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Everything posted by donnied80

  1. Ops, that was more than a month ago.. 🤣 How do you feel about it now? Would you keep it for a little more?
  2. That would be a great turning of the plot. I try not to spoiler though.. Thanks for your comment. It's much appreciated and a good incentive to finish up chapter 2. 🙏
  3. Hope you've enjoyed this first chapter. Chapter 2 coming next week.
  4. Chapter 1 It had always been easy for me to be in a good shape. A very good shape. Since high school I was a lot into sports, athletics and rowing built my body in a nice, sculpted way. I used to be even too thin before all the activity put on several pounds of muscles on me, bringing my weight from a scrawny 120 lbs of a teenager to the solid 180 – 190 lbs man when I was in college, with broad shoulders, big pectorals and especially a six pack that more than a few girls appreciated openly. I didn’t need to watch what I ate. My metabolism had always been fast, and all the sports made it even wilder. If it was easy for me to keep my shape, I can’t say the same for my girlfriends. All of them complained of my eating habits rubbing off on them. Not that I was eating junk food, quite the contrary. I was simply eating often and I was always offering to share whenever I was getting something as a snack, on top of sharing similar portions for me and my girlfriends at lunch and dinner.. it just looked unfair to give them less than what I was getting for myself. Of the three girlfriends I had in my 20s, two gained close to 15 pounds in the time they spent with me, and the last one went up nearly 30 pounds in just a couple of years. Not that I minded too much, I actually ended up finding it cute. It was nice to see them developing a bit of curves on their fit bodies, getting soft, even growing a bit of a potbelly for the last one. I liked to see her gradually building a muffin top where her flat stomach used to be. I started seeing it as a sign of being happy, relaxing into a new relationship, letting down the guard a bit. It was definitely a sign of spending a lot of time with me, and having an influence on them. Definitely a sign of my eating habits having an impact on their waistline. I remember the pouts of each of them the day they couldn’t button their favourite jeans anymore or when they stepped on the scales and saw a number bigger than what they were hoping for, or coming back home after meeting a friend that genuinely commented on how “more relaxed” they looked after a year of stable relationship, which was a way to say they could spot the “happy pounds”. Especially I remember appreciating the round belly roll my last girlfriend had put on. You tend not to notice things which are happening gradually in front of your eyes, or at least you underestimate them. But it struck me one night as we were at a party and she was sitting on a sofa sipping a gin tonic with a couple of old friends, they were still all in a pretty good shape except for one, whose belly was bulging a bit too much over her waistband and her love handles were doing the same on her sides. “Wow” I thought looking at her “that’s a chubby girl, verging to fat..” Only an instant later I realised I was watching my own girlfriend. Probably the fact that she was sitting next to her fit friends made her new pounds looks more noticeable than usual. But looking at her big smile and soft tummy made me feel good.. my girl was definitely happy and relaxed. In my 30s little had changed, a part from being probably 10 - 15 pounds lighter, which put me at 170 lbs. I guess I was still very active, just not hitting the gym as much as before. My body was more or less the same, very muscular and sculpted, just a bit smaller. Which wasn’t bad, some girls had said that I was even too muscular before. And I started dating a new girl, Eva, my current girlfriend. She was a couple of years older than me, and she also was pretty active and very lean. I was wondering if she would have put on some weight too. Not that I was giving it too much importance, it was just that coming from my previous experiences I was nearly expecting it to happen sooner or later. I really liked her, I was struck by her determination, if she wanted something she would have gotten it, but at the same time she was very sweet and even maternal. We went along so well since the beginning, and many of our hobbies were the same, like hiking, camping, sea swimming.. I could see her determination at work when I was offering to share a piece of cake or a cookie. If she wasn’t hungry there was no way she was going to say yes. But most of my girls had been like that at the beginning, just to let the guard down slowly and by the time they realised how much my habits had rubbed off on them, they had already the beginning of a muffing top and belly roll spilling over their trousers. Not that I wanting to make them chubby.. It was just a natural consequence of being around me, which I ended up enjoying. Eva seemed to hold better than my previous girlfriends. Six months into dating she still hadn’t given into my habits at all. She got used to them, just she didn’t let them rub on her. She would prepare me something to snack on when I got home from work, or at mid morning or mid afternoon on weekends, but she wouldn’t get any food herself. And at lunch our portions were different. I remembered one of my ex girlfriends one day we had some of her girlfriends around for dinner. I gave everybody the same portion of pasta as I had for me, my girlfriend smiled at the look of her friends, for them it was clearly too much to handle while my girlfriend started eating and made a little joke “you see, I got used to eat as much as him but he is a 6 ft guy, no wonder I have grown this since I met him.” As she patted the little pot belly she had indeed grown. She wasn’t proud of it, but she got quite used to it, and she knew there was no point trying to hide a 30 pounds gain from her friends.. Eva was different. When I fill her dish as much as mine she would just scoop some into my dish, saying it is too much for her. If there were leftovers I used to split them between me and my girlfriend but again Eva was different. Whenever we have leftovers she would come with the pot at the table and ask for my dish to fill it up again, but very rarely she would have any. I guess that comes with her very determined character. But she can be also very sweet and caring. Many times she would say she is going to cook me something nice for dinner, especially if she knows I have a busy day at work. It’s nice to feel looked after, and she is definitely good at that. She is also very social and she likes to have our friends around for dinner. That’s a good excuse to make an extra effort in the kitchen. She is a pretty good cook anyhow, so our friends are always very happy to come. But even with our friends around she still makes me feel special. She is obviously happy to see people enjoying her food, but if there is any second helping she always offers it to me first. I remember her so many times pointing at my empty dish and saying with a mixture of determination and affection something like “Come here honey, there is some more for you”. I still offer her to get some herself rather than thinking just of me but she usually says something like “oh don’t be silly, you need some more, I’m fine.” And she didn’t limit herself to the meals we were having together. She extended her effort to make me have a nice home cooked lunch every day at work too. Every morning she was handling me a lunch box with pasta, or rice, or lasagne, a bit of fruit and a couple of biscuits or a snack. It was nice to feel pampered in such a way, and also it was great to avoid the canteen food, as it was not nearly as good as Eva’s food. That was our routine, but even a year into it I still felt special to her eyes and I was still feeling very lucky to have her in my life and looking after me so fondly. It was nice to get back home and have my girl welcoming me. “How was your day at work honey? Did you enjoy your lunch.. oh you ate it all, good job boy I was afraid I gave you too much.” Her portions were generous indeed but I was happy to show appreciation for all the time and the energy she was spending to take care of me. “I hope you still have some room left, I was thinking of having an early dinner and then watch a movie in bed.. we still have a slice of my mum’s cake we could have it for dessert.. do you like the plan?” I did like the plan. It was not so uncommon for us to have a very relaxed evening like that, but I loved it, there was something so comforting in it, plus there was usually also some action involved, because our sex life was still in full swing, and lying in bed watching a movie usually involved some activity under the covers. Her mum was also a good cook, and her cakes were never disappointing. We got our dessert in bed that night, Eva brought it in on a plate with some cream and only one little fork. “Are we not sharing?” I asked. It was a pretty big slice, it could have been enough for the two of us but she said she was ok “I’ll just have a bite but the rest is all for you hon.”. Again, nothing new. When it was time to turn off the light Eva cuddled up around me “Did you like it?” she asked as she started caressing me slowly “Yes, it was delicious” I answered. She stopped and looked at me perplexed, then she started laughing gently “I was asking about the movie.. were you still thinking of my mum’s cake? Oh, you’re getting such a foodie hon..” She looked genuinely surprised but also amused by our little misunderstanding. I was feeling a bit embarrassed because on second thought it was obvious she was asking about the movie, and nobody had called me a foodie before. That started a period of gentle teasing, just from time to time, nothing major. It could have been her saying something like “Here it is honey, dinner is ready, hope it’s good enough for my foodie”. Or in bed she could say “Did you like it sweetie.. I mean “the movie, not the cake!””. One night she added “..and the cake? Was it better or worse than my mum’s one? Think carefully before you answer this time!” She was obviously playful and she wasn’t really expecting an answer. She was cuddling up around me and she continued “I’m joking, I’m not in a competition with my mum, I know she is super good at cooking..” she had started caressing my tummy at that point which felt quite sensitive, maybe because we were talking about food, maybe because I was still quite full from dinner and the slice of cake Eva baked that time. “Oh Eva, you are an amazing cook too, I can definitely say that!”. She stopped again to look at me and said “Oh you are so sweet.. thank you!” She started caressing me again, on my tummy but quickly she moved down and a big smile appeared on her face “I see you’re pretty happy” she said as she was obviously proud of what was happening in my pants. I smiled back and closed my eyes as she slowly eased down her lean body on myself. We both were very happy!
  5. Nice to see that you are still around, and she is still round! Enjoying the fetish again? Would be a pity to stop at this point though.. that belly doesn't seem easy to get rid of.. too big now!
  6. Wow, she has an Amazing shape. And at 199 she didn't look that big at all.. she actually looked in a pretty good shape, just slightly on the plump side.. she must be very tall? the last 70 pounds of course changed that! She has exploded into a round bomb shell! Still gorgeous of course. I love her tatoo on her tummy.. seems to drive all the attention on her belly button, which is getting so deep! Would love to see a pic of that tatoo when she sits down.. I wonder how it looks on a belly roll?!
  7. Hey, that's interesting, but how much is A LOT? I see that you're around 160 lbs now.. you must have been pretty thin before..?
  8. WOW!! Ma l'hai mai più reincontrato il tuo ex che ti teneva a dieta quando pesavi 55 chili? Sarebbe splendido sapere come reagisce alla vista di quanta sei adesso..
  9. A chi lo dici!! E poi ti accorgi che la tua ragazza, che è sempre stata magra, un giorno torna dalle vacanze con 5 chili in più “wow, mi sa che ho mangiato un po’.. per fortuna siamo di nuovo a casa!” Tu le confessi che quei chiletti in più in realtà ti attizzano, lei si fa una bella risata e ti dice “Goditeli finché ci sono caro, perché spariranno presto ”. Tu te la metti via e non ci pensi più. I mesi passano, e una bella mattina ti trovi la tua ragazza che litiga coi pantaloni “Porca vacca, non riesco a chiuderli.. guarda qua!” Tu vorresti dirle che se guardi troppo rischi di venire sul posto. Ma lei continua “eppure non è che ho mangiato tanto ultimamente.. forse sono gonfia.” Tu ti ricordi che da quando siete tornati dalle vacanze avete preso l’abitudine di mangiare fuori spesso, tanto che ormai conoscete bene tutti i ristoranti della zona. Ma pensi sia meglio non ricordarlo a lei. Da quel momento cominci a osservarla più spesso e ti accorgi che in effetti riempie “meglio” tutti i suoi vestiti.. e ci arriva anche lei al momento della realizzazione. Quel gonfiore non è dovuto a troppa aria, ma a troppa pastasciutta “Stiamo mangiando troppa pasta sai? Invece che perdere peso sto mettendo su.. E’ la pasta che fa ingrassare. Dobbiamo farne di meno.. massimo 80 grammi per me!” E’ anche l’inizio del periodo del mantra delle lamentele e delle buone intenzioni, tipo “Guarda che panza che ho messo su, devo fare più di moto, è quello che mi manca”. E tu le dici di non preoccuparsi, che la panza si vede appena, perché in effetti è solo un accenno. Poi però ti capita di vedere le foto di un paio d’anni prima dove la tua ragazza in bikini aveva la pancia piatta come una tavola da surf ed era bella tonica. Guardi per curiosità le foto più recenti e pensi “wow, in effetti ne ha messa su più di un po’!” Fatichi a crederci “Panzetta?? La mia ragazza.. ma se è sempre stata la più magra di tutte le sue amiche!?” Ti pare non possa essere vero, ma anche guardandola dal vivo c’è poco da fare: quella nuova pancetta è lì, sporge un po’, non è certo soda, ti pare pure che traballi, e quando si siede è anche peggio. Infatti un’altra lamentela della tua ragazza è “Oh dio guarda che orrore.. c’ho pure il rotolo adesso, ma si può?” E tu pensi “Beh, potere si può.. guarda lì! D’altra parte hai messo su ciccia.. che altro vuoi che succeda quando ti siedi?” Tu ti perdi a fissarlo quel rotolo pensando che non è poi così grande, ma neanche tanto piccolo. E lei continua “Amore bisogna che facciamo qualcosa, qui sto andando a rotoli.. Non possiamo andare avanti così, bisogna buttarlo giù.” Ma più che lamentarsi di tanto in tanto, e dire che dovrebbe dimagrire, in realtà altro non fa. Non che sia grassa, pensi, e neanche cicciottella. Certo non è più magra. Un po’ più di normale diciamo. Ma è sempre una bella ragazza. La tua bella ragazza.. con una decina di chili in più di prima. Non è tantissimo. E poi era anche troppo magra prima. Ma si dai, va bene così pensi. C’è più roba da prendere quando l’abbracci a letto, e a dirla tutta, a quel nuovo rotolo ti ci sei un po’ affezionato. Certo ti sei sentito in imbarazzo le prime volte a cena dagli amici quando ti sei accorto che si notava e chissà cosa hanno pensato loro e le sue amiche. Però è simpatico, mette allegria e la sera ce la metti sempre volentieri una mano sopra. “Sai cosa” pensi tra te e te “per me quel rotolo ce lo possiamo tenere”. E glielo dici la volta successiva che si lamenta. Lei ti guarda come fossi un marziano e insiste che non se ne parla, bisogna buttarlo giù. E tu senti il pericolo “Oh no, proprio adesso che mi ci sono affezionato”. “Amore, comincio ad avere fame, cucini tu stasera?” E’ il tuo momento, pasta all’amatriciana, e prima di buttarla chiedi ”Tesoro, 80 grammi?” Silenzio “Tesoro?” E lei ti risponde con uno sorriso e due occhi che sembra un incrocio tra un cerbiatto ferito e una pecora imbarazzata “un po’ di più dai.. facciamo un’eccezione”. Non glielo chiedi due volte, butti 1 etto e mezzo a testa. Quando vede il piatto sgrana gli occhi e si mette a ridere “Amore, ma è una montagna!” Tu sorridi e le dici che è solo un’eccezione. Un’eccezione per lei che diventa un’erezione per te quando vedi sparire tra le sue labbra le ultime due penne e l’ultimo pezzo di guanciale. Ti sfugge un sorriso e le dici “Ti è piaciuta eh? Vuoi che ti dica quant’era?” “Non provarci nemmeno” ti risponde lei “lascia che mi gusti il momento” e socchiude gli occhi mentre si porta una mano sulla pancia. E lì pensi “ma allora a ti piace proprio magnà, tesoro mio. Ti piace mangiare bene, e anche avere la pancia piena alla fine! E a me mica mi dispiace.. e teniamocelo sto rotolo”. La sera dopo non glielo chiedi neanche cosa vuole e quanto. Carbonara, un altro etto e mezzo per lei. Le presenti di nuovo un piatto che straripa di pasta e lei lo guarda “Amore, è tanta!” Le dici di non preoccuparsi, e di mangiare solo quella che vuole. Vedi che a due terzi del piatto rallenta, ma non si ferma, piano piano finisce tutto. Di nuovo ti trovi con un’erezione sotto al tavolo e un sorriso sulle labbra, mentre lei mette giù la forchetta e dice “Buona.. tanta, ma proprio buona!” Perfetto, a lei piace come cucini, a te piace il suo rotolo, affare fatto, cucini sempre tu. In più il sesso va a gonfie vele.. ogni volta che vi alzate da tavola sei eccitato da morire, e lei gode a sentirsi così desiderata. Passano i mesi e arriva Natale. Questa volta lo passate a casa dei suoi, quattro lunghi giorni. Primo giorno a pranzo pasta. Sua madre chiede chi vuole un secondo giro e la tua ragazza allunga il piatto dicendo “Ovvio!” e lo fa sparire senza alcuna difficoltà così come il resto del pranzo. Secondo giorno, stessa cosa. Terzo idem e il padre le chiede “ma senti un po’.. com’è che vai sempre in doppia di pasta te?” e la tua ragazza risponde un po’ scocciata “per forza.. è poca!”. Quarto giorno, stessa scena e il padre stavolta sbotta “Si, si, se continui così il prossimo anno mettiamo in tavola te al posto del tacchino ripieno” lei si difende dicendo che è solo un po’ di pasta, che problema c’è. E lui che affonda “Che problema c’è? Figliola, mangi troppo! Non vedi che stai ingrassando? Guarda che ciambella di ciccia che hai messo su lì!” Ciambella di ciccia, ti risuona in testa. Ciambella sa di cosa grossa, non di leggero sovrappeso. In effetti guardandola bene sembra proprio una ciambella. Quel rotolo che era comparso mesi prima adesso è diventato non solo più grosso, ma si è anche allargato ai fianchi e sembrava circondarle tutto il giro vita, proprio come una soffice ciambella. E pensare che fino a due anni prima le amiche la invidiavano per il suo vitino da vespa! Scusate per il post così lungo.. mi sono fatto prendere dal ricordo di come è andata con la mia ragazza!
  10. That's a great start, very intriguing! Keep it up
  11. I get you, I also love the curves, the weight gain talk and so on, and I don't consider myself food fixated, definitely I don't like girls gorging themselves like animals.. BUT I did love to see my girlfriend eat. Especially when she was eating a bit too much, or eating something she didn't need. The best was going to one of her favourite restaurants after she had accidentally put on the first 15 pounds on her previously skinny frame. She still wasn't used to it, she was clearly finding it akward to sit down anf feel the extra pressure down there. She was frequently pulling her trousers and tucking in her top. I could see her problem was her new pudginess pressing on her waistband, forming a little roll.. That was already super exciting for me, I could see her torn between indulging herself on something good or behaving to try and lose some weight. Everytime she fell for the indulging option it was a pleasure to see her polish her plate bite after bite. It became quite addictive. Even at home then, whenever I saw her sitting down and that new belly roll pressing on her waistband I could only fill her plate with too much. She could have been perplexed and said something like "wow, that's a lot of food, I'm not sure I can eat it", and I was thinking "yeah, and probably you shouldn't".. Then seeing her absent-mindedly making her way to the end of it just to realise it was all gone and say "wow, I'm so full.. but it was delicious".. We repeated that several times, and I could tell she got used to the bigger portions.. what before was received with "wow, that's too much" then became "oh thanks honey!" And then she could even add a second helping to that, not that she was feeling the need, I could just say "there is more left.. it's a pity to throw it away, let's have some more".. she would have eaten just for the sake of it, and watching her polishing everything down, with that belly pressing more and more on her waistband was absolutely mind blowing. I've seen her adjusting her trousers, unbuttoning them, pulling at her dresses, resting a hand on her tymmy when it was so full to be uncomfortable, so many times. And that belly roll kept growing.. it has become a full spare tyre now, 60 and more pounds later. I definitely found it exciting to see all that food disappear from her plate and go to make her bulges grow softer and rounder
  12. Hey, sounds like it could be a cute experience to live with your girlfriend.. any updates?
  13. Wow, your wife has an Amazing body. Shi might be small now but she definitely has nice curves and a lot of potential. I see that her butt/hips/thighs are already showing some extra meat.. 15 more pounds could make her outgrow most of the trousers in her wardrobe. She is also sporting a nice pair of boobs.. if she gains weight you could be for a sexy chubby hourglass wife before you know it. The most important thing is her attitude. It's great that she knows you like meat on your girl and she doesn't think you're a freak because of that. It's also good that she had to do a lot to control her weight. Feeling free to indulge thanks to your messages she could really let herself go more than in the past, and the extra calories could show pretty easily on her body type! Looking forward to seeing her progress!!
  14. I know the story. My girlfriend used to be the skinny girl of her group of friends through high school and college, till she turned 25 and got a sedentary job. She started piling on the pounds and wishing to get back in shape, but knowing that I was loving every extra pound she couldn't feel motivated enough to cut down on her favourite food. A few years have passed and she still says she would love to have her flat stomach back.. instead she has a sizeable pudginess on her tummy that folds on a nice and soft roll whenever she sits at the table.. still that doesn't stop her from indulging herself despite being now the chubby girl in her office! I think your girl has just the right attitude.. slowly she'll get more and more used to her extra pudginess, and more and more addicted to the extra portions..
  15. Oh my gosh, is that just sucking in and letting out?? It looks like there are at least 30 extra pounds on her on the second pic!!
  16. I have definitely felt proud about my growing girlfriend even though for me it's a bit different. My girlfriend had Always been thin and fit, mainly because she was lucky with her fast metabolism.. so all of our friends knew her as the lucky skinny girl. Things changed when she turned 25 and got a sedentary job.. Nothing too dramatic, she piled on maybe 10 - 15 lbs the first year, which wasn't bad and people told her the weight was good on her. But she put on another 10 - 15 the following year, and that's when she started developing a bit of a belly. At work her colleagues noticed her gain but they minimised that and kept telling her not to worry.. they were all older and chubby, I think they were actually happy to see her starting to get chubby to. At home I didn't mind, I was finding the extra chub very sexy, and I couldn't believe it was happening to my ex skinny girl, but who would complain of bigger boobs and softer butt. The issue was when we were meeting our old friends.. there I was feeling a bit self conscious.. they all had commented on how hot my girlfriend was back in college, but now she was different and it had reached the point she couldn't mask the signs of her gain. I remember her first friends being amused at the sight of her new little soft potbelly, some of them couldn't help herself, they poked it smiling and asking what was happening there. Also some of my friends warned me that some girls start gaining weight when they relax and it's better to act immediately to prevent further gain.. obviously he had noticed my girlfriend gain and wanted to offer some help. It was embarassing but exciting to see how exposed my girlfriend gain was to the eyes of our friends. Those little comments started to get addictive, I was happy to see our friends reaction to their former skinny friend.. but as the months rolled over some started to be a bit more judgemental and to suggest a diet or to join a jym. I remember one girl patting her belly and saying "hey, it's time to get back on your bycicle, don't you think? You never had this belly on you before and you already sits all day at work, you should start burn some calories now!" That also was embarassing and exciting.. but at the same time I thought "hey, what's wrong with that little belly that my girlfriend got.. and by the way that's really none of your business.." But that wasn't the only comments of that kind.. a friend of mine told me that my girlfriend's butt had become kinda big, and her mum told her that she was becoming fat (she wasn't by the way, she was maybe just getting chubby). My girlfriend was a bit offended too, she knew she had gained weight, and she knew she should have done something to get back in shape, but at the same time she was not even overweight and some of the comments were out of place. I started to be very supportive of her and maybe exaggerated a bit minimising her gain and telling her not to worry. Also, I started to become pretty proud of my growing girlfriend, especially when she didn't start dieting despite her friends advice. I got so proud that I started treating her to nice meals out at restaurants more and more often; whenever she was in doubt in front of a menu because she was a bit self conscious of her recent gain I encouraged her not to worry and to order what she liked the most. Also I was Always making sure to let her try a bit of my dish and of my desserts. I could see her trousers giving her more and more trouble but that was just an incentive to get her out more, especially when she started to unbutton her trousers during our dinners. The embarassment was less and less and the excitement more and more at the thought of going back to our friends that commented on her little belly before. I kept an eye on that little belly and made sure it grew slowly but steadily. I remember going back to her family after 6 months for Christmas and watching her sitting down at the table. She was wearing a tight fitting white top which was comfortable but not very forgiving. As she sat down her lower belly folded in a soft roll that rested triumphantly on her new jeans waistband. It ran from one love handle to the other and it was really a decent size by then, twice as thick as it was when she got her first comments. I was so proud of it, I really knew exactly where it came from, I could remember all the dinners out, all the times she had to undue her trousers to fit also a dessert in, and all of that despite the comment she got. Now it was bigger and fully in display. There was no point in trying to disguise it anyhow. I looked around the room at all the relatives or friends of her age.. I was impressed to see that my girlfriend was the one sporting the biggest fat roll that day! Definitely not too bad for a former skinny hottie! I knew many comments would have arrived, and they did, but I also thought I loved my lady and I was so proud of that belly roll we had built together.. I though "Now come on guys, spit out what you have to say.. if you think it's too big now, you'll see next year!"
  17. What about slimming down?? She said she wanted to lose weight back in November, didn't she? I think that belly has gotten super sexy, by the way! Would be a pity to lose that fluffiness now.. Also I remember she gained weight last year because of work/stress.. any before pictures?
  18. And even when she is trying to suck it in, this time you can still see the dent of her belly button and the flab around it! 😍
  19. Ehm.. because you're turning into the marshmallow man?? 😂 I think you're right, btw, no need to eat less.. I love the marshmallow look!!! 😍
  20. I'm sure that by Xmas somebody will comment.. I mean, you've put on a lot! You can't really hide that belly now.. Probably first comments will be people suggesting you to eat less.. has it happened already?
  21. I think you actually are!! 😂 and if you keep going at this pace you'll be a much bigger marshmallow by the end of Xmas break.. Anyone commenting on your growing mushy belly??
  22. WOW that vid.. oh my gosh, I hadn't realised how round and soft her belly has got until I saw this one!! That's amazing!! If you accept any request I would say to do more vids.. I loved the interaction between you two in that! Would be nice to see her fit into old clothes and you helping maybe? If then she sits with her potbelly bulging and starts eating something that would be just the icing on the cake!! 😋
  23. I love the way you have progressed in these past 3 years! You have changed so radically going through different stages of weight gain and embodying different shapes in each different stage. You were rail thin initially and it must have been amazing to see you piling on the first pounds. It looks you were quite lucky there.. I'm sure every girl sees the possibility of gaining weight in college as a nightmare , but you managed to transform it into a dream. Your stress eating worked wonders on your thin body giving you such a juicy cleavage. I bet you were delighted to see such a nice pair of boobs growing on your chest in that period, and I can imagine how much your friends were envying you for such a lucky spurt while the rest of your body remained nice and lean. But it didn’t take long before your hips and thighs started to follow, showing that they were also able to accommodate the piling pounds. You started to turn into an hourglass, still quite a sight for everybody in college I suppose. You were growing into the image of a booming beauty, and you kept growing until those curves were unreal. Your boobs were huge compared to what they used to be, but also your hips and bubble butt had gotten big. You must have been such a sight to all those who used to know the old version of you.. already so different. A curvy, soft hourglass girl with an unreal boobage and big creamy thighs. Your belly didn’t really start to grow until quite late, isn’t it? Till almost the end of your before/after video your stomach is almost flat, I thought it would have never started to grow. But wow! Was I wrong. When it started to grow it didn’t do it slowly.. it exploded! You grew such a big round fat belly in a short time! There is no hourglass figure left there. You started college as a thin girl, and you’re graduating as a full blown fatty! I’m amazed with how you’re developing and how much you’ve changed. You have gone such a long way from a B cup to a G, from a very thin girl to an overly chubby one, and you’re just few kg shy from doubling your initial weight. I think growing another couple of bras sizes is within your reach.. you’ve shown that you know how to put into good use some heavy cream! Could you reach a J? That’s aiming very high, and I would love to see what’s the price you have to pay to get there.. growing the last few cups cost you developing the big fat belly you’re sporting now. How much will it grow by the time you reach a J? I don’t know the answer, but I’m sure there will be nothing more sexy than looking at it! Good luck!
  24. Jesus, what's happening to her.. has she lost any hope of maintaining her weight and let herself go completely? Isn't she shocked by gaining so much? I thought she was unhappy to see she hit 200.. was it a psychological threshold that once she had crossed it she felt like there was no need to fight the pounds anymore? Would love to see a fron or side pic now!!
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