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  1. Wow she’s actually quite pretty.
  2. Some great views of Lindsay’s belly in this video. https://youtu.be/7p3Q2MV1SB4
  3. If only the roles were reversed. http://youtu.be/Wpl1lcwaDCE?t=4m36s
  4. Yeah sorry I just can’t gwt enough of this one.
  5. Yeah personally I don't feel like bmi is the best indictator of whether someone is overweight. But it's still pretty hot to think about her being overweight.
  6. 5'2, 139.2 lbs. BMI 25.6 Overweight
  7. It's all good, the mix up gave me legendary wank while it lasted.
  8. https://www.instagram.com/p/Bdv_6_DBq1x/?hl=en&taken-by=iamlindsayjones
  9. How does the hat happen in just a couple of years? Like that much weight takes seriously lifestyle changes surely? She was thin or maybe a bit curvy her whole life and then suddenly that.
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