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Everything posted by yjpzsd

  1. I met a pretty big girl who was on roller skates recently, she seemed to be doing fine. I've no doubt you'll get back into it!
  2. Since you ask about people's feelings about being seen with a BBW, I expect people are going to jump on me for saying this, but whatever; I do still have some anxiety about going out with a BBW on my arm. Not shame, or anything close to it, I hasten to add; but there's a sort of uncomfortable (irrational) worry that whomever I'm lucky enough to be going out with might be dismissed as some sort of fetish object simply because there's a size difference between us. That someone might correctly infer that I prefer big women doesn't bother me, but the idea that they might, on that basis, disregard innumerable other admirable qualities in my date bugs me. Not that I notice it when I'm actually out on a date with someone; I'm unlikely to notice anyone else in the room at all if I'm out with a beautiful woman, and if I'm in a relationship of any seriousness I don't notice at all. But before a date... it's kind of hard to articulate; there's the normal queasy sense of pre-date anxiety with all the clammy hands and distracted restless "will she like me" energy, but on top of that there's a vague worry about how I'll reflect on her, particularly if she's very big. I'm pretty skinny myself, and I think I worry that people will think I'm only with someone because of their size, just because a size difference is so conspicuous. She might be drop dead gorgeous, forthright and witty, five foot eight, speak three languages, hold a double first, and if I were three hundred pounds those might be the things you would notice about her, but because I'm 185, I worry that people just think, he must have a kink for fat girls, and leave it at that. It's dumb, honestly, because for one thing nobody really gives a shit, and even if they did you can't look at a stranger across the room and be impressed by her character and penetrating intellect unless you're telepathic. But I don't know, I just feel like there's all those jokes about liking fat women which suggest people acknowledge it as a kink- which, I mean the kinky aspect of it is totally groovy obviously, but it's also only a fragment of the whole story. What about breathless devastating infatuation; what about weak kneed, jelly-brained adoration? What about tenderness and bare hearted affection and feeling someone's skin burn against yours like tears on an open wound and... just, all the things that make being in love unbearable, you know? None of which have anything to do with sex, really. Sh*t, I don't know, I guess if I'm with a girl, part of me just wishes everyone else could see what I can see, I don't know how else to explain it.
    The collaborations between CC and DirtyHarriet are among my favourite videos. They seem to enjoy each other's company so much, to share such a fascination with indulgence and fat, that their delight can't fail to come across to the viewer. This is my favourite of their videos so far. Not only is their manifest joy in eating cakes from each other's bodies extremely sexy, but the variety of angles from which we see their bodies as they climb over each other to do so lends this video a dynamic feel too often lacking from BBW clips. This keeps the video interesting throughout, but also lets one appreciate the true girth, softness and weight of CC's body; especially when contrasted with slim Harriet. Harriet, though herself beginning to soften somewhat these days, is still slim and traditionally sexy; this makes her glee in beholding her friend's body and their mutual delight in indulgence all the sweeter, sexier, and all the more compelling. One of the sexiest videos I've had the pleasure to see. CC, Harriet, you are both treasures, and wonderful to behold ❤️️
    What makes CC's videos worth watching is not her beauty, though without a doubt she is beautiful; nor is it the sex appeal of her growing body- though sex appeal she has in spades. Rather it is the joyful fascination she takes in her softness and her wide-eyed delight in overindulgence. She puts across an honest, almost candid impression, and one is left with the feeling that she would have been doing this anyway, and the fact that there is a camera there to capture it is almost incidental. This remains true in the best of her collaborations with Harriet. Her slim friend seems to take as much delight in CC's body as does CC herself, and when the two relax into a scene their enjoyment of each other is liberating and palpable. This is one of those. The third of their funnel-feeding videos so far, and certainly the most relaxed and natural of the three; CC drains her shake with incredible speed, and Harriet isn't shy about getting her hands on that belly. Plenty of syrupy slow motion shots are a welcome conclusion to the video. One of the best entries in the ChubbyCupcake/DirtyHarriet canon so far, probably surpassed only by "Body Stuffing" in my opinion. Carry on, ChubbyCupcake, you are always a joy to behold!
  3. Oh, I love your videos, sorry; I just bought your most recent one this morning as well. Haven't watched it yet as I had to pop out for a COVID test but I'll review soon!
  4. I don't know, and a load of self selected anecdotal evidence from guys who think they're cool and hot enough to be comfortable talking about their sex lives online probably won't shed a great deal of light on it. I too have wondered this, partly because I've been on dates with women who've said 'most of the men in this community seem to be incel types' or something to that effect, partly because the men in the maistream feedism documenaries seem to come across almost universally as moist and weird, partly because it is one hypothesis that occurs when you try to reason through the roots of this kink. Having said that, I don't tend to give a great deal of weight to the 'unnatractive men favour attainable fat women' hypothesis, because it seems too simplistic, and because while there are certainly thin women I have encountered who I find intimidatingly good looking, broadly the women I find intimidatingly beautiful are much more often fat. This would suggest that at least there is somehing else to it. It is interesting to note that, like some others in this thread, my mother was quite critical of fatness; I definitely remember an aura of pain and revulsion hanging around the concept in childhood. Also interesting to note, my childhood sweetheart around primary school age was fat, and I remember deep in the distant past, around the dawning of my sexuality, I found fat women with long straight hair a slightly offputting juxtaposition, while I found fat women with short curly hair (like hers) attractive- this might stand in support of the theory that she had something to do with it. For a few years in childhood I was borderline anorexic and very troubled by my own weight, despite being a skinny lad. This all might be interpreted as suggesting it is more of a liberatory thing, fat admiration as a desire to release women from the terrible burden of sexlessness imposed by the orthodox view. I was definitely a shy nerdy kid and I didn't have a great deal of interest from girls until I was maybe 15 or 16, which doesn't count against your theory, but I also found there was a split between the girls I crushed on romantically and those I found sexually attractive; the girls I had crushes on tended to be slim pretty and intelligent, while those to whom I was sexually attracted tended to be fat. This didn't resolve itself until my late teens, when I was more secure in myself and more comfortable talking to women than I had hitherto been. If I need to specify, the direction in which it resolved itself was that I by and large lost the romantic interest in thin girls and my type resolved to 'fat pretty and intelligent'. Which shouldn't be a surprise since I'm posting here. But if the roots of my liking fat women were insecurity in myself and a low self-assessment of my own attractiveness, one would have expected it to resolve the other way. Of course it is entirely possible that one's sexuality is basically fixed by the time one reaches one's teens, in which case a better question than 'are most fat admirers incels' would be 'were most fat admirers awkward unpopular 10 year olds'. As to your argument that people here must struggle to find women because most women are fat thus most women should sexually satisfy a fat admirer, I think it's a little more complicated than that. I've never been super active here, but last time I was in a long term relationship I still used to watch fat girl porn (though not secretly; indeed, sometimes together with my girlfriend). But even in that relationship, with a chubby self-posessed body positive girl who enjoyed the appreciation, my kink ended up something of an obstacle between us. To see your love for the first time in five months, tell her she looks beautiful and have her recoil and harden, saying "really? Because I've lost weight," to realise that in her desire to get fit she has begun to take your sexual interest as a sign of her inadequacy is kind of a gut punch that stays with you. In other briefer relationships I've had the experience of total sexual dissatisfaction because, though I'm with a beautiful woman with a wonderful body, I know she hates it, and that disconnect just seems to create a gulf across which it is impossible for us to come together. So I don't think it's so much of a mystery why some of us might be wary about going after any old beautiful fat girl in the real world, especially those of us more inclined towards relationships than casual sex. If you choose a one night stand wrong it's not a big deal as long as you don't catch anything or knock her up, but if you are looking to go into a relationship with someone, you risk causing significant pain to someone who quite probably already has some deep insecurities about their body. It's not clear to me how to mitigate that, nor how morally justifiable it is to spring "I have a fat girl kink" on a fat normie partner given how likely it is to play on their insecurities. That's partly why for the last few years I haven't really been dating, the very few dates I have been on have been with people from the fa/feedism community. If you're barely trying, does it count as incel? I think maybe I'm a volcel... anyway. I have no idea how useful this has been, but all I can offer you is my own experience!
  5. I chose 2 but honestly don't care. If it's there I'll enjoy it.
  6. Yeah, exactly! I find myself enthusiastically agreeing with the first half of every sentence, but getting completely lost at "therefore if you don't blindly follow <insert absurd rule> you're a terrible person" Life's complicated, man, give people the benefit of the doubt sometimes.
  7. Oh god I see what you mean, "it's not ok for doctors to talk negatively about young people's weight" what's wrong with these people. freakin' tumblr man. Yeah immediately sceptical but probably got some reasonable links thanks
  8. Didn't presume you were- didn't presume you weren't- you always seem well informed though, thought you might be familiar with the literature, having read your letters column. Well I'll let you know my findings then because I'll certainly be trying to delve into it it this gets serious. Like I said, numbers guy Because I Have an over active sense of guilt (raised catholic) don't judge Seriously though, I don't have any problem taking her out to dinner or owt, nor indulging in a bit of fantasy but when my mind wanders along our potential futures, as it will... Well i get caught up in the abstract sometimes, bit of an agony of principles. Trying to stay concrete with contingencies and risk management strategies and so forth helps, as does just venting this stuff here. I know it's a bit silly to be beating myself up over stuff which might not yet come to pass, but this is the first time I've ever met someone who's desires align so closely with mine, the first time an actual feedist relationship looks like it might be on the cards- you'll have to forgive me a little silliness, I'm as giddy as a schoolgirl
  9. Oh, did I? Darn I guess I should have spoken more carefully. Still good advice, I didn't take offence quite to the contrary though, I'm often kinda nervous that "feedism kink" might be taken as "not fat enough" which is not it at all. Don't think I have to worry about that with this one.
  10. Actually thinking about it, insisting she excercise in order to minimise the risks might help me persuade her to go hillwalking with me, would be good to have a mountain buddy
  11. Thanks for the replies everyone, good to get this stuff off my chest in a friendly environment, and even better to be listened to. I'm pretty sure she acknowledges the risks, to what extent she's familiar with them I'm not sure, and we talk pretty openly about it, I told her keeping close tabs on her health would be a condition of mine and she seemed to agree so we seem to be on the same page there. btw I know there's a few people knocking about in this community that could use that advice but so we're clear, looking for women to 'make' into anything is not how I roll. One seems to have found me though, and frankly just having someone to share the fantasy with would be incredible let alone living it. And nice to have a reply from the esteemed Doctor, as well. I already think that if I end up feeding this girl the way to sleep at night is to pursue a detailed risk management strategy- I'm a numbers guy so I'd really like to have some quantitative data. I'm not sure where to begin with the obesity literature though, would the good doctor be able to recommend some good review articles, meta analyses, books etc? I'd like to get a good grasp of mitigating factors which can be leveraged to minimize the risks- my intuition suggests low GI foods and excercise but biology is complicated and weird and, again, I'd prefer solid numbers. I think I'm probably going to get comfortable with this fairly quickly when I've had time to think it over and talk it through more seriously but I don't think I could have a shred of self respect if I go into it blind.
  12. Perverse thing is, we've not even managed to schedule a date yet, let alone got cracking with the weight gain biz. She'll just text me things like "been eating more since we've been chatting <3" and my heart simultaneously melts and breaks...
  13. From the first dawning of my sexuality I've fantasized about fattening girls up, feedism is quite a central keystone in my sexuality. I've come to terms with it- at least I thought I had- and had resigned myself to enjoying it as mere fantasy, overjoyed just to be indulged in a little "feed me cake and call me names" by a girl who's not really that into it. Fine that's life, you make these compromises, there are more important things than sex. But recently, totally unexpectedly, this girl- gorgeous sexy sweet thing- dropped out of the sky, a real honest-to-goodness feedee, dreamed of meeting a feeder as long as she'd known what they were... I should be in heaven. And half the time I am, jubilant, beaming from ear to ear- but then I flip back to a moral anguish I wasn't expecting. I keep thinking diabetes, Alzheimer's, heart problems, all those risks and I can't see how in all good conscience I could let such a sweet little thing shoulder those risks while I watch... I know that it's not a question of manipulating her, I know she wants this as much as I- more probably, honestly... but I keep spiralling back down to thinking this is real, this is surely dreadfully ungallant, I'm taking half the pleasure and none of the burden. I know many of you must have wrestled with this before I'm sure, I just want to know... what conclusions did you arrive at? Thanks.
  14. If you think you look too fat, I have a plan to help with that. I'll mix up some pancake batter, soon you will be even fatter. When you've polished off your food, and find a retrospective mood, you can look back at where you've been, when you were relatively thin. Your wardrobe is too tight, you say? well, look at it another way. I'll cook a creamy tagliatelle and stuff it in your bulging belly. Do this daily, carry on, outgrowing outfits one by one. After just three weeks or four, your clothes will bother you no more. You say it isn't very fair that you've outgrown your underwear, while other girls stay trim and light with just as big an appetite. But if your intake were to rise, your appetite would match your size! Then it would not be so unjust, when bras cannot contain your bust. You say you would not be so big, were you not such a greedy pig. To that I say, it would be fine, if you were even more porcine. In fact I think it would be fun, to watch your buttons come undone; your bulging gut increase in size, while slowly covering your thighs. Your stomach stuffed with fatty grub, your creamy rolls I'd gently rub. Your dimpled thighs I'd watch inflate, while filling up another plate. I'd watch you grow to size extreme, while feeding you with double cream, and once you fill our double bed, I'll rest my head on you, instead. If you would please indulge my vice, I think you'd find it very nice, for you, I know, like cakes and pies, not celery and exercise. But if you still are apprehensive, don't feel the need to get defensive. here's a cure, for feeling flustered: apple pie, with extra custard.
  15. I think the graph is reproduced on the wikipedia page for fat admiration, so very probably.
  16. Here's the full text: http://www.filehosting.org/file/details/472778/00224490802645302.pdf Science! You're welcome The literature on fat admiration is frustratingly sparse, but this is an interesting paper. The main results are that a sample of fat admirers showed a preference for larger women than a control group, (shock!) but also and more interestingly that the sample of fat admirers rated a much greater range of body sizes as attractive with a peak on average around BMI 30-35. So despite what some of this board might lead you to believe, it's not just 'the bigger the better'.
  17. omfg back fat in picture 1 spilling out. <3 Doesn't look like that dress is going to last much longer
  18. I remember a few years ago reading that resveratrol, a chemical found in grape-skins and red wine, extended the life of obese mice to match their normal weight counterparts. I wondered if this had been tested in humans, and it turns out it has been; a study from 2011 on 11 obese men suggests that 150mg of resveratrol per day significantly improved several metabolic markers of ill-health, while not impacting their weight. Thought this might be of interest here, don't know if anyone else has already posted this here. http://download.cell.com/cell-metabolism/pdf/PIIS155041311100386X.pdf?intermediate=true -original paper http://www.latimes.com/health/la-heb-resveratrol-obesity-20111103-story.html - LA times article
  19. Very beautiful body, with a lovely little belly already. You were a lucky enough guy before she decided to gain weight, you must be thrilled to be able to watch her plump up. Good things come, I suppose, to those who wait
  20. Very nice socks, hair and uke (not to mention belly!) looks like you're going to fit right in here, hope to see more of you soon Also, Perverbial = Pervert + Proverbial?
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