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  1. @1789 Carmen and her significant other, I have never commented on these forums, and have been around here for quite a while but I have never really felt compelled to respond to these threads. That being said you definitely caught my eye, and were on my mind this morning so I had to come back and say my piece. I am absolutely, positively blown away by the beauty that you have Carmen and you should be so damn proud of what you've got. I know your man is.(he'd be absolutely bonkers not to.) I mean I had to grab my girl and show you to her, that's how ridiculously beautiful I think you are. Her and I were reading over some of the comments and of course it can't all be rainbows and sprinkles, rude comments here and rude comments on your instagram. Not to mention the pressure from your loved ones, I am sure it gets to you some times, and take this how you will. My girl and I think you'd be crazy to ever let any of those negative thoughts get into your head. In reality the friends and strangers that hate, only hate because they are lacking something in their lives, something like you and your man have. Let's be honest, they are all just jealous that you rocked a skinny body and a more rounded curvy body better than they ever could feel in their own skin. It inspires my love when she see's curvier girls such as yourself flaunting it, she's always dealt with self image issues, so even if it may not, in the scheme of things, seem that important. You have inspired her a little bit more towards being happy with what she has. Excuse my language but fuck what anyone has to say to you, if you like it then that's all that matters. No worthless comment they write behind the shield of their computers/phones should ever take that away from such a gorgeous girl such as yourself. I could go on all day about how incredibly jaw dropping your body and you have become, but I am sure your man does more than enough of that. He is, after all, quite the lucky individual. By the way man you are doing an awesome job, keeping her fed. I am sure I'll be checking out those clips at some point! Just need my wallet to get its shit together. I hope only the best for you two on your journey, don't let negativity tarnish the gorgeous memories you two are creating. Signed kindly, -Your Neighborhood Fat Admirer
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