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Everything posted by Ayumi_Chan

  1. You know, here's the kicker. Over the course of marriage, you will both change. Bodies and personalities. If you aren't prepared or willing to admit that your partner will change over time, you'll be in for quite the shock when you get older, much in the same respect that your partner shouldn't expect you to stay the same when you're older as well. So while I can understand the anxiety about her losing weight, as long as you are in this for more than her looks, while it will affect you some, it won't be the main reason for you staying with her. But, to answer your question, it really depends on a woman. However, that's something you should actually discuss with her. Because she may know you like a girl with curves by squishing her thicker parts during sex, but that doesn't exactly indicate that you'll become less attracted to her if she loses weight. I mean, my boyfriend will touch me in places, but that's just because you touch bodies during sex. lol
  2. If an definitely understand what you are saying, and it sucks a lot. I want you to know that you should forgive yourself for what happened in the past. I think it's not so much the weight loss that scares you or perhaps even the confidence of your partner as much as it is that you're worried you'll still be able to wow her if she's getting attention from other men. And of course you can't always know what will happen tomorrow, but as long as you do everything you can to make your girlfriend happy, it will generally trump other guys hitting on her. If you live with the fear and focus on that, you're only going to take away from your relationship and it may become a self fulfilling prophecy. If you feel this way, you may want to talk with your girlfriend. I know with an ex of mine, he didn't like taking pics because he seemed to get broken up with soon after the girl would start taking photos. Of course we broke up due to other reasons, but after I showed him I wasn't going to leave, he was able to get over his fears. Sometimes it's irrational in a way, but you should be able to speak with your partner about these things. Because if you look at it, a partner who genuinely cares about your fears and wants to help you out with them is one who will stick with you for a long time, if not till death do you part.
  3. Well hopefully they had a lovely date prior to him being lost forever... XD
  4. It's also for legal reason as well. We would just rather not stick our feet in that site if we don't have to aside from the whole don't post from that site memo. And no posting paysite content even if it's a link to a torrent. There are other sites you can go share torrent links at, but not here.
  5. This thread = facepalm... OP, you realize that's the same thing as paying a paysite model? Seriously, find a model you like and support her by purchasing her conent, it will also be cheaper in the long run.
  6. This topic has been moved to Help Desk. [iurl][/iurl]
  7. Ooooh, I'm not sure of what happened there. Also, I moved this to the Help Desk as someone more technologically savvy than me can probably shed better insight.
  8. What kind of issues were/are you having?
  9. I'm here to help people out as needed! =D
  10. Honestly it's just sad to hear of the guys that make it had for a model to do videos by having outrageous requests and,then getting pissed and upset to the point of slandering a person's name because they think they are entitled. :/ Plus, eating that much ice cream as pointed out before can cause you to vomit as too much dairy consumed will make you sick. Sorry you have to go through that. Also, if anyone on curvage is harassing you, just know that we don't take that lightly and will help you handle the harassed. And that goes not just for models, but also for everyone else. We DO NOT tolerate harassment of any form.
  11. Look, no one is saying It's bad to indulge in your fetish. That's not what is being argued. It's the moral aspect of the whole doing things behind your girlfriend's back. The thing is, a lot of us have been in a position before that either we've been hurt by someone in a relationship that did shady things or we were the ones to do said shady things. You're right, we don't have any right to say what to do in your relationship, but you need to understand that when you say, "Why should I tell her, it'll just cause unnecessary waves," there will probably be people voicing out what it's important to talk with her. This is much in the same vein of some person who thinks that they shouldn't be honest with their partner about having a feederism fetish. You tell your partner because 1, you don't have to go out of hiding it, and 2, it can bring you closer together. Take my own personal experience with my current boyfriend that did hide a friendship of the same manner as you. It almost ruined our 3 year old relationship when I found out he was not only hiding this friendship from me, but also taking photos of her and spending time with this other woman doing pretty much what you do with the friend. Yes, our relationship has turned around obviously as we have been together 4 and a half years now, but I discovered what happened a bit over a year ago, actually at the beginning of 2013. I personally have no problems with any of his female friends and encourage him to keep a social life, but I'm not okay with him hiding friendships as that is sneaky as hell. That's the part most women don't like, is their boyfriends sneaking off and putting themselves willingly in situations that increase the chance for cheating. I don't really say much about that incident because our relationship is much better than before and I have no reason to bring it up in daily conversation. That is what this is about. Its not about you having a friend on the side you hang out with that gets your fetish, but it's the whole fact that you're saying you'd rather not be honest with your girlfriend that you have a friend who you can talk to and relate about this fetish. Because let's face it, many people would love to have a girl genuinely into the fetish as well, and again, I'm in full support of that. No one is gonna look down on you for that, however being dishonest about a friend you just talk to about the fetish is not something that is good especially when your girlfriend is willing to put on weight and gets horny when you talk about her getting fatter. Because I know many guys would love a woman, like your girlfriend, who is supportive and willing to gain at the very least even if they can't share all parts of the fetish with their significant other.
  12. Look, everything aside, overall, either your girlfriend's feelings are important to you or they aren't. That's the bottom line no matter what. If they are important, you should tell your girlfriend. Because it is honestly better to tell her now as opposed to her finding out later. Cause just the fact that you're hiding the friendship from your girlfriend is enough that it would raise flags in her head and would make it hard to believe nothing else is going on if your girlfriend finds out about this other girl on her own. If it's really nothing more than you say it is (casual conversation about feeding,) man up and tell you girlfriend. Because you're risking a lot right now, and are you willing to risk your relationship on a girl you don't really know as well as your girlfriend? Because you're basically saying you value this other girls friendship more than your own relationship at the moment by keeping this other girl under wraps. And regards to the "conversation on here" basically I'm referring to everything you're saying about this friend of yours and what you do with this friend.
  13. I will admit, I may have confused the convo you had with your girlfriend to the convo you had with your friend. lol I word vomit too sometimes so it can be hard to keep in line what's what. lol But sounds like you've got a good relationship. I know sometimes I can come off like a mom or something, but a lot of it is from concern for the members on the site plus I've always been that one friend everyone turns to for moral advice so it just kind of bleeds through sometimes. lol But hey, as long as you and your girlfriend are on the same page, you guys do your thing.
  14. Ayumi_Chan

    Saw Ex

    Ah yes, how could I forget; give her the Old One-Two! ;D
  15. I completely get where you're coming from. I definitely do. I have nothing against people enjoying their, fetishes and having someone to enjoy that with! I don't think you need to tell your girlfriend where you met this friend of yours exactly, but you should be open and honest with her that you met a female friend who is into the whole feederism thing and you guys talk about it and share stories you guys find online, or something along those lines. Because, lets face it, if she were to happen upon the conversations you and your friend have had and this convo on here, her thoughts probably wouldn't be "Oh cool he made a friend that he can talk about and explore a fetish with even if they haven't done anything truly sexual." She, like most women would probably start feeling insecure and perhaps a bit sad that, while she may not be able to truly be as gung ho about the fetish, you are sharing things intimately about yourself with someone other than her. Now perhaps when you talk with your girlfriend she may not give a shit and be all like "cool, thanks for letting me know," but it'll probably make you feel less guilty about your friendship with this girl and it will make her feel valued that you took her feelings into consideration. And perhaps I'm weird, but I'd rather have someone be blunt with me, especially a person I'm in a relationship with. Heck, even with my boyfriend now, we are as open as books with each other. I know he's got people he talks about his fetishes with, and I'm okay with that. He'll even let me know if they talk about something that is a bit more of a sexual topic. He doesn't need to, but he does because while I may not be into his fetishes fully, He's letting me still be part of his life. And you can bet I do the same for him. Plus while feeding might not be her thing, this may spark her in taking more of an active role in indulging your fetish. I know it made me want to use more fat talk in bed, and sometimes I'll tease him by wearing clothes super small to accentuate areas of me that have grown. Its definitely added more to our sex life than I thought it would.
  16. Realistically, would you blame your girlfriend for getting paranoid? Intimate contact is feeding, especially when it's a sexual interest of yours. The way you felt guilty about it too said you know it's more than you let on as well because if wasn't intimate, you'd have no problem talking about it with your girlfriend. Look, I'm all for having your cake and eating it too, as I've been in a similar spot. But my boyfriend, at the time, knew about it. We broke up not because of what was going on but because our interests were not compatible. But if you can't be honest with your girlfriend about everything, you should re-think what you're doing and why you're willing to risk the trust you have with your girlfriend.
  17. Ayumi_Chan

    Saw Ex

    Don't, just don't. Break ups happen for a reason and even if you want to be friends, yo won't be friends in the way you think you'll be. Take the advice of not going back and don't go back. She's a big girl, and while Its natural to care, you are not responsible for her emotions anymore. Stay no contact. Delete her number and any other ways you could contact her.
  18. I don't think anyone should try to seek out a position where they are cheating on their significant other with another woman when the significant other is clearly enjoying gaining weight as well. =/ I feel sorry for the guy's girlfriend and wonder why OP can't talk with his girlfriend, instead of having to have a side relationship with this other girl, when she's probably open minded to explore more of his fetish and perhaps this community.
  19. It may be over hyped to the whole "asking for consent thing," but honestly, the vid is still a very intimate part of your relationship that she's sharing with you, and whether or not guys feel that's important, women do. Would you be okay with your girlfriend posting a photo or a vid of you on an internet site that you meant to be for her eyes only without telling you first and seeing if you'd be okay with it? Probably not. That's why you give consideration to the person you're in a relationship with and ask her if you can first. Think with your big head man. Plus, weird things happen online, and as everyone knows, once you post it online, you can't take that back and if caught in the right wind, whatever you post can potentially spread like wildfire. I know I sound like a total mom saying that stuff, but I'm trying to look out for people on this forum, especially when I've been in a position of having an ex share videos without me knowing, or having people steal photos of mine and impersonating me on other sites.
  20. I liked it as well, but there were some parts that made me cringe because it reminded me of myself as a middle schooler lol
  21. Totally love all the answers. I have to say though that I couldn't get into attack on titan. Kill la Kill though was phenomenal. I can't wait for the OVA... Mako x Gamagori 4ever. I've recently caught up on the Sailor moon manga, as that's what the reboot will be more closely based on. I have been watching the anime again as well. Other than that, I've been on a huge Kamigami no Asobi kick which I highly recommend to anyone that likes mythology and liked Ouran High School Host Club. I also need to catch back up with No Game, No Life as I only watched the first 2 episodes. Did anyone watch Maho Shojou Madoka Magica? Because that will probably be my first anime that I review.
  22. Honestly, I wouldn't post the vid... Just my two cents as we've had user's significant others find out before and it's hurt their relationship and we have to take down the comment. I know you want to help build up the forum with content, but you can do that in better ways than breaking your girlfriend's trust by posting intimate thngs on the internet. You should probably ask her before you do it.
  23. I watched the first episode and felt it was WAYYYYYY overhyped. Kill la Kill on the other hand was fantastic.
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