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  1. PSA: Do not misspell her Tumblr. There are no good outcomes.
  2. Yikes! What happened? I just realized it's been a week with no updates on this, when before it was nearly two a day. Don't blame November if he needs a break after that, but waiting for the next chapter has me shivering with antici
  3. Thank you for your support. Having had time to process, I know that I made a positive impact on her and before she died, she was happy. Just a few days before the accident, on Valentines', she let me feed her for the first time and she ate nearly 3/4 lb of truffles, AFTER a big meal of pasta. No doubt in reference, she wrote the following poem the night before the accident: Spirit It is bliss when sleep that weighs my body down Is not from drawing breath, but from drawing life into my soul. It is pleasure when the weight that clings to my bones Comes, not from exhaustion, but from mass and muscle, And the fuel that feeds my flesh feels its weight realized, And I feast without and do not starve within. It is heaven when the tears that streak my skin Are not of grief, wrung out from an empty well, But of love, overflowing like a reservoir When heartache shows me I can love anew. It is God when I am present in my life: At once as small and intimate as the space Between the palms and fingertips of lovers And as great and formless as the aether That fills my lungs, and animates my being. Even as I weep, I hold your hand. Even as I know I die, I live another day- Even as I die, I may yet hold eternity. --- Claire Milner, 2/16/2014
  4. I haven't updated this in a while because her weight had barely moved. Like I said, CF is a constant struggle to just maintain weight. There won't be any more updates though. Monday, my beautiful girlfriend Claire was killed in a car accident. She was 20 years old. She would have been happy that the cystic fibrosis did not get her in the end. I can't begin to describe my grief here. I have nothing else to say.
  5. Update: She went to the doctor today, and her weight is officially 131 lbs. That's actually one down from last time. Which is weird, since she looks bigger, her clothes are tighter, and her pot belly seems a little bit bigger. Told ya this isn't gonna be quick or easy, so I just need to redouble my efforts. It led to this exchange: "Maybe I just love you so much, I see you as chubbier than you are...that was a strange sentence for most people." "You're stranger than most people." "Would you have it any other way"
  6. Sorta. It varies. She's often got a stomach ache, and is wary of eating a lot because if it doesn't digest right, she'll be in for a world of hurt the next day. However, when she DOES eat, her body's need for nutrients means she eats like Michael Phelps with the munchies. Few more random pictures. She's a cosplayer too. Harley Quinn actually made a local newspaper cover. The Deanna Troi is recent, the Sucker Punch one is a few years old (I'd love to see her try to fit in it now, lol). And, there's another place you might have seen her: If you watch the Nostalgia Critic, in his Casper video she's the Harley Quinn cosplayer hitting him with a mallet, who he actually called out in a later video as being particularly impressive. (waay before I met her)
  7. I certainly agree! We are in fact moving in together in a few weeks. I'm going to try to document her gain, but don't expect results, big or quick. For her, gaining weight is as hard as losing it is for most people. Probably harder.
  8. My girlfriend gave me permission to post some of her pictures. She's fairly skinny, but she has a medical condition that makes it very difficult for her to gain or even retain weight. She's put on about 20 lbs since we met though, and hopefully more to come. Her illness is no match for a determined feeder boyfriend. The dog is named Kegogi.
  9. Haha. I should have taken them at the moment, but alas I did not. She might let me take pictures of her though, but she's always been self-conscious about her belly because despite being thin, she's always had a big bloated stomach thanks to CF. I'll keep you posted if I get permission to post pics.
  10. Since we met in February of last year, my girlfriend (5'6") has gone from 115 lbs to 139 (I think, she hasn't been weighed recently). It mostly goes to her butt and belly. What's amazing is that she has a condition that keeps her from digesting food properly and makes it difficult for to eat and nigh impossible to gain But, apparently cystic fibrosis is no match for a determined feeder. She ate herself out of a skirt yesterday, and though it fits today it's close. Since meeting me she's had to give up on some of her favorite shirts as they keep riding up over her belly, but seems determined not to admit that she's gone up a pants size or two. Even though that's where a lot of her fat goes.
  11. My girlfriend is pretty skinny, but it's not really her fault. She has a condition that makes it hard for her to eat at all. Food with any fat in it tends to slide right through her without digestion unless she takes a literal hand full of digestive enzymes. It still makes her reluctant to eat, and especially overeat despite knowing I am a feeder. Even when she does eat she doesn't actually get as much caloric benefit as she should either. I should also note that she's got some kinks too, most notably, she likes asphyxiation. So, long story short, medicinal marijuana. We tried it, and found that after using it, she is able to eat without enzymes or any digestive discomfort. For pretty much an entire day afterwords, not just during munchies. It's really incredible results. Today, we went to an Asian buffet to test the limits. She was wearing a pleated plaid skirt that was really loose except at the waist. By the time she was done eating, the zipper and button on the side were forming a diamond, and when we got back she found she could barely undo the button. When she did, it popped off, and when she tried to put it back on found that she couldn't get the two sides to meet. We made out pretty hot and heavy after, and she found that, freed of worry about intestinal pain, she really enjoyed the sensation of having a stuffed tummy. Especially when I pressed against it, because it was a pleasant pain and also, for her benefit, made it difficult to breathe. She just told me "I'm gonna need to exercise more if we're gonna do that again." Which means she wants to do it again. If we make a habit of it, I don't think any amount of exercise will save her wardrobe. Another girl converted!
  12. Every girl I've ever dated has gained weight. Most only a moderate amount: 5-10 lbs or so. One girl I dated gained much of her weight after we broke up, going from 120 to 150 (she was VERY short, so that pushed her to obesity). My current girlfriend has put on 5 lbs since I've known her over a year. That might not seem like a lot, but she has a condition that makes gaining or even maintaining weight very difficult. I heard that and thought, "Challenge accepted!"
  13. 18 is the highest in the country, but it depends on your state. It's 16 in my state (north carolina)
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