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Everything posted by prendiumable

  1. Hot If you're going to continue for 50 more days to reach the 200 day mark, how about you add an extra burger to the total you're eating daily every 10 days? So let's say you've been eating at least 2 burgers a day for the past 150 days, you'll eat at least 3 a day for the following 10 days, 4 burgers a day from 160-170 and so on...
  2. My partner is struggling to gain weight, even though I feel like she's eating quite a lot. I'm always blown away by how people get so big without actually trying, or even wanting to lose weight. If you're a larger lady, what does your normal diet usually look like on a daily basis? Stuffings aside, as those won't be the real reason for gaining weight long term. How do you manage to eat the amount of calories you're eating?
  3. I'm also open to chatting. Let me know!
  4. I've been wondering... I'm a male and I gained a bit of weight and am kinda into it. How well does male gaining content do? I'm not gay, so I never see the male side of this fetish and therefore have no idea.
  5. Grazing will indeed be the best thing to try to have her eat more, as she's already a snacker. I also always make sure that when we have dinner and we'll have leftovers, to eat a little bit less myself so that she'll have more when she eats it for breakfast or lunch the next day. 😈 Yeah, she's also a bit reluctant sometimes, which takes the fun out of it for both of us...
  6. Making a snack bowl that let's her graze it all is a great idea!
  7. Yeah, she has quite a fast metabolism. I know for a fact that if I ate like her, I'd balloon in no time. She just very slowly puts on some pounds, if any. Not that I don't love her and her body all the same. 🥰 For now, she's just happy to let go for me. She's comfortable in her skin and says a bit of extra weight won't impact that. She isn't into the fetish though and doesn't want to force anything. That's why we're trying to find out how to make it work so that we both win. 😁
  8. I always try to keep everything she's weak for within reach. I'll be rummaging the storage for many snacks and dropping them near her and she always laughs hahah.
  9. Thanks for the tip! I guess with gummies you mean thc ones? Because my SO is really not into that unfortunately, and I'm not gonna force her into something like that of course. I also make healthy high calorie shakes for her whenever she feels like it. Just a quick question, do you get high from those gummies? Or do you take just enough to get munchies but not enough to get high?
  10. Kinda chunky yourself though 😏 Mind sharing any pictures? 😁
  11. Hi all, My SO is interested in putting on some pounds (yay!), but she's always had a relatively small appetite. She does like to snack, but this often eats into (pun intended) her bigger meals, which doesn't add too much to her daily intake. She also doesn't like/want to drink soda and prefers gaining weight in a healthy manner. I've suggested 🌿 to induce munchies, but this also doesn't align with her health goals. If you have any tips on how to help us out, we'd very much appreciate it!
  12. That sucks... I hope it will turn out for the better for both of you
  13. Totally with you on that small spoon. I just love the feeling of a soft plush belly hugging my back
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