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  1. 1431087737_IMG_20190211_1634079672.jpg.eIMG_20190211_170902781_BURST000_COVER_TOP.thumb.jpg.c3074f2f8f4d1096bf5c7ab21474e809.jpg

    Like it? Then this is your last chance to get both videos at unique prices!

    The current weekly sale will end tonight (Saturday 23rd @ 00:00 PST), if you haven't gotten these great clips, check them out now:

    In short, you can get both for $11.80, down from $20.80, almost half the normal price! 😏


    But wait! There's a new weekly sale going on already:

    Over 40% discount on this one until next Saturday March 30th, going down to $4.90 only (from $8.90) for a 12+ minutes video!


    Enjoy it and keep being awesome! 😘

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