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    That dress really suits you .it be fun watching you grow out of it.don't be shy about boasting about your nice ,fat belly.250;pounds would be very becoming on you
    You have the loveliest belly on courage.please talk about how big and fat your stomach will get.
  1. Very glad that you have embraced your beautiful belly.you look absolutely resplendent .don't feel pressured to do videos.take care of yourself 

  2. When will you post videos from 2024?

  3. The tarot reader is definitely looking a bit chubbier these days🤭

  4. Has anyone come across any recent photos of the "biggest loser " winner ? Rachel Fredricksen
  5. A skinny Minnie could never emit these belches.these burps show that a large voluptuous body

    1. jpf


      Is waiting to emerge from your still relatively slim physique 

    2. Bianca Baker

      Bianca Baker

      yeah I have some awesome skills!!! 

    3. jpf


      I hope that you are spending your day eating.getting to be a nice zaftig woman 

  6. I like your new name.how much do

    you weigh now? I hope that you are healthy.happy and FAT!

  7. Getting nice and fat.this time next year I see a happy and healthy 150 pound Bianca

  8. To be honest the 2023/2024 Bianca looks fatter(and therefore much more lovely) than the 2018 Bianca

    1. Bianca Baker

      Bianca Baker

      I actually gained more weight in 2018 than currently!! Weight gets distributed differently that's all. 

    Bianca has stuck gold with the gain together motif.this video is better than her gaining for the holidays video which was superb
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