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Everything posted by uigre

  1. I liked this premise, so I copy/pasted the original post into the story generator at sudowrite.com, with a few suggestions in the "Style" input ("Highly descriptive with a focus on Leanne's changing body, weight gain, arrogance, haughty mannerisms, humiliation, and comeuppance."). Here's what came out for the final chapter - not bad! --- The buzz of conversation instantly dropped to silence as the spotlight beamed down on Natasha, illuminating her petite frame atop the small stage. She stood with shoulders squared, hands clasped behind her back, exuding a quiet confidence belying her meek exterior. Inside, her heart pounded against her ribs. This was her moment, the culmination of years of whispered bullying and casual cruelty. She inhaled deeply. "Welcome, friends," she began, her voice steady. "Thank you for being here tonight." Murmurs rippled through the crowd. They knew something big was coming, Natasha could feel it. The anticipation hung thick in the air. She allowed herself a small smile. "I'm sure you're all wondering why I've gathered you here..." Natasha paused, letting the suspense build. She clicked a small remote in her hand and the lights dimmed as a large projector screen lowered behind her. "Tonight is about exposing the truth. The truth about someone who has gotten away with her hurtful actions for far too long." The crowd shifted, necks craning to get a better view. Natasha's eyes landed on Leanne across the room. Even in the low light, her arrogant beauty was unmistakable. Leanne's eyes narrowed, sensing the attention. "You all know Leanne," Natasha continued. "The girl who coasted through life on her looks. Who never missed a chance to put others down." Leanne scoffed loudly, tossing her hair. Natasha went on, undeterred. "Well it seems karma has finally caught up with her." She clicked the remote again. The projector flickered to life, illuminating Leanne's shocked face as an old photo of her slender figure filled the massive screen. The crowd gasped. Natasha watched Leanne flush, hands instinctively moving to cover her ample midsection spilling over the too-small dress. "No..." Leanne whimpered, shrinking under the scrutiny. Natasha allowed herself a triumphant smile. After all these years, justice was served. Leanne stared up at the screen in horror, her worst nightmare playing out before her eyes. The photo of her svelte, teenage figure seemed to mock her, magnifying every pound and bulge that now clung to her frame. Around her, the party guests erupted into raucous laughter, their delight at her humiliation palpable. They pointed at her swollen belly and thickened thighs, hooting and hollering with glee. "Look how fat she got!" one guest cackled. "She used to be so hot, now she's a total cow!" another chimed in. Leanne felt her cheeks burn crimson. She wanted to melt into the floor and disappear. This couldn't be happening. "That...that's not me!" she stammered unconvincingly, her voice cracking. "It's photoshopped!" The crowd only laughed harder at her pathetic attempt at denial. "Yeah right, keep telling yourself that, tubby!" a heckler shouted. Leanne blinked back tears, utterly mortified. How could they be so cruel? But deep down she knew she deserved this. She had been vain and petty for so long, obsessed with appearances. Now her own looks were being used against her in the most humiliating way. Karma really had caught up with her. And as Leanne stood there, weighted down by her own inflated body, she realized she had no one to blame but herself. Natasha stepped forward, holding up her hand to quiet the raucous crowd. A hush fell over the room as all eyes turned to her. "For years, Leanne bullied and belittled anyone she deemed unworthy," Natasha began, her voice steady and commanding. "Especially those she considered unattractive or overweight." Murmurs rippled through the guests as they nodded in agreement. Leanne shifted uncomfortably, a growing unease twisting in her gut. "Like my friend Lily," Natasha continued, "who Leanne nicknamed 'Piggy' in high school and oinked at in the hallways." The crowd gasped, clearly just learning of this for the first time. Leanne cringed, the memory of gleefully tormenting poor Lily now filling her with shame. "Or Matt, who Leanne called 'Lard Ass' and mooed at during gym class, causing the other kids to join in," Natasha went on, emboldened by the crowd's reactions. More murmurs and glares in Leanne's direction. She wanted to melt through the floor and disappear. "Well now the tables have turned," Natasha said, her eyes locking with Leanne's. "Let's see how she likes being on the other side for once." The crowd roared in approval. Leanne's lip quivered, her arrogance shriveling. How could she have been so cruel? She had thought her beauty made her invincible, blind to the pain she inflicted. But now her own looks were failing her, and the crowd was hungry for payback. "I'm sorry!" Leanne cried out weakly, her voice cracking. "I didn't know any better back then!" But her desperate pleas fell on deaf ears. The angry mob had already turned on her, their contempt palpable. Leanne had never felt so small and pathetic. She knew then that she deserved every bit of this humiliation. The partygoers surrounded Leanne, their eyes burning with righteous fury. She cowered before them, no longer the haughty queen bee but a frightened girl resigned to her fate. "Not so pretty now, are you cow?" a muscular man jeered, shoving a plate of cake into her ample bosom. Frosting and crumbs cascaded down her bulging cleavage. Leanne squealed in shock, thick fingers swiping at the mess. But before she could recover, more food pelted her body. Cupcakes splattered against her swollen stomach, drenching her designer dress in icing and filling. The crowd laughed and cheered as she desperately tried wiping away the stains. "Here, have some more porker!" a cruel faced woman said, dumping an entire bowl of pasta salad over Leanne's head. Noodles and dressing oozed through her hair, dripping down her reddened cheeks. "Oink oink!" the mob chanted. "Eat up fattie!" Leanne's lip quivered, her ego in tatters. She had dishonest out so much torment over the years, but was helpless now that the tables had turned. The mess of food coating her obese body was a fitting punishment for her sins. She vowed then to change her ways, to become a kinder person. But first she had to endure this sticky, humiliating retribution. Leanne stood there, utterly defeated, as the partygoers continued their assault. More drinks and food splattered across her bloated body. She was now coated head to toe in a grotesque mixture of condiments, crumbs, and liquids. As a blob of mayonnaise slid down her cheek, the realization of what she had become finally hit her. The arrogance that had fueled her vanity and cruelty over the years melted away. She saw now how her manipulative actions had hurt so many. The pain she had callously inflicted was being returned tenfold. Leanne's shoulders slumped in resignation. She no longer cared about maintaining her haughty facade or trying to salvage her reputation. The fight had left her completely. She just wanted it to end. The crowd seemed to sense this shift. Their jeers quieted as they watched Leanne accept her punishment. She glanced around with tear-filled eyes, nodding slightly to indicate she understood this was her penance. Leanne then turned and slowly walked away, the mess dripping from her wobbling body with each heavy step. She kept her gaze down, unable to face anyone. The room was silent aside from the squelching sounds of her sodden heels on the floor. She left the party behind, both literally and symbolically. Her old arrogant, judgmental self was gone. Leanne was determined now to become a better person worthy of respect, not fear. This baptism of food was the first step toward redemption. Leanne walked down the empty hallway, keeping her eyes fixed on the floor. She could feel bits of food and sticky liquid still clinging to her skin and matting her hair. The mess made her clothes cling uncomfortably to her bulging body. She paused by a window, catching a glimpse of her reflection. Leanne grimaced at the bloated, disheveled woman staring back. This was not who she wanted to be anymore. Leanne took a deep breath and continued on. She had a lot of apologies to make and relationships to mend. It would be a long road, but she was ready to put in the hard work. As she stepped outside into the cool night air, Leanne felt the burden of the past lift from her shoulders. For the first time in years, her thoughts turned not to petty jealousies or schemes, but to making amends. She knew she didn't deserve forgiveness, but she hoped to earn it through changed actions. Leanne called for a cab to take her home. As the car pulled up, the party music thumped faintly in the background. Leanne took one last look at the house, then got into the cab. That chapter of her life was over. A new story was just beginning.
  2. Some Kimspo: Love it how she even looks like she's sucking in her stomach, just like Kim would 😄
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