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  1. Before my post, a little disclaimer. The experience I'm about to share is about a former partner of mine, who ended up bulimic. However arousing we may find that, bulimia is a serious disease and I believe that we should seek to help our partners feel good with themselves more than anything else. Now that I've ruined everyone's fun... Let's get down to the crispy stuff. This post is about my ex-girlfriend, who, when I met her ( late HS), had... Questionable eating habits. What do I mean by that ? Well, here's a non-exhaustive list. - She was able to take down an entire jar of 1kg of Nutella in one week, give or take, while still eating - She commonly ate an entire chocolate bar for desert or breakfast - She put mayo in EVERYTHING SHE ATE : rice, pasta, sandwitches... And a whole lot of it. - She commonly ate Mars and Twix at any time. - She usually got up at night to eat all kinds of snacks. - She often bought cheetos-like snacks after school and ate the whole bag on the way home. All of it. All of these behaviors at the SAME TIME. Now you might think that she was badly obese, but... she actually wasn't. At all. Her incredibly good metabolism and athletic constitution (after losing some fat and getting some muscle, she straight up sunk in pools while still visibly having some fat - somewhat flabby belly and thighs - and her lungs full of air. That's how dense her muscles and bones were) allowed her to be only mildly overweight. I really want to highlight the fact that she didn't look obese, or even very fat. At her fattest, she still looked like a tall, chubby but muscular girl. Because that's what she was, thanks to still walking a lot and practicing a bit of sports (mainly swimming). She didn't have a big protruding belly, but a soft chubby one, that spilled over her waistband when she sat down, and jiggled when she walked. She also had soft but strong thighs, nice boobs, a big butt and those delicious, strech-maked love handles she was willing to do anything to hide. Adorable. She, however, lied about her weight and made some delicious comments on numerous occasions... And that's the reason I decided to make this post in the first place. The last thing I'll add is her height : 1m72, or 5ft8 approx. I - "I'm big boned, so it is only fair that I readjust my weight" Since she was quite overweight, and was naturally *VERY* heavy, she lied about her weight ALL THE TIME. Yep, even to me. And I usually got to learn about it after a few months. First time her weight is brought up in a conversation : "I weigh 80 kgs // 176lbs". Come to find out months later, at this point she weighed something like 85kgs // 187lbs During a summer after a particularly tough breakup : "I got fat, I'm around 83kgs // 183lbs". Actually, it was NINETY kilograms // ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY-EIGHT pounds. God I regret not seeing her that summer. a few months later, after she decides she'll go to the gym (dropped it after like 3 weeks) : "I weighed myself at the gym, and I'm at 81kgs //179lbs". Yeah, no. Actually, it was 86kgs // 190lbs Even when she started losing weight through LESS binge eating, she kept doing it ! She claimed to weigh 75kgs // 165lbs, when in reality it was 78kgs // 172lbs. Oh well. She eventually dropped that habit when she passed the 70kgs // 154lbs mark. For those interested, her weight went all the way down to 49kgs // 108lbs (she was dangerously underweight at this point), before going up again. She recently got back to 70kgs, and hasn't weighed herself in like a month and a half - because she doesn't have a scale anymore - but she told me now she "likes what she sees in the mirror", so that's that. II - Bite-sized pieces of denial - "When I get fat, it first goes to my boobs and my butt, then to my love handles, and last, my stomach" Yeah, I got the leisure of witnessing that happening, and it usually goes love handles - butt - boobs/belly, not boobs/butt - love handles - belly - "Having big boobs is kinda annoying, any t-shirt that is a bit tight rides up all the time" Come one girl, we both know your shirts ride up because of your chubby belly, and most importantly those squishy love handles you got around your waist. - "I'm overweight because my dad is Creole, so we eat a lot of rice and spicy food..." Really ? I'd say the fact that you eat something like 200grams / half a pound of chocolate every single day is also a factor. - "I got so fat that I have a double chin now !" Okay darling, a few things. 1 - you probably gained like 1kg // 2lbs, you were chunky wayyy before you gained THAT SPECIFIC KILOGRAM. 2 - You have that slight double chin since I know you. Come on. - "These jeans are too tight, they make me look like a muffin !" They aren't tight, they're low-waisted. You look like a walking muffin even without those jeans. Btw, she has always had a tendency to have at least a bit of a muffin top, except for the time she was in her absolute top athletic form (crossfit 3 times a week + carefully watching what she ate) - "I really like swimming, I feel so light and slim afterwards !" (we were just getting out of a swimming course) Meanwhile, you still are your flabby 80+kgs self, complete with slight double chin, big butt, big boobs, soft belly and love handles. III - Delicious comments Tired of still not finding what I promised ? Let's get to the bulk of the post then. Even though she sometimes was in denial - or trying not to look bad - there has been a ton of times she acknowledged her flab and her poor eating habits. Alright now... Let's get started ! Skinny-fat friend of hers : "I gained so much weight, I weigh like 62kgs // 137lbs..." (it was pretty heavy for her size, she was short) Her : "Yeah, well I eat like a fat pig, I weigh 80kgs // 176lbs (probably still a lie), and it really shows" * proceeds to grab a roll of fat from her belly through her shirt* Her, wearing a kinda tight shirt - which she admittedly didn't do often without a HUGE coat to hide her flab - "I really need to contract my abs very hard all the time, because if I don't my belly jiggles so much" *proceeds to show me how much she jiggles without contracting her abs as hard* I was her boyfriend at that time, so I got the chance to sink my finger in the layer of fat on her belly, only to discover steel-hard abs behind it. I then used how much her belly jiggled when walking as a metric to evaluate how fat she was. Her, wearing a tight enough top that you can see her flab : "I really let myself go lastly, I must weigh something like 82kgs // 181lbs (remember that was during the 'lying about her weight' period). My belly is so big, and my legs look like big fat hams" *pats her belly* "Yeah, I'm just hanging out with my friend X, raiding the fridge... we're being huge pigs, we already finished a 6-pack of beer, 2 jars of honey and we're eating chocolate biscuits" - message sent to me while I was away for the week during the holidays. In response to a friend, dunno what they were talking about : "No, you don't have a belly, I do" *proceeds to grab her fat that was spilling over her waist (she was sitting)* Me : *tickles her* Her : "Leave my potbelly alone !" Needless to say my tickling intensified. We're on holiday, away from one another "I spend most of the day sitting around eating chocolate and junk food... I'm getting enormous !" Later in the conversation : "I look like a sperm whale"; "My belly looks like I am pregnant" *A (slightly chubby) friend of hers and her both lift their shirts up to above-belly button level, they both proceed to poke each other's belly* Her friend : "Ha, I'm still thinner than you !" Her : "How could you not be thinner than that" *quickly grabs a small fat roll, then slaps her belly and readjusts her shirt* *Her butt hits a door frame* "Since when is my butt that big ?" *She's halfway between sitting and lying down on her back with her belly button exposed (don't remember why), which makes her belly button "close" - to be clear, it didn't do that at all when she lied down or when she stood up - it was just the position and her belly fat* "Look ! I'm so fat my belly button's not a hole anymore !" I think that's it. I'm sorry I can't provide any long stories (cuz I don't really have any), but I hope you enjoyed this "best-of" little out-of-context quotations from her regarding her fat. If I happen to recall other stuff she said, I'll make sure to, well, edit them into the post.
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