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    Hola gordita, soy de lima estaria encantado en engordarte🐷
    Hola gordita, soy de lima estaria encantado en engordarte, tienes WhatsApp u otro lugar Para hablar🐷
  1. ciao fratello sono un grande fan di giorgia colombo, ti ho visto dire che vivi vicino a lei. In tv è grossa ma non si vede mai, in realtà com'è e se ha la pancia grossa?
  2. 10/10 clip. Carly’s is getting fatter every video, it clearly shows this fatty is eating everything she lays her eyes on.
  3. actually i would say that she never left, she kept getting fatter by what i have seen these years. Now she has 2 kids and is a big fat housewife lol
  4. hi mate, the video is actually a live streaming. The only thing is that her programs usually are in late hours for not european countries
  5. Ok, so i have been really amazed with this gain, specially for a reason that is really hot and. Giorgia is a news anchor from milan and she has been working on telelombardia for a while. Her gain started Back in her slim days when the tv company where she works put her as a host for a food/chef program called la ricette di giorgia u can find it on youtube easily, in english means Giorgias recipe . Basically the show was some chefs cooking plates and giorgia just had to eat them lol not even cooking them. The show lasted some years and giorgia kept on pilling ton the pounds.Then show ended and she started hosting shows focused more on politics. I know this beacuse my family is half italian and mi aunt knew about giorgia, in fact she has a friend in common. She told me about how giorgia just loves food and how having his first children made her really big back in 2017. She got pregnant again in 2021 and shes fucking massive , the biggest she has ever been.
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