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cheddarlion's Achievements

  1. A lot of them are selfies so yes, she probably does
  2. I was sitting in the airport, flying home, and I saw this plump lady waiting for the flight. It took me a second to realize that it could actually be a former coworker of mine from 10 years ago...but this woman probably had 75 pounds on her! Call her Mary - 10 years ago she was a lithe traditionally hot girl, who still partied just a little too much for her age, and had the slightest hint of a protruding gut. I was shocked to hear the gate agent welcome "Mary" onto the plane. There's something so hot about that potential that I sniffed out 10 years ago coming to fruition.
  3. https://www.deviantart.com/yummydeviance/art/Brooklyn-s-Holiday-Weight-Gain-Part-1-339754283 I love this one!
  4. Not sure if this is it, but this is something I wrote:
  5. There was a hotdog eating contest and Annie Kim, Annie's rival was on the other side, pushing them to stuff themselves.
  6. I'm looking for a story that I believe was deleted from this forum; in any case I can't find it here anymore. It was about Annie and Britta from Community. Anyone save that or have a link to it elsewhere?
  7. cheddarlion

    Drew and Jess

    I've been appreciating it - looking forward to the next chapters!
  8. Hi, folks - this one is going to be a bit of a slow burn at first but I'm hoping it's worth it. Day 0 Carol leaned up in bed, to watch her grandkids playing in the yard from her window. It was one of her few joys these last three months. She'd suffered from asthma and complications of chronic lyme disease for most of her adult life, but she'd caught COVID a few months ago, and even though there was no sign of it anymore in tests, she continued suffering from weakness, shortness of breath, and worst of all, she couldn't taste or smell anything. Her son-in-law was an amazing cook, but his incredible meals may as well have been Play-Doh as far as she could tell. She sighed shallowly, wondering if this was her life from now on. At the very least, she hadn't spread the virus to the rest of her family, who had all been vaccinated before she moved in with them. We tend to anthropomorphize viruses when we talk about them evolving. They're "clever." They "evade vaccines." They "work to become more contagious." What's really going on is that they're throwing a bunch of shit at the wall, and seeing what sticks. The shit that spreads the best, keeps spreading, and that's the shit we learn about. For every mutation that gets a name, there are billions, trillions of random typos in viral DNA that we never know about. Deep inside Carol, COVID had been hiding out in sneaky little nooks in her body, evading her not-all-that-great immune system, and replicating. One of her commandeered cells popped out a bad batch of COVID - it was so mangled, it would have barely recognized its cousins wild-type, Alpha, Delta, or Omicron. But if you put enough monkeys in front of typewriters, eventually one of them will tap out something worth reading. And this batch of COVID, which would become known as the Pi variant, was frigging Shakespeare. Day 1 Carol woke to the smell of--wait? SMELL? Yes! What was that glorious smell? BACON! And this was the most incredible bacon she had ever smelled. A note of brown sugar, a strong baseline of fat and maillard...she had been deprived of the sense for so long, it was like turning the light on when you go into the bathroom in the middle of the night, but for her nose. She practically bellowed downstairs to her daughter. "Monica, bring me some of that bacon!" Monica ascended the stairs with a tray containing bacon and some pancakes. Like her mother, Monica was slightly built, and had been able to easily lose the weight after giving birth to two children. She didn't know what had brought on this outburst but it had been months since her mom had cared one way or the other about food. Carol took a bite of the bacon, feeling the chewy-crisp texture finally matching up with flavors. She assumed it had been so long since she had tasted, but she didn't remember the details that she was picking up now. She felt like one of those ridiculous wine connoisseurs, picking up both the individual notes of the fats, protein, and bits of browned crust, but also the combination which was so glorious when taken as a whole. She shoved the rest of the slice into her mouth, allowing the flavor and texture to fill her entire mouth. She quickly shoveled down the two other slices, her eyes nearly rolling back in her head with pleasure. "I'll have what she's having!" Monica laughed. Carol didn't respond - she had moved on to the pancakes, which similarly tasted more amazing than any pancakes she'd ever even conceived of before. Finally she came up for air. "I don't know what's come over me! But I can taste and smell again! Is there more?" Monica was thrilled - she brought Carol two more rounds of breakfast. Carol wolfed them down, and finally leaned back in her bed, unable to eat another bite. The new COVID variant had been busy overnight. Two of the most important cells that COVID targets are nerve cells and fat cells. This is why, famously, overweight and obese people tend to have worse reactions to COVID - there are more places for the virus to infect. COVID also had disrupted the nerve cells that connected Carol's taste and smell organs to her brain...until today. The new variant had a new way of interacting with nerve cells, specifically the ones involved in taste and smell. It didn't block those cells...it enhanced them! Carol wasn't just forgetting what it had been like to taste food...she had never experienced it this way. (to be continued)
  9. As a new author, I've noticed that when I write that word without putting spaces in it, it gets starred out. Is that word banned on this site for some reason? Is there a list of words we're not allowed to write somewhere?
  10. OK, I lied; maybe a couple more episodes of this left.
  11. ::It's the most wonderful time of the yearrrrrrrr...:: Claire felt the alarm clock somewhere below her, singing out a muffled Christmas song from beneath 25,000 pounds of flab. She was powerless to turn it off...but it was Friday! The day after Thanksgiving! The best part of this was that she was uncomfortably full. She wasn't moving much these days anyway, but her stomach was loaded with the Chinese food and beer from the previous day. She went back to sleep for several hours, and woke up, still uncomfortably full. She was curious, and texted Jake and Ashley. Hey...I'm out of the loop! How are you folks doing? Jake: Whoa, Claire! You got out! Ashley: OMG, Claire! Are you 1140 pounds!? Are you ok? Claire: Uh, no, I'm a lot more than that. Jake, are you at 380? What's the last thing you guys remember? Jake: Yeah I'm probably about 380...wait, did you guys stay in the loop for a while? Ashley: Um, yeah, asshole. But you knew that didn't you? Claire: Oh go easy on him. I've had some time to think about this and I was the one in the wrong. Jake, I'm sorry I dragged you into the loop. Jake, help Ashley out the front door tonight if you can, and we'll talk, by my window. Jake: Can't we just sneak over to your room's regular door? Claire looked over to her door, which was held shut by 2-3 feet of her flab. Nah, I think the window is safer. You'll see. Claire de-activated the loop-blocking program on her phone, and started examining how the world was progressing today. She was planning to be here for a while. One thing she didn't do was eat. She was absolutely stuffed from yesterday - it was only around 6pm or so when she thought she could even force down food had she wanted to...and she didn't particularly want to. Around 2am, she felt a tickling in her side - it was familiar. Jake and Ashley were trying to open her window. Ashley: Claire, what the fuck? What...how long were you in that loop?? Claire called out "You can just talk to me through the window, I can hear it." She heard Jake's voice, muffled a bit through the window with her flab pressed against the entirety of the bottom pane "Uhh...how big are you exactly?" "Well somewhere in the neighborhood of 25,000 pounds. But who's counting?" Ashley piped up. "Claire, I saw you just yesterday! How long has it been for you?" "Oh...probably about 15 years worth of loops. I lost count. I was having a good time being immortal, until I stopped being able to get food deliveries." "What's your plan for getting out of here, Claire? I feel like a human body can't handle being as large as you are for very long! And how are you going to get out of the house?" Jake sounded genuinely concerned. "Well I guess that's our next task, huh?" Jake trudged, and Ashley waddled absurdly, back to their rooms, as Claire drifted off to sleep. Friday, November 27, Loop 2 ::It's the most wonderful time of the year..." God, that was going to get annoying. Claire had rigged her phone to put her back into a loop, but this time she was starting absolutely stuffed. She checked on Jake and Ashley, and found that they didn't remember Friday Loop 1. Just as she'd planned. She got to work studying the stock market - she started finding, at five-minute intervals, the stocks that were going up the most during those intervals. Friday, November 27, Loop 400 ::It's the most wonderful time of the year..." Claire's love handles had receded, partially, from the window. She'd occasionally indulged in 20-30 beers that Jake and Ashley brought over late at night, but her immense mass was burning off tens of thousands of calories per day. She estimated she'd lost about 10% of her mass since she started looping. She alternated between telling Jake and Ashley that she was looping again, and just pretending this was her first time. She was continuing to enjoy effective eternity, taking online courses. She'd worked out the optimal path of trades to make, and had managed to grow $1,000 into nearly $100,000 in her Robinhood account. Friday, November 27, Loop 4,507 ::It's the most wonderful time of--" Claire smacked her alarm clock, or more accurately, the flab over her left shoulder, which was now thin enough to transmit the smack to her alarm clock and stop her from having to hear Christmas songs for an hour straight. She was down to probably less than half her peak size, although her flab still spilled over her bed to most of the room. She'd started trying to raise her arms, which were still covered in hundreds of pounds each, over her head. She hadn't gotten anywhere yet but the attempt was building muscle, she could tell. Claire had taken a lot of online courses over the last 10+ years worth of loops. She was finding it boring, but she needed to get back into shape before she resumed her normal life. A couple thousand loops ago, she'd taken a course in corporate finance and realized she was missing out on option trading - she'd turned her $1,000 into over $30 million, five minutes at a time, by knowing the precise moves of the market. Jake and Ashley were still stunned when they came to the window - after all, a mere foot of flab pushed up against the window was just as shocking as three feet of flab. But now Jake at least was able to come into the room, with a little bit of effort. Ashley, at 760 pounds, had no chance of getting into the window. She would have to wait until the fat had completely receded from the bedroom door, and come in that way. Most loops, Claire pretended to be seeing them for the first time. Friday, November 27, Loop 8,956 It had finally happened last loop - Claire, with the help of Jake, had gotten onto her feet and stood on three scales. Her flab hung down to the ground and the scales maxed out at 400 pounds each. But when a fourth scale was brought in, Jake positioned most of Claire's fat on the scales and she was down to 1,387 pounds. Friday, November 27, Loop 9,093 Claire, after turning off the insipid Christmas music, summoned all her will and swung her legs over the edge of her bed. She had dropped below 900 pounds the previous loop, and her flab no longer touched the ground when Jake helped her to her feet on the three scales, so she knew that this was her real weight. Ashley had been sitting on the floor, drinking, while all of this was going on. Claire was looking at her and reflecting that she was getting to almost the same shape, given that she was about 4 inches taller. Jake expressed confusion as to how Claire was only 898 pounds, when she clearly had to have exited the loop at 1140 or more, but he wasn't able to figure out that Claire had determined another way out of the loop. He was getting dangerously suspicious, though. Claire had been working out, after her own fashion, over the last few thousand loops. She'd been waking up completely stuffed every loop, as she'd planned back when breaking out of the original Thanksgiving loop, and felt absolutely no need to eat anything. In fact, she needed a bit of a nap and some time to digest before engaging in anything strenuous. But once she was ready, she merely had to do some body weight exercises, lifting her arms over her head repeatedly, to get a pretty solid workout in. Friday, November 27, Loop 9,320 Claire texted Ashley immediately when she woke up. Get ready to go ASAP. Don't ask questions until we're alone. Claire was down to 280 pounds - she had been sneaking out the back window regularly now, before Jake or Ashley could see her and inquire why she wasn't 1140 pounds. Her arms and legs could now be described as almost toned; she'd been working out. In fact, the main reason she still weighed as much as she did was the absurd amount of food and beer she had eaten just "hours" before. Her face had nearly lost its double chin, but her gut bulged out absurdly in front of her. It was still difficult getting out the back window with her gut, filled with probably 150 pounds of Chinese food and beer, but with her regular workouts plus the "belly bra" that she had fashioned over the last several dozen loops, she managed it. She waddled her way to Ashley's door, and quietly helped her into a makeshift wheelchair that she'd cobbled together and taken along across the last few loops. She shoved her into a car and they drove off, Claire's immense gut still pressed up against the steering wheel of her mom's car. "Claire - you're so small!" Claire laughed, patting her bloated gut. "I guess it's all relative, huh?" She explained how she'd figured a way to control the time loops, and turn the hunger issue to her her advantage. Once they reached the mall, they parked and Claire fiddled with Ashley's phone, to give her the time-looping ap. They then spent a wonderful day at the mall, riding around in mobility scooters (Ashley needed one, and Claire's bizarre physique kept anyone from asking questions). As stores closed up, they topped themselves off with some pizza and beer. Claire managed three medium pizzas and 12 beers, while Ashley, who had not stuffed herself to the max on her final Thanksgiving loop, was able to shove down 6 mediums and 30 beers. Claire had scouted out the perfect spot for them to wake up repeatedly - Claire had figured out the keypad code to a Lane Bryant, and they snuck inside to go to sleep, both stuffed to the brim, both of their phones set to push them forward into the next day.
  12. Loop 220 ::POP/FWUMP:: Claire's underwear wasn't the only thing that suddenly had to deal with a much larger size at 6:00am on Thanksgiving - her expanded girth was causing her sheets and blanket to explosively pull out of her bed. The left side had come out this morning, and the acceleration caused it to flop diagonally away from the top of her body. Claire slowly leaned and pushed herself into a seated position, and maneuvered the giant top she'd sewn together over her torso. It didn't look half bad by now - she had made several, along with new underwear and a top for Ashley. Ashley wheeled the cart they'd constructed into Claire's room from her room - she could still walk, but it was getting harder, and it was the easiest way to move around Claire's room once they were settled for the day. They hadn't returned to Thanksgiving dinner, and hadn't returned to the mall for some time now. They were running up massive credit card charges (that of course never had to be paid) getting various couriers to bring materials and of course food and beer to Claire's window. Despite her vow several loops ago, they were continuing to see if they could out-do their previous day's record on donut-eating, or tease Daniel by getting one more egg roll down, or chug one more beer in four minutes. They'd called the latter game "Roger Cannister," with the idea being that the 4-minute 12-pack was impossible. But they were trying. Claire had gotten to a ninth beer a few loops ago. Claire leaned gingerly over the edge of the bed to pick up her 30th beer of the evening. As she grabbed it, the bed creaked ominously, and then gave out. They froze - waiting a few minutes to see if any of the Thanksgiving guests had heard, but no one came by. Ashley started laughing, and Claire joined in, but Claire had a worry in the back of her mind. Claire made her way to the scales and saw that she had broken 600 pounds for the first time, 602 precisely. Ashley had broken into the two-scale club many loops ago, and found herself at 430. Loop 230 ::POP/FWUMP/CRACK!:: Claire's underwear flew off, her sheets mostly did, and now her bed collapsed under the sudden 500+ pounds of additional weight thrust upon it. That was too loud of a noise for anyone to not notice. Her mom came running into her room - to see her daughter, well over 600 pounds, struggling to get a tent-like top on. "Who - who...CLAIRE?" Claire had to think fast. "Uh - what happened??" Her mom of course immediately had her rushed to the hospital for tests - this was going to be annoying if this was the loop from now on. She went along this time, although fortunately Ashley was left behind at the house. Claire texted her and said "Figure a way to get me out of here - going to get some tests done for this loop, tomorrow get me out." Claire had been a bit worried if her diet had been taking a toll on her health. The tests that came back shocked the doctor - "if I didn't know better, I'd think you were running 3 miles every morning." Her bloodwork was great, her heart function was solid. She'd, of course, ruined Thanksgiving. In the meantime, Ashley took a Lyft to the hospital, and began observing the patterns of the doctors' and nurses' movements - it was a skeleton staff on Thanksgiving, so she saw several opportunities for what she needed. She also managed to sneak Claire snacks throughout the day, on top of the Thanksgiving goodies that the family was bringing her. None of the relatives recognized Ashley hanging around the lounge due to her sudden, to them, 300+ pound gain. Loop 232 In the hospital for the third straight loop, Ashley managed to roll a motorized scooter out the door when no one was watching. She had executed part 1 of 3. Yesterday she was caught and apprehended by hospital security, but nothing stopped her and Claire from waking up in their beds this loop. She rolled around the residential neighborhood, and found a scooter-accessible home that looked empty. Jackpot! She looked around the yard for hours before finding the hide-a-key location. Loop 240 It was a new hassle, but by 10am, Claire and Ashley were now, finally, safely in their new home for the day. Every morning, they woke up in their beds, Claire's bed collapsed, the family took her to the hospital, and the two enormous ladies fled comically on mobility scooters, to an empty house. They were both starving by the end of the routine, but they were able to get their DoorDash donuts and Chinese food and beer. Claire wasn't happy with this, but she'd at least determined that the "immortal" option was still on the table - she wasn't likely to drop dead of a heart attack any time soon. Loop 280 Back in their rhythm, now with an added embarrassing hospital adventure each morning, Claire had found herself up to 720 pounds at the end of the previous loop. Ashley was now 590. Both had been expanding their minds and their capacity - the four-hour delay before food was first delivered really kick-started their donut-eating contest, and Ashley had been the first to down 4 dozen. Claire was still at a mere 40, but she had recently downed half of an eleventh beer while playing Roger Cannister. They delayed the beer until the evening, and with nothing else to do, had been studying their chosen topics. Claire was finding topology fascinating, not just the elements that related to their time-loop. "So are you going to leave when you get near 760, Claire?" "Hell no! You were right all along, this is awesome," crunching an empty can in her hand and flinging it into the corner. "I'll just have to make sure I don't accidentally get in the exact range." "Nice! I'd miss you, Claire!" Ashley leaned her ball-like body onto the immense love handle spilling out from under Claire's top in an approximation of a hug. Loop 320 The firefighters were flummoxed "We...can't get her out!" Claire and Ashley had been worried about this. Every day Claire had spilled a little more over the edge of the double-sized stretcher, and now she was wedged in the doorway. This actually turned out to be a better loop than recently - Claire finally convinced her mom that they could get her out of her room tomorrow. A doctor made a house call, took some tests, and by 9am, Claire was comfortable in her bed, and Ashley had snuck into the bathroom next to her room. They now had to avoid roughly hourly check-ins by Claire's mom, but they were able to sneak a donut order in, back in the comfort of Claire's room. Claire had now graduated to a third scale, up to 840 pounds. Ashley, up to 743 herself, but looking even rounder than Claire with her shorter height, was having increasing difficulty getting through Claire's door herself, and also from Claire's room to the bathroom. Claire saw the issue with this...Ashley couldn't stay in her room all day - there was no bathroom, and no accessible window to receive deliveries. "Ashley...why don't you use the 760-pound exit? I'm going to miss you...but this isn't going to be comfortable for you very much longer." Ashley took a lot of convincing, but agreed it was the only way. She left on loop 324, a round ball full of donuts and beer. She gave Claire the makeshift wheely-cart they'd constructed to take along for future loops. Loop 1320 ::THUD:: Claire now spilled well over all sides of the bed, and her fat had started to muffle the sound of her bed breaking several hundred loops ago. She had had no paramedics or firefighters trying to help her leave the room since then - she texted her mom that she was stuck at the airport and wouldn't be joining for Thanksgiving. She had no idea what she weighed, but she was eating over 100 donuts each morning, 15-20 Chinese entrees, and 90 beers in the evening, likely meaning she was well over 5000 pounds. The DoorDash folks no longer had room to step into the window; they rigged up a device (with her instructions) extending her deliveries from the window over the expanse of her flab to her arms, which seemed to extend T-Rex-like from her enormous mass. She was not overly concerned about accidentally leaving the loop, since she was likely gaining 6-7 pounds per day at this point, meaning the chance of hitting a multiple of 380 to the ounce was less than 1%. She was now the world's leading expert on the branch of topology she'd gone into - no one knew this, and no one told her, but she could tell based on the level of sophistication of the papers, which she had read all of now. Loop 5189 Well, it finally happened - she woke up and her left love handle completely blocked the window. The DoorDash deliverypeople, who had lugged 20 dozen donuts to Claire's back door, valiantly opened the window, only to have a wall of flesh pour through it and knock them over. Claire was over 25,000 pounds now, and took up most of the lower half of her room. She was absolutely starving, but there was no way to get any food. Loop 5445 Claire was still around 25,000 pounds - she'd finally hit her limit. She'd been forced to starve a couple of loops at a time, shrinking her just enough to get more food delivered. But we join her this loop because she finally figured out how to reverse the polarity of her phone to unstick herself from the time loop. Importantly, she went all-out this loop. She had gotten Daniel's private line, and texted him first thing in the morning - she said she needed an industrial-sized order of Chinese food. He was more into the 200-400 pound ladies, but he was also dutiful and liked her offer of a $2000 tip on top of the bill if he could get her what ended up being almost 100 pounds of Chinese food, and five 30-racks of beer, delivered to somewhere near her arms and mouth. Claire stuffed herself that loop more than she ever had. Even with her insanely expanded capacity, she found herself dizzy as she shoveled the last of the fried rice into her mouth. She filled in the tiny spaces between the solid food she'd just eaten with beer after beer, pouring another one down as soon as she felt a sliver of room. At 5:55am, she activated the program she'd written for her phone... Friday, November 27 6:00am ...to be concluded.
  13. Gonna be wrapping this up soon - it's gone a little beyond what I'm usually into myself.
  14. Loop 182 Claire lay in her bed, the shreds of her ancient underwear from a life long-past lying under her. She had not fully given up on getting back to her old life - maybe this was the problem. Ashley seemed content to just indefinitely enjoy this loop. And it could be indefinite. One thing that she still wasn't sure of was whether she aged - if she was now an eternal being, that changed things. Maybe Ashley was right - it was time to just enjoy herself. If anything, she wanted to avoid hitting the 760-pound mark precisely...exiting the loop at 760 pounds would entail all sorts of consequences. But if this was her life, she could make the best of it. As she shifted into this mode of thinking, the deep panic dissipated from her mind. Maybe it was time to just let things be. She texted Ashley: Hey, can you bring me a couple dozen donuts this morning? Ashley waddled out the front door and to her Lyft, wedging her way into the back seat. She was getting tired of heading out to the shopping center alone - she pulled up DoorDash and figured out a way to send 2 dozen donuts to Claire's window, rather than bringing them back there herself. Ashley enjoyed her own 2 dozen donuts at the nook in the mall that Claire had showed her, and then made her way to the Chinese restaurant - Daniel was gone! She wondered what she or Claire could have changed to create that situation. She enjoyed her two entrees, and then took a half-mile Lyft ride to the dive bar, where she repeated her recent achievement of chugging four beers in four minutes. Nine additional beers later, she made her way to the mall for Black Friday, and picked up the supplies that Claire had requested for letting out her top yet again. She stopped by the grocery store to pick up a 30-pack of beer and four boxes of Oreos, and made her way to Claire's room around 11:30. She found Claire lying on the bed, her top absolutely stretched to its max. Her gut bulged out the bottom, even as she lay horizontally. "Please tell me you brought some beer!" she moaned. "I - uh - I did!" Ashley motioned to the 30-pack. Claire gradually pushed herself into an upright seated position - her top strained with the change. Her gut spilled most of the way down her lap, to her knees. "Oh thank god - I was so thirsty!" The remnants of Claire's day lay beside her bed - two empty donut boxes, and then somehow she'd gotten some Chinese food. Ashley tried to count the containers but it looked like 7-8 entrees worth. Claire chugged the beer. "Funny, you figured out DoorDash," motioning to the donut boxes "I figured out my own version of DoorDash." She'd of course called Daniel over again for delivery. She didn't want to be caught hungry again, so she had gotten extra entrees for after he left. Of course once he was gone, she got bored and made it her challenge to eat them all. Ashley was more hungry, and Claire was more thirsty, so between them they still managed to finish what she'd brought. Claire tackled 22 of the beers over the next several hours, while Ashley managed three of the boxes of Oreos. Claire discussed her change of philosophy with Ashley. "I'm so glad! I never understood why you saw this as a bad thing! Maybe because you started out alone. But we have each other now! Come on, I'm curious. You had a huge day today!" Claire had Ashley help her stumble to her feet - she straddled the two scales, and found she was up to 472. A gain of 7 pounds in a day - but surely some of it was beer/food weight after going all out today. Ashley stumbled to the scale and found she'd hit the big 300. They looked around the room to celebrate, but found they'd ** all of the beer. Neither really felt like they could fit another drop in them anyways. Loop 202 Claire groaned and made her way to the bathroom connected to her room - this was most of the walking she'd done over the last 25 or so loops. Ashley texted You ok with me coming over? They'd spent the last 20 loops hanging out in Claire's room - once they figured out how to get people to deliver them things, there was no real reason to go out. Claire had fashioned a massive tent of a blouse for herself - she missed her mom, even the looping version of her mom, and was thinking of returning to Thanksgiving one of these loops. The massive top hid the fact that her XXXXL turtleneck now just stretched down to the top of her enormous gut. It still did the job of concealing the neck-chin transition, which would have given away the lie about the fat suit. Yeah, come on by in a few. Claire had to use the bathroom - as usual recently, she sort of staggered into the door, her difficulty walking causing her to sort of brush against the side of the frame. Today, though, she was simultaneously brushing against the other side of the frame. On her way back out, she noticed if she turned sideways and lifted her arms, she could side-step through without touching either side of the frame. She was starving by the time they received their morning order of 6 dozen donuts, through the back window of course. They weren't eating all of these in one sitting - or not yet. They'd been competing to see who could get 3 dozen down first. Ashley was ahead - her ability to eat anything without feeling gross had always been amazing, and she'd been really expanding her capacity recently. This loop, Claire managed to get 33 donuts down, and Ashley looked longingly at the single donut left in her third box, but was absolutely stuffed. She'd just graduated from the normal sizes, and Claire had made her a custom "tent" to accommodate future growth. After they digested for a while, they went about enriching their lives - Ashley couldn't really get her head around topology, but she was learning some Korean from Claire (and from the internet), and also going through an online MBA program. She'd never get credit, but she was working her way through the materials. Claire continued her study of topology and cosmology, and also had taken up painting. With a decently high limit on their credit cards, they had practically unlimited funds, and managed to get materials for their new life delivered to the back window. They'd decided to share Daniel - one of them hid in the bathroom listening to headphones while the other enticed him in through the window. They even convinced him to bring beer for later in the evening - reputable delivery services still wouldn't do that, but he was restrained by no such rules on his more informal visits. Claire was still the beer chugging champion - they'd started doing 4-minute races in the evenings. The four pints they'd both managed to get down at the bar were a little over 5 cans - Claire had even managed a fifth pint that one time, which was nearly 7 cans. This loop, Claire managed 8 cans in four minutes, while Ashley was up to 6. Claire sank back onto the bed, having finished her 30th beer, a new record. It creaked ominously with the change in weight distribution. Her gut protruded upward impressively, although the majority of her mass sort of flopped down at her sides now when she lay on her back. She hadn't weighed herself in since loop 182 - after a full day of indulgence, it was too much trouble to get the scales out. "C'mon!" Ashley said. "I can't do this myself!" "Yes you can...just drag the scale over to the mirror and read it off the mirror!" "Ooh, clever!" She read off the mirror. "DAMN. 370! I'm huge! But come on I want to see what you're at, too!" "Yeah, I didn't need a scale to tell me that." Claire reluctantly tried to push herself up onto her side - and found that she couldn't. "Ugh...I had too much beer, Ashley! Help me up!" Ashley was having her own issues walking these days, but waddled over to the side of the bed. Her gut spilled over onto the mattress as she leaned towards Claire. Grabbing her arm, and leaning back, she managed to roll Claire onto her side, and then worked Claire's legs over the edge of the bed. She then pulled Claire to her feet, and brought the two scales over. Seeing Claire standing up was something Ashley hadn't witnessed for a while - she had gotten absolutely massive. Her double chin was no longer quite that - there was a face surrounded by a layer of fat from the ears down. Her arms no longer reached down to her hips, being held outward by the massive ring of fat she carried around her middle. Claire trudged both of her feet onto the scales - one read 270, and the other read 273 - 543 pounds! She gasped when Ashley read the number off. She'd certainly been indulging, but she hadn't been intentionally gaining - just indifferent to the gain. But doing the math, she'd been putting on almost 3.5 pounds per day. She was all about enjoying herself, but life was now getting difficult recently. No more donut-eating contests or beer-chugging competitions. Time to get serious!
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