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Blog by Curvage Model CeliaBBW


Entries in this blog

Wrist Healing Update - With Pictures!

Just a fair warning there'll be pictures of my x-rays (before and after the break) and of my scar so if that freaks you out you might not want to look lol. Ok, so we left off before my check in with the Dr.  Once I saw him again and he did more x-rays he said it was definitely healing well and maybe even ahead of schedule.  That was a relief to hear.  He still said no lifting more than the weight of about a banana which I was a little bummed about.  He prescribed physical therapy and it was



How I Broke My Wrist and My Healing Process

I figured there might be a good bit of you that were curious about my injury, what happened, and how the process has been so far.  I'm still kind of in the middle of everything, but I figured I can give the details of what's happened so far.  If you're not interested, no worries check in again for another blog soon! Just in case you're a little squeamish - I'm going to be mentioning broken bones and surgery, etc.  Just a heads up!  Also, I'm very long winded and a lot happened so this might



Celia Dominates You at the Office - Story 3/5

I was feeling pretty good after our session, but I think I needed more. My lust overtakes me and I look back down at you: helpless on the floor at the bottom of the stairs. I just couldn’t be finished with you, not yet. I walked back down while you hug your stomach; it seems like you don’t notice me because you aren’t staring in my direction, but I get back down and I use one leg to turn you over so you are laying on your back, facing up at me. “I think you’ve been spending too much time down he



Celia Dominates You at the Office - Story 2/5

The other day was very pleasant for me and I haven’t been able to get it out of my head. Remember? When I squashed the shit out of you in my office? God, it was exhilarating. I mean, sure, there are other, “specimens,” I could easily find in this office building, but you were just so easy to control and dominate. I think I might have a bit of a, “crush,” on you. Since I am an executive, I figured it might be appropriate to visit some of the different departments in the building to get to know th



Celia Dominates You at the Office - Story 1/5

I have been thinking about you for the last few days. I wrestle a bit with the idea of bringing you up.  Lest I forget, I’m higher up in the work food chain than you. You’re just in IT, but I’m an executive. I saw you for the first time a couple of days ago and I knew that I had to use you for my amusement. What could be better than a skinny new boy toy for me to play with? I call down to your department and hear your voice on the other end, “Hello, IT.” “Yes,” I start commandingly, “There’s an



New Content Coming Up

I just wanted to update everyone that I have a lot of stored up content that I am working on adding to the Curvage Clips store.  I also wanted to get an idea of what you might be looking for most out of the types of videos that I do.  I will be slowly adding the videos that I have made to the store and filming more in the meantime as well for the future.  This is the time to get your requests in for what you might like me to add to the store!  Just a place for you to let me know your thoughts!



Getting to know Celia

Hey there!  I wanted to write a little bit of an introduction post for those that might be interested in following me so that you can get to know me a little bit.  I want to tell you a bit about myself and talk about some of the most common questions that I have gotten so far.  I figured some might be interested and others can scroll past - no hard feelings! Lol First, I figured it would be best so start with getting to know a little about me and my interests.  I’m a hardcore Disney and Har



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