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Savannah has been getting non stop pressure from her friends and family to lose weight.. with her massive gain from last year… they say she needs to try to at least work out and see if she can handle it. Savannah is so apprehensive but in order to shut everyone up she makes an attempt to exercise, she think push ups and crunches are going to be a breeze because she can do them on the floor but those prove to be a huge challenge.. especially with her big belly in the way. Next she tries high knees, squats and running in place, within minutes she’s completely out of breath and in shock of how little movement her body can handle. Savannah can at least tell her friends and family she tried but she knows exercise is not for her and she plans to keep it that way. 


{video includes: workout fail , belly play,  Fat chat, pov }


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Savannah is a natural for the screen. From her perfect plump figure to her gorgeous smile, lovely hair (the red is really something), and, yes, her naughty admiration of her own fatness - all of these so fairly captivate the viewer. With the qualities of an ingenue, she delights in this latest attempt at exercise, becoming more and more out of breath; and I for one cannot wait for the next. 

This video is highly recommended - at such a low price, too, you would be mad to pass it up!

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Watching this porker fail 2 push ups and then lie there like a beached whale made me nut so hard my left leg cramped up. I wish I could be her trainer! I'd make sure that she's getting her pre, intra, and post workout shakes. 

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