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Liberalism, third-wavers, that nasty F-word, and InternetFatGirlWorld...


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I'm a liberal, socialist, vegetarian but even I over the last few years have got increasingly sick and tired of tumblresc social justice warriors and media pandering, but more specifically feminism, it's warped agenda, permanent victim status, and authorised hate movement/speech.

Its all just so much privilege denying bullshit misandrist nonsense that no one seems to ever question even though it's literally ruining people's lives, which everyone ignores or praises.

I find it all so hateful, selfish, ignorant and rediculous I don't even know where to begin describing it.

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On 24/07/2016 at 4:16 PM, Tony Watt said:

@KFD I wholeheartedly agree with the fact that people tend to find it impossible to hold a discussion with anyone who doesn't mirror their own beliefs. And this isn't tied down to any specific side of the political spectrum. That's why I like to get into discussions with people who I know aren't on the same side of the political spectrum as I am. Once we've had a reasonable discussion for a period of time they'll ask about my political inclinations. And will be shocked as to what my answer is. Generalizations and stereotypes cloud people's minds and simply doesn't allow them to hold further discussions. Once you can label someone, you can put them into the "them" category and justify being uncivil and unable to further discuss matters.

I was thinking about this earlier and I would certainly say it's true online, however most of my friends are Conservative meat-eaters (it is confusing how we mainly seem to agree on most topics though, I suppose we just avoid the decisive issues, or think different people can achieve the same goal). It also reminded me that another thing that people tend to do is be completely unable to relate to or support an issue that doesn't directly affect them.

That's the thing about the London Andrews topic, I share pretty much all of her political and moral beliefs, and most of the time to be on a similar wavelength; she also posts lots of bullshit things like false body positivity (see image) or when Patreon messed up and didn't charge subscribers for a month and so paid London out of their pocket but she still later charged everyone for that month as we hadn't personally paid for the content, effectively getting paid twice.

The thing is no one is perfect and no one is exactly like you, there will always be something you disagree on so I ignore it most of the time but where in reality (if we even shared a continent let alone a city) there is a good chance you could be really good friends with someone with very similar interests but on the internet it's just "I don't need fans like you *blocked forever*". It just seems a shame.

The world has become a place where everyone is TRIGGERED permanently. Every time I use Reddit and post about myself in any form (rather than just posting or looking at naked women) I get inundated with down votes, and it's always for the stupidest reasons like; we agree with everything you said, and this is a relevant topic, but you're not X. Okay so on a sub where body shaming is not allowed and says so in massive bold letters you are down voting me, even though you agree with me, just because I'm not as X as you... effectively body shaming me you stupid hypocritical ignorant morons. Seriously need a new word for this level of reasoning ability failure.

You have a question? Down votes. You have a neutral opinion? Down votes. You have a subjective opinion? Down votes. You don't share the same body type? Down votes, and feel shit about yourself. Your artwork doesn't cater for me personally? Down votes, and feel shit about yourself. You aren't the same gender as me? Down votes and banned. You aren't a pro gamer? Down votes. Etc etc for all of eternity.

I'm fucking getting fucking sick of it.


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