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Everything posted by Littletexas

  1. Is there such a thing as a Feeder/Feedee dating app? I know the old rule about not forcing your interests on your partner but is there a place to meet "like minded" people?
  2. That morph at the bottom is starting to look more and more like you everyday it feels like. I would love to see what your husband's "ideal" you looks like.
  3. I’m looking for revenge or secret stuffing stories. The slow realization of “oh I’m a fat girl now” is perfect to me.
  4. Happy for y’all and have fun. Also consider becoming a writer. You’re posts are fantastically descriptive and I think you would be great at it.
  5. I went back to your first post here and the difference is insane. She has to have gained at least 60+ pounds in like 5-6 months. There's girls on here that are actively trying that don't get that kind of progress.
  6. Damn, it sounds like y’all need to go clothes shopping soon. I’m loving your descriptions
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