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    I can't believe you can eat so much! I was watching and thinking "Damn, where does she put it all?" and then when I see your inflated waistline I remember "Oh yeah, there it is!" 🥰
    Damn, you're so massive! Your belly looks like a yoga ball in this clip 😍 I love watching you squirm and struggle as your expanded midsection and overfilled thighs, hips, and booty test the fabric and seams on these jeans!!!
    This clip is like if at Willy Wonka's factory, the magical three course meal gum had pumpkin pie instead of blueberry pie in it. Thickashoney eats and drinks an impressive amount of pumpkin treats. You start to think she might even swell up like a big giant pumpkin herself! The oversized chair/loveseat she's sitting on seems to get smaller and smaller throughout the clip as she continues to indulge. This woman is the definition of round and wide!! She's like a giant gorgeous gourd 🔥😍
    It's an absolute pleasure and honour to watch your body move in the ways it did in this clip. Thank you for sharing yourself with us all here.
    God Damn. This video is absolutely brilliant. You play the role so well in this, and I can't even begin to describe how perfectly you represent the role of being a fat feedee. Perfection, honestly.
    I've been in this community for many years now; even so long that I'd consider myself more a feedee than a feeder. Though, I began exploring this community as a feeder. Despite being around so long, and being mostly a feedee now myself; you make my feeder side come out better than any content creator I've seen over the years. I absolutely love watching your swollen body grow, and watch you enjoy filling yourself bigger, and loving the attention it brings you.
    It's because of clips like these that I blew up to have a 75 inch waistline, and weigh over 400lbs. 😍
  1. Will you ever do Wonka/Blueberry clips?
    I LOVE these new feeder/mutual gain clips!!! MMP is effortlessly a sexy and mean feeder, in all the best ways! She says it just like it needs to be said; I'm a fat boy, and I'm going to keep growing!! At this rate, I'll be twice the size of santa by christmas 🥵
    The mutual gain parts of this clip were so amazing🥵 I'd love for MMP to do a full on Feeder clip, I'd definitely be a good fat boy and eat for her!!!
    You've really blown up so fast and gotten so big! It's very lovely, and no surprise with how much binge eating you've done 😩 Would you ever do a mutual weight gain clip, or feeder clip? I'd love to see you encourage others to grow with you!!
    One of the hottest things about this video is realizing that even though you got big when you were pregnant, I'm still like three times your size even at your biggest!! haha
    This hit all the right notes, it has great trigger words, and is a great mixture of humiliation and admiration. HIGHLY recommend it if you are a ballooning SSBHM like I am 🥵
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