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Coming Back To the Nest


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Guest jaromir

Hallelujah, it's back! Great chapter, I like how she is slowly getting comfortable and complacent about her weight around Jake. It will be interesting when she finds out his preference!

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  • 7 months later...

Chapter 12

Allison was currently sitting in the doctor’s office bored out of her mind. It had been a while since she had to go to the doctor but it was time to get her birth control refilled. When she had been at college the doctor saw little to no issue in refilling it for her but now that she was back in the area she actually wanted to see her. Which Allison did understand but that didn’t mean she liked taking time out of her busy day to go and see one.

Allison’s leg was shaking nervously, she was nervous for nicotine. Between the stress of work and being around Jake all the time she had picked up smoking a little bit. It wasn’t anything too crazy just a cigarette every once in a while. She actually wanted to smoke more but the idea of black lungs kept her from doing it too much.

So Allison was just playing on her iPhone thinking what she was going to get for lunch after this. She had just taken a whole day off. She got them at work so she figured that it was worth it. She’d just meet up with Lucy later for some drinks.

The chair she was sitting in annoyed her and her iPhone battery was slowly yet surely dying, she had been here for what felt like forever. Still it made her feel like a real grown up. She was using the insurance she had gotten at work instead of her parents! Sure she still kind of lived with her parents. Okay more than kind of, all the apartments were too expensive and as much as she loved Lucy she didn’t want to interrupt the love nest she had going on with her boyfriend.

So one step at a time, once she saved up some money and she found a decent place at a decent price she’d move in. She had toyed around moving in with Jake too but they weren’t at that point quite yet. She didn’t want to seem too eager and scare him off so for now she was fine in her old room. It wasn’t so bad, she even had Jake over when her parents were gone.

“Allison?” a petite Hispanic nurse called out. Allison got up and walked with her, the nurse gave her a look over and made a face but Allison didn’t have too long to think about it as she was taken to be weighed.

Shit…she hadn’t thought about that. She had forgotten that they needed to weigh her and she didn’t think that she had lost any weight. Subconsciously she sucked in her stomach in the hopeless attempt to make herself thinner. She kicked off her shoes and the nurse gave her another look.

‘Like that’s really going to help, I hate it when they act like the shoes weigh 10 pounds’ the nurse thought to herself. She saw girls come in like this all the time, guys too. Honestly she kind of liked it, it made her feel amazingly superior to them. These girls had let themselves go in college but here she was still as tiny as ever.

Of course the future wasn’t so bright for her within a year she’d find herself pregnant and eventually her fat genes, courtesy of her mother, would kick in and she would find herself larger than some of the girls she at secretly snickered at.

Allison took a deep breath and stepped onto the scale. She had wanted to close her eyes but that’d do no good for her so she just looked straight ahead.

“163 lbs” the nurse said trying not to sound too smug about it. Allison did her best not to faint. Sure it had been a long while since she had checked in on her weight but she didn’t think she had gotten that big. Okay she had to buy a few new clothes but that had been it!

The stick nurse led her back to the room where Allison answered the questions in a monotone voice while freaking out on the inside. How had she let herself get that big? There was no excuse for it. At the question of if she smoked she was about to answer no out of embarrassment but she didn’t want the cigarettes to mess with her birth control for some reason and answered truthfully. That only earned her another look from the nurse that made her feel like shit.

“The doctor will be with you shortly,” the nurse said prancing off to make another patient feel bad about themselves. Once she was gone Allison stood up and inspect herself. There wasn’t a mirror in here but that didn’t matter to her, she could feel it out. Besides she had at least another fifteen minute wait so she might as well do something constructive.

Her hands moved to her ass and well that was why she hadn’t noticed it, her ass felt extremely soft to the touch. Oh sure she had gotten used to the new sizable part of her body but she hadn’t realized just how cushy and full it had gotten. Must to her dismay it no longer felt as firm as it should in her yoga pants, could three months on the job really hurt her rear end that much?

Moving to her hips and thighs she found them in much the same state, overly plump and luscious. Her tummy jutted out a little bit more thanks to all the early morning donuts runs that she had gone on. She had meant to go on regular runs but after a long night out with Lucy she found it to be impossible to run.

Looking down she felt a chunk of flesh under her jawline and touching it found that it was quite flabby.

“Okay a double chin…great,” she said thinking of all the double cheeseburgers that she had eaten for lunch. At one point she had been fine with a single patty but lately she had to get a double otherwise her stomach would be crying out for more food long before it was dinnertime.

At least her breasts were bigger, she was going to examine them but there was a knock on the door and she quickly sat back down noting how her ass spread out on the paper they kept on the place where she sat.

An Indian woman in her 40’s, Dr. Bala, walked in. She actually had a bit of a longer last name but she had found that Bala was easier to remember than her twelve letter one. She was fairly fit for her age and had some healthy curves on her. She was nowhere near overweight but she wasn’t a pin either.

“How are you doing?” she asked, a bit of an Indian accent breaking through.

“I’m great!” Allison said in a fake cheery tone. Hopefully she could just get her birth control and be out of here for another year.

“Very good now I know I haven’t seen you for a few years so I want to talk to you about two things,” she said sitting down.

Allison just kept smiling but she knew that this couldn’t be good.

“First off the smoking, I know it’s just a bit but one cigarette can hurt your body and I don’t think that’s good for you. Your blood pressure was slightly elevated. Nothing to worry about but I am warning you that if you keep smoking it’ll likely rise the more you smoke,” she said standing up.

Allison was blushing red at this point. She didn’t smoke that much! Besides it was just to relax, wasn’t stress awful for you?

The other thing I want to talk to you about is this,” she said pinching Allison’s fleshy love handle. Allison had been wearing a t-shirt that fit previously but was now a hair tight and had rolled up on her a little bit. Allison was mortified as she felt the woman pinch her.

“You’ve put on a bit of weight since I last saw you. A bit too much for my liking. I know college is a time to have fun but you’re an adult now honey,” she said in the most condescending tone possible.

Allison was too embarrassed to fight back. “I…I’m trying to lose weight,” she squeaked out. Dr. Bala just nodded in approval.

“Very good, I’ll call your prescription in and have a good day,” she said pinching Allison’s now chubby cheek before she left. Sure it was a little bit harsh but she found a little tough love was all her patients needed to lose weight. Of course she also treated more eating disorders than most but she failed to see the correlation.

Allison hurried up out of there and paid. She needed something to make her feel better, she pulled into the first fast food place she could find to eat, cry, and call Jake. He always made her feel better. She lit up a cigarette and was quickly on her way.

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