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Michelle's rite of passage

Guest November

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Guest November

Michelle learnt something that following week. Every day she became more nervous for her first day of working. And every day she managed to eat more. Michelle almost thought that she was losing control. It wasn't that weird of a thought. When she got up Thursday morning her feet landed in an empty pizza box. Right away she felt the disgusting touch of cold tomato sauce and melted cheese. A shiver went through her body, give her fat a nice jiggle.

Not wanting to create smudgy foot pattern to the bathroom she decided to hobble on one leg. However, she forgot the size and volume of her boobs. She hopped two times. Two times her boobs were launched in the air in diagonal manner, only to smack down at her chest.  To prevent this, she put her left arm around her melons. She started to hop again, clumsily getting out of her room. In the doorway she had to stop. She breathed heavily and she felt a tiredness in her supporting leg that she hadn't felt in ages.

This was how she stood when Lizzy got out of her room. Michelle watched as Lizzy's surprised face changed in to smirk, only to be quickly changed in to a frowning face demanding an answer.

Michelle showed her her foot.

'Stepped into a pizza box.' said Michelle as if it was a regular thing to happen.

Lizzy raised an eyebrow, but didn't stand by idle. She grabbed a paper towel and wiped off the grease and sauce of Michelle's foot.

Meanwhile, Michelle was thinking about her weight and that of Lizzy's. She was sure she was now heavier. She was also certain that Lizzy wanted verify that. So after Lizzy was done, Michelle made her way to the bathroom.

'I really pigged out last night,'  started Michelle. 'I'm not surprised if I gained some weight.'

She saw that Lizzy perked up, looking interested.

'Oh, you think so,' asked her sister casually.

'Let me check.' Michelle stepped on the scale, ignored the creaking sound and waited for the verdict. She actually thought she would have gained two pounds or so since last Saturday. However, she saw the number  186, meaning she'd gained four pounds since then. She also realized that she now was one pound heavier than Lizzy's 185, also from Saturday.

'There you have it,' Michelle said. 'I gained four pounds.'

She her sister face, looking positively ecstatic. Michelle guessed that she indeed weighed more than her Lizzy now.

'While I'm even bigger, you look like you have lost some more weight is that true. Look at those legs!' Michelle made sure too sound genuinely impressed. It wasn't that difficult. Lizzy did look amazing. Her legs, once thick sausages, now appeared longer and leaner. Hours of jogging and time in the gym and solidified Lizzy's thighs, giving in a balance look of muscle and meatiness. The sea of cellulite that used to cover her thighs now had subsided in to a few separate area's of cellulite. Once Lizzy possessed a broad, flabby, big butt. Now, her butt had a more rounded shape, lost an amount of cellulite and had gained more muscle mass and in general had lost much of its size. Lizzy's belly, her biggest source of fat had lost its blubbery apron look. It still rounded out, and it still jiggled while she walked, but it had become much smaller. Lizzy's arms and bust looked smaller as well, and her round face looked more defined.

That face now waited expectantly to the moment of the scale's verdict. When the number appeared they both looked down. Michelle read 182.

Michelle was officially heavier that Lizzy.

In her room, with the door closed, Lizzy jumped on her bed and did a small dance.  She could not believe it. Finally, she was thinner than Michelle. Sure she already looked slimmer than her sister, but now she also was lighter!

It was the result of hard work and Lizzy had to admit that she had to deprive herself of many things to get this far. Being the thin sister. Thinner sister was an more apt phrase. She was far from thin. But she was on a good path and maybe, just maybe she could slow down her weight loss. She was afraid that her many work outs would cause an injury. Lizzy pondered that for a moment. Perhaps she could do with some less time in the gym.

Lizzy looked in the mirror and she immediately thought of the response Michelle had given after her weight was shown.

'Wow, sis, you look fabulous.' 

It meant a lot coming from Michelle, especially because she sounded so jealous.  Lizzy spun around. She indeed looked fabulous. Much better than Michelle.

Lizzy recalled how she had wiped off the grease of Michelle's foot. That alone was disgusting. Her head had been on the same level as Michelle's big blubberbutt, and she could see every stretch mark and dimple. Lizzy had noticed with glee how Michelle's thighs shook with every wiping motion she made. Michelle was fat. And she was thinner. That was all that mattered.

Later that day, Michelle visited Good Anne's Coffee and Pastry, usually called Good Anne . There she got informed  that her work outfit consisted of plain jeans, a button-down shirt and an apron. Nina was there, and she provided Michelle with the button-down shirt and the apron. Nina advised her to get a roomy shirt, saying rather mischievously: 'People tend to put on some weight.'

Michelle was sure it was the largest button-down shirt she ever had owned. Even Lizzy's weren't that big. The apron was a simple piece of cloth, one without a top part. She grabbed one and put a knot right above her shelving ass. In the front, the fabric covered the lower side of her belly.

'You need to fastened it a little lower,' advised Nina, who tugged down the apron at the front. It was now hanging right under her belly. Michelle tensed a bit when Nina proceeded to tug down the bands, so that her love handles pouched over them.

To make matters worse, the button-down shirt had to be tugged in her jeans.  Michelle knew that it would not make a flattering sight.

She suddenly noticed Nina eyeing her.

'What's the matter?' she asked.

'You're wearing yoga shorts again. You do own a pair of jeans, right?'

Michelle turned red. She started to stammer.

'Yeah, N-No, I don't.'

Nina only rolled her eyes.

That day she came home with a new pair of jeans. Remembering Nina's advice about the button-down shirt, she also bought her jeans with room to spare. It was also the first time she ever set foot in a store meant for bigger women. She didn't know how she felt about that, although she actually felt slim when she saw a couple of the women there.

Tossing her newest purchase on her bed she noticed a bag of chips on her desk. Michelle licked her lips.

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Guest November

Nina was humming a cheerful song. It was Saturday morning, almost 7 am, and Nina congratulated herself on being a morning person. She was cleaning the counter in Good Anne, so that the freshly baked pastries could be seen clearly. Through her humming she suddenly heard scuffing noises and panting. A little while later, her newest coworker appeared in the shop. Nina couldn't help but to observe Michelle as she came closer. In the three  years she worked here, she was accustomed to see coworkers gain some weight when they started to work in this place. She did too. Usually is was no more than ten or maybe fifteen pounds. Then, two thinks could happen. The extra weight would stick, or would be lost. Nina kept the weight she gained. Not because she liked it, but because she didn't really cared.

Nina couldn't believe one whole month had already passed since Michelle began working here. It seemed like she worked here much longer. Michelle had a nice personality and she became good friends. But it wasn't because of Michelle's inner side that made it seem that she worked her longer. It was her outer side.

Yes, Nina was used to see people gain weight, but Michelle was a complete different story. She remembered Michelle's first day vividly. Michelle had spun around in her work attire, showing of her new jeans. She told Nina that she bought a size bigger than she was, and seemed very content with the way the jeans and the button down shirt fitted. Both items had room to spare.

Nina instructed Michelle the entire day, pleased with the results she showed. During the day, Nina found out that Michelle took a big advantage of the store's high standards regarding pastries. It meant that it happened regularly that pastries, deemed to inferior, were discarded. They were put on a big plate in the kitchen. Nina saw how Michelle would take one, or two, each time she passed by. Sometimes Michelle purposely walked to the discarded pastries to eat one.

At the end of the day, the pastries who weren't sold, were either thrown away, or, if someone wanted that, some could be taken home. The first day, Michelle shyly took a dozen pastries with her. The following times, she would take more. The last weeks she just took as many pastries as she could carry. This trend of taking more also became apparent during working hours when Michelle had almost always a pastry, or another treat, in her hand.

Needless to say, Michelle gained weight, just like so many before her had done. But what Nina witnessed was almost supernatural.  Michelle didn't just gained weight. She ballooned.

The jeans and the button down shirt, which fitted so nicely, grew tighter and tighter. The button down shirt could not compete with Michelle's growing boobs, her expanding love handles and her increasingly rounder belly. Even the sleeves looked to be painted on her skin at one point. The shirt had been replaced. But that button-down shirt had the disadvantage to be a perfect fit. It already was getting too tight.

The jeans, so proudly bought by Michelle, soon found itself to be overflowed by a never stopping and inescapable muffin top. It was filled to the point of tearing by Michelle's fattening thighs and calves, and above all, by her immense butt. On a rainy day, the jeans tore apart, giving a glimpse of Michelle's red panties. The jeans too were replaced. And those were getting very tight.

Nina saw as Michelle caught her breath, leaning against the counter. Her chest went up and down and her belly in and out. Those jeans wouldn't last long, thought Nina. She could actually see that Michelle possessed knee fat. The soft deposits of both knees touched each other, thereby being the end of were Michelle's legs touched each other.

Above the jeans Michelle's big muffin top told the story of her indulgence and weight gain. Her belly hang substantially over the waistband, obscuring the sight of the button. On the side and her back her love handles protruded brutally. Above her love handles and below her boobs a thick crease created a big roll of fat. Each button of the shirt was strained and between them there were openings of half an inch. Seen from the front, the form of that big, hanging belly with those hefty love handles at the side reminded Michelle of a pear.

Of course, pears didn't have two massive, jiggling globes of fat above them. Michelle's breast were soft and pliant, and the brave button down shirt pressed them tightly against Michelle's chest. It was quite a feat, but it only highlighted how big Michelle's breasts were.

Michelle's butt was a problem area for its owner. It was so big and wide that Michelle regularly bumped into a corner of a table or counter. Although it was much bigger that the first day since she came working her, Nina noticed that Michelle's butt cheeks lost something of their roundness. Instead they spread out.

The biggest change happened to Michelle's face. When she began working at Good Anne, Michelle had an average double chin, maybe even below average. Her face was on the brink of chubbiness. Today, the change was easily visible. Michelle now had round cheeks and a luscious permanent double chin. The creases in her neck, showed some fattening in that area as well.  Michelle wore her hair in a pony tail, which only accentuated how round her face had gotten. On numerous occasions, Nina had detected that Michelle's double chin would quiver ever so slightly when she would move her head faster than normal.

All of these changes were staggering on its own, put together it was something Nina thought never could have happen. But she had to admit that she never saw a person eat so much as Michelle.

Michelle was a machine. One time, they shared a drink after working. Michelle had a big plastic bag full of discarded pastries. While Nina was telling a story, Michelle ate.  She took big bites, but seemed to savor each one. And although her anecdote had been pretty funny, she believed that Michelle's smile was for the most part because of the food.

Michelle let out a last, big sigh and began preparing the coffee machines.

Nina had been giving the order of the manager to say something about Michelle clothes. The day that Michelle's jeans suddenly gave up its battle had created a lot of fuss, and that had to be prevented.

Nina cleared her throat, not looking forward to what she had to say.

'Michelle, I need to tell you something.'

But Michelle was so busy that she didn't hear her. Nina rolled her eyes and wanted to speak again when Michelle bended over to grab something from the ground. Nina guessed it to be a forgotten straw. As Michelle's head got nearer to the ground, Nina saw the jeans struggling. Would it happen again? A tearing sound. A beet red Michelle?

Nothing happened. Michelle stood up straight, her clothes still alive.

Nina uttered Michelle's name when out of nowhere an angry pang followed by a tingling noise ruptured the relative silence.

Nina and Michelle watched dumbfounded at three glasses, still moving around a bit, with a large button in the middle. Michelle put a hand under the dome of her belly and felt the buttonless front of her jeans.  The open flaps revealed the black fabric of Michelle's underwear, and above that angry red lines. Nina thought it must have been her imagination when she saw that Michelle's belly still jiggled.

'Huh,' muttered Michelle incredulously, as if it was a miracle that the button had popped off.

Nina could only shake her head.

'You need new pants,' was her unnecessary respond. 'And a new shirt. Believe or not, but I already got them.'

Nina smiled at the look of surprise on Michelle's face.

Michelle huffed and puffed. Getting her pants off proved to be as hard as getting them on. She wiggled her butt, pulled at the waistband with all her might, only to feel how her vast behind would not let go of her pants. She momentarily gave up, and undid herself from her button down shirt. That was easy enough. The blouse practically opened itself. With a halfhearted toss she flung it in her locker. Her melons moved happily, ready to break out of tight cups of her bra.

Michelle focused on her jeans again and after two times of tugging the jeans suddenly got over her ass. To her embarrassment, her panties  got tugged down as well, and she quickly yanked them up. Normally, the jeans would have fallen to the ground, to be scooped up by Michelle's foot. Now, her thighs were the next obstacle, holding on the jeans as a magnet. But Michelle just turned her jeans inside out by rolling them to her feet. With a sigh she sat on the bench. She just had to catch her breath for a minute.

However, Nina stormed into the locker room.

'Congrats, Michelle. You're the first employee to get leggings. Not only that, look, a stretchy t-shirt!'

Michelle looked at the clothes. They looked fine to her, but there was one thing that bugged her.

'How did you know my size?'

Nina just rolled her eyes. Michelle realized at the same time that she must have told her the size of the her new jeans she bought. No, my old jeans now.

Michelle stood up to get dressed but was stopped short by Nina.

'Just a friendly tip. I think you should buy new panties as well. They look super uncomfortable.'

'Yes, they're tight,' replied Michelle, and then muttered: 'That happens when you stuff your face every day.'

'What?' asked  Nina, on her way out.

'Oh, nothing,' said Michelle. Nothing at all.

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You missclicked the  :thumbsup:


He could have been so much moved by your story he cried tears of joy and remained speechless, hence the misleading emoticon.

Makes me think about how many different facial expressions a real face can make.

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Guest November

Lizzie enjoyed the warmth of the sun on her body. She wore her newest bikini. That she wore a bikini was one of those victories that came with losing weight. She always wore a one piece bathing suit. Not anymore.

With a contented smile she took a sip from her Coke. She actually didn't want to have Coke, but Michelle had accidently poured in one, because that was what she drank too. Lizzy lazily dragged open one eye. Michelle was gone, as she expected. Nowadays, her sister spent most of her time in her bedroom, either snacking or sleeping. 

Lizzie yawned. She had to admit that the warmth was making her sleepy too. She hadn't been exercising as much as she wanted, but it didn't really matter. She still ate right. She was a weight loss machine. She liked the thought of that.

Suddenly a faint rang disrupted the silence. The doorbell. Knowing that it would take Michelle ages to get down, Lizzy got up to her feet, and dashed to the door.

It was a mailman with a package. The man, noticed Lizzy, tried not to watch to overtly at her bikini clad body. It flattered her. She signed for the package and looked curiously at the name. It was for her.

That was weird. She didn't order anything. Quickly she opened the box. In it were two other boxes and one typed card.

The card only said: For my sweet summer Valentine, please accept these gifts of love, kisses your admirer.

Lizzy's heart pounded in her chest. Was this a joke?

The "gifts of love" consisted of one big box of Hershes' Kisses, which happened to be one of her favorites. The other box was filled with 'Love Brownies'. They looked home made.

Lizzy was staring at her gifts, feeling very uncomfortable.

Then Michelle came thudding down the stairs.

For a few seconds Lizzy's unease ceased.  Michelle was wearing her usual attire: stretchy shorts and a tank top. This particular tank top was several sizes too small and now served as some sort of bra. Lizzy witnessed her sister's expansion with a excitement. Everyday Michelle seemed to get larger. As Michelle walked down the stairs, Lizzy's eyes became transfixed on all the jiggling fat. Michelle's thighs were almost completely covered in cellulite and stretch marks. Those red lines also crept up Michelle's hefty muffin top. Once, Lizzy wanted to have big, round, perky boobs like Michelle. Now she was glad with the boobs she had. Michelle's breasts were huge, but looked painfully heavy, weren't firm and lost the roundness they had.

Michelle looked at the box and in doing so Lizzy's thoughts focused on her situation.

'What's that?' asked Michelle, swallowing the last bite of something that only could be another pastry.

'It's a bit weird. There's a card that says it's from an admirer. He says that I'm his sweet summer Valentine.

'Aaaaw, he gave you chocolates. And brownies too!'

Lizzy saw a glare in Michelle's eyes that gave her an idea.

'If you want them...?' she asked slowly.

But Michelle put her hands up defensively.

'No, no. There yours! Why would you not eat those chocolates? And those delicious brownies? '

'Well, I have to think about my figure,' answered Lizzy, trying not to sound rather haughtily.

'Pfff, you're skinnier than ever, Lizzy. I swear all you do is losing weight, those treats wouldn't even make a dent in your weight loss path. You're a machine!'

Coincidentally, Michelle used the same words Lizzy had in her thoughts.

'Oh, you have a secret admirer! I didn't even have one when I was thin like you!'

Lizzy rejoiced silently. She was the one who had a secret admirer, something Michelle never had. What harm good those treats do to her body?

In her room, Michelle congratulated herself with a job well done. If it was up to her she would get and Oscar. An Emmy would be fine too. As he she fell down in her chair, which creaked dangerously, she filled her mouth with another delicious pastry.

Lizzy and a secret admirer? Ha!, thought Michelle. What a joke. She had gone to great lengths to buy the chocolates, to bake the brownies when Lizzy wasn't home - that was the hardest and the most exciting part - and to make it as if a secret admirer had sent it to her. Sweet summer Valentine. It was one of Michelle best ideas, with one goal in mind: to fatten up Lizzy.

Once, Michelle had read that having fat friends could make you gain. She had discarded the article, because she was slim and thought she would remain that forever. But now, Michelle had thought about it again. Would it also work if it was between a fat sister and a thinner sister. This idea had come to Michelle quite recently and it did a great work to ease the conflicting feelings she felt about her massive weight gain. Now she used her fatter figure to give Lizzy the rightful, but lulling impression that she was the thin sister.

Michelle had noticed how Lizzy had gone to less and less gym sessions. The hot summer roasted away any desires of going on a run. And Michelle made sure she was around to help Lizzy with her drinks and occasionally she would mess up. That could happen right? A Coke instead of a water... Oops. Also, Michelle was very aware of the glances Lizzy made, eyeballing her soft body with that stupid smirk on her face.

If Michelle was attentive, she would have advised Lizzy to watch her figure. Her sister's firmed up legs and buttocks, although at their peak still with a jiggle to them, started to soften up again. And Michelle was glad to see how her sister's mid-section seemed to have grown the littlest bit.

All thanks to bad soda and barely any exercises.  With her "secret admirer" Michelle planned to include fatty foods.

Michelle was so content with her scheming that she didn't notice that her phone gave a buzz. The second one ended her triumphant thoughts and with a curious look on her face she read the text she just got. It was from Tanya. What did she have to say? She hadn't spoken to miss mean girl in a long time and truth be told, Tanya was almost out of her memory. Now, all the awful things she did flooded her mind. She read the text with a growing worry. The text referred to Facebook and indeed, the same could be read there, only more extensive.

Tanya invited the entire class for a farewell pool party, the last of high school.

'A pool party?' muttered Michelle, while watching at a photo of Tanya standing beside a pool with her hands up in the air. She forgot that Tanya had a pool in her yard. Bitch

Then she read the dress code. Bathing suits. Michelle's eyes travelled back to the image of Tanya, dressed in a skimpy, green bikini.

There was a time, not that long ago, that Michelle would have grinned at the opportunity to wear a bikini. It was just another time for her to flaunt her body. Oh, how she would walk, giving her boobs an additional bounce, making sure her round buttocks swayed hypnotically and showing of the straight line of her stomach.

How different was that now? In a trance, Michelle looked at herself in the mirror. She wasn't as tan as she normally would have been. She was quite pasty to be frank. She eyed her stretch marks, the most clear signals of her almost supernatural weight gain. She had acquired a lot of stretch marks on the whole of her muffin top, her thighs, butt and her boobs. They were ugly, but Michelle persevered in lotioning her skin, hoping the red lines would fade.

Stretch marks weren't her only skin problems. Cellulite had invaded and conquered most of her thighs, butt cheeks and lower belly. It was if her cellulite ridden skin had more jiggle to them. Michelle moved a leg, just by moving her foot a few inches. The result was a jiggling of her leg up to her butt. Her other leg shook lightly too, now that her legs were  almost permanently pressed against each other.

To make matters worse, Michelle now had, for the first time in her life, the problem of acne. Red zits spotted her cheeks and forehead. She rarely looked at her face nowadays. Before the zits her face had puffed up, resembling a full moon. She still was used to seeing her double chin be so large, although she felt the soft pocked of fat when she'd tilt her head downwards.

That was now the case. The whole idea of a pool party made her think about her bikini's. She had a lot. Normally, she would have bought a couple of new sets by now, but she hadn't thought about wearing a bathing suit, let alone a bikini, since her weight gain.

She remembered a nice dark blue bikini. One of her newest and not that revealing. She activated her bulk and searched for the item. After some rummaging through her closets she found the bikini.

In her present condition it looked so small. She held up the bikini bottom in front of stretched out yoga shorts. It looked ridiculous.  It needed to be at least twice the width, maybe even more, to cover her up.

Then she slowly pulled of her shirt, baring her boobs to the mirror. Her breasts flopped down, quivered with sudden freedom and then remained in a sagging position. Michelle could feel the familiar pull that caused her shoulders to hunch slightly. Michelle grabbed the top of the blue bikini and placed the cups over her boobs. It would me more accurate to say that she covered her areole, plus maybe two inches more. Her melons seemed to be almost three times to big for the bikini top.

Michelle threw it on her bed, took a bite from a cookie and pondered what to do.

Not going would not be an option. But it would be safe. No stares and no comments. Going meant to buy a new bikini. Or maybe it was better to buy a one piece bathing suit. Michelle cringed at the idea, but she cringed even harder when she pictured herself in a bikini.

Her cookie was finished, so she took another one. What she did knew was that she needed to go shopping.

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Guest November

Finally, thought Michelle. With a thud she stepped of her bike. Something what she called a "bodyquake" went through her body. Although her feet hit the ground first, the bodyquake began with her big breasts. It was as if they were made from iron and the ground suddenly turned into a magnet. Her bra worked as hard as an Olympic weightlifter to hold her boobs inside. Her shoulders were pulled down with the force of her chest falling. This was only for a split-second.  After the initial downward fall of her melons, they would bounce  up and down, until there was a relative standstill.  The bodyquake would almost simultaneously rock her belly to every direction, something Michelle especially felt by the tight elastic waistband of her leggings. Inside her leggings her butt and thighs jiggled even more than her belly. She could feel her thighs scraping against each other, caused by the force of the jiggle alone. And, if she felt it right, then her butt just had pulled down her leggings slightly at the back. Michelle didn't even had to look to feel a sudden fresh breeze against her tummy, a sign that her stretchy shirt had crept up.

With a sigh of relief, after a day of work she was glad to be home, she put her bike away, and waddled to the kitchen. She put a big plastic bag on the counter, filled with leftover pastries and only then tugged down her shirt. She felt the fabric hugging her belly. Suddenly she wanted to shirt to be off. She grabbed her shirt again, pulled it first over her belly, and then she forced it over her boobs.

With the shirt off, Michelle let her skin feel the sunlight on her body which peeked through the kitchen window. She hadn't sunbathed in a while. In a long time, she thought.

In two days she'd have a pool party and she was looking whiter than ever this time in the summer. She could catch some rays.

Normally, Michelle would have ran upstairs to put on a bikini. But Michelle still hadn't bought a new swimsuit. She didn't look forward to it and kept delaying the inevitable.

Michelle squeezed her double chin while she thought. It was a gesture she wasn't aware of.  Her parents were gone and so was Lizzy. They wouldn't come home for more than a few hours so she had time to lay in the sun, in her underwear. It was a bit weird, sunbathing in your underwear, but there was one positive thing about it. She wouldn't have to go upstairs.

Feeling giddy, she got out of her leggings. Dressed in panties one size too small, and her bra which was too tight, Michelle gathered her things: a box of donuts, a bottle of Coke, and sunscreen, the latter being from Lizzy.

She laid down on the recliner Lizzy always used this summer. She ignored the sounds of protest that came out of it, caused by her rather falling down than sitting down. The recliner was lower than she thought. It was also possible that her legs couldn't hold her weight anymore.

With each leg on the one side, Michelle proceeded by putting sunscreen on her skin. She began with her face. She found it alarming how fast she was getting used to feeling her face being round and soft. It was already something she suspected when her fingers brushed her cheeks and chin. The crease dividing her double chin with her neck felt hot and sweaty. Quickly Michelle moved on to another part of her body.

Her arms were squishy, especially her upper arms. When she applied the sunscreen there she was amazed at how much fat hung from her arms there.  It was literally a handful. Michelle waved her arms around and watched the pocket of fat would swing and jiggle with the motion. 

Her chest was next. Last year she would have felt her collarbones and rib cage. Now she felt a soft layer of fat. Her cleavage was large and Michelle made sure the exposed part of her enormous boobs were properly smeared in with sunscreen.

Then the task of applying sunscreen on her belly came around. Michelle first took a big bite from a donut before she began. It took her longer than she would've thought beforehand. While she was busy with her belly she also took bites from her donuts, followed by a second one and a glass of Coke.

Her legs proved to be even more troublesome than her belly. Putting sunscreen on her thighs went well enough. She watched as her hands glided over stretch marks and cellulite, her soft fat oozing between her fingers. If she was gentle she could even feel the cellulite. It surprised Michelle that she wasn't fazed by feeling or seeing it.

Her calves were difficult. The former tight parts of her legs were now just as soft as any other part of her body and her ankles had evolved in to cankles. But that wasn't the problem.

Her belly was.

Michelle felt how her belly became an obstacle in reaching her calves. The first halve wasn't that much of a problem, but her feet were almost out of reach. Holding in her tummy and forcing herself to reach her feet she managed to get there.

Breathing a sigh of relief, Michelle laid herself down the recliner. Putting on sunscreen had gotten a task, and she was glad that she finally could enjoy her donuts.

Fortunately for her taste buds and enjoyment., unfortunately for Michelle stomach and general wellbeing, the donuts were followed by more pastries and after a sensible pause, followed by a macaroni and cheese dinner. Michelle didn't want to eat too much, but after each bite she saw that the mac & cheese was almost finished so she kept on eating. Even when she was full she craved for a cold dessert and took some ice cream.  That made her feel better for a moment, then she just felt super stuffed.

She still was on the recliner, outside in the yard. Her belly had become a tight round dome jutting upwards. Michelle caressed it gently. Now and then a surge of pain would go through her sides.

'Oooof,' groaned Michelle. 'Why do I do this to myself?'

A cold breeze grazed her body. Immediately she felt goose bumps.

Michelle, wanting to go inside, made an effort to stand up. She failed when she felt a pain snaring through her side. She dragged her legs to each side of the recliner and slowly pushed herself upwards in a sitting position. Her belly rounded out in front of her, taking up the space between her legs and almost touching the seat of the recliner. With a lot of unintelligible grunts she managed to stand up.

She stood still for a couple of seconds, holding her belly with both hands.

Suddenly she heard a noise. Michelle thought it might be her parents and as fast as her body would let her she jiggled to her room.

Her relatively fast pace was definitely over by the time she reached the stairs. Michelle was out of breath and felt her leg muscles burn. Slowly she walked up the stairs, listening if she heard another sound of her returning parents. But she had been mistaken. By the time she was in her room, it was as quiet as ever, with no parents in sight.

Later that night, Michelle was checking if she had got a tan. She thought she didn't look as pale as before, which was a big plus.

Her belly ache had faded away and to her shame she already ate a couple of treats. Her belly still looked round. For a second Michelle wondered how she would look in her old night gown. It was a weird thought. Her night clothes now consisted of an extra large t shirt.

She was just about to put that on, she already had removed her bra, when she heard a knock on the door, immediately opened by her sister.

Lizzy was drunk. She swayed a little and had half a grin. Michelle remembered that Lizzy had a night out with her some of her friends. Lizzy had ignored them a bit when she fully focused on her weight loss and had been pleasantly surprised when Michelle had told her than one of Lizzy's friends suggested a get together. Michelle prided herself on arranging it. Lizzy's friends were all fat and Michelle hoped it would rub off onto her sister. And by the looks of it the first night was already a success.

Lizzy wore a dress she had bought to flaunt her weight loss. Instead in accentuated her recent weight gain.

Michelle watched approvingly at how Lizzy love handles and belly pressed against the fabric. Her legs were looking bigger too.

'I.. I had so much fun,' stammered Lizzy.

'Well, good for you,' replied Michelle, not wanting to hear a drunken tale.

'Oooh, they all were shooo jealous, haha.' Lizzy had to hold the door to not fall.

'Okay.' Michelle waited a second and then added a goodbye.

'L-Look at my belly!' Lizzy was poking the soft fat of her belly, sporting a wide smile.

Michelle wasn't comfortable with this. She didn't want Lizzy to realize she was gaining weight again. Sure enough, as if her sister could hear her thoughts.

'I have to reminder, no, to remind myself to weigh me tomorrow. I might've gained a bit.

Michelle immediately went in to the reassuring mode, saying what a crazy thought that was, and coaxed Lizzy to her room.

The scale!

Michelle pondered what to do. It was quite simple. If there was no scale then Lizzy could not weigh herself. She had to hide it. No , that was silly. She had to break it, or making it look like she broke it.

Michelle waddled to the bathroom. Her plan was to make it appear that she broke the scale. So she jumped on scale. A loud creaking noise followed. It was louder that she thought and waited a few seconds, anxious that somebody heard it.

Then she took the scale. Nothing looked broken, even the display worked. To her shock she found out that the scale had weighed her.

218 lbs.

Michelle gasped. Deep down she knew she'd surpassed the 200 lbs mark, but seeing the number shocked her. It seemed like a minute passed by while she just stood there, frozen. Thoughts flooded her mind, but she managed to focus on one. Disable the scale.

She took the damn thing with her to her room, all the while trying not to think about the magnitude of her weight gain.

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Guest November

A small update, my apologies. The next will be bigger  ;D

PS: There's are so many great stories here lately, I love it!

Lizzy stared down at the broken apparatus under her feet. Since when was the scale broken?

Her curiosity for her weight had brought her early in the morning to the bathroom. She was suspecting her recent laziness had caused her to gain a bit of weight back. She hoped the scale would tell her otherwise, but the scale stayed silent. No flickering of digital numbers. A crack ran through the middle of the device. How on earth did that happen?

It was as if the universe provided her with an answer when Michelle entered the bathroom, glanced at the scale and smiled guiltily.

'It seems that jumping on the scale at my size is a bit stupid,' said Michelle while shrugging.

Lizzy didn't even notice the jiggle of Michelle's boobs. Not for the first time she was coping with conflicting feelings. Michelle breaking a scale because of her weight gain filled her with so much glee that it almost became childish. But the fact that she couldn't check her weight troubled her a bit.

She returned back from her thoughts when Michelle's soft hip grazed her. She also heard the last words of a sentence uttered by Michelle.

'Sorry, what were you saying?' she asked sheepishly

'Sure, you want to hear it twice? Okay,' her sister rolled her eyes, but continued:

'I said; why were you standing on the scale, to see how much thinner you've become?'

Lizzy couldn't help it, but her cheeks turned red.

'You really think I lost more weight? I actually thought I -

'Oh, nonsense. It's clear you lost weight. I am the one who's gaining weight.'

Michelle looked ashamed for a moment and seemed to think about something.

'I'm almost 220 pounds, can you believe it?' said Michelle softly.

Lizzy thought her eyes might pop out. It was as if she saw her sister for the first time this morning. Yes, Michelle appeared to be as big as she used to be at her heaviest. Well, almost as big. Lizzy always had eased her mind thinking that there were people way heavier and bigger than her. That was the truth of course, just like that Michelle wasn't by far the fattest person she'd saw. But the fact that Michelle almost weighed 220 lbs seemed so huge to her. Her thin sister looking as big as she used to be.

She realized that Michelle waited for a response.

'Almost 220 lbs? You certainly don't look like that,' she replied. She didn't know if it was reassuring or not. Quickly she left Michelle alone.

Nina was observing Michelle. Something was off. At first hand, it looked like Michelle was doing alright. She smiled to customers. Was nice and friendly. She chatted with her and other coworkers. Nothing wrong.

Except for one thing. Michelle wasn't snacking.

She always snacked. Her mouth seemed to be moving continuously throughout the day. But not today. Yes, something was wrong. Michelle's smile seemed to cramped. Her fingers too fidgety.

Michelle was nervous for something. For a moment, Nina congratulated herself on her psychological abilities.

When their first break arrived, around ten am, Nina cornered her chubbed up coworker.

'So, how's life?' she asked. She was planning to ask general questions first and then to hit the target with a sharp question or two. Yeah, that sounded awesome.

'Oh, Nina. I have pool party tomorrow, and I need a new swimsuit. The only bikinis I have are from when I was thin, and do I have to wear a two piece or a one piece? Perhaps I will stay home.'

Nina blinked, feeling rather disappointed. She didn't suspect Michelle to pour out her heart that quickly. But it did save some time.

'Yeah, I can imagine your old bikini's being rather tight.' Despite the situation, Nina couldn't help but laugh, but stopped when she saw how hurt Michelle looked.

'Listen, first of all. You are going to that wretched pool party. Staying home and feeling sorry for yourself will not help. Trust me, I know.'

Michelle looked surprised at her, but Nina pressed on, content in her role as advisor.

'Secondly, the question of wearing a one piece or a two piece is unimportant. Both can look good and bad. On slim people as well as fat people.'

Now, Michelle winced when she heard her saying fat people. But Michelle had been eating herself out of the chubby territory.

'Lastly, this afternoon you and I are going to buy a swimsuit.'

Michelle laughed nervously.

'This afternoon. But -'

'No buts!' Nina sounded like her mom, and she enjoyed saying.

Later, when Michelle walked passed her, Nina watched the two spherical, soft and squishy-looking butt cheeks bouncing up and down in the tight leggings.

'No buts..'  Then, Nina had a laugh that lasted minutes.

Michelle looked at the chocolate stain on her index finger. She caught it just in time. A second later and the bikini top she hold would have a chocolate smear on it. Quickly she licked her finger. The taste brought back the memory of lots of donuts and the tight feeling in her stomach agreed with that memory.

She turned her attention to the bikini top. It was the tenth or eleventh she'd hold since beginning her search. An equal amount of one piece swimsuits had passed through her hands. One thing she had found out, after a full hour of indecision,  was that she definitely felt better in a two piece swimsuit. It was revelation. So now she was staring at the biggest bikini top she had touched in her life.

The saleswoman was sure the huge cups, resembling safety helmets of construction workers, would be big enough to hold her boobs. It was time to find out.

Michelle unclasped her bra. which practically exploded of her chest. Her boobs sprang free, jiggling happy in their freedom. Below her huge breasts her belly domed outwards, full with lots of pastry. It surged a little over the bikini bottom she wore, just like her love handles pouches over the sides. But the bikini bottom didn't really feel tight. It probably had to do with her soft body.

Michelle put on the bikini top, adjusted her boobs accordingly and knew she had found the bikini she wanted to buy.

The saleswoman was right. The cups fitted her boobs like a glove, giving her an endless cleavage. The straps did cut in her soft flesh, but she thought that was unavoidable at her weight.

She turned around and admired the good fit. Time to let Nina see her.

Nina looked up when Michelle strutted out the fitting room. The smile on her face said it all.

Thank God! She found one.

Michelle talked enthusiastically about how good the bikini fitted. The saleswoman agreed, obviously smelling a paying customer.

Nina too admitted that the bikini was wonderful. When Michelle walked to and fro, Nina eyes darted of to Michelle's jiggling thighs and butt, the cellulite on clear display. She hoped that Michelle would realize that walking like that would only accentuate her weight gain. She almost wanted to be on that pool party.

Oh, to be a fly on the wall during the moment Michelle would appear dressed in that bikini!

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