisted herself around and began shaking her gargantuan hips and butt, the rippling fat jiggling in waves as her heavy breathing became audible. She then turned her head to meet Julian‘s gaze with one eye, creasing her stocky neck, and teased: ‘Go on, grab a slice, babe,’ Julian winced and took a step backwards.

‘Katie…’ he began, ‘I think you’re…just not my type…sorry.’ He pursed his lips, then broke her gaze and walked away. Katie stopped dancing and stared into space, catching her breath. She sighed and lowered her head as the room moved around her. She spun around, but as she steadied herself on her back foot, she felt a sudden ‘click’ and, her foot giving way, lost her balance and tumbled to the ground.

Down she went, a 300-lb-plus sack of potatoes, and curled up with a whimper on the dancefloor. Three young women who were dancing nearby stooped down immediately to her aid, their lithe, trim bodies flexibly bending down to grab hold of her meaty limbs and chunky torso, revealing their tight abs and toned thighs as they did so. The three of them together struggled to lift Katie from the floor, limp as she was in her shock, and obese as she was from her constant gluttony, to set her again on her stocky legs.

‘Are you okay, honey?’ one of them asked her. Katie nodded without making eye-contact.

‘Here you go,’ another one said, handing Katie her missing shoe, the heel clearly snapped and hanging by a thread. Katie mouthed ‘thank-you’ and stepped away barefoot, still looking down as she clasped her shoes in her pudgy mitts.

Now looking even shorter and thus fatter without her heels, she slowly waddled, sobbing, from the dancefloor, stopping from time to time to pull down her way-too-tight dress as her flab’s friction caused it to ride up constantly and expose her wide, wobbly, dimpled thighs to the world.


‘Are you alright babe?’ Lena said, putting her arm around Katie.

‘Can I…’ she stammered, looking at the ground ‘can I ask you something?’

‘Sure babe, anything’, Lena replied, her eyes wide.

‘Do I still look good in a cute little dress?’

‘Well…’ she began, pursing her lips, ‘Of course, babe! But Katie…you’ve…you’ve really filled out…’ Katie lowered her head again.

‘Do you think that’s why Julian stopped paying attention to me?’ she sobbed.

‘I dunno…but…maybe it’s time to…to cut down a bit…You know, for you…’

‘Okay,’ Katie said, expressionless, and walked out onto the street. Opening her hand-bag, she revealed a king-size Chunky Boy chocolate bar. Undoing the wrapper and biting into it, she took it in with her tongue and washed the chocolate around between her teeth. As Katie stood there alone with her candy, her breathing grew slower as a smile formed on her face.

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Part 23


Katie hauled herself out of her car, panting heavily. She looked around wildly as the sweat pooled on her cheeks.

‘Oh there she is!’ she gasped, and waddled down the driveway towards the tennis court, her thighs visibly jiggling with each bounce. ‘Lena,’ she stammered between breaths, ‘I’m so so sorry I’m late, I had to find something to wear, I’m so sorry.’

‘That’s…’ Lena started, screwing up her nose as she looked Katie up and down, ‘that’s ok…’ She was wearing a tight white tank-top, her side-blubber bursting its boundaries, and black shorts that barely reached her thighs or covered her belly. The girth of the meat that hung above her knee-caps gave the illusion that her knees bent backwards like those of an ostrich or flamingo, while her ankles, minuscule as they were by comparison, threatened to buckle under the severe weight of the structure.

‘Ready to start then, babe?’ Lena asked, her crop-top revealing her pencil thin waist, while her skin-tight mini-skirt showed off her long legs and defined thigh gap.

‘Give me a second, give me a second,’ Katie muttered, still catching her breath and barely squeezing her humongous rump into a chair by the side of the court. ‘You want a snack before we start?’ she asked. Lena eyed Katie up and down again.

‘No…it’s ok…’ she replied.

‘I’ll just be a second,’ Katie called out, stuffing handfuls of Sugar Joys down her gullet.


‘That’s 4-0!’ Lena shouted, giggling.

‘Ok,’ Katie struggled to say between deep breaths. Lena watched her friend heaving her body from side to side as she slowly returned to receiving position. She served the ball softly, and it bounced in a straight line directly towards Katie. Katie stomped her foot forward and swung. Lena again hit a soft shot in return, to land just a few metres from Katie. As Katie saw it coming, she bolted towards it and swung, but the ball bounced right past her. She bent down, holding her arms on her knees and panting heavily.

‘She’s in pretty bad shape…’ Lena said to herself as she watched her.

‘Wow it’s hard to lug this booty,’ thought Katie. ‘I think I’ve had enough!’ she called out, and dropped down on to the ground with a thud.


‘Do you want to play a bit?’ Lena called out as Lucas walked down the driveway. ‘Katie’s not feeling too well.’

‘Oh, really? Did she have to go home?’ Lucas replied, frowning.

‘No, she’s sitting just over there; see, with the white tank-top.’ Lucas squinted.

‘Really? Wait…is that big girl really Katie?’ Just at that moment Katie noticed Lucas looking over at her.

‘Hey Lucas,’ she called out, smiling and waving.

‘Hi…Katie…’ Lucas replied, his eyes wide and mouth dropping open.

‘It’s so hot, isn’t it?’ she said, fanning herself with her chubby hand. As she shifted her weight, she wiped her face with her towel and sculled down her can of Greedy Gulp full sugar cola, letting out a big belch and turning even redder.


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