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    Holy crap, was not prepared for those gains. So hot, love how much your lower half is expanding. We need more of that big ass in your videos for sure.
  1. Refreshing to see such a beautiful plump actress, though knowing Hollywood she'll likely have to size down for more opportunities. The thiccness suits her so well, and I can't get enough of her doughy arms: She was a lot thinner a few years ago too. Couple comparisons:
  2. Lily James with some extra pounds would be nice.
  3. I'd love to see Emma Mackey fat. I don't think I've ever seen anyone morph her before.
  4. These are awesome! Could you do some of Rooney and Kate Mara?
  5. Great progress so far, hope you crack 200 lbs soon. Can't wait for the day when that after shot is being used as a before.
  6. Nice hips in the trailer for "A Merry Scottish Christmas"
  7. My ideal shape on a woman. Bottom heavy with a belly. Bonus points if the face stays reasonably slim to get that wonderful contrast going.
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