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Tooka got BREAD

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  1. Thank ya, this my first attempt at storytelling lol
  2. Khula becomes a full time worker at her family bakery and within a month she becomes the new boss in charge. Shes never down or upset, might be plenty sluggish but still happy. Khula has reached the point to where clothing in general are restrictive on her rotund frame. So now she runs shop from the back of inventory. Keeping up production on the goods and discarding products that don’t pass her standards in her own ravenous way!
  3. Khula enters the bakery and is met with stares and gasps. She tries to explain that she knows she’s lets herself go but she doesn’t need a lecture but her family cuts her off with cheers and praise. Khula is very confused by the reaction until her mother comes out to explain that they all knew you’d cut loose from responsibility at some point. Khula’s mother pinches her own belly and pats it, she says that herself and her sisters have all been through the same trial as young women, and that in their culture weight equals happiness and tranquility. Khula wastes no time becoming as happy and tranquil as she can be.
  4. The pandemic is now over and so is Khula’s employment at the call center. But she won’t let that stop her from getting back in shape. Khula orders some new sports apparel online in bigger sizes knowing that she’s outgrown her previous wardrobe, but to her surprise these new threads don’t do a much better job at hiding her massive potbelly. Khula makes her way to the track so she could get some laps in but becomes exhausted on her way there. She still endures and pushes through 2 laps around the track. Khula keeps this up for 4 days straight. But after her fourth bout she feels as though she deserves a snack. What better place to go than to her family’s bakery for a surprise drop by.
  5. This hedonistic lifestyle still has its hold on Khula as we longer forward in time. Khula now takes unapproved breaks on her and falls asleep whenever she’s waiting for a call to come in. That’s if she’s even attempting to work, she’s usually to wrapped up in eating whatever crosses her eyelids. Khula has now ballooned in size and is in a denial about exactly how big she’s gotten. She knows it’s bad but she still thinks it’ll be a quick fix. That would’ve been an understandable perspective 6 pants sizes ago.
  6. Months pass and the pandemic is still rolling strong. Khula is settling in well amongst all odds though, she’s still the best employee at her job all while being able to multitask her binging of food and film. Khula has embraced the cozy lifestyle by wearing more comfortable clothing.. or maybe just less in general. She knows she’s fell off the wagon a tad but Khula is stern about recollecting her good habits when the world opens back up. She doesn’t want to get to used to cutting loose after all.
  7. Everything comes to a close whenever the pandemic rolls around so the family bakery is in an uncertain spot. But as for now, Khula begins working a customer support job from home that she excels at. Khula has always been great at communicating and easing tensions with customers so this new gig is a breeze for her. Khula misses her ability to exercise and see her family but she’s keeping sane by taking up her hand in the culinary art and reviewing films and television off the clock.
  8. Khula is a 27 year old communications graduate who loves to embrace constant stimulation. When she’s not helping at her family’s bakery shop she’s out jogging, and when she’s not jogging she’s usually helping out a friend. Khula has always been disciplined and precise with everything she does, she opens for the bakery almost everyday and also keeps inventory. Khula prides herself on being in control of her decisions and being fit while working at a bakery that has damaged her mother’s and aunt’s waistlines
  9. I’d also like to add that since she’s on the road now constantly she’s probably eating a shit ton of fast foods or high calorie meals in general and having limited movement from being on the road/plane all day would swell you up quick
  10. okay so unfortunately this year she’s lost a lot of weight but here’s some stuff I forgot to upload
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