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Everything posted by greenbaycd

  1. lost v-card. now you guys can stop being on the edge of your seats.
  2. update 7/16 things are still going great! 2 days ago she went to a birthday party near the lake, which i didn't attend btw. but she came to my home to visit me afterward like she had promsied. i had been waiting anxiously all day since i hadn't seen her all that day, which is very unusual for us. she walked up the stairs into my bedroom looking cute as always. her hair was wet and she was a wearing a white t-shirt with her yellow bikini bottom underneath. but you couldn't see it because the shirt went past it. all you could see under the shirt were her thick, breathtaking thighs and legs. she gave me a kiss and we cuddled while talking about mundane things. it was getting late and she left me so her parents wouldn't flip there lid about where she was at. so yeah thats all i have for you guys today. once again, glad for your support!!
  3. 6/25 Wow guys sorry for the lack of updates. a lot has happened! and for the better too. gf has gotten more comfortable walking in her own skin, and its definitely shown. she's less anxious about going to pool parties/the beach and wearing more revealing clothes (tank tops, short shorts) in public. althou not everything is perfect, its definitely a major improvement. there are still remarks about her appearance from passerbys, although she's able to dismiss them. the ones that really knock her confidence down are remarks from friends/family/people she knows, because there's a more personal connection. she even cried at one point from one of her guy friends saying that "she's only thick as long as alaska is only a bit chilly". but its easier for her to recover now if she gets complimented by me or someone else. a lot of our friends have encouraged her as well, and told her how pretty she is and how they wish they were like her and such, so thats definitely helped a ton. anyways, hopefully i can do updates more frequently in the future.
  4. oh sorry, i meant like a mental snapshot lmao. i didn't wanna be too obvious by whipping my phone out and taking pics of her. those example pics aren't her.
  5. ha ha don't be sorry. happy to hear i make you laugh. my gf also says that she dates me for my sense of humor but i don't even think i'm that funny tbh
  6. 6/12 we finally did it boys. yesterday we had our 1st kiss, and it was fucking epic. not even going to bother to try to describe it, since i can't even put it into words how amazing it felt. also in other good news, she's on the road to recovery from her low-self esteem, and started progressing by inviting me to her place and doing some bikini modeling in front of me. just as i imagined, the sight was simply breath-taking. seeing her full, curvaceous figure semi-undressed with a small piece of fabric hugging her love handles and stretching across her thick thighs and rounded bottom. my mind took a mental snapshot, full of every detail big and small, that will last untill the day i die. obviously, i didn't take a real picture, but heres a vivid description of what i saw that will hopefully paint an equally satisfying image in your head: floral bikini with shades of turqoise and magenta, complimenting her bright perky hazel eyes gorgeous mesmerizing smile as always, seeing a whole row of shiny top teeth, slight overbite over the bottom teeth, which gives her a cuter/quirkier look long wavy dark brown hair draping over her shoulders, and slightly blowing by the electric fan in the corner of the room thick shoulders and arms showing giving an ever-so-slight jiggle as she moves them massive love handles that stick out about 2-3 inches from her upper waist stomach not fat, but not skinny either, sorta skinny-fat, like a skinny girl who just started gaining a little bit of pudge. vertical belly button and toned mid section, sort of flat looking from a side profile. odd, but also kinda cute, line going from the bottom of her belly button to her pelvic region (almost like a happy trail or that line pregnant women have, but it isn't either) thick thighs with no thigh gap to be found. nice and supple looking, slight jiggle as she walks. rounded ass sticking out about 2-3 inches from her back from a side profile. from back view, ass crack playfully peeking above the panty-line. she has that thing where the thighs and butt cheeks squeeze together, almost making like a horizontal line straight across. i have pics below as examples of what i'm talking about as you can see, stomach is flat from side profile, but love handles bulge out, causing a crease in the back line looks like that (minus the stretch marks) backside looks like that, but with no cellulite or dimples
  7. Ay, thanks for your advice man, appreicate it. btw, one more thing I should add. I know I paint her as this person that's constantly picked on and bullied, but she actually has a really decent amount of friends and not an outcast by any means. It's just some guys being pricks who are losers anyway but she takes them super seriously because of past events. A lot of the remarks about her body/weight come from people that don't even mean any harm. Once, she heard one girl friend to another: "Hey, has C put on weight?" "Yeah, I think so. Her hips look a little rounder". so yeah, hope that also clears some things up.
  8. Sorry for confusion, basically here's the timeline (as I understand it from what she's told me): she was overweight as child and was constantly heckled by some family and kids at school. this really messed her up and gave her a distorted perception of her body. when 7th grade came around, she had a growth spurt and got taller, which made her look slimmer even though she was the same weight. this made her feel more comfortable and actually went to the pool parties her friends invited her to. but because her eating habits stayed the same, near the end of 8th grade, she gained some of the weight back and overheard the heckling again. this sent her into PSTD mode and she became more reserved. it also didn't help that the guy she flirted with in 9th grade outright rejected her. 3 years later, she's a junior in high school, and still getting picked on. this has really ruined her life, but then I came around and started treating her like an absolute goddess, so she's slowly but surely coming out of her shell and willing to go back to her 7th/8th grade self. I plan on letting her know I don't mind a lil' more cushion, but probably won't go to the full extent (stuffing, feeding, inflation, belly play) until we're a few months more into our relationship.
  9. she hasn't had a previous relationship due to her problem. only other guy she tried to ask out was freshman year and he rejected her (idk if it was because of how she looked or not). we're each other's 1st (late, i know, but we still got one more school year left). it's a problem that's crippled her from going out, being more revealing. she says she never goes to the beach/pool anymore after 8th grade because too many kids were teasing her and every time she had to change out for gym, she just went to the bathroom. there are no pictures of her in revealing clothes either (that show stomach, cleavage, backside, etc.), and if there are then she refuses to show anyone. but since i'm the only one who saw more than "the chubby girl", her confidence is being boosted more and now she's agreeing to do things she hasn't been able to do for a long time now. but like thanks for your advice anyway, i know it's a bit confusing from an outsider perspective. like i've said in other posts, it's very complicated. but things are looking up.
  10. despite popular belief, i do know a tit from a twat. but what do you mean by move? like kissing, having sex, or what? as for kissing, we're definitely getting closer to that. i'd almost bet our 1st would be at the end of week. if you mean sex, i don't think we're comfortable enough to get into that stage yet. i would normally agree i should be a man and take control, but in this situation, i'm dealing with a person who's more sensitive and body-conscious so i don't wanna make a move when she's still struggling to over come. but i'm happy to say, she's definitely getting more confident. she even said she was willing to become more vulnerable and try on revealing clothes in front of me, which she never would have proposed at the beginning of our relation ship. i know she'll be covering up some parts and thats kinda lame for most people, but wearing a bikini/bra & underwear for her is equal to being in the nude for someone else. but bottom line is we're moving in the right direction, slow or not.
  11. update 6/6 unfortunately i've barely had anytime to talk/see my gf due to me having to fill in for a sick co-worker. they came back yesterday so that freed up some of my time so i could go over to her house and chill. we watched some show she likes on tv (idk what the name was, i wasn't really invested tbh but had fun making commentary on it with her...think something like mst3k lol). she ended up falling asleep with her head rested against my shoulder, but i was still wide awake and couldn't move because i didn't want to wake her. but being really crafty, i slipped from under her and gently put her head on a pillow to take my place, and then tip-toed out the door and down the street to my house (we live in the same neighborhood and our houses arent that far apart). but best news was last night, i did sort of talk her in to maybe going to the beach or community pool some time. so now that her confidence has been boosted a bit from my over-complimenting, she says i could possibly go shopping with her for a bikini/summer clothes some time. think we're heading in the right direction, boys!
  12. 6/3 update all is going well as usual. been complimenting her each and every day and so far its been working like a charm. she blushes and giggles anytime i say something like, "ooh looking (especialy) good today" or "that *insert article of clothing here* goes great with your eyes" and other flirty stuff like that. i really wanna make her feel like a goddess. i quite literally fed her grapes in a playful way as she layed horizontally on the couch yesterday. although we're not at the kissing stage yet, we do this weird little thing where we nudge each others noses. don't know if that's a common thing or not, but that's what we like to do as a substitute for kissing anyway. also went to a local concert so that was pretty fun. even though we didn't have a clue how to dance, we didn't let that stop us. we should have been embarrassed but were having too much fun to care.
  13. thank you. wish I could tell her that she has a forum full of guys complimenting her body, but that would def lead to some problems... lmao
  14. so some people were having a hard time visualizing what body type she has. some think it's bigger or smaller than it actually is, so here's some pics (had to crop out her face of course): as you can see she's not too fat or too skinny, she's kind of skinny-chubby. almost like a skinny girl who has just recently started putting on weight. she's more bottom heavy, rather than top heavy. more weight is distributed to the arms, waist, thighs, and backside region than the chest and face. obviosly can't see in the pics but face is slimmer than rest of body (as i've stated before)
  15. update 5/30 hey guys. i got invited to a pool party yesterday, and it will be this weekend. i thought this would be a perfect opportunity for me to see my gf in more "revealing" attire. i had proposed that we go earlier today, but she declined. she was clearly nervous in her tone of voice. i asked her why she was worried about going, and she became very vulnerable to me, probably the 1st time i've ever seen her this way. she talked about how she was self-conscious about her body and how she was relentlessly made fun of for her weight in elementry school. she said that in 7th grade, she got taller, which also meant she got slimmer (weight spread out over height), which boosted her confidence enough to start going to the beach with friends and such. but then in 8th grade, since her eating habits stayed the same, she put on the weight again (which wasn't even all that fat, just mildly chubby). when she overheard someone call her "doughy" and say she had "big ass hamhocks", that sent her into PTSD mode, and made her self conscious again like before 7th grade. it wasn't even someone trying to be mean that said those things. it was a boyfriend of one of her friends that was just making an observation. he had no idea it hurt her that much (and still doesn't). All this broke my heart. She really is a very pretty girl and has absolutely nothing to be insecure about. although some guys complain about her weight, all of them admit that she has a nice face. that's mainly because her face is slimmer and doesn't match the rest of her body. she already looks stunningly gorgeous in clothes, which fit snugly over her hips and curves, so i can only imagine how she looks underneath. btw i need to specify that this is not being just some horny guy that wants to see a girl nude. this is about helping her overcome a insecurity which is really effecting her self image. it truly makes me heartbroken to see someone i love so much open up to me abut something so upsetting and traumatic. any ideas for how i can help her cope, or help her get out of her shell?
  16. Update 5/26/19 all is going well as usual. was so proud of my gf who got accepted into varsity soccer for next year. all sports and other activities have ended for this year due to final exams taking up most of the time. from what i understand, she'll play in a state tournament sometime. i've always been there showing my support and chanting her on at all her games. so i'm so happy to see all the progress she's made leading up to this exciting moment in her life. gonna admit i was a bit of a perv watching her in the stadiums. they make everyone on the team wear these soccer shorts and the ones they gave my girlfriend were a bit ill fitting. they were a wee bit tight and you could see the panty line through them if you looked hard enough. also a good amount of her thighs were shown, in all there voluptuous glory. thats honestly the most exposed i've ever seen her body (as of yet...) otherwise she dresses very modestly, never wearing shorts or tank tops or anything. i haven't even seen her wear a bikini. only other time I saw a bit of skin was this time we were facetiming and she had just gotten out of the shower so she had a towel covering her chest but her shoulders were exposed. do any of you guys know a roundabout way i could get her to relax a bit and dress more "casually"?
  17. Update 5/14/19 Relationship still going great as always. Just as I had expected from the get-go, we've been getting a lot of shit for our relationship (although we do get major support from our friends and family). One time, we were working in groups for math class, and the other two guys in our group were sort of making fun of how I have a skinnier build and my gf has a more fuller figure. They said stuff like "How do you expect him to protect you?" "Why don't you dump him and get with a real man?" and other really juvenile stuff like that. My gf then slammed back at them that she's looking for a boyfriend, not a bodyguard, and how they'll need protection if they keep it up. That shut them up. Oddly enough, it kind of turns me on when she sticks up for us like that. She also did it when some guys in our biology class were whispering to each other in the seats behind us: "How the hell did he get with that?" implying that she was out of my league appearance-wise. She then responded, without even turning around: "He's got with this because he's actually a decent person". That shut them up immediately as well. Some of her girl friends, who were sitting at the table across from us, overheard the exchange and started giggling. This isn't one-sided though of course, whenever she gets shit from someone else, I'm always there standing up to whoever the aggressor is (that is if she doesn't beat me to it). Thankfully, nothing I've ever said was enough to cause a physical fight. Like I said, we're a bit of a strange relationship, my fetish put aside.
  18. Update 5/9/19 Things keep getting better. Between now and the last update, I don't think I can name one free moment that's gone by without seeing each other, wether in person or over FaceTime. Just recently, we went to go see the new Avengers movie and had a grand old time. We weren't too fond of it tbh but that didn't matter. Then we went out to eat at Denny within the same shopping center. I do feel kind of embarrassed though. She's the one that drives between the two of us (mainly because of medical reasons which I don't wanna go into detail about). But people don't know our situation so anytime someone drives next to us, I slip down the passengers seat to avoid being seen. But I do know how to change a flat should we ever need to so thats something i guess... I'll be real honest. Our roles are kind of switched in our relationship. Typically, the guy is supposed to be the stronger and more athletic one that acts as a protector, but she actually stands more of a chance in a fight than me. Thats partially because she plays a lot of sports and works out (but not too much so she doesn't lose her hourglass-like figure). Speaking of sports, she got accepted into this state soccer tournament, so I'm very proud of her for that. But despite all my shortcomings, she still sees something in me. She says I make her laugh, I can hold a conversation without being boring, I'm compassionate and sensitive, and I can be a good listener. I am also happy to say that I can honestly say the same things about her. Like I said before, she's a big girl that can pull her own weight and be independent. She doesn't look up to me, but eye level instead, as do I. As far as appearance/weight gain is concerned, she hasn't really gained any, or if she has it's probably muscle since I haven't noticed anything. She's still drop dead gorgeous as I stated before in my first post. Her long wavy dark brown hair that ripples in the wind, pretty hazel eyes that glisten in the sunlight, alluring smile filled with rows of bright white teeth, smooth skin, the curvaceous hips and curves of her body, and everything else i forgot to mention. honestly, i wouldn't even mind it if she stayed at this weight. The more I've gotten to know her on a more personal level, I've found her personality and quirky sense of humor to be even more attractive than her appearance. Sorry if that all sounds corny but I was never a good writer... Anyways, i'll continue updating as long as something eventful happens.
  19. Update: So a week in and everything's going good. We're starting things off very slow. We're not really comfortable enough at this point to start being more intimate (kissing, fondling certain areas, etc.), however we do hug and embrace each other often, and just as I suspected, her arms, which are rather thicker and chubbier than most other girls' arms, are perfect for cuddling, as if that's their one and only purpose. Only problem is a lot of my friends making fun of us (in good fun for the most part). They point out how she's the bigger one between the two of us, and how it should be the other way around. However, a couple of my friends who do have similar preferences as me tell me about how lucky I am and how jealous they are and such. It really feels good to hear both sides. Even when they joke about how my girlfriend is a tad bit heavier than me, I secretly get really turned on by that. We're also each other's first and have had no previous experiences with being in a relationship, so that just adds another layer of excitement. Will keep updating this as time goes on
  20. Alright, just thought I'd update you guys (and I'll most likely keep doing updates on here), but I did finally ask her out yesterday and she was simply extatic at the proposal. she talked about how she had waited for this moment and how happy she was and so on. I also expressed my excitement back to her, saying I was really looking forward to starting this new chapter in our lives. as of right now, I'll just go with the flow all casual and normal like, and hopefully our bond and trust will grow strong enough that I can sort of "come out" to her about my "interests". But it won't be all at once though, I'll ease it up when I first start to bring it up. But until that bridge is there for me to cross, I'm going to take my own sweet time and let things progress naturally, so this way I don't come off as being too pushy. I might even post some photos on here along the way (Nothing graphic of course), to show any progresses that might be made. Thanks for all your advice, guys. Only one day in, but so far not regretting my decision.
  21. btw, just to clarify, I'm not expecting her to become extremely overweight or at any weight that would put her life in danger. I was expecting something like a change from the pic on the left (which is about the size she is now, just a tad slimmer) to the pic in the middle (not too fat but definitely chubbier and more noticeable): The main reason I'm concerned is that I'm afraid she would regret gaining the weight (whether she caught on to my subtle persuasions or not). She's already self conscious at her current weight. she dresses very modestly and I've never seen her in anything remotely revealing (no dresses, short shorts (except when she plays soccer), swimsuits, etc.). Only skin on her body that I've seen is her arms when she wears T-shirts. She's overheard people (particularly guys) talk about how she has a pretty slim face but her body type doesn't match her face at all. I've overheard people talk about her in the cafeteria too and I always find myself having to resist the urge to punch them for the things they say. I've heard things like: "She'd be so cute if she could just put the fork down" and "nice ass and thighs, but too flat chested"...so I'd hate for her to be humiliated even more just for me. The other thing is that a lot of the complaints people have about her are the things I love about her the most. I think her face and her body match her perfectly. It's rare to come by a person like that. And it's true that she isn't as busty as most other girls...but as I stated before, that's ideal for me. It brings more focus to the curves of her hips, and the thick thighs and round backside. It draws more attention to those areas that I love. But if I told her all this, I'm afraid she'd take it the wrong way. But who knows...I'll start off the relationship not saying anything and then I'll naturally let it progress from there. Wish me luck, guys.
  22. Thanks for all the feedback guys. I'll let you guys know how it goes when I agree to start dating, and then update you again how it's working out regarding the fetish (whether she knows or not). @John Smith Don't worry, I will be. And haha it's funny you just mentioned that your previous comment was a joke. I had re-read it before and then thought of it as such.
  23. Subtly/indirectly getting her to gain weight to satisfy my fetish is what I'm worried about though. I don't know why but it would just make me feel really manipulative, forcing her to change without her even knowing it. I know I wouldn't be happy if I found out I was being conditioned by my partner to please themselves.
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