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Kidnapped and Forced to Fatten


   (1 review)

8 Screenshots

About This File


Allie wakes up in an unfamiliar room with only a tiny panel door, that’s locked from the other side. She tries to get out, but the door won’t budge. A note gets slipped through the crack: Eat Your Food. But theres no food in sight. Hungry and stressed, she falls asleep. 
Allie wakes up next to a three-layer strawberry shortcake and eats a large portion, then demands to be set free. Another note slides through the door and she cries in frustration. 
Realizing there’s only one way for her to get out, she begins gorging herself on the rest of the cake, eating until her belly is so bloated and round that all thoughts of escape seem to disappear, only to be replaced by thoughts of food.

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