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Everything posted by Sinbellora

    Easily one of the hottest videos i've ever watched!
  1. Just a gentle bit of advertising, for you guys
  2. Got a new load, any an all are welcome
  3. You beautiful person! Any more would be perfect!
  4. Okay I might be a dick asking or people to Photoshop a girl with tattoos but dammit I'm gonna ask anyway!
  5. Oh thank god :') I never like to assume how smart people are :')
  6. I don't quite know how to respond to this without being mean... I was hoping to find out who the Cosplayer is, not who she is Cosplaying
  7. Saw her on facebook but there was no tags or way of finding her, google image search doesn't work either
  8. Honestly i think the chips are going to fall into Lucy's mouth.
  9. Maybe she was grumpy because they didn't let her eat before the shoot
  10. Well the first i heard of it was my physiology teacher and yea i found a couple links to back me up, but the way i understand it is that the liposuction can only remove the fat after they break up the fat cells as fat is contained in its own little package, but after the fat cells become damaged the body will still want to store its fat in the fat cells around the rest of your body while the fat cells you broke down repair themselves.. http://www.northwestern.edu/newscenter/stories/2012/01/fat-cells-surgery-alam.html#sthash.aia8N2iI.dpuf <Fat freezing: A device sandwiches the fat on the abdomen or thighs between two cooling plates. The fat cells die and are absorbed by the body. http://health.howstuffworks.com/wellness/cosmetic-treatments/liposuction.htm <first page and fifth page http://www.marieclaire.com/beauty/a4385/liposuction-results/ < about halfway down
  11. I would like to point out that because of the way fat cells work all it means is that she will just get fatter in other area's while the fat cells around her stomach heal up, so all this means is lucy is gonna get a big butt/boobs/arms/literallyeverywhereapartfromherstomach
  12. Like Lucy this thread just got heavy really quickly ._.
  13. Just a few screenshots from some of the vines. Sorry for the bad quality
  14. Both are from tutti rouge's twitter: Time to party Vixen style! #ss15 #video #love #lovetutti @Lucy__Vixen pic.twitter.com/Sy4C6QMZgG — Tutti Rouge (@tuttirouge) March 2, 2015
  15. Well i think we can see where those sweets on the side have gone.
  16. Just some more snap chat photos she mentions s she's chubby and doesn't care
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