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About This File

Bean and I decided to go for an evening hike since the weather in New England was exceptionally nice. As we made our way up to the trailhead, Bean looked one of the routes, which seemed to indicate a distance of .7 miles to the top of the mountain. He showed me where it said .7 miles, and even though I’m seriously out-of-shape, I thought that it wouldn’t be too bad. 

As we made our way up the pretty steep mountain trail, we met a woman with her little girl who asked if we’d “ever been up this trail before,” and we said no. The woman told us that they turned around “when it basically turned into mountain climbing instead of hiking.” That should’ve been our cue to turn around too. She totally was trying to say “you’re definitely too fat to make it.” 

But we stubbornly pressed on, with Bean *literally* pushing me up the trail from behind as I did everything I could just to catch my breath. After tons of breaks and strenuous hours on the trail, we finally made it to the top. I was so mad and tired and out of breath on the way, but in the end the view was really great and i didn’t want to leave. A big bonus was that after everyone else left we were able to shoot this video to prove that my obese self actually made it. Hiking down in the dark with flashlights was slow and also stressful, but we hope that you enjoy the fruits of the excursion. I’ll definitely be spending the next week on my butt recovering. 

The hike ended up being 4 miles total. #notOK The .7 was just getting to the base of the mountain. I basically died. ☠️ 

Hopefully you all enjoy the view(s). 😘❤️

-Love Chonk and Bean 

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